Новости руби франк

Disgraced family vlogger Ruby Franke pleaded guilty to child abuse charges on Monday. ОПОЗОРЕННАЯ мормонская ютуберша Руби Франке находится в тюрьме под названием Чистилище, ожидая до 30 лет тюремного заключения после признания себя виновной в. YouTube influencer Ruby Franke faces trial on child abuse charges after emaciated 12-year-old son found with duct-taped ankles, wrists.

NBC News: В США за истязание детей арестована ведущая блога о семейном счастье Руби Франки

Read preview Thanks for signing up! You can opt-out at any time. Advertisement The YouTube mom who was arrested on suspicion of child abuse on Wednesday, discussed the ramifications of "dishonesty" and having "a dirty little secret" two days earlier on her channel. On Friday, the Washington County attorney announced that both women had been charged with six counts of child abuse. Franke and Hildebrandt run a YouTube channel and mom "support group" called ConneXions, which aims to "help treat those lost and stranded in the darkness of distortion. The discussion was hypothetical but takes on a new dimension in light of the arrest.

Неясно, есть ли у нее адвокат. Соседка сказала, что она и другие жители общины пытались заставить власти вмешаться по меньшей мере в течение года. Соседка сказала, что, по ее мнению, с детьми все было плохо, но сказала, что была глубоко расстроена, узнав о том, в каком состоянии были найдены дети. Соседка сказала, что она и другие жители района неоднократно обращались в Отдел по делам детей и семьи штата Юта с просьбой вмешаться. Соседка сказала, что она впервые позвонила в Роспотребнадзор примерно в сентябре 2022 года. Затем она получила голосовое сообщение, которым поделилась с NBC News в ответ на этот звонок. После этого, по ее словам, она сказала, что видела, как власти проводили проверку состояния здоровья. Однако она сказала, что никто не открыл дверь офицерам. По словам обоих соседей, в какой-то момент после того, как полицейские ушли, в окнах дома были развешаны бумаги.

Records of the search warrant reveal that police confiscated two pairs of handcuffs, tape, Saran wrap, at least three ropes, and absorbent dressings and bandages from the home. They are also found bowls containing what is believed to be a paste made of honey and cayenne pepper. Investigators consider this footage evidence that Franke had recently been in the home and knew about the apparent abuse taking place.

Судейский вердикт по отношению к Руби Франке пока неизвестен. Вполне вероятно, что она получит значительно меньше. Но едва ли сможет рассчитывать на снисхождение и 4-5 лет в колонии. Вероятнее всего, 10-15 лет с правом выйти чуть раньше по УДО. А может быть и все 30. В конце-концов, она годами истязала родных детей.

Ruby Frank update: TikTokers crash virtual court hearing before YouTube influencer held in jail

Несколько лет назад Руби Франке завела YouTube-канал «8 пассажиров», в котором рассказывала, как справляется с воспитанием шестерых детей. Морила голодом и избивала: автор блога о материнстве Руби Франке арестована за жестокое обращение с детьми. Ruby Franke was arrested in August when one of her 12-year-old sons ran away from home and asked a neighbor to call 911: he was malnourished and bound with duct tape.

Influencer and YouTube star Ruby Franke pleads guilty to abusing two of her children

"8 Passengers" YouTuber Ruby Franke once denied allegations of child abuse after her son Chad said he was sleeping on a beanbag because he had lost his bedroom. "8 Passengers" YouTuber Ruby Franke once denied allegations of child abuse after her son Chad said he was sleeping on a beanbag because he had lost his bedroom. Автор ютьюб-блога о родительстве и воспитании и мать шестерых детей 42-летняя американка Руби Франке получила четыре срока тюремного заключения от 1 до15 лет каждый за абьюз и. У 42-летней американки Руби Франке было 2,3 млн подписчиков на YouTube. Ruby Franke and Jodi Hildebrandt were both arrested on suspicion of two counts of aggravated child abuse on August 30 in Utah.

Многодетную блогершу Руби Франк приговорили к 60 годам тюрьмы за жестокое обращение с детьми.

Мужчина, увидев истощенного ребенка , чьи конечности были перевязаны изолентой, незамедлительно вызвал полицию. Приехав на место, правоохранители зафиксировали на теле мальчика серьезные раны, после чего он был срочно госпитализирован. Обыск Подросток, как выяснили полицейские, совершил побег из дома бизнес-партнера Руби — Джоди Нан Гильдебрандт. Здесь же стражи порядка обнаружили и 10-летнюю дочь блогерши в истощенном состоянии. Позднее в органы опеки были переданы и остальные дети.

Franke is committed to taking responsibility for the part she played in the events leading up to her incarceration. Demonstrating a sincere dedication to personal growth and rehabilitation, she has actively begun the process by reaching out to members of her family. Representation for Hildebrandt and Franke did not immediately respond to requests for comment. Who is Ruby Franke? One of the stars of the "8 Passengers" YouTube channel that once raked in millions of views and followers, she became the subject of widespread criticism online for her parenting choices. The pushback intensified when Franke co-founded parenting advice and support program "ConneXions " with Hildebrandt, which has been called a "cult" by some online.

К блогу многодетной матери и раньше были вопросы. Франке рассказывала, как запугивала дочь, говорила, что отрежет голову её любимой игрушке, если та будет портить вещи. Также Руби заставляла девятилетнюю дочь работать на улице под жарким солнцем и не давала ей пить. Последние четыре года я следовала советам, которые привели меня к мрачным заблуждениям», — во время суда Франке попросила прощения у детей.

The 12- and 10-year-old were taken to the hospital, police said. Among the 1,300 attendees on the virtual hearing were people livestreaming on TikTok and providing real-time commentary, an illustration of the fascination with the case in online communities where Franke was already a divisive figure before her arrest. The Franke family was criticized for their parenting decisions, including banning their oldest son from his bedroom for seven months for pranking his younger brother. In one video, Ruby Franke talked about refusing to take lunch to a kindergartener who forgot it at home. Some critics started an online petition asking child protective services to get involved. The YouTube channel, which was started in 2015, ended after seven years. Police also spoke with neighbors, but were unable to contact the children.

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Parenting advice YouTuber Ruby Franke arrested on suspicion of child abuse

Ruby Franke was charged with six felony counts of aggravated child abuse after her arrest in the southern Utah city of Ivins. YouTuber Ruby Franke, who ran the '8 Passengers' account, was charged along with her business partner Jodi Hildebrandt after her 12-year-old ran away. Руби Франке из США была «счастливой мамой» шестерых детей и вела популярный блог. 10:17 (мск), Frank Media. В США обанкротился Republic First Bank. Он перешел под контроль FDIC и передал все активы и обязательства в Fulton Bank. Ruby Franke and her business partner, Jodi Hildebrandt, each face six charges of felony aggravated child abuse. Ruby Franke, a family vlogger famous for her '8 Passengers' YouTube channel, had a hearing Monday following her arrest on child abuse charges.

What is 8 passengers?

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Автора блога о материнстве осудили на 60 лет за жестокое обращение с детьми в США

Angle down icon An icon in the shape of an angle pointing down. She and her business partner, Jodi Hildebrandt, face accusations of child abuse. Two days before, they posted a video discussing hiding secrets and its consequences. Read preview Thanks for signing up! You can opt-out at any time. Advertisement The YouTube mom who was arrested on suspicion of child abuse on Wednesday, discussed the ramifications of "dishonesty" and having "a dirty little secret" two days earlier on her channel.

In one oft-referenced example, Franke told viewers that children do not deserve and should not receive unconditional love. The world of influencers: Everybody wants to influence the world: Inside the fame, money and evolution of influencers What is 8 passengers? At its peak, it boasted 2.

The channel was removed from YouTube earlier this year. Kevin continued to post on a separate, less popular channel. While their content has attracted controversy for a number of years, the last three have been specifically damaging for the family, as viewers began circulating petitions and reporting what they saw as evidence of child abuse and neglect to local authorities.

Amongst some of the most infamous incidents were one in which Franke refused to bring food to school for her 6-year-old daughter, who had forgotten to pack her own lunch, and another in which one of their sons said he was being forced to sleep on a beanbag after playing pranks on his brothers.

Neither the court spokesperson nor her attorney had not released any statements regarding to the media as of 3 p. Mountain on Friday. It was also scheduled for Sept. Stay Connected.

Law and Crime Network The boy was found by police , allegedly injured with duct tape around his ankles for restraint purposes, and they later found that Franke had tied his wrists and ankles with rope, dressing the wounds with cayenne pepper and honey. Advert He was consequently rushed to hospital to be treated for malnourishment and deep skin cuts. The court heard that Franke also tried to convince her youngest two that they were evil and possessed, and needed to be punished to repent. The court heard that Franke manipulated her child to think that these punishments were acts of love.

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