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Глаз - перевод с русского на английский
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The Guardian article had claimed that Assange had praised Donald Trump and criticised Hillary Clinton and also alleged that Assange had "long had a close relationship with the Putin regime". It was indicated that staff would continue working from home until at least 23 January.
The continual losses made by the National Newspaper division of the Guardian Media Group caused it to dispose of its Regional Media division by selling titles to competitor Trinity Mirror in March 2010. This included the flagship Manchester Evening News , and severed the historic link between that paper and The Guardian. The sale was in order to safeguard the future of The Guardian newspaper as is the intended purpose of the Scott Trust. It was also speculated that The Guardian might become the first British national daily paper to be fully online. In the first year, the paper made more losses than predicted, and in January 2016 the publishers announced that The Guardian would cut 20 per cent of staff and costs within the next three years. Website readers can pay a monthly subscription, with three tiers available.
Hilton Foundation to finance reporting on topics including modern-day slavery and climate change. The Scott Trust describes one of its "core purposes" to be "to secure the financial and editorial independence of the Guardian in perpetuity: as a quality national newspaper without party affiliation; remaining faithful to its liberal tradition". The paper was enthusiastic in its support for Tony Blair in his successful bid to lead the Labour Party, [194] and to be elected Prime Minister. But if we want a lasting peace it may be the only option. War with Iraq may yet not come, but, conscious of the potentially terrifying responsibility resting with the British Government, we find ourselves supporting the current commitment to a possible use of force. Since an editorial in 2000, The Guardian has favoured abolition of the British monarchy.
Toffs, including royal ones, Christians, especially popes, governments of Israel, and U. Republicans are more straightforward targets. Despite the critical position of the paper in general, The Guardian endorsed the Labour Party while Corbyn was its leader in the 2017 [210] and 2019 general elections — although in both cases they endorsed a vote for opposition parties other than Labour, such as the Liberal Democrats and the Scottish National Party in seats where Labour did not stand a chance. Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources in this section. Unsourced material may be challenged and removed. When the stamp duty was cut in 1836, The Guardian added a Wednesday edition and with the abolition of the tax in 1855 it became a daily paper costing 2d.
In October 1952, the paper took the step of printing news on the front page, replacing the adverts that had hitherto filled that space. Then-editor A. Wadsworth wrote: "It is not a thing I like myself, but it seems to be accepted by all the newspaper pundits that it is preferable to be in fashion. The financial position remained extremely poor into the 1970s; at one time it was in merger talks with The Times. The paper consolidated its centre-left stance during the 1970s and 1980s. In 1992, The Guardian relaunched its features section as G2, a tabloid-format supplement.
In June 1993, The Guardian bought The Observer from Lonrho , thus gaining a serious Sunday sister newspaper with similar political views. Its international weekly edition is now titled The Guardian Weekly, though it retained the title Manchester Guardian Weekly for some years after the home edition had moved to London. It includes sections from a number of other internationally significant newspapers of a somewhat left-of-centre inclination, including Le Monde and The Washington Post.
The London Eye has 32 capsules around its wheel, one for each borough of London. A capsule weighs 10 tones, which means the entire wheel weights 320 tones. Each capsule can carry 25 passengers, and I was really surprised that we are able to walk around in the capsule; they are that big. Also, the capsules have air-condition, and comfortable sits. The 32 capsules of the London Eye are actually numbered from 1 to 33. Quite funny!
After being used by more than two million people, the Great Wheel was demolished in 1907. Last year, it was light up in the colors of the British flag, the Union Jack, in red, white, and blue, in order to celebrate the wedding of Prince William with Kate Middleton. Usually, the London Eye is light up in blue, but in 2005, it was lit pink, to celebrate the first Civil Partnership performed on it.
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Глаз - перевод с русского на английский
In spite of the laudable humanitarian and peace-keeping efforts of the United Nations, the Organization has in the eyes of the world appeared incapable of preventing the savage dismembering of a sovereign Member State. Она демонстрирует, что является сейчас глобальным сателлитом, постепенно не только принявшим свою роль полного соучастника злоупотреблений власти со стороны своего хозяина, -- совершаемых прямо на глазах мира под предлогом войны с терроризмом, -- но также поддерживая агрессивную политику по отношению к нашей небольшой стране. Красноречивые примеры этого - разыгрывающаяся на глазах мира человеческая трагедия в Сомали, которая, к сожалению, похоже, утомляет или раздражает общественное мнение; трагедия Руанды, которая приобрела столь бесчеловечный аспект несколько месяцев назад; братоубийственный конфликт в Либерии, где соблюдение соглашения о прекращении огня и примирении было недолговечным. Noteworthy examples are the human tragedy being played out before the eyes of the world in Somalia, which, unfortunately, appears to be tiring or irritating world public opinion; the Rwandese tragedy, which took on such an inhuman aspect a few months ago; the fratricidal conflict in Liberia, where respect for cease-fire agreements and for reconciliation have been short-lived. Имеет значение то, насколько ты успешен или неудачлив в глазах мира. It matters whether you succeed or fail in the eyes of the world. Я хочу, чтобы в глазах мира ты кем-нибудь стал, тогда через тебя я тоже смогу кем-нибудь быть. I want you to be somebody in the eyes of the world, so that I too can be somebody through you. Она ходила с места на место, наблюдая за всем, насыщая свои глаза миром.
Materials and methods. The study included data from 99 patients 65 males and 34 females, mean age 74 70—77 years admitted for elective surgery to address cataracts or glaucoma from May to September 2023. Patients were randomly divided to 2 observation groups. The division into groups was carried out according to the drugs medicines used in the postoperative treatment regimens, each of which was further divided into 2 subgroups in accordance with ophthalmopathology.
Visitors climb aboard glass-encased capsules for a leisurely circular orbit, high above the Thames, allowing spectacular views across London and far beyond. Though it looks like a huge Ferris wheel, the London Eye is no fairground thrill-ride, but a slow and stately way to experience London in a unique way. The Eye was built between 1998 and 2000. It seems remarkable that a site that has so quickly become a symbol of modern London has been around for such a short time! It took fully seven years from the start of the design process to create the Eye. It was intended to stand for only a few years, but it proved to be such a popular attraction that the decision was made to make the wheel a permanent feature of the London landscape. The Eye was sponsored by British Airways, and for several years after opening it was referred to as the British Airways Millenium Wheel. As of this writing, it is sponsored by Coca-Cola. How long does it take to go around? Each rotation of the wheel takes about 30 minutes, which translates to a speed of about 0. In practice, this means that you get plenty of time to enjoy the view.
Please, call me and let me apologize face-to-face. Literature Слава богу, я не успела ее отвязать, иначе она бы наверняка вырвала себе глаза. Literature Ее гениальные мозги заработали в полную силу с той секунды, когда она открыла глаза. Her giant brain had been working at full capacity from the moment she opened those brown eyes. Literature Единственной ее добродетелью в глазах Лукаса было то, что она опытная няня. Literature Мгновение спустя Мейс посмотрел в его грустные зеленые глаза: After a moment, Mace looked up into his sad green eyes. Literature Посмотрите мне в глаза, Джэнсон, — я хочу узнать, верите ли вы сами в то, что говорите. Literature В один момент, я был готов поклясться, что видел, как глаза Уилла закатывались в экстазе. Literature Она вскинула на него свои смеющиеся глаза, но не прервала чтения, пока не докончила фразы.
Выпуск новостей на английском языке
The London Eye is London's newest major tourist attraction, and one of the most popular. Travel and booking information in the Britain Express London Travel Guide. Изучение английского языка можно сделать эффективнее и разнообразнее с помощью такого интересного способа, как просмотр новостей на английском. The London Eye is London's newest major tourist attraction, and one of the most popular. Travel and booking information in the Britain Express London Travel Guide.
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Где (и как) читать, смотреть и слушать новости на английском онлайн: breaking news | Английский перевод наблюдения глаз – Русский-Английский Словарь и поисковая система, английский перевод. |
Сайты для изучения английского языка по новостям | Блог LinguaTrip | Сервисы Google доступны на этих языках: Français. |
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Глаз по-английски | Get the latest news, sport, celebrity gossip, TV, politics and lifestyle from The Mirror. Big stories with a big heart, always with you in mind. |
НОВОСТИ ГЛАЗАМИ контекстный перевод на английский язык и примеры
Latest breaking Russia news, including updates on the invasion of Ukraine, in a live news feed aggregated from mainstream, alternative and independent sources. Latest breaking Russia news, including updates on the invasion of Ukraine, in a live news feed aggregated from mainstream, alternative and independent sources. London Eye, revolving observation wheel, or Ferris wheel, on the South Bank of the River Thames.
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by eye, approximately, visually Глазомер - measurement by eye, eye estimation, visual estimation. Сервисы Google доступны на этих языках: 繁體中文. Read the latest headlines, breaking news, and videos at , the definitive source for independent journalism from every corner of the globe. The Israeli leadership will not be able to avoid responsibility for its crimes, and the country’s leader Benjamin Netanyahu can be compared to Hitler. Turkish. 7 лучших сайтов, где можно смотреть новости на английском. Сервисы Google доступны на этих языках: English.