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Making red bean syrup rice cake: salt sugar, 5 red beans, 3 rice flour, 1 bottled water for cooking 1 Before change 1 salt, 5 red beans, 3 rice flour, 1 mineral water for cooking 1 sugar , 5 red beans, 3 rice flour, 1 mineral water for cooking The description of the knowledge about red bean porridge and red bean syrup rice cake has been changed. As the method of equipping crystals has been changed to be done through the bag rather than the Black Spirit, the text regarding the mounting method in the crystal description has been changed. UI Changes In the UI displayed when putting workers into the garden, An explanatory text has been added stating that workers deployed to the garden can be deployed regardless of base connection. Node tax information exposed to exploration node managers It has been modified to only be displayed to node managers where a node war is taking place. Bug Fixes [Female Class] The issue where some parts of the appearance looked unnatural when wearing the Wonderland costume and Queen Heart underwear has been fixed. The issue where it was possible to interact with an invisible birch tree at a specific location in the Oquilla Sea area has been fixed. The issue where some objects in Velia Village looked unnatural has been fixed. The issue where some of the grass located at Fox Pass was exposed unnaturally has been fixed. The issue where the stairs near Cheongsanseowon were exposed unnaturally when a certain graphic quality was applied has been fixed.
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