Explore Jamie Doyle's board "Kevin Scott Richardson", followed by 417 people on Pinterest. Кевин Скотт Ричардсон — что известно, биография, достижения и успехи в музыке — РУВИКИ: Интернет-энциклопедия. Discover the journey of Kevin Richardson, from Backstreet Boys fame to a $40 million net worth, exploring his music, acting, and modeling career.
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Kevin Scott Richardson made his debut film appearance in the 1991 comedy drama film “My Girl”, directed by Howard Zieff. Kevin Harvick kicked off his NASCAR career in the Truck Series before making the leap to the Xfinity Series with Richard Childress Racing back in 2000, clinching the championship in his rookie season. Former Speaker of the House, Kevin McCarthy, is allegedly LEAVING Congress. Indianapolis Colts quarterback Anthony Richardson had a nightmarish rookie campaign in 2023 as far as his health was concerned. See more ideas about kevin richardson, kevin, backstreet boys. 6 Kevin_Richardson_with_hyenas Тогда у Кевина появился шанс поработать с двумя 7-месячными львами Тау и Наполеоном.
Kevin Richardson
All the latest news, gossip, rumors, pictures, media, information about Kevin Richardson. Жена Кевина Скотта Ричардсона – Кристин Кэй Уиллитс, является соратницей деятельности своего супруга в его работе, начинаниях и увлечениях. Кевин Скотт Ричардсон (англ. Kevin Scott Richardson; род. 3 октября 1971) — американский музыкант, актёр театра и кино, певец, участник группы Backstreet Boys. After losing Gabe Vincent to the Lakers, the Heat agreed to deals with Josh Richardson and Kevin Love on Friday, sources told ESPN's Tim Bontemps. Kevin Scott Richardson currently married to Kristin Richardson.
Kevin Scott Richardson Age and birth place
- Кевин Скотт Ричардсон - фильмы с актером, биография, сколько лет - Kevin Scott Richardson
- All truth of ‘Backstreet Boys’ member Kevin Scott Richardson
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- Video: Kevin Scott Richardson - handsome from the Backstreet Boys
- Kevin Scott Richardson Net Worth, Career, Personal And Early Life
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In his school years, Kevin became interested in sports: riding and cycling, then - American football. In high school, he became the captain of the Estill Engineers team. The future musician stood out among his peers due to the habit of running through the games, for which he received the nickname Train, which translates as "train". Sport was not the only hobby of the young man. In high school, he began attending a chess club and actively participating in theatrical productions. Kevin admits that in his life there are only two favorite hobbies: acting and music. At the age of 9 he wanted to learn how to play the piano. In the same period he began to sing in the church choir. Eventually Kevin Scott Richardson decided to move to the city of Orlando, locatedin the state of Florida.
The future star was only 19, when he began to independently earn money for life. Together with his best friend Jimmy, he worked as a model, wrote music to order, performed in clubs, was a dance instructor and even starred in an episodic role in the film "My Girl". During the same period at night he performed in one of the theater-restaurants, singing songs from the musicals "Chicago", "Cabaret", "Guys and pupae".
В 2011 году актёр получил премию Independent Vision Award за лучшую мужскую роль в независимом фильме «Кулинарный клуб» англ. The Casserole Club [10].
В 2012 году ожидается выход мюзикла «Проклятый прощенный» англ. Bloody Indulgent , в котором Кевин снялся в главной роли. В 1999 году Кевин стал «Самой сексуальной звездой мужского пола» по версии журнала People [1]. В 2005 году Ричардсон стал музыкальным продюсером для фильма « Подъем! Rize , и принимал участие в создании саундтрека к мультфильму «Медведь-призрак» англ.
The Spirit Bear в 2008 году. Кевин участвовал в создании книги под названием «Кэби - медведь, дружественный Земле» англ. Keby, the Earth-Friendly Bear , просвещающей детей в вопросах охраны окружающей среды. Книга с предисловием под авторством Ричардсона вышла в октябре 2009 года [11]. В 2011 году певец работал над сольным альбомом [12].
I talk to friends who run large companies, started large companies all the time that are also figuring out how to do this, how do you organize that effort? What advice do you have for them? And so you need to very quickly understand what it is this new type of infrastructure and this new platform is capable of, but that does not mean that you get to not do the hard work of understanding what a good product is that uses it. And my frivolous example of this is when smartphones came on the market 15, 16, 17 years ago now, yeah, 2007, I guess, was iPhone launch, so 16 years ago almost.
And then a year later you had the app store. So the first apps were things that had gone from impossible to easy and we barely remember them. There were all these fart apps. There was this app I had on my phone at one point that was called the Woo!
Button, you pressed it and it did a woo like Ric Flair. The things that have made the smartphone platform are the hard things that went from impossible to hard. They also are the non-obvious things. Your smartphone is way more than just a SMS app and a web browser and a mail client.
The thing that makes it interesting is TikTok and Instagram and WhatsApp and DoorDash and these were all of these hard things that people had to go built now that they were possible. So that is the hard thing for us is you have an entire group of people who are smart and they can see all of the things that are possible, and so the challenge is to steer them towards the hard, meaningful, interesting, non-obvious things that are possible, not the things that are incremental that just are going to burn up a bunch of GPU cycles and a bunch of product IQ that will prevent you from doing the things that really matter. Sarah Guo: If we sort of zoom out to non-technical audiences, you wrote a book in 2020, you wrote Reprogramming the American Dream. Kevin Scott: When I wrote the book, it was not for people like us.
So the premise of the book is that I grew up in rural Central Virginia. My dad was a construction worker, his dad was a construction worker, his dad was a construction worker. My maternal grandfather ran an appliance repair business and had been a farmer earlier in his life. I came in with a graduate degree, I was mathematically sophisticated and the first project that I did, which was a machine learning classifier thing in 2003, 2004, that was stacks of super technical research papers and elements of statistical machine learning, you read it cover to cover and then you go write code for six months.
A high school student could do the whole project in four hours on a weekend now. Sarah Guo: If you were going to add an update chapter for the last few years where so much has happened, what would you focus on? And I had this anxiety the whole time that I was writing the book that I was going to, by the time I had the manuscript in and it hit the presses that all of it was going to be out of date. What you can do for per token of inference is getting higher.
I do think that the public dialogue around AI right now is missing so many of the opportunities that we have to go deploy the technology for good. And just for folks who may not have seen it, which they should go see is, his problem is perfect for AI. And then when you think about how you go realize that in the world... The only way that you can realistically do it is with something like AI.
And then if you think about how to do it, you must conclude that AI is part of the solution. But the thing that I can tell you is there is no historical precedent where you get all of these beneficial things by starting from pessimism first. And so it really feels like that message is lost. I guess the...
I guess the question that I always have on my mind relative to all this stuff is given the capabilities that AI continues to accumulate, how do you think about 20 years from now in terms of the best roles for people and in particular I think about it in the context of my kids. Kevin Scott: Yeah, I think... So 20 years is a tough time horizon. And nope, nobody would.
My daughter, for instance, has decided she wants to go be a surgeon, and I think surgeon is a pretty good job. We do not have a sort of robotics exponentials right now. And so I think all of the world is just full of these jobs where really affecting change on a physical system, doing something in the physical world, all of those things, we will need probably many, many more of them than we have right now. Particularly in medicine like nurses, surgeons, physical therapists, people who work in nursing homes.
We have a rapidly aging population, and so the burdens on the healthcare system are going to get much higher. And so I think we got this weird thing in the United States where we apportion less dignity and respect to jobs, the ones that my dad had than we should. And I lived in Germany for a little while. So all of those jobs I think are super important.
After a conversation with his father, Kevin flew to Orlando, Florida with his best friend Jimmy, and began his career as a model and musician. Kevin Scott Richardson Gradually, he began to leverage his other talents, including writing music, performing live at dinner clubs, teaching dance, and appearing in films. There he got a role in a musical, then in 1993 he heard about the Backstreet Boys audition, and after his first appearance he was cast into the band. Soon after, his half-brother Brian was invited to join the band and the Backstreet Boys were ready to take the world by storm. They started performing in 1993 and in 1994 they started recording their first song, which was released in January 1995 with the help of Max Martin and Denniz PoP. Although the song was only a minor hit in the United States, it became a hit in Europe and they did a summer tour there.
Their self-titled debut album was released in 1996 and topped the charts in Australia, Austria and Switzerland, and reached platinum status in countries around the world with 10 million copies sold worldwide. Other projects Besides music, Kevin has also made a name for himself as an actor and model. Well, look what came in the mail today. I finally got my backstreetboys OriginalFunko Position!
Kevin Richardson Rejoins Backstreet Boys
What Happened to Kevin Richardson – News & Updates | Кевин Скотт Ричардсон | Kevin Scott Richardson. 1971-10-03. |
Тогда и сейчас: как сложилась жизнь солистов Backstreet Boys | Кевин Скотт Ричардсон (Kevin Scott Richardson). Добавить в список. |
Кевин Ричардсон, ушел от людей, чтобы жить со львами
NRL news 2024, Wests Tigers make Shane Richardson new CEO after Justin Pascoe axing | The Kevin Richardson Foundation has raised more than R2.7 million in its #LandforLions campaign, breaking the record for the most money ever raised for a. |
Ричардсон, Кевин Скотт | Kevin Scott Richardson stock photos are available in a variety of sizes and formats to fit your needs. |
Ричардсон Кевин Скотт, биография и творчество — РУВИКИ | Kevin Scott Richardson was born on October 3rd of 1971 in Lexington, Kentucky. |
Kevin Scott Richardson - handsome from Backstreet Boys
Уже в 4 года он умел кататься верхом на лошади. В школьные годы Кевин увлекся спортом: верховой и велосипедной ездой, затем - американским футболом. В старшей школе он стал капитаном команды Estill Engineers. Спорт был не единственным увлечением юноши.
В старшей школе он стал посещать шахматный клуб и активно участвовать в театральных постановках. Кевин признается, что в его жизни всего два любимых увлечения: актерская игра и музыка. В 9 лет он захотел научиться играть на пианино.
В этот же период стал петь в церковном хоре. Переезд После окончания школы юноша стоял перед сложным выбором: связать свою жизнь с военно-воздушными силами США или поступить в American Musical Dramatic Academy. Будущей звезде было всего 19, когда он начал самостоятельно добывать средства на жизнь.
Кевину достались роли Алладина, краба Себастьяна, Гуффи, принца Эрика. Смерть отца В июне 1991 года Кевину позвонила мать и сообщила, что его отец умирает. Неутешительный диагноз "рак" был поставлен несколько месяцев назад.
Skylar was happy. She even seemed to be putting on some weight. Kim Richardson: She looked healthy. A month later she eagerly picked out her prom dress. Kim Richardson: And it was a tight-fitting dress that she needed to be laced up in.
And then in late March, Skylar went on vacation with her family. Kim Richardson: She wore a two-piece. I could tell that she did. She had just turned 18, so Kim waited outside. Kim Richardson: — she came out.
She had clearly been crying. Erin Moriarty: Did you ask her why she was crying? Kim Richardson: Just it was traumatic. The real reason for the tears? The doctor had told Skylar she was eight months pregnant.
She asked him not to tell anyone. Erin Moriarty: She never said anything to either one of you about what the doctor told her? Kim Richardson: No. Nine days later, on May 5, Skylar and Brandon went to the prom. Despite being late into her pregnancy, she fit into her gown.
At left, Skylar Richardson is pictured in her prom dress in February 2017 and, at right, in May 2017. Kim Richardson: Purchased February 15th. But less than 48 hours later, in the early morning hours of May 7, something happened that turned the Richardsons life upside down. We just need to talk to her. Taking them at their word, Scott drove his daughter to the police station.
Scott Richardson: I mean, honestly, I can look back. As Lt. Faine read Skylar her rights, and then began pressing her, a camera was recording everything: LT. Remember, that was the same day Skylar went to see the gynecologist about getting birth control pills. More than two months later, she returned: LT.
After about 45 minutes of questioning, Lt. Scott Richardson: Shock. I could not get up. I look at her. I talk to her.
I hug her. Inside the interrogation room, cameras captured the moment Skylar told her parents what had happened. With the Richardsons still at the police station, coming to terms with their new reality, investigators descended on their home in search of human remains. After more than five hours, Skylar and her parents were allowed to go home. But six days later, Lt.
Faine called, asking Skylar to come in again. This is not a life-changing situation. John Faine: So, she was under the belief that the baby had been set on fire. Erin Moriarty: What was your reaction when you heard that? John Faine: I was surprised.
Faine began to think Skylar must be lying about everything and was determined to get her to admit to killing the baby and then burning the remains in order to hide the evidence. I swear on anything. But Skylar is clearly confused. She denied setting a fire a total of 17 times. John Faine: Yes.
After a second interrogation,detectives had enough to arrest the 18-year-old on a charge of reckless homicide. Their theory was that she had suffocated the baby. John Faine: That word, yes. I said that word first — At the end of that hour-long interrogation, detectives had enough to arrest the 18-year-old on a charge of reckless homicide. A little, I did it a little.
Skylar made bail. Just two weeks later, the case was presented to a grand jury who indicted her on a new, devastating set of charges. Skylar was arrested again.
Since the group was still short one member, Kevin called up his first cousin Brian Littrell, who also auditioned for the group and was immediately accepted. Richardson is the oldest member of the Backstreet Boys. Kevin continued to perform with the group until 2006, when he departed in order to pursue other projects. He also stated that he wanted to start a family. Over the past 13 years, he had recorded five albums with the group. Two of their albums were certified diamond, which means they are part of a select group of bands to have multiple diamond records. Although Richardson left the Backstreet Boys in 2006, he reunited with the band in 2008 for a stage performance in Los Angeles.
This continued well into 2011 with multiple stage performances and TV shows. Finally, after much speculation, it was confirmed that Richardson was back with the group on a permanent basis. This means that he only really left the group for about two years. With all that said, Kevin has explored a number of solo opportunities outside of his work with the Backstreet Boys.
Одна из них, написанная в память об отце, умершем в 1991 году, дала название пятому альбому группы «Never Gone» англ. Всегда рядом. Этот альбом вышел после перерыва в карьере группы 2002-2004 гг.
Участники Backstreet Boys отказались искать замену и продолжили выступать в качестве квартета. Большинство партий Кевина перешли его коллеге Хауи Дороу. После ухода из группы певец несколько раз присоединялся к коллегам по сцене. Актерская карьера Во время перерыва в карьере группы Кевин принял участие в знаменитом бродвейском мюзикле «Чикаго». Актер играл роль адвоката Билли Флинна на Бродвее в 2002 году и в Лондоне с 22 сентября по 1 ноября 2003 года. Продюсер «Чикаго» Барри Уайслер отметил, что «Кевин Ричардсон из Backstreet Boys… принес мне совершенно новую молодую аудиторию, которой у нас никогда не было прежде». За эту роль Кевин получил Приз зрительских симпатий премии Тони как «Лучший актер на замене».
После возвращения на театральную сцену Ричардсон понял, что скучает по актерскому ремеслу. После ухода из группы Кевин стал заниматься на курсах актерского мастерства и снова вернулся к роли Билли Флинна.
The case against Brooke Skylar Richardson
In 2017, Kevin Scott Richardson performed with his band on a show called Backstreet Boys: Larger Than Life. In a heartbreaking Instagram post, Kevin Nash shared that his friend, Scott Hall, is on life support in 2022. Коллектив существует и поныне и Кевин Скотт Ричардсон снова в него вернулся! Backstreet Boys' Kevin Richards has posted a cryptic tweet about losing "a best friend to QAnon" after Brian Littrell joins Parler. Directed by Steve Balderson and starring breakout actors Susan Traylor and Kevin Scott Richardson, "The Casserole Club" offers an interesting look into the lives of several couples of the 1960's. Кевин Скотт Ричардсон (англ. Kevin Scott Richardson; род. 3 октября 1971) — американский музыкант, актёр театра и кино, певец, участник группы Backstreet Boys.
Жены и судьбы легендарных парней из «Backstreet Boys»
За время брака у пары родилось двое сыновей — Джеймс Хоук и Холден Джон. Мужчины до сих пор радуют своих поклонников как новыми песнями, так и старыми полюбившимися композициями. Тогда и сейчас: как сложилась жизнь солистов Backstreet Boys обновлено: 20 апреля, 2019 автором: Анна Поветкина Реклама.
Эй Джей Маклин в 90-е и сейчас. Фото: globallookpress С 2007 года Эй Джей параллельно с деятельностью в составе группы начал заниматься сольной карьерой. Через год состоялся сольный тур, а еще через два года в Японии вышел его альбом «Have it all».
Была анонсирована работа над вторым альбомом, но дальше этого дело, видимо, не пошло. Кроме того, Маклин имеет альтер-эго, которого назвал Johnny No Name Джонни Неизвестный , и от его имени периодически устраивает благотворительные шоу — например, в поддержку проекта «Save the Music», направленного на сохранение музыкального образования в средних школах США. Эй Джей Маклин с женой Рошель Каридис. Фото: globallookpress Слава, напряженный график и материальные блага оказались непростым испытанием для Эй Джея: в 2000 году у парня появились явные проблемы с алкоголем. Неизвестно, пытался ли он справиться с накатившей депрессией таким доступным способом, либо же, наоборот, мрачные настроения, а временами и агрессия не покидали его из-за плотной дружбы с крепкими напитками. Впоследствии этот набор дополнили и наркотики.
Осознав, что не справляется, Маклин обратился к профессионалам, и к концу 2002 года, после прохождения курса реабилитации, он вновь сумел посмотреть на мир незамутненным «допингами» взглядом. Обо всех своих злоключениях парень рассказал в 2003 году на шоу Опры Уинфри. Тогда деятельность группы была поставлена на паузу, но, несмотря на это, остальные участники пришли в студию поддержать решившегося на откровения Эй Джея. Это стало для него приятным сюрпризом. Самое время вспомнить легендарный шведский поп-коллектив и рассказать, как сейчас живут участники квартета — Ульф Экберг, Юнас Берггрен, Линн Берггрен и Йенни Берггрен. Примечание: возраст музыкантов указан на апрель 2022-го.
Узнать подробности Что касается личной жизни Маклина, то в тот непростой период была расторгнута его помолвка с певицей Сарой Мартин. Со своей будущей женой — парикмахером и визажистом Рошель Каридис — музыкант познакомился в 2010 году. Годом позднее влюбленные поженились. Пара до сих пор вместе, воспитывает двух дочерей и занимается благотворительностью. Хауи Дороу: стал благотворителем после смерти сестры Хауи Дороу в 90-е и сейчас. Фото: globallookpress В Ховарде Дуэйне Дороу, родившемся в 1973 году в Орландо младшим ребенком в многодетной семье, смешалась пуэрториканская и ирландская кровь.
Как и Маклин, Хауи чуть ли не с пеленок принимал участие в театральных постановках, занимался вокалом и грезил о сцене. В 1987 году подросток, казалось бы, вытянул счастливый билет, успешно пройдя кастинг в пуэрториканский бойз-бэнд Menudo. Однако счастье было недолгим — Хауи отправили в отставку из-за того, что тот неважно знал испанский язык, на котором предстояло петь. Но парень не терял надежды и продолжал ходить по кастингам, где и познакомился с Эй Джеем Маклином и Ником Картером. Их дружба оказалась судьбоносной. Некоторое время Дороу занимался сольной карьерой — конечно, не бросая Backstreet Boys.
В этот же период Хауи выступал на разогреве у Бритни Спирс. Параллельно с творчеством Дороу довольно успешно ведет предпринимательскую деятельность. Так, в 1997 году он вместе с братом основал строительную компанию, затем пришел черед продюсерской компании, которая в 2006 году взяла под крыло певца Джорджа Нозука. Если быть точнее, продюсером исполнителя стал лично Хауи. Также он является менеджером нескольких малоизвестных групп. Кроме того, Дороу создал благотворительную организацию, занимающуюся информационной и финансовой поддержкой людей, больных волчанкой, от которой и умерла его сестра.
Хауи Дороу с женой Ли Бониелло. Фото: globallookpress В настоящее время Дороу женат на Ли Бониелло, которая в прошлом работала в сфере недвижимости и отношения с которой начались еще в далеком 2000 году. Пара воспитывает двоих сыновей. Ник Картер: бурная личная жизнь и обвинение в насилии Ник Картер в 90-е и сейчас. Фото: globallookpress Голубоглазый блондин Николас Джин Картер родился старшим ребенком в многодетной семье в городе Джеймстаун. Его отец был водителем.
I would like to thank the Backstreet fans for all the beautiful memories we have shared together and look forward to including you in the next phase of my life. I wish my brothers continued success and look forward to their new album. Большинство партий Кевина из старых песен перешли его коллеге Хауи Дороу.
После ухода из группы певец несколько раз присоединялся к коллегам по сцене. Летом 2013 года состоялся релиз первого за 8 лет альбома группы в её полном составе In a World Like This [5] , а ещё через 6 лет вышел альбом DNA , который впервые с 2001 года занял первое место по продажам в Америке. Впоследствии Кевин рассказал, что решил вернуться в группу от внезапного осознания того, сколько удовольствия ему доставляет музыка [6].
Актерская карьера [ править править код ] Во время перерыва в карьере группы Кевин принял участие в знаменитом бродвейском мюзикле « Чикаго ». Актёр играл роль адвоката Билли Флинна на Бродвее в 2002 году и в Лондоне с 22 сентября по 1 ноября 2003 года [1]. Продюсер «Чикаго» Барри Уайслер отметил, что «Кевин Ричардсон из Backstreet Boys… принес мне совершенно новую молодую аудиторию, которой у нас никогда не было прежде».
За эту роль Кевин получил Приз зрительских симпатий премии Тони как «Лучший актёр на замене» [7]. После возвращения на театральную сцену Ричардсон понял, что скучает по актерскому ремеслу.
And now, Jesse Love is tracing similar steps, although he bypassed the Truck Series and headed straight for Xfinity. His rapid progression speaks volumes about his talent. Richard Childress himself sees shades of Harvick in Love. You know, I try not to compare one driver to the next.
90-е: что стало с участниками Backstreet Boys
Каждая композиция бойбэнда занимала топовые места в хит-парадах, а девушки со всего мира готовы были практически на всё, чтобы познакомиться со своими кумирами! Как сегодня выглядят солисты Backstreet Boys и чем они занимаются — читай далее в журнале Ещё! В браке у пары родилось двое сыновей: Мейсон Фрей и Максвелл Хэйз. Мужчина также с 2000 года женат супруга: актриса и модель Лиэнн Уоллес и воспитывает сына Бэйли.
We have portrayed him birthday, birthplace and other related stuffs here. Him birthday is on 3-Oct-71.
Now him age is 52 years old. According to our research, He was born in Lexington, Kentucky, U. The beauty of physical stats, their height, weight, eye color has always followed the others. We are aware of it. The height of Kevin Richardson is 1.
The approximate weight is 82 kg.
He first learned to ride a horse at the tender age of four, and his passion for riding continued well into his high school years. During this period, he was also heavily involved in athletic endeavors, such as baseball and football. Eventually, he became the captain of his high school football team. However, Kevin also exhibited a love for music at a young age. By the age of nine, he had started learning how to play the piano by ear. During this period, he also became involved in community theater.
When he was a high school freshman, he obtained his first keyboard and soon began performing at restaurants and at weddings alongside a band called Paradise. Although Richardson was extremely passionate about acting during his high school years, he eventually veered more towards music. Unfortunately, Kevin lost his father at the age of 19 due to cancer. Early Career After graduating from high school and working several odd jobs, Kevin seriously considered joining the Air Force, as he wanted to perform with the Air Force band. Ultimately, he chose neither.
Scientists predict that we are fast approaching a world without wild lions: In Africa, lions have been forced to survive on land that is only one-fifth of the size they occupied a few decades ago. The increased threat of poaching of both wild and captive lions, encouraged by the growing demand for lion bones in the far east a trade that has been sanctioned by the South African government!! After many years of work as an animal behaviourist and public figure, Kevin Richardson — who, together with the lions he features, has millions of followers on social media — launched the Kevin Richardson Foundation in early 2018. The LandforLions campaign went live on Thundafund.
Kevin Scott Richardson - handsome from Backstreet Boys
Kevin Richardson took to Facebook today to announce the birth of his second son, Maxwell Haze Richardson. Indianapolis Colts quarterback Anthony Richardson had a nightmarish rookie campaign in 2023 as far as his health was concerned. Kevin Scott Richardson (born October 3, 1971) is an American singer, songwriter, actor, and model, best known as a member of the Backstreet Boys. Кевин Скотт Ричардсон | Kevin Scott Richardson. 1971-10-03.
What Happened to Kevin Richardson – News & Updates
Кевин Скотт Ричардсон. Дата рождения: 3 октября, 1971. Актер, Режиссер, Композитор. Лучшие фильмы: Очень позднее шоу с Джеймсом Корденом. A lot has happened at the Kevin Richardson Foundation in the last three months. Explore Jamie Doyle's board "Kevin Scott Richardson", followed by 418 people on Pinterest.