Новости северус и джеймс фанфики

Все фанфики где Северус Снейп отец Гарри Поттера.С любым пейрингом. Тегиблич фем фанфик, фанфики о снейпе юмор, фанфик где снейп наказывает сына, фанфик где северус, сша lets go down 2017 ужасы роли.

Фанфики по Гарри Поттеру

Кивнув, Гарри порезал ладонь (на этот раз гораздо аккуратнее), дотронулся ею до шара и четко проговорил: Я, Гарольд Джеймс Поттер, призвав в свидетели Ринсвилда, Северуса Тобиаса Снейпа и саму магию, заявляю, что принимаю наследие своего рода целиком и полностью. Умирая в Визжащей хижине, Северус Снейп применяет зелье пробуждающее кровь Рода Принц и заклинание Рода перебрасывает его личность в прошлое, в его же подростковое тело. Отцом Гарри являлся Джеймс Поттер, а Снейп (так более правильно произносится имя Северуса) всю жизню любил мать Гарри Лили.

Фф северус и джеймс: столкновение двух миров

Фанфики, в которых Джеймс и Лили Поттер живы. Джеймс Поттер и Северус Снейп арт. Кивнув, Гарри порезал ладонь (на этот раз гораздо аккуратнее), дотронулся ею до шара и четко проговорил: Я, Гарольд Джеймс Поттер, призвав в свидетели Ринсвилда, Северуса Тобиаса Снейпа и саму магию, заявляю, что принимаю наследие своего рода целиком и полностью. Фем Северус Снейп и Джеймс Поттер. В котором учился Северус Снейп, Люциус Малфой и многие другие. Джеймс Поттер и Северус Снейп арт.

Северус снейп x Джеймс Поттер

Тот опешил, а потом произнес: — Нет. Разве ты меня не любишь? Таким путем ты его не забудешь! И потом это ведь будет не первый наш поцелуй. Ты помнишь наш первый поцелуй? Лили удивленно уставилась на него. Северус тут же вспомнил, что они только что помирились и поспешно сказал: — Лили, это очень серьезно для меня. А ты шутишь такими вещами! Северус был настолько ошеломлен её действиями, что сначала даже никак не отреагировал, но потом, придя в себя, ответил ей страстным поцелуем. Минут десять они целовались.

Разомкнув губы, Северус откинулся на спинку скамейки, а Лили уютно устроилась у него на плече. Оба молчали. А потом Лили вдруг огорошила Северуса неожиданным вопросом: — Как ты думаешь, Поттер будет ждать тебя в подземелье? Римус точно не пойдет участвовать в засаде, а Сириус с тех пор, как стал встречаться с Анной, перестал задирать людей попусту. Остается только Питер.

В министерстве вместо него был кто-то другой. У Снейпа есть прекрасный компромат, но он не спешит им пользоваться.

Сириуса в полнолуние кусает волк.

Truthfully, there were… oddities… throughout the years since the fall of the Dark Lord. It started, as all things tended to do, with Harry Potter. Potter was meant to join Hogwarts in 1991 as a first year. Instead, when his letters were mailed and never answered, the staff went to investigate. Severus himself dove deep in their minds, undoubtedly causing irreparable damage, and discovered an Obliviate so strong that there was never so much as a memory of Petunia Evans having a pregnant sister. Severus suspected an incredibly skilled wizard to have taken the boy and erased it from the minds of the Dursleys; he told Albus as much.

Even Alastor Moody hobbled out of retirement and took up interrogations with every man or woman with the slightest cause to have taken the boy. To date, September first was no longer considered a day to speculate over the new students arriving at Hogwarts, but a day of memorial for a child presumed to be dead. Severus waited on pins and needles all through the year, waiting for one of the free Death Eaters to claim credit for taking Potter and freeing Black. When none came, Severus tried to convince himself it was a coincidence. Severus had never believed in coincidences. Especially not when Quirinus Quirrell was murdered during a Hogsmeade weekend at the end of the same school year. Do keep contact with those that you can… I sense that all is not what it seems.

Peter Pettigrew, a wizard long-believed to be dead, was found not twelve months later. Both men had their necks slit from side to side in what were reported to be some of the most gruesome murders. Pettigrew had also been branded with the Dark Mark and speculation burst over if he had it before or after his first alleged death in 1981. The next year, the relatives tasked with Harry Potter were killed in their beds. Their deaths did not reach the wizarding news, regardless, Albus found them to be victims of the killing curse. Nary half a year after their deaths, Barty Crouch Junior was another wizard resurrected from death only to be found in pieces across Knockturn Alley one morning. Albus believed all the deaths through the years to be connected.

Severus saw it as a reach, though he did his best to pin it all on Black, who had not a hair been seen since his escape. If Black had escaped just a week sooner… Albus claimed to have many theories, each as unlikely as the next. Severus was privy to none of those theories, Severus was merely ordered to keep his ear to the ground and one foot in his old circle. And Severus - ever the obedient servant - did so. Severus arrived at Malfoy Manor with grand plans of hastening his meeting. If Severus were lucky, he would only suffer through a single drink and an hour of conversation, at the worst. Yet, it was not to be.

Lucius skipped all of his beloved social niceties as he ushered Severus from the front door directly to his office. Severus was the one to pour them each a glass of brandy when it became clear that Lucius was too stricken by his news to do so. It was just as likely that Lucius was being incredibly dramatic. Lucius gulped his drink, shuddered, and then summoned a newspaper from his desk. Interested to learn what had the usually proper man so shaken, Severus unfurled the paper and saw it in bold headlines above a grizzly photograph. The Daily Prophet held no qualms with releasing photographs of the reported crime scene. If Severus were not mistaken - and a quick skim of the article told him that he was not - it was the heads of two more death eaters on pikes in Knockturn Alley.

The heads being displayed was new, gruesome, but the other ticks were clearly serial. Severus felt a tremor of unease start at the base of his spine and flood directly to his left arm. Certainly not Goyle or Crabbe seniors, they were quite clearly dead. He was ranting as well, talking so quickly that Severus had to give him his full attention lest he miss something crucial. He flapped the paper he held lightly. Lucius looked entirely mad with wild eyes of a defenseless man facing something terrifying. If you cannot see it, then you are blind!

Severus inclined his head at his old friend though and conceded the argument. A person could not argue with insanity. Regulus Black had never died, only gone in hiding to bide his time, as was apparently in fashion. Regulus took Potter then got a message to his brother in Azkaban. By the end of it, Severus half expected Lucius to have a map on the wall with red strings scattered about. Or perhaps even a tinfoil hat. How painful it must be for Lucius to be so incredibly paranoid.

Severus read through nearly seven years worth of notes. While Severus had believed the next note would be on the death of Rubeus Hagrid, Lucius believed different. It was discovered by Argus Filch five years ago, the same year that three students, a ghost, and a cat had been petrified. Argus discovered it in a flooded bathroom and Severus found it in his office. It had been sticky with the tendrils of dark magic and Severus took it directly to Albus. Albus had theorized that the diary had been used to open the fabled Chamber of Secrets. It was an excellent theory as the petrifactions ended after that.

Albus never could definitively pinpoint how the diary of the Dark Lord came to be within Hogwarts. Severus looked sharply at where Lucius had slumped in his chair. Lucius held his eye contact and Severus itched to dive in his mind. I did it, Severus. I gave it to the Weasley girl. It was surely the strangest revelation yet. Severus catalogued that information away to share with Albus later and turned his attention back to the notes Lucius has kept.

Skeeter had been a suicide… the woman locked herself in her bedroom and ended her life with a cutting curse across her wrists. Fenrir Greyback had been found in the Epping Forest with his chest crudely ripped open, a likely dispute with another werewolf. Severus finished the notes and shook his head as he handed them back to Lucius.

Ведь заклинание, произнесённое «про себя» нельзя услышать от кого-то и выучить «с голоса».

На том же шестом курсе профессор Гораций Слизнорт не устаёт восхищаться успехами Гарри в зельеварении, постоянно повторяя, что мальчик унаследовал таланты своей матери. Но юный Поттер унаследовал не таланты, а учебник Снегга, следуя указаниям которого добивался отменных результатов. И возникает вопрос: не этот ли источник успехов был и у Лили Эванс? Ведь Снегг был в неё влюблён.

И вполне мог дать ей свой учебник, чтобы похвастать: вот, мол, я какой умный, на год вперёд всю программу знаю. И висящий в воздухе Северус всю эту цепочку быстро просчитывает: изобретённое им невербальное заклинание — запись на полях учебника — учебник отдан любимой Лили Эванс — заклинание применил враг Северуса Джеймс Поттер. Поэтому когда Лили заступается за Снегга, он, ослеплённый яростью и обидой, обзывает её «грязнокровкой». Потом, из предсмертных воспоминаний Снегга [6] становится ясно, что это оскорбление было последней каплей в отношениях Лили и Северуса...

Блэк говорит потом Гарри, что его мать начала встречаться с Джеймсом аж на седьмом курсе. В любом случае, и Лили, и Северус не смогли забыть унижения одного и оскорбления другой. Особенно Северус. Не умеющий прощать Снегг понимает, что постепенно, но неотвратимо теряет единственного человека, который относился к нему с искренней добротой.

Единственную девушку, которую он так сильно любит. Снегг — Пожиратель смерти. Разглашение Пророчества Снегг в 1980 году В 1977 или 1978 году, сразу после окончания школы или на последнем курсе, Снегг вступил в ряды Пожирателей смерти. В 1980 он в трактире « Кабанья голова » подслушал часть пророчества Сивиллы Трелони о том, что грядёт человек, который сможет победить Тёмного Лорда.

Обезумевший Снегг просил Тёмного Лорда не убивать Лили, но тот не откликнулся на его просьбу. Тогда Снегг пришёл к Дамблдору и попросил его спрятать семью Поттеров. Сам же Снегг перешел на сторону Дамблдора.

фанфики джеймс и северус снейп (120) фото

Раскройте тайны встречи Северуса и Джеймса и узнайте, как их неожиданное соединение повлияло на историю. if a rough and twangy accent that Severus could not identify from a prior student. Фанфики, в которых Джеймс и Лили Поттер живы.

Фанфик питер читает фанфики - 83 фото

— Гарри, милый, Джеймс и Лили Поттер погибли, когда тебе был один год, — Дамблдор осторожно сделал шаг в сторону кровати гриффиндорца. Что произойдет, если Северусу станет известно о некоторых различиях между Гарри и его отцом Джеймсом Поттером. В школе Северус если и замечал Питера, то не более, чем подпевалу Джеймса и Сириуса. Фанфик питер читает фанфики. Сириус Блэк и Римус Люпин и Джеймс Поттер.

Фанфик ошибки джеймса поттера

Гарри Поттер и Северус Снейп фанфики 18. if a rough and twangy accent that Severus could not identify from a prior student. Итак, Северус Снейп назвал Лили Эванс грязнокровкой не потому, что «был под давлением» или «Джеймс и Сириус травили его», он назвал её так, чтобы сделать больно.

Фанфик ошибки джеймса поттера

Truthfully, there were… oddities… throughout the years since the fall of the Dark Lord. It started, as all things tended to do, with Harry Potter. Potter was meant to join Hogwarts in 1991 as a first year. Instead, when his letters were mailed and never answered, the staff went to investigate. Severus himself dove deep in their minds, undoubtedly causing irreparable damage, and discovered an Obliviate so strong that there was never so much as a memory of Petunia Evans having a pregnant sister. Severus suspected an incredibly skilled wizard to have taken the boy and erased it from the minds of the Dursleys; he told Albus as much. Even Alastor Moody hobbled out of retirement and took up interrogations with every man or woman with the slightest cause to have taken the boy. To date, September first was no longer considered a day to speculate over the new students arriving at Hogwarts, but a day of memorial for a child presumed to be dead. Severus waited on pins and needles all through the year, waiting for one of the free Death Eaters to claim credit for taking Potter and freeing Black. When none came, Severus tried to convince himself it was a coincidence. Severus had never believed in coincidences.

Especially not when Quirinus Quirrell was murdered during a Hogsmeade weekend at the end of the same school year. Do keep contact with those that you can… I sense that all is not what it seems. Peter Pettigrew, a wizard long-believed to be dead, was found not twelve months later. Both men had their necks slit from side to side in what were reported to be some of the most gruesome murders. Pettigrew had also been branded with the Dark Mark and speculation burst over if he had it before or after his first alleged death in 1981. The next year, the relatives tasked with Harry Potter were killed in their beds. Their deaths did not reach the wizarding news, regardless, Albus found them to be victims of the killing curse. Nary half a year after their deaths, Barty Crouch Junior was another wizard resurrected from death only to be found in pieces across Knockturn Alley one morning. Albus believed all the deaths through the years to be connected. Severus saw it as a reach, though he did his best to pin it all on Black, who had not a hair been seen since his escape.

If Black had escaped just a week sooner… Albus claimed to have many theories, each as unlikely as the next. Severus was privy to none of those theories, Severus was merely ordered to keep his ear to the ground and one foot in his old circle. And Severus - ever the obedient servant - did so. Severus arrived at Malfoy Manor with grand plans of hastening his meeting. If Severus were lucky, he would only suffer through a single drink and an hour of conversation, at the worst. Yet, it was not to be. Lucius skipped all of his beloved social niceties as he ushered Severus from the front door directly to his office. Severus was the one to pour them each a glass of brandy when it became clear that Lucius was too stricken by his news to do so. It was just as likely that Lucius was being incredibly dramatic. Lucius gulped his drink, shuddered, and then summoned a newspaper from his desk.

Interested to learn what had the usually proper man so shaken, Severus unfurled the paper and saw it in bold headlines above a grizzly photograph. The Daily Prophet held no qualms with releasing photographs of the reported crime scene. If Severus were not mistaken - and a quick skim of the article told him that he was not - it was the heads of two more death eaters on pikes in Knockturn Alley. The heads being displayed was new, gruesome, but the other ticks were clearly serial. Severus felt a tremor of unease start at the base of his spine and flood directly to his left arm. Certainly not Goyle or Crabbe seniors, they were quite clearly dead. He was ranting as well, talking so quickly that Severus had to give him his full attention lest he miss something crucial. He flapped the paper he held lightly. Lucius looked entirely mad with wild eyes of a defenseless man facing something terrifying. If you cannot see it, then you are blind!

Severus inclined his head at his old friend though and conceded the argument. A person could not argue with insanity. Regulus Black had never died, only gone in hiding to bide his time, as was apparently in fashion. Regulus took Potter then got a message to his brother in Azkaban. By the end of it, Severus half expected Lucius to have a map on the wall with red strings scattered about. Or perhaps even a tinfoil hat. How painful it must be for Lucius to be so incredibly paranoid. Severus read through nearly seven years worth of notes. While Severus had believed the next note would be on the death of Rubeus Hagrid, Lucius believed different. It was discovered by Argus Filch five years ago, the same year that three students, a ghost, and a cat had been petrified.

Argus discovered it in a flooded bathroom and Severus found it in his office. It had been sticky with the tendrils of dark magic and Severus took it directly to Albus. Albus had theorized that the diary had been used to open the fabled Chamber of Secrets. It was an excellent theory as the petrifactions ended after that. Albus never could definitively pinpoint how the diary of the Dark Lord came to be within Hogwarts. Severus looked sharply at where Lucius had slumped in his chair. Lucius held his eye contact and Severus itched to dive in his mind. I did it, Severus. I gave it to the Weasley girl. It was surely the strangest revelation yet.

Severus catalogued that information away to share with Albus later and turned his attention back to the notes Lucius has kept. Skeeter had been a suicide… the woman locked herself in her bedroom and ended her life with a cutting curse across her wrists. Fenrir Greyback had been found in the Epping Forest with his chest crudely ripped open, a likely dispute with another werewolf. Severus finished the notes and shook his head as he handed them back to Lucius.

Фокалорс Геншин. Genshin Impact фокалорс.

Фокалорс Геншин Импакт. Гидро Архонт фокалорс. Навиллетт Геншин. Персонажи Фонтейна Геншин. Фонтейн Genshin. Фонтейн Геншин сливы.

Геншин Импакт Фонтейн фокалорс. Фокалор и навиллет Геншин. Тор Локи NC-17. Тор и Локи яой. Локи Yaoi. Тор Локи НЦ-17.

Upthehillart драрри. Шип Гарри и Драко любовь. Малфой и Гарри любовь 18. Гарри и Малфой арт 18. Северус и Гарри NC-17. Шип Северус и Гарри 18.

Северус и Джеймс арт 18. Северус Снейп и Гарри Поттер слэш. Гарри фем и Седрик. Седрик Диггори аниме. Гарри и Седрик аниме. Седрик Диггори и Гермиона.

Геншин и Импакт Jean. Джин и Дилюк. Геншин зерочан. Геншин Импакт Джинн и Дилюк.

Уже после похорон Гарри находит дневник Гермионы и узнает о двух важных вещах. Волшебница пишет, что Хогвартс — это ловушка, которая высасывает жизненную энергию из маглорожденных и отдает ее чистокровным волшебникам. А второе: Грейнджер все еще можно спасти, волшебница оставила на страницах дневника подробный план — на случай своей смерти. В этом фанфике рассматривается будущее поколение, а если точнее сыновья Гарри Поттера и Драко Малфоя — Альбус и Скорпиус. Дети из абсолютно противоположных семей становятся друзьями в этом рассказе, со временем их связь становятся еще теснее. Фанфик рассказывает о сложных отношениях волшебников и о том, как они пытаются сохранить их в тайне от всего Хогвартса. Эротический фанфик о романе двух взрослых и крайне привлекательных работниках Министерства магии — Гермионе Грейнджер и Драко Малфое. Будьте осторожны: эта история содержит элементы БДСМ, в особенности доминирование и подчинение. В их отношениях все было хорошо до введения законов против маглорожденных, из-за которых рушится карьера Лили в министерстве. Эванс ищет поддержки у людей, защищающих права маглов, однако они оказываются заклятыми врагами Северуса.

Питер не дремал — притягивающее заклинание, и палочка Снейпа у него. Потому что только я люблю её по настоящему, — прохрипел он. Джеймс второй раз ударил Северуса уже в глаз. Тот покачнулся, но устоял на ногах. Третий удар снова пришелся в глаз. И тут раздались чьи-то шаги. Это была Лили, которая не стала дожидаться установленных пяти минут. Избить беззащитного человека. Двое на одного! Если ты еще раз тронешь Северуса, я сварю такое зелье, от которого ветвистые рога навечно станут твоими спутниками по жизни. И я немедленно расскажу профессору Дамблдору об этом бесчестном поступке. Вырвав палочку Снейпа из рук Питера, она подхватила слизеринца под руку и бережно повела его наверх к больничному крылу. Джеймс молча шел за ними. Северусу было больно, но при этом очень приятно, что Лили так за него беспокоится и защищает. Так они и дошли до больничного крыла.

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