Новости 2006 на английском

Если не терпится поскорее начать читать новости на английском, а знаний не хватает, можно потренироваться в разделах News Review и Words in the News на BBC Learning English, где предлагаются короткие новостные заметки с несложными конструкциями и словарем. 7:57 PM Большой английский.

Paris, France 2006 (In English)

2006 (year): two thousand and six (1) two thousand six (2) twenty o six (3) Hello! How do you read this year? English passed the milestones of 1 million and later 1,5 million articles in 2006, fortifying the position of the English Wikipedia as the greatest one-language encyclopedia that ever existed. Following news of yet another reboot in the works, Annabel Nugent delves into the behind-the-scenes story of the 1999 cult classic – and how its ingenious and brazen marketing campaign could never happen today. In light of this news, someone asks Nasypany what to do with the fighters—the two F-15s from Otis Air National Guard Base—which have now just blasted off for New York at full afterburner to find American 11. Select a month of the year 2006.

2006 English football corruption investigation

In this special edition of Security Wire Weekly, senior news writer Bill Brenner reviews his top interviews of 2006. 2006, Iran removed UN seals on uranium enrichment equipment and in April announced it had successfully enriched uranium. Eriksson, 57, has been in charge of the England team for five years and, as a Swede, is the first non-English manager of the England team.[1]. Specific economic statistics in 2006 are as disconcerting as the overall picture as we head into 2007. Browse important and historic events, world leaders, famous birthdays and notable deaths from the year 2006. It said in a statement that the strikes, which spanned April 20-27, were "in response to attempts by the Kyiv regime to damage Russian energy and industrial facilities.".

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10 big news stories that happened in 2006 (when OpenLearn was born)

South East Asia, including 5 states in Indochina and 6 states in the Indonesian-Philipine archipelago, also grew into a major Wikipedia area. These include 9 state language Wikipedias with 83,328 articles, up from 39,690 one year ago. Of these, 5 major Wikipedias are Indonesian with 47,748 articles, Thai with 17,853, Malay with 16,592, Vietnamese with 13,027 and Tagalog with 5,856. They are Tetum , Khmer , Burmese and Lao. One year ago, the total article count was 46,996. The 4 biggest Wikipedias are Georgian , with 13,494 articles, Uzbek with 5,305, Azeri with 4,213 and Tajik with 4,018. One passed 10,000 articles for the first time this year. One year ago, no Wikipedia from these countries had more than 5,000 articles.

The total article count was 7,064. Indian subcontinent Wikipedias took great strides forwards in 2006: 22 Indian subcontinent Wikipedias of the countries of India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Nepal, Bhutan, Sri Lanka and the Maldives have 78,890 articles and 8,528 registered users. The 3 biggest Wikipedias are Telugu , with 26,114 articles, Bengali with 12,790 and Bishnupriya Manipuri with 11,760. During 2006 those two Wikipedias grew rapidly to Hindi 4,616 articles and Urdu 3,934. One year ago the article counts were 1,092 and 638. In addition to the 3 that passed 10,000 articles, 7 have passed 1,000 and 8 passed 100. One year ago, no Wikipedia from the subcontinent had more than 2,300 articles.

The total article count was 10,507. American language Wikipedias advance in 2006: 16 American language Wikipedias for the first time together passed 10,000 articles. Today they have 11,234 articles and 1,839 registered users. This includes 3 American languages of European origin with 8,271 articles and 373 registered users. The greatest American language Wikipedia is Haitian with 7,038 articles. Other european origin languages are Pennsylvania German with 1,185 articles and Papiamentu. Native American language Wikipedias include 10 in American Indian languages with 2,835 articles and 1,139 registered users, and 3 in Inuit languages with 128 articles and 327 users.

The 3 Inuit languages are Inuktitut , Greenlandic and Inupiak. In addition to the 4 that have passed 1,000 articles, 2 have passed 100. One year ago no American language Wikipedia had passed 300 articles, 2 had passed 100, and the total article count for all was 768. African Wikipedias make great progress in 2006: For the first time, African language Wikipedias had more than 10,000 articles.

На ежегодном фестивале он получил оглушительные аплодисменты от аудитории, насчитывающей больше 6000 человек. After announcing the plan to bring the two superheroes together, Snyder issued a statement via Warner Bros saying the two would be fighting each other, and conceded this might surprise some. Nolan will serve as executive producer to the sequel, Warner Bros said. Нолан будет выполнять роль исполнительного продюсера в сиквеле, объявили в Warner Bros.

As horrific as present-day events are, such sadism would be unthinkable today in most of the world. This is just one example of the most important and under appreciated trend in the history of our species: the decline of violence. My optimism lies in the hope that the decline of force over the centuries is a real phenomenon, that it is the product of systematic forces that will continue to operate, and that we can identify those forces and perhaps concentrate and bottle them. Simon Baron-Cohen Director of the Autism Research Centre, University of Cambridge I remain optimistic that for a good proportion of them [people with autism], it has never been a better time to have autism. Because there is a remarkably good fit between the autistic mind and the digital age.

Freeview radio station are reporting an EPG reshuffle, meaning their Freeview number goes from 2 to 3 digits — rumours are that all radio channels will be on the move to new numbers in mid-October 2006. The channel started in May 2003, and was on Freeview channel 106. More on this when we have it. On-air from 1-5am only. Another Quiz channel? In case this is a new expression to you, a podcast is a downloadable audio file in MP3 format in the style of a mini radio programme. This can either be played on your desktop computer, or transferred to a portable MP3 file. See our BT Vision page for more. An amazing piece of kit. Ricky Gervais and Stephen Merchant have teamed up with probably the funniest chap around, Mr Karl Pilkington, to put together a series of podcasts.

February 2006 in Britain and Ireland

What Happened in 2006 inc.- Significant Events, Prices, Top Movies, TV and Music Saturation, poor usability, and the difficulty to discern between correct and incorrect information about 2006 in England are often difficult to overcome.
2006: The News Year That Was No News: Directed by Hawkeye.

News, sport, celebrities and gossip | The Sun

English news and easy articles for students of English This article teaches you fun facts, trivia, and history events from the year 2006.
2006 in England Latest NEWS on your mobile.
What Happened in 2006 Major News Events, Popular Culture, History Prices This Breaking News page began on January 1st, 2006.
December 06, 2006, What happened that day? | был успешно завершен в 2006 году.
February 2006 in Britain and Ireland Berlin (AFP) – The German FA’s (DFB) inquiry into the 2006 World Cup scandal is set to cost around 3.5 million euros ($3.83m), interim.

Yahoo News

Supreme Court prepares to hear Oral Arguments in two education cases on race-conscious school assignment, the American Educational Research Association AERA will brief journalists on the social science knowledge and critical research findings that the Court should consider. The Media Briefing will emphasize what is known from research about short- and long-term consequences of students being educated in diverse environments. Seattle School District No.

Speaking Choose one person from the Skype section. Talk with this person. You can answer questions from Speak in Levels.

Three people are killed in an explosion near milwaukee. Officials from the islamic courts union, which is in control in bulo burto in somalia, state that all citizens must pray five times per day or face execution. To mark the 50th anniversary, hundreds of thousands of dalits hold a massive rally in mumbai. After spending 11 days in wilderness, james kim is found dead at oregon. Nasa provides "compelling evidence" that liquid water has flowed on mars recently.

Police blame Kurdish rebels. Russia officially recognized independence of Abkhazia and South Ossetia. India becomes the fourth nation to reach the moon. November 2008 Mumbai attacks, a series of ten coordinated terrorist attacks across Mumbai, India, killing 195 people and injuring 290 more.

news 2006 4 5

In this special edition of Security Wire Weekly, senior news writer Bill Brenner reviews his top interviews of 2006. 2006 Prices including Wages, Houses, Food and Gas, Events include Google Buys YouTube, Sago Mine Disaster, Terrorists bombings, Easter Week Midwest Tornado Outbreak, California heat wave. Eriksson, 57, has been in charge of the England team for five years and, as a Swede, is the first non-English manager of the England team.[1]. Select a month of the year 2006.

2006 English football corruption investigation

The Times & The Sunday Times Homepage Events from the year 2006 in the United Kingdom.
English News. Новости на английском с переводом 2024 | ВКонтакте Latest NEWS on your mobile.
2006 Year in review - ABC News Discover what the world looked like on Wednesday, December 06, 2006 on
World economic situation and prospects 2006 The new MRF just might make it easier for a countywide curbside recycling program to take shape in 2007.***So there you have it – the news year that was 2006.
Круглые сутки на весь мир о России по-английски. Репортаж о новой телекомпании 2007 Officers and Board of Directors Nominated.

2006 English football corruption investigation

Her death is reported to be suspicious and police launch a murder inquiry. There are also concerns about another Ipswich prostitute, 19-year-old Tania Nicol, who went missing on 30 October. He is named as Tom Stephens, a 37-year-old Tesco supermarket worker.

And none of these countries had to suffer before that from a single rocket. The death toll is at least three in Haifa and 12 for Northern Israel as a whole. Ynet News , AP Reuters has pulled a photograph of Beirut , Lebanon , admitting that it was altered by the photographer, Adnan Hajj , saying "photo editing software was improperly used on this image.

A corrected version will immediately follow this advisory. We are sorry for any inconvenience.

It was a year where conflict continued to plague the Middle East , which reached a new boiling point as Lebanese and Israeli tensions exploded in July. Hundreds of Australians were urgently evacuated of from the region. The Israeli-Palestinian conflict continued to rumble. It was exacerbated by Hamas winning control of the Palestinian Parliament in February.

Subsequent factional violence among the Palestinians themselves intensified the crisis in the region. Iran came under further criticism over its nuclear energy stance and also together with Syria, came under fire for its backing of Hezbollah in Lebanon. North Korea flexed its strategic muscle in its first underground nuclear test in October, ignoring international condemnation and threats of more sanctions. He is still awaiting a trial for alleged involvement in terrorist activities in Afghanistan. Closer to home, violence broke out in East Timor in April, as troops and police fought among themselves in the streets of the capital Dili. Twenty-one people were killed and thousands of terrified residents fled their homes.

Fijians faced more uncertain times after its military chief staged the fourth coup in 20 years to topple the democratically elected government of Laisenia Qarase. While preparing for possible evacuations of Australians from Fiji, a Black Hawk helicopter carrying a crew of 10 crashed into the sea after miscalculating the landing on HMAS Kanimbla. International air travel became more stringent after the Heathrow Airport shut down in London in August because of a suspected serious terrorist threat.

Stories, on the other hand, grow downwards, seeking the cultural nutrients in the soil.

When David Edgar, chairing a session on theatre and censorship, asked the Northern Irish playwright Gary Mitchell whether he spoke for the Protestant community in North Belfast, Mitchell replied pugnaciously that he spoke only for himself. Mitchell knows all too well what it means to be accused of representing a community. He calmly described the intimidation that he and his family have received at the hands of loyalist paramilitaries who object to his portrayals of their culture. Her play Bells, staged last year at the Birmingham Rep, explores the world of the mujra: so-called dancing clubs prevalent throughout South Asia and now common in Britain.

As a young girl, Whittaker-Khan watched candy-coated Bollywood representations of the mujra, and wanted to be a courtesan when she grew up.

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Index - Headlines - Global - Comment - Global connections - feeds - Img13713 Village pump. The earth moved, winds blew, fires burned and rains failed as climate change fears, worsening drought and raging bushfires scorched Australia during 2006. Если не терпится поскорее начать читать новости на английском, а знаний не хватает, можно потренироваться в разделах News Review и Words in the News на BBC Learning English, где предлагаются короткие новостные заметки с несложными конструкциями и словарем.

Yahoo News

Go to Level 1 if you know 1-1000 words. Go to Level 2 if you know 1000-2000 words. Go to Level 3 if you know 2000-3000 words. Reading Read two news articles every day.

Nolan will serve as executive producer to the sequel, Warner Bros said. Нолан будет выполнять роль исполнительного продюсера в сиквеле, объявили в Warner Bros. Вместе с Ноланом в качестве исполнительного продюсера, как ходят слухи, Бэтмен и Супермен вскоре могут появиться на экране вместе. The film is slated for release in summer 2015, but there has been no word on who will play Batman.

He brought lubricant to the schoolhouse, but there was no evidence the victims were sexually assaulted. In Colorado, a 53-year-old man sexually assaulted hostages before killing a 16-year-old student and then himself.

November 2008 Mumbai attacks, a series of ten coordinated terrorist attacks across Mumbai, India, killing 195 people and injuring 290 more. This mission will enable Hubble to last for approximately 5 to 10 years. The 6-minute suborbital flight was the only flight of the Constellation program that was supposed to replace the Space Shuttle fleet in the next decade. Investigations into the accident are still ongoing.

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