Но хорошая новость заключается в том, что это означает, что манга и аниме могут снова возродить весь фэндом. (Сёнэн-ай) Бессмертный лекарь зеркальной хижины [Озвучка манги | 1-2 главы] яой. типичный трудный подросток. While there have been no official confirmations or updates on the manga from the author or the series' official sites, Hunter x Hunter's recent entry into the archived section of Shonen Jump proves to be a major concern for the fandom. Перевод манхвы "Туши свет". 86 подписчиков 0 просмотров на пост.
#113: Том 12. Глава 112 - Туши свет
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туши свет 34 глава Manga One Love
She soon discovers the factory is run by a group of intelligent plucked chickens who plan to take over the world. They are soon stopped by the arrival of the assistant and his camcorder, which drives them to commit suicide. After freeing all the trapped fairies, the heroine finds that her hair has been brought to life due to the tonic. She soon gets into the habit of publishing yaoi manga which she distributes across the country. When the fairies catch wind of the trend and start publishing their own yaoi manga, Y begins to work harder to compete, bringing about a manga renaissance. They deduce that in order to proceed through the panels, they must do something dramatic enough to make a printed sound effect materialize. They also realize they can draw things into existence, as well as understand that if their manga becomes too boring, they will descend into cancellation.
As such, the trio start going through various genres to make it through the manga world. After encountering some fairies, they realise that in order to escape, they need to reach the ending, though a desire for ratings soon leads the stories into a complicated mess. The manga soon becomes unpopular and ends up getting cancelled, but thankfully they manage to end up back in the real world. They leave behind a good luck charm and a curious manual explaining the dangers that come if no fairies are met during the day. During the festival, the heroine meets a curious girl named Pion, who is searching for her companion.
Things only get stranger as she starts to encounter a lot of deja vu and encounters more versions of herself, with no clear memory over what is happening. She soon learns it to be the work of the fairies, who are manipulating time in order to get several copies of the heroine to make sweets for them. After several loops resulting in hundreds of clones making sweets, the heroine soon encounters a village full of dogs where the assistant lies. During a certain timeloop between the fourth and fifth times, the fairies make a bug which takes the heroine "far away", where she encounters a boy whom she thinks is the assistant, finding him to be an excitable and lecherous young boy who calls himself the Ringo Kid. After hearing more about him from her doubles during the fifth time, the heroine meets the assistant on the sixth, finding him to have a gentler and plain personality, believing he had finally found his own personality, using the doubles to get opinions from others about how he should be. Through various circumstances, the heroine ends up stranded on an island in the middle of a lake, along with a group of pessimistic fairies who declare her the queen of their new nation. The nation soon evolves into a bustling civilization dedicated to serving its queen, who begins living in luxury. However, after a lapse in judgement causes everyone to build monuments everywhere, the island is soon ruined and devoid of food and water, sending it into poverty. The heroine feels they should leave the island, but remains trapped by a rainstorm caused by the collective depression of the fairies. After the island ends up collapsing on itself, the heroine returns to dry land and her daily life. Whilst observing an abandoned site, she encounters a group of fairies and brings some of them home with her. After getting over the initial worries, the heroine finds the fairies to be quite talkative and curious and gives them some names, only to be tasked with naming all the other fairies as well.
Я знаю, что новостей пока нет, но вы можете быть первым, кто отправит их. Отправить Отмена Максимальный размер изображения успех предостерегать К сожалению! Удалите успешно! Копировать ссылку оригинал Больше не надо...
Рисовка приятная, гг симпатичные оба, боевичка немного для движухи, хотелось бы ещё третью точку угла и больше акцента на потаскушности Раска. На инглише есть уже 13 глав, надеюсь наши не заставят себя ждать Нарушение правил Joined: 00:20 28. Но мангу тоже почитаю с большим удовольствием, вещь определенно занимательная. Нарушение правил Joined: 12:36 20. Да, задел многообещающий, но главы с 30-40 начинается лютый треш, логика повествования идёт далеко и лесом, а после 50й всё просто идёт по одному месту.
Kill The Lights
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В последней попытке вернуть свою жизнь в нормальное русло Хейли прибегает к магии крови, результатом которой стало овладение душой наёмника Мейсона Тейлора его тела. Мейсон не особо уверен в своих актёрских талантах и, кажется имеет общее прошлое с Ноа. Что их связывает?
Он изящно улыбался и держал мои маленькие руки. Этот нежный жест и тепло его рук. Он обнял меня и прижал к себе, напевая колыбельную. Я переродилась как младшая сестра наследного принца Империи Эльмиров, соперников Империи Эдембелл.
1 том, выпуск завершен
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- Shush! Hide Your Tail
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- Wild Night - Chapter 27
Wild Night - Chapter 27
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Kill the Lights
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Взрослая манга Туши свет обсуждение
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Тушь свет манга
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Wild Night - Chapter 27
It helps others easily decide to read this manga or not. Перевод манхвы "Туши свет". @Tushisvetik. 107 subscribers. Туши свет Манга яой. Просмотрите доску «Туши свет» в Pinterest пользователя Kallmiiuto, на которую подписаны 1 046 человек.