Master Swain in League of Legends with : Discover the best builds, items, runes, and strategies for Swain on 14.8. I played some Swain support for a while, and it makes his ability to roam to mid pretty worthless too, also his ability to dodge skill shots which is huge in bot is going to suck.
Адк Свейн - Секретный Билд на нанотехнологиях! | Лучшие моменты со стрима LoL | Лига Легенд
For Swain, a lot of the changes seem bent around helping him find his niche and theme again. Владелец сайта предпочёл скрыть описание страницы. Первые впечатление от нового героя Свейн на Казура. The full rework of the League of Legends champion Swain has officially been revealed with the [ ].
Swain гайд
Свейн Счетчики, статистика и сборки - League of Legends - RU | Владелец сайта предпочёл скрыть описание страницы. |
Best Swain build in League of Legends - Dot Esports | В обновлении 8.3, которое добавят в игру утром 7 февраля, разработчики League of Legends изменят умения Swain и увеличат урон мечников ближнего боя. |
Best Swain TFT build set 7.5: Items, Synergies & Comps
Demonflare enables Swain to release a nova of soulfire dealing magic damage to nearby enemies and slows them. However, it is not usually spammable due to the mana cost. Post-level 5, always try to partake in teamfights as your ultimate is important in skirmishes along with the rest of your abilities. This makes Stasis Enchant a must-have enchantment for him. During clashes, Swain can use Stasis while using his ultimate. This allows him to become untargetable, while being able to damage and heal. Synergies For our Swain Wild Rift Guide, we highly recommend using him with the following champions as they synergize well with him. Much more if the enemies are stunned. Swain can be deployed as a support thanks to his ability to deal damage from a safe distance and his crowd control. This kind of support is what Jhin exactly needs to win the lane.
What makes it a lot better is that both of these two can perma-root enemies as they combine Deadly Flourish and Nevermove. For Swain, these are mobile champions who can easily dodge Nevermove E , eliminate him and move out of his range.
Those who added these items in their gear had a greater winrate than those who worked towards other item builds for Свейн.
Similarly, if you are trying to beat a varied enemy team arrangement, you should really consider grabbing him the Доминирование, and Вдохновение runes. In recent games, he won the greatest fraction of his games when equipped with these runes.
Лоча Это элитный отряд, состоящий из 5-звездочных персонажей. Каждый из них обладает сильными способностями и выполняет определенные функции: Блэйд наносит основной урон, Серебряный Волк накладывает дебаффы на врагов и наносит дополнительный урон, Броня дает союзникам ценные баффы, а Лоча лечит их при необходимости. Если у вас нет Лочи, вы можете заменить его Байлу или 4-звездочной Наташей. Если текущего здоровья недостаточно, после взрывной атаки ХП героя опускается до 1 ед.
Свейн Свейн из Билджвотера Lore: Джерико Свейн — дальновидный правитель Ноксуса, нации, которая стремится к завоеваниям и уважает только силу. В войне с Ионией он был разбит и искалечен, но все же сумел решительно и безжалостно захватить власть над империей.
Гайд по обновлению среднего уровня League of Legends Olaf And Swain
Зима приходит в Рунтерру! С первым снегом в году Полярис должна сделать выбор: благословить или обременить королевство. Добрые дела или жадность победят? Tank Swain. Tank Swain. Vote. Build Guide Items Builds for SWAIN: Spells, Runes, Abilities, Skills Leveling, Counter pick and much more. The best Swain players have a 54.42% win rate with an average rank of Diamond I on the Swain Leaderboard. Swain Patch 14.8 builds including Runes, Items, Skill Order, and Summoner Spells. Билд на лучшие сборки отрядов, реликвии и световые конусы. Все навыки, следы и эйдолоны.
Гайд по Swain (Свейн)
Примечание: навык не восполняет энергию и не заканчивает текущий ход! После активации ультимейта подсчет количества потерянного ХП сбрасывается и начинается заново Талант Каждый раз, когда герой получает атаку или расходует ХП, он накапливает 1 стак статуса Заряд максимум 5. Каждая атака дает 1 стак Заряда. Если текущего ХП недостаточно, после активации техники текущий показатель здоровья опускается до 1 ед.
But you can also build Swain with Flash and exhaust spells against heavy damage enemies like Zed and Katarina. You should never take smite for him as he is weak in the jungle, and going jungle swain is just trolling.
Swain Runes Here is the set of LoL Wild Rift Runes to strengthen the build of Swain: Runes Description Conqueror Since Swain is a fighter that is always engaged in fighting, he can make full use of this time and stack his conqueror for max damage Gathering storm Gathering Storm is good for the late game as Swain is a late-game champ, and this rune scales well with him. Second wind Since you are weak in the early game, going second wind will help you sustain in lane. Mana flow band Since he struggles with mana problems going mana flow band solves this problem. Swain Items Here are the best Wild Rift Items for the Swain Build: Rod of ages Rod of Ages is the perfect first item for Swain build, as you can scale, and this item grants you health, magic power and cooldown. This item is also very good at the late game as it stacks more after every takedown making you a late-game monster.
Rift maker Since he has lots of aoe abilities, he benefits very well with rift maker as it grants spell vamp, so going rift maker as a second item is very good.
Each bolt after the first deals bonus magic damage. Nevermove: Swain launches a demonic wave that deals magic damage to enemies along the way, the furthest distance, dealing more magic damage to the area and roothing enemies within the area. Demonic Ascension: Swain frees the demon, dealing magic damage per second to enemies within his range and restoring his HP.
Recast: Can be cast again after 2 seconds of Demonic Ascension, dealing damage and slowing enemies. Swain Pros and Cons.
What Pyke offers is a constant threat due to his ability to hook an enemy champion and stun them as early as level 2. This combo can be really broken because it guarantees that Swain will hit his root as well as the rest of his damage. So, when you play Swain and Pyke together, you want to look for fights almost all the time. The great thing is that you can always be the initiators and never the ones who fire second.
And they have the right tools to start and finish the team fight successfully. For example, Pyke can enter his invisibility and look for a hook on the enemy ADC. Swain can follow it immediately and fight endlessly with his R activated. This frees Pyke to position himself perfectly and execute all enemies when their HP bars get drained by Swain. Senna Another AD support you can play with Swain is Senna and there are multiple benefits from putting these two champions together in lane. She usually plays aggressively, auto-attacks a lot, and pressures the enemy duo into playing defensively. On the other hand, Senna is also effective at keeping Swain healthy thanks to her Q — Piercing Darkness.
This ability has a ridiculously low mana cost during the laning phase and Senna can practically spam it to either deal damage or heal herself and Swain. Before level 6, Swain and Senna are actually powerful enough to win 2v2 skirmishes against most bot lane duos.
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Here is the best build for Swain in League’s 12th season. Бесплатно Гайд на Свейна "Swain" скачать версию, на любой смартфон или планшет с Андроид. Swain probuilds reimagined by : newer, smarter, and more up-to-date runes and mythic item builds than any other site.
Challenger RU/EUW d1 smurfing New Swain Build/Новый билд Свейна
Swain :: Wild Rift Build Guide (Patch 5.1a) :: Items, Runes, Abilities | The 100% best swain support build for season 12 is revealed (new runes!). |
League of Legends Wiki | This is a teaser spotlight of Winterblessed Swain with ingame gameplay! |
Swain :: Wild Rift Build Guide (Patch 5.1a) :: Items, Runes, Abilities | Our build guide will teach you how to play Swain in the current meta. |
Гайд по обновлению среднего уровня League of Legends Olaf And Swain | Свейн гайд для патч от профессиональных ЛоЛ игроков. Свейн чаще всего будет играться на позиции. |
Wild Rift Swain build: best items, ability upgrades, more
With items, skill order, summoner spells, this LoL Tank Swain ARAM guide offers complete Tank Swain ARAM Build for Patch 14.7 in League of Legends. THE FINALS has three classes to use with Light, Medium, and Heavy builds and I've devised the best build combinations of weapons and gadgets that you should use. При прокачке дополнительных навыков стоит учитывать, какой именно билд Свейна вы выбрали. Свейн, чемпион, который уже длительное время сражается на Полях Правосудия, оказался следующим на очереди переработок.
Best Light, Medium & Heavy builds for THE FINALS Season 2
Lore: Джерико Свейн – дальновидный правитель Ноксуса, нации, которая стремится к завоеваниям и уважает только силу. Riot Games опубликовала предварительные изменения обновления 13.9 для League of Legends. Список правок опубликовал один из официальных представителей студии в социальных сетях. Build Guide Items Builds for SWAIN: Spells, Runes, Abilities, Skills Leveling, Counter pick and much more. билд свейн. Тренды и новости шоу-бизнеса, спорта, политики, науки и техники на Best build Swain Wild Rift and latest Runes. How to play combos, skills, pros and cons, and counter this champion in the current meta. Трубят рога, вороны собираются в стаи. Империя расколота гражданской войной. За ее пределами рождаются новые королевства. Возьмите меч.