Новости билд лиссандра

League of Legends Lissandra Build for Patch 14.7, Best Runes, Item Builds, Skill Order for Lissandra. your foes won't know what hit them until they're frozen solid! Get the best Lissandra builds, based on analysis of 10000+ matches in all regions and ranks. Climb in patch 14.8 with Lissandra builds provided by Mobalytics! Обзор героя Лиссандры из игры Raid Shadow Legends: его навыки, описание, характеристики, рейтинг и отзывы игроков. Смотрите видео онлайн «Гайд на аренную Лисандру/RAID: Shadow Legends» на канале «Игровые Секреты и Советы» в хорошем качестве и бесплатно.

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  • A Guide to Lissandra, the Ice Witch
  • Lissandra Pro Builds - How to Play Lissandra in Season 14
  • Lissandra TFT Build Set 11: Items & Comps Guide

Lyssandra Guide: Skills, Best Gears & Masteries

This can come in handy in team battles, especially with their ability to whitewash and burst crisp targets. Lissandra fits well into the powerful Tier 1 archetype, but there are plenty of other viable decks that build on one of her strengths. You will want to hold it in your hand until it reaches level 2 when you reach the middle to late game. This is a Champion Build Guide for League of Legends based on statistical analysis of the latest game data, so that you can be confident that its statistics are accurate and updated. If she is able to get close to her, she will beat her and she will follow. In this meta-report from Mezume we learn that Lissandra will be playing alongside a new champion in the top line-up this weekend.

The truth is dark, and it uses its elementary magic to transform the power of true ice into something dark and terrible, burying it, skewering it, and revealing its deepest secrets.

Независимо от того, будете вы использовать яд или нет, если повезет получить Бад Эль-Казара, то он обязательно должен стать частью команды. Поскольку вас в большей степени должна интересовать «Темная сфера» Эль-Казада, то нужно сосредоточиться на увеличении ее урона и получении максимального исцеляющего эффекта для всех членов команды.

Затем темный лед распространяется от цели, нанося магический урон врагам и замедляя их. Подробное описание Активация, цель - противник: После задержки в 0.

Lissandra - Objectives: For dragons and barons, use your E for vision and positioning. Lissandra - Matchups: Good Matchups: Champions that Lissandra can lock down easily and who lack mobility. Bad Matchups: Champions that can out-range her or can easily dodge her abilities. Improve one clip at a time!

Sezon 10 lissandra rukovodstvo po igre luchshiy bild lissandry runy stil igry league of legends

No more than 3s can elapse between attacks or this effect will end. Cooldown: 12s out of combat with champions. Attack resets increase the attack limit by 1. Allows you to temporarily exceed the attack speed limit. Cheap Shot Damaging champions with impaired movement or actions deals 10 - 45 bonus true damage based on level. Cooldown: 4s Activates on damage occurring after the impairment.

When an enemy champion dies near Lissandra they become a Frozen Thrall. Frozen Thralls slow nearby enemies and then, after a delay, shatter from the intense cold, dealing magic damage to nearby targets.

Shards pass through the target, dealing the same damage to other enemies hit. If cast on Lissandra, she encases herself in dark ice, healing herself while becoming untargetable and invulnerable.

So, all of your abilities live up to the name. But wait until you hear those sound effects — because they are incredibly punchy and very satisfying. I say that because there are nine of them in total and each one changes the color scheme of almost all of your abilities and even your backing animation. Needless to say, this skin is worth a look!

Additional Lissandra Build Insights LoL Lissandra players will find her to be a confusing champ to build out properly. Those who included these pieces in their gear had a significantly better win rate than players who used other item builds for Lissandra. Moreover, if you are battling a well-mixed enemy team comp, you should strongly consider getting her the Sorcery, and Domination runes.

Lissandra Pro Builds - How to Play Lissandra in Season 14

5 рекомендаций по колодам с Лиссандрой Lissandra is a Swain who tries to keep control of the board in the early rounds before switching to a strong end-to-middle game Swain Leviathan.
Lyssandra Guide: Skills, Best Gears & Masteries Find out which champions counter Lissandra and more on ChampionCounter.
Баффы Лиссандры в патче 13.1 Лиссандра бросает ледяное копье, которое при попадании в противника раскалывается, замедляя его и нанося магический урон.
Гайд на Зеда на мид линии против Лисандры / Zed mid vs Lissandra - Смотреть видео The most common item that Lissandra builds is Malignance with 49.6% win rate over 38,159 games.
Steam Community :: Guide :: Полный гайд на Серис Лиссандра гайд по легендарному герою поддержки. В этом гайде вы узнаете как качать героя, во что одевать, какие таланты ей нужны и другую необходимую информацию.

Lissandra MIDDLE - Runes, Build, Guide - League of Legends

Lissandra freezes a target, stunning him for 2 seconds, then leaves him vulnerable for the next 4 seconds to take 10% extra damage. лучший гайд на героя, советы по шмоту и талантам. Note: this article was last updated in August 2022 by Alec P. Wherever Lissandra the Ice Witch goes, she summons a blizzard of chaos and destruction. Если Лиссандра использует способность, которая затрудняет передвижение врага (Q,W,R), то кулдаун на пассивку снижается на 1 секунду. Если Лиссандра применяет ульт на себя, то на 2.5 секунды она превращается в ледяную статую и становится неуязвимой для атак врага.

Лиссандра гайд, обзор легенды в Raid Shadow Legends — Video

Lissandra Build for Mid with Highest Winrate, Guides, Runes, Items Lissandra Champion Pro Builds from Pro players. is a tool to check what challenger players are building around the world. We provide best pro builds for League of Legends.
Гайд Лиссандра (Lyssandra) | Raid Shadow Legends Лиссандра бросает ледяное копье, которое при попадании в противника раскалывается, замедляя его и нанося магический урон.

Lissandra Build S14 :: Runes, Items, Matchups [League of Legends]

Find out which champions counter Lissandra and more on ChampionCounter. Согласно предварительному просмотру патча Riot Phlox, Лиссандра получит в общей сложности три баффа в патче 13.1. Hey, I’m Zathong and this guide is about Lissandra TFT Build Set 11. I will help you learn about Lissandra’s abilities, items, comps. Lissandra games list. Player. Result. If cast on Lissandra, she encases herself in dark ice, healing herself while becoming untargetable and invulnerable. Играем в Лигу Легенд (League of Legends) на чемпионе Лиссандра (Lissandra) на миде.


Find Lissandra Runes, Builds, Skill Order and more in All regions for Patch 13.20. Лиссандра из фракции Высших эльфов существенно повысит шансы на то, что первый ход будет исключительно за вами. Rogues Nest is an Albion Online resource site for Builds, Guides, and Tools. All of the builds on the site are created/vetted by experienced Albion Online Players. Соблазненная шепотом Бездны, Лиссандра заключила сделку для себя и своих сестер, чтобы получить бессмертие и еще большую силу. Лиссандра Raid Shadow Legends – это герой из союза “Теларийцы” фракции “Высшие эльфы”.

RAID: Shadow Legends — 15 лучших героев разной редкости

This comp revolves around healing and picking the backlines, so any augment that would increase your healing should be picked. Best build for this comp: 1. Aphelios is the main damage dealer in this comp, as his attack speed can go up to insane levels while sharing both the targon trait that increases the heal and the deadeye trait that would pick off the backlines. Sejuani is one of the strongest tanks in the game, as she shares both the Frejlord trait, which freezes enemies and increases tankiness, and the Bruiser trait, which increases maximum health.

Best build for this comp: 1.

Aphelios is the main damage dealer in this comp, as his attack speed can go up to insane levels while sharing both the targon trait that increases the heal and the deadeye trait that would pick off the backlines. Sejuani is one of the strongest tanks in the game, as she shares both the Frejlord trait, which freezes enemies and increases tankiness, and the Bruiser trait, which increases maximum health. Shen is a great pick as he shares Invoker and Bastion traits, which will turn him into a great tank along with Taric and increase the speed of mana for the team.

Enemies hit with the shard are damaged and slows the first enemies hit, minion or champion. It also has a shatter effect that deals damage to everything behind the shard and the best part is, they still take full damage from the shard. It is also very useful in teamfights when you need to hit multiple enemy champions. She creates a ring of frost around her and anything trapped inside that ring is rooted for a short duration. This ability should be primarily used for chain CC on a champion or to cc a champion for you to either kite away from or to lock down for a good attack. The ability is very short in its range, so always be mindful when you decide to use it, because if you use it too early and your target is out of range, that will give them an opening to attack, since the cooldown on the ability is long.

She creates a claw that goes in a targeted direction, dealing damage as it goes across the direction you aim it at. She can then recast it to appear where the claw currently is. But be careful, as your enemies will know where you be if you decide to recast. Furthermore, any hard form of CC against Lissandra will not allow her to recast her claw, so be careful when trying to use it, making sure you do not get hit by CC before you recast. The ultimate can be casted against any enemy champion, stunning them for 1. You also gain some of your health back based on your missing health and how much ability power you have at the time. The ultimate also slows anything in its radius during the duration of the ultimate. That part of the ultimate lasts for 3 seconds and deals magic damage. This ability can do wonders in setting up fights and saving yourself from harm.

It is crucial though to know when and who to ult. This can decide the outcome of the fight. Using your ultimate on the wrong person could spell doom for your team, so you must be wise when it comes to how you use your ultimate ability. She excels in teamfights, setting them up with her Ring of Frost and her Frozen Tomb. Her passive too comes in handy during fights, as the threat of extra damage and slow from the Frozen Thralls will likely deter any risky counterattack. Even if she falls behind, she makes up for it in her CC abilities. She is always useful in a fight because of those perks.

Void Staff: Magic penetration, especially against MR-stacking enemies. Focus on farming while poking the enemy with Q. Once you hit level 3, you can look for aggressive trades using your full combo. Mid Game: Look for roams and skirmishes.

A Guide to Lissandra, the Ice Witch

Баффы Лиссандры в патче 13. Во-первых, она получит увеличение прироста здоровья со 104 до 110. Другими словами, она получит дополнительные шесть максимальных единиц здоровья за уровень. На поздних стадиях игры это составит в общей сложности 108 бонусных единиц здоровья, которые она получает практически бесплатно. Хотя это может показаться не так уж много, для мага контроля, такого как Лиссандра, бонусное здоровье может иметь значение между жизнью или смертью. Второй бафф будет наложен на замедление ее Ледяного осколка Q , что увеличит его на четыре процента при первом ранге до восьми процентов при максимальном ранге.

In order to win your lane and against your counter, you need the right spells, items and runes. The following Lissandra Mid pro build will help you with that. Follow our build, pentakills will follow and you will learn how to play Lissandra.

Since Riot Games regularly releases a new patch, Lissandra builds may change from time to time. It is important to keep up to date. Buying the right item can make the difference between winning and losing as Lissandra.

The order of items is also very important. Especially in early game, it is imperative to make the right decision on what to buy.

Эта версия, все еще находящаяся на Сумрачных островах, значительно меньше ориентирована на создание Наблюдателя для победы. Конечно, время от времени вы можете получить по одному из Столбов и Ледроса и даже сыграть через Бодрящий Рык, но это не то, из-за чего ваша колода будет добиваться большей части ваших побед. Здесь у нас гораздо больше классической колоды с мат-контролем. Мы движемся намного медленнее, часто не убивая до десятого-двенадцатого хода, но добраться туда нам будет намного безопаснее. Представьте, что вы пытаетесь сжечь своего оппонента с помощью невероятного количества раннего исцеления в этой колоде только для того, чтобы сыграть «Бодрящий рык» и вылечиться еще на девять единиц.

Против более агрессивных сборок вам даже не нужно ждать, пока Просветление начнет работать.

Если Лиссандра лишилась возможности использовать умения или перемещаться, то вторая активация будет недоступна. Конечную точку когтей враги видят сквозь ландшафт, туман войны и кусты в радиусе 600 единиц.

Ледяная гробница Краткое описание Если целью умения является сама Лиссандра, ее окружает темный лед, восстанавливая ей здоровье и не давая выбрать ее в качестве цели или нанести ей урон.

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