Новости ойкава и иваидзуми фф

Владелец сайта предпочёл скрыть описание страницы. Оикава — Асума Коске; Иваизуми (1 состав) — Хирата Юя; Иваизуми (2 состав) — Кохацу Аллен. Hajime Iwaizumi (岩泉 一, Iwaizumi Hajime) is a third-year student at Aoba Johsai High.

Медорфенов. Книга 2. Академия

Мисао Аоки 2. Аоки волейбол. Манами Аоки волейбол. Кенма Козуме. Волейбол персонажи Кенма. Ойкава Тоору в аргентинской команде.

Оикава Тоору волейбол Аргентинская команда. Ойкава в Аргентине. Ойкава в команде Аргентины. Манга волейбол Киеко. Харуити Фурудатэ волейбол.

Волейбол Кенма и куро. Куро и Кенма 18. Кенма и Куроо. Viria Haikyuu. Ромеро хайкью.

Viria13 Haikyuu. Хината волейбол. Волейбол хайкью. Волейбол хайкью персонажи моменты. Волейбол Манга Скриншоты.

Волейбол Манга Шираторидзава. Манга волейбол Ромео. Засухина Манга волейбол. Страницы из манги. Цукишима и Хината.

Хината шоё с мячом. Кагеяма кланяется Ойкаве. Кагеяма и Атсуму и Ойкава. Nuzuko x Zenitsu. Mignon манхва.

Haikyuu Тендо Сатори. Хайкью Тендо. Тендо Сатори Манга. Сакуса Киёми. Сакуса Киёми волейбол Манга.

He is tall and has an intimidating appearance, but is actually very kind and soft-spoken. Before the match with Karasuno, he used to have a habit of pointing out the ace of the opposite team as soon as he met them, which scares Asahi Azumane. He establishes a bond with Shoyo Hinata after the match against Karasuno, recognizing his ability to act as an efficient decoy, even with his small body. He is a talented read blocker and a notable part of the Iron Wall. He is in the same class as Koganegawa and was tasked by their coach to "steer" him, due to his lack of technique. Though he did not play at the Interhigh, he becomes the team setter after the third-years retire. His primary strength is his exceptional height. Despite this, he lacks technical skill and is new to being a setter, often setting at too high an angle or even accidentally setting the ball out of bounds. He has an extremely energetic personality and believes that a player should give everything they have in a game.

He later befriends Shoyo Hinata. They often hold training camps with other Kanto schools such as Nekoma, Ubugawa, and Shinzen; this group is called the Fukurodani Academy Group. Their team colours are black, white, and gold and their team banner says "One ball, heart, and soul". Bokuto is an enthusiastic and cheerful person who is very passionate about volleyball. In spite of his apparent childishness, Bokuto takes volleyball very seriously and is known even amongst players from other regions for his immense talent and in-game presence. He is especially well known for his cross-court shots and line shots, which are difficult to receive by opposing teams. However, Bokuto suffers from extreme mood swings during games that his team dubs his "emo mode", in which he is affected by small and trivial things in the middle of matches and is immediately put off his game. Despite the trouble he causes, the team, particularly Akaashi, is very patient with him, and they work together to boost his morale usually with some form of praise in order to bring him back to his best. He is a very social person who makes friends with other schools easily and tends to have a positive attitude.

During the training camp, Bokuto bonds with Shoyo Hinata and teaches him various techniques, calling him his "star-pupil". He appears to be close friends with Kuroo and Akaashi, the latter of whom Bokuto is typically seen with at practice, between games, and at school. Ittetsu Takeda notes that Bokuto is a "weird" player who can lift the spirit of both his teammates and rivals, and is a player you want to cheer for regardless of the team you are rooting for. He is the vice-captain and setter of the volleyball team. He is an intelligent, highly analytical player, usually running multiple scenarios and outcomes in his head before he decides what to do. Despite this, Akaashi deeply admires Bokuto as a player and has faith in his skills, the two seem to be close friends even off the court. He is noted as a talented setter and is able to accurately and quickly set up successful plays for the team. Currently, Akaashi is an editor for Shonen Jump. He is tall, stern, and fairly quiet.

He is often nicknamed "Saru" by his teammates. Konoha is relatively easy-going and is a well-balanced player; he was once called a "jack of all trades, master of none" by a Fukurodani crowd member, much to his annoyance. Their playstyle centers around their "left cannon", their ace and captain Wakatoshi Ushijima , who ranks within the top 3 high school aces in the country. Shiratorizawa is notorious for its ruthless academic entrance exams, which are extremely difficult to pass. As a result, most of its players excluding Shirabu were individually chosen through sports scholarships. Their school colours are white and purple, and their school banner is a Japanese idiom that roughly translates to "irresistible force". He is a wing spiker and the captain and ace of its volleyball team. He has attended Shiratorizawa since Junior High. He is known for his incredible power, as seen in his explosive jump serves and spikes, which are extremely difficult to receive and block.

He is a left-handed hitter, which causes difficulty to oppose teams by forcing them to adjust their blocks and receptions accordingly. He is a stoic, quiet, and serious individual; he speaks candidly without sugarcoating his words, often causing others to interpret his words offensively. As of 2020, he plays in the Schweiden Adlers. If he guesses correctly, he will undoubtedly block the ball; however, if he guesses wrong, there is no way he can stop it, as he will have blocked in the wrong direction. After he was bullied as a kid he has developed a slightly sadistic streak, as he relishes in and enjoys watching opposing teams struggle when he blocks them.

Eventually, he could no longer tolerate her actions and divorced her. After transmigrating into the book, Gu Zi left her family and married the divorced man.

When she faced the man and his three children, Gu Zi believed that the original owner of her body made a terrible mistake. This was a painless experience of being a mother without any hardships to endure! She would lead a daily life full of hardships. The true heiress consoled herself, thinking that she was still better off than Gu Zi. However, one day she sees Gu Zi stepping out of a luxurious car with a protruding belly, supported by the richest man in the city. Looking aggrieved, Gu Zi got out of the car and said, "We agreed not to have children! Not only did he ignored her for many years but he even caused her to die unexpectedly.

After being reborn, Xie Miao thought: getting married is risky but being single can save your life.

Очень просто — на корте надо работать не только ногами, но и головой! Теннис не зря сравнивают с шахматами — на мировой арене всегда были игроки, тщательно анализирующие….

Ойкава и Иваизуми

Ойкава и Иваизуми. 206 Pines. Фото Tooru Oikawa Тоору Ойкава и Hajime Iwaizumi Хаджиме Иваизуми из аниме Haikyuu! арахний on X:— Не сравнивайте Иваизуми с Ойкавой и не нужно говорить, что он является приложением к Ойкаве. Hajime Iwaizumi (岩泉 一, Iwaizumi Hajime) is a third-year student at Aoba Johsai High. Иваидзуми и Ойкава фем. Iwaizumi is known for strong spikes and serves, while Oikawa is able to use his own skills to bring out the best in his teammates.

#iwaizumi x oikawa

Собственных шагов мне не слышно, отчего происходящее кажется слегка размытым. Может быть, я до сих пор сплю? Пустота, вдыхаемая мной, проникает в густую от сна кровь, расщепляется на множество частиц и оседает в клетках острым ощущением одиночества. Чужого одиночества. Вязкого, сырого, как это туманное утро, рассеянное бумагой на перегородках по всему дому.

Чувствовать присутствие Тоору все равно что оказаться среди толщи воды. Воды, которая повсюду, от нее не уйти, не раствориться в воздухе. Остается только задержать дыхание и поддаться ее натиску. Полностью расслабиться, но не пойти ко дну, иначе мне не выбраться из этой всепоглощающей пучины, бездонной, как сам Ойкава.

Озябшие пальцы касаются бамбуковых рамок, между которыми утро высвечивает на бумаге свои тонкие лучи. Прикрыв глаза, ровно выдохнул. Ум постепенно становится ясным. Лицо принимает жесткость, взгляд покрывается пеленой.

Руки отрывисто раздвигают двери, перед глазами возникают очертания сада, поглощенного жемчужно-серым туманом. Он сидел на полу веранды, повернувшись ко мне вполоборота. Кофейного цвета глаза с хитрым прищуром смотрят на меня, тонкие, заостренные черты лица расслаблены, а чувственный рот дрожит от ухмылки. Его сходство с лисой подчеркивается неискренностью, внешние признаки не дают такого эффекта, как улыбка и манера держаться.

На этом вступительная часть подошла к концу. Плотный завтрак, что оставила заботливая тетя перед отъездом, мы съели, затем, вооружившись шляпами, ножницами и прочими садовыми инструментами, пошли в сад. Туман быстро рассеялся, промозглый воздух начал медленно нагреваться под знойными лучами солнца. Долгожданный конец июля, начало летних каникул.

Лазурное небо искрится среди млеющих облаков, грядой окруживших горизонт. Треск цикад вливается в уши, отдается в сердце приятными нотами. Разноцветные маргаритки выглядывают из-за очередного поворота каменистой тропинки. Склонившись над ними, я мысленно возвращаюсь к Тоору, срезающему в данный момент белые пионы с темно-зеленых кустов.

Надеюсь, он правильно истолковал мои инструкции. В листве клена раздается мелодичный щебет. Солнце приближается к зениту, нужно полить ирисы, заодно посмотреть, нет ли среди них сорняков. Кружевные лепестки цвета темной морской волны.

Капли росы сверкают в дневном свете, отражая в себе всю притягательность оттенка. Наверное, именно так выглядит Адриатическое море. Роскошно синее, как это крупное соцветие, с легким сиреневым отливом. Рука крепко сжала садовый шланг.

A scenery I will never be able to see on my own. Even if they read us or catch up to us, we can fight. I have to keep moving forward. I have to keep going! My greatest weapon is not getting caught! Only the strongest. If you want to be the last one standing become strong. And all of you should be able to make it! To the highest limit, to the farthest limit!

Flashy Oikawa Tooru is reminiscent of Finnick Odair, beautiful, young, and charming. Everything was perfect, he volunteered right away, the first tribute for district Four. The twelve year old stuck his little chin up, standing beside his uncle, pale as if he might faint, and all hopes of winning left Oikawa, now all he could hope for was Takeru, he would have to protect Takeru because it was too late to volunteer for him People think a twelve year old has been reaped from five when sixteen year old Nishinoya is called, but it becomes clear by the litany of swear words the boy hisses on his way to the stage that he is no child. A child comes after him though, Kageyama is only fourteen, all sad eyes and pretty skin. He just needs to find a worthy ally…someone he could die or even survive with for a while at least. At least he would get a break from the constant state of hunger that came with living in twelve. No one is even sad to see Kyoutani go, except ironically, Iwaizumi. Iwaizumi taught Kyoutani how to survive, it was a heartbreaking shame to see the closest thing he had to a legacy die beside him. He has chosen who the victor will be, Bokuto. Kagehina: Fighting one moment, violently making out the next. They broke everything. Tsukkiyama: Ah! These two are soft! Tsukki and Yams cuddle so much! Yams cooks a lot, and Tsukki puts little braids in his hair while they watch movies and talk about their lives. Asanoya: why??? Asahi is losing his mind, the anxiety of watching the whole world go to pieces has him in a constant state of terror. Noya bans the news, he distracts Asahi with kisses and arts and crafts and other stuff Daisuga: Suga goes full crackhead! Daichi, I miss our kouhai!

After the timeskip, he works as a childcare professional. He is the tallest member on the team and is half-Japanese and half-Russian, though he only speaks Japanese. Lev has a happy-go-lucky and cheerful personality. Like Shoyo Hinata , he also aspires to be the ace of the team, though he is still working on practicing his fundamental skills. Lev reminds Kenma of Hinata due to their excitability, persistence, and poor essential skills such as receiving and serving. Lev also practices with Kuroo, who teaches him read-blocking skills. Post timeskip, Lev works as a model in Russia, along with his older sister, Alisa Haiba. He deeply respects Yaku and but is unconfident in his own skills, so he feels pressured to be just as good when he plays. The team specializes in blocking and has the highest blocking rate in the prefecture, earning them the nickname "The Iron Wall". They are known for their three-person block and read blocking. Until he retired, he had a hard time with the second years, since they would not listen to him, and he often needed help from other teammates to keep them in control. He is loud and often gets into arguments with Futakuchi, which ends in Moniwa asking Aone to stop both parties. He is a talented blocker and is known as part of the Iron Wall. He becomes the captain once Moniwa retires, switching to 2. He has a generally laid-back attitude and caused trouble for his seniors before they retired. Once he becomes captain, he is especially reminded of how he used to give his seniors a hard time after taking care of their new energetic setter, Koganegawa. Futakuchi is usually seen with Aone in between matches and also at school, as they are in the same class. Futakuchi is one of the more notable players that make up the Iron Wall. He is tall and has an intimidating appearance, but is actually very kind and soft-spoken. Before the match with Karasuno, he used to have a habit of pointing out the ace of the opposite team as soon as he met them, which scares Asahi Azumane. He establishes a bond with Shoyo Hinata after the match against Karasuno, recognizing his ability to act as an efficient decoy, even with his small body. He is a talented read blocker and a notable part of the Iron Wall. He is in the same class as Koganegawa and was tasked by their coach to "steer" him, due to his lack of technique. Though he did not play at the Interhigh, he becomes the team setter after the third-years retire. His primary strength is his exceptional height. Despite this, he lacks technical skill and is new to being a setter, often setting at too high an angle or even accidentally setting the ball out of bounds. He has an extremely energetic personality and believes that a player should give everything they have in a game. He later befriends Shoyo Hinata. They often hold training camps with other Kanto schools such as Nekoma, Ubugawa, and Shinzen; this group is called the Fukurodani Academy Group. Their team colours are black, white, and gold and their team banner says "One ball, heart, and soul". Bokuto is an enthusiastic and cheerful person who is very passionate about volleyball. In spite of his apparent childishness, Bokuto takes volleyball very seriously and is known even amongst players from other regions for his immense talent and in-game presence. He is especially well known for his cross-court shots and line shots, which are difficult to receive by opposing teams. However, Bokuto suffers from extreme mood swings during games that his team dubs his "emo mode", in which he is affected by small and trivial things in the middle of matches and is immediately put off his game. Despite the trouble he causes, the team, particularly Akaashi, is very patient with him, and they work together to boost his morale usually with some form of praise in order to bring him back to his best. He is a very social person who makes friends with other schools easily and tends to have a positive attitude. During the training camp, Bokuto bonds with Shoyo Hinata and teaches him various techniques, calling him his "star-pupil". He appears to be close friends with Kuroo and Akaashi, the latter of whom Bokuto is typically seen with at practice, between games, and at school. Ittetsu Takeda notes that Bokuto is a "weird" player who can lift the spirit of both his teammates and rivals, and is a player you want to cheer for regardless of the team you are rooting for. He is the vice-captain and setter of the volleyball team. He is an intelligent, highly analytical player, usually running multiple scenarios and outcomes in his head before he decides what to do.

Коллекция ИваОй, который мы заслужили

На данный момент в сборник вошли следующие работы автора: Название: Никто не узнает Краткое содержание додзинси: Если следовать зову любви, путь может оказаться слишком тернистым. Название: Сверхновая с шампанскимКраткое содержание додзинси: В каморке, что за актовым залом, репетировал школьный ансамбль. Вокально-инструментальный, под названием «Молодость». Название: Солнце светит все так же яркоКраткое содержание додзинси: Все люди в этом мире рано или поздно проходят тест на пригодность.

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Почему бы не представить, какие команды могли бы лучше всего подойти на главную роль, и какие из команд не стали бы большой потерей. Аоба Джосай Ойкава - настоящий любимчик публики. У него полно фанатов как в аниме, так и в реальном мире, однако его популярность может быть палкой о двух концах. В финале мы увидели, что все персонажи: и Иваидзуми, и другие старшеклассники, находят себя в жизни как молодых взрослых, но будущее школьной команды, которую они оставляют, более неопределенно. Сюжетная линия Аобы Джосай в основном построена на соперничестве между Ойкавой и Кагеямой за счет роста персонажей. Первогодкам, идущим по стопам Ойкавы, есть на кого равняться. Сериал об Аоба Джосай после того, как Ойкава покинет команду, поставил бы хороший вопрос: что происходит с королевством без короля? Некома Несомненно, Некома - одна из самых любимых команд Haikyuu! У этой команды есть все: обаяние, навыки и харизма. Но бесконечное соперничество между Некома и Карасуно привело к тому, что эти команды неразрывно связаны. Из-за этого большая часть истории Некома уже была рассказана, и кульминацией ей стала давно ожидаемая «битва на мусорной свалке». Можно сказать, Haikyuu! Женская команда старшей Карасуно Еще в самом начале Haikyuu! Ситуация становится лучше, когда у нас появляются Хитока Ячи и Саеко Танака, но, в целом, это все еще справедливая критика.

And for the longest time, he believed that volleyball was his only reason for existence. But standing here, one of his arms wrapped around you, curling around the small of your back with his hand coming to rest on your hip, with his other hand gently resting on the crown of your head, Hajime finally - finally realized what his actual purpose in life was. What he was born to do. He tilted his head up slightly as y.

Ойкава и иваидзуми цитаты

Просмотрите доску «oikawa x iwaizumi» i. в Pinterest. Посмотрите больше идей на темы «волейбол, аниме, рисунки». Там она рассказывает, что на самом деле видит свой балет так, что его танцуют несколько людей, но сожалеет, что не может найти для него еще правозащитников, иваидзуми и ойкава. Там она рассказывает, что на самом деле видит свой балет так, что его танцуют несколько людей, но сожалеет, что не может найти для него еще правозащитников, иваидзуми и ойкава. Пейринг: Ивайзуми Хаджиме х Ойкава Тоору Саммари: попытки Ойкавы привлечь к себе внимание Ивайзуми вопреки здравому смыслу. Иваидзуми хаджиме и Ойкава Тоору.

Tag - Hajime Iwaizumi x Tooru Oikawa

Владелец сайта предпочёл скрыть описание страницы. Книга Медорфенов. Книга 2. Академия, жанр: Бояръ-Аниме, автор Ярослав Сай. Читайте Медорфенов. Книга 2. Академия в нашей онлайн библиотеке современной литературы с телефона или компьютера. Если вам понравилось бесплатно смотреть видео волейбол. ойкава и иваидзуми.!!!яой!!! онлайн которое загрузил Яойный Мир 16 июня 2017 длительностью 00 ч 05 мин 49 сек в хорошем качестве, то расскажите об этом видео своим друзьям, ведь его посмотрели 24 017 раз. Иваидзуми Хаджиме/Оикава Тоору и другие парни из Сейджо, Ойкава Тоору, Иваизуми Хаджиме. Додзинси Хаджимэ Иваизуми & Тоору Ойкава.

Ойкава и Иваидзуми

In the process, she won the admiration of Cui Mu Li and her arch-enemy Zhou Nian Nan with her smart and true character. But overtime Lucifer was slowly gaining feelings for the radio demon without realizing it.... Will Lucifer figure out his feelings for the radio demon? Will he ignore it to stay loyal and see if Lilith would ever take him back? He meets Miho and the rest of the characters in his adventure.

One seraphim thought there was until her world was turned upside down. Now as the second fallen angel, she must find a new path for her eternal life or be forever stuck in despair. I do not own Hazbin Hotel. Co-Written by Mr.

Many skilled wizards live and work here.

Many fans believe that Oikawa and Iwaizumi are dating because of the closeness of their friendship and the intimate moments they share together. For example, in one scene from the manga, Iwaizumi is shown waking up Oikawa early in the morning so that he can practice for his upcoming match. This type of intimacy is often seen as a sign of romantic love between two people. Additionally, Oikawa has been known to get jealous when Iwaizumi talks to other girls, further hinting at his feelings for Iwaizumi. Overall, there is a lot of evidence that suggests that Oikawa and Iwaizumi may be in a romantic relationship. Does Iwaizumi Love Oikawa? Who Is Iwaizumi Shipped With? Iwaizumi is shipped with Oikawa in the popular pairing of IwaOi.

Iwaizumi and Oikawa are childhood friends and rivals who have a complicated but deep relationship. They push each other to be bettr players and are constantly competing against each other, but they also support and rely on each other. Is Iwaizumi And Akaashi Related? There is no concrete evidence to suggest that they are related. However, there are several pieces of circumstantial evidence which suggest that they may be brothers. First of all, it is worth noting that both Iwaizumi and Akaashi attended the same high school, Fukurodani Academy. This cold simply be a coincidence, but it is worth noting nonetheless.

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Atsumu and Osamu are both shipped with each other in the Haikyu!! They are cousins and have a strong bond with each other. They support each other on and off the court, and their chemistry is undeniable. Does Oikawa Have A Sister? Yes, Oikawa Tooru has a sister named Oikawa Miko. Miko transferred to Karasuno from Shiratorizawa, the power house school, in order to be closer to her brother. She is a year younger than Tooru and is a setter like him. What Is Iwaizumi First Name? What Is BokuAka? BokuAka is the ship between K? Bokuto and Keiji Akaashi from the Haikyu!! While they are not officially a couple, there is a lot of speculation and fan art about their potential relationship. Many fans believe that they are perfect for each other, as they balance each other out perfectly. Bokuto is loud and outgoing, while Akaashi is more reserved and analytical. They both care deeply for each other, and are aways there for each other when needed.

#iwaizumi x oikawa

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Your walls cling tighter to him as he whispers in your ear. His pace increases and he grabs you to fuck you deeper. You try to look back as best you can.

Огиминами Мангака Харуичи Фурудатэ обладает исключительным талантом создавать по-настоящему привлекательных персонажей. Несмотря на общие черты фирменного стиля Фурудатэ заостренные уши, кошачьи глаза и широкий диапазон нюансов мимики , нет двух персонажей в Haikyuu!! Однако мальчики из Огиминами почти кажутся нарисованными другой рукой. Потеряв своего чемпиона из-за окончания учебы, эта команда представляется как сборище лузеров. И все же после того, как они проиграли Карасуно, капитан команды рыдает от раскаяния, твердо решив добиться большего. В сериале, где не может не быть проигравших, Огиминами имеет самый большой потенциал, чтобы сделать свой путь к победе достойным.

Шираторизава Шираторизава - одна из самых устрашающих команд во всем сериале, а школа имеет безжалостную репутацию центра силы. Добавьте к этому грозное мастерство Ушиджимы и хитрость Тендо, и неудивительно, что матч Карасуно против Шираторизавы будет серьезным и захватывающим. В Haikyuu! Эта команда сильна, элитарна, и в ее составе есть кто угодно, но только не аутсайдер. Это группа привилегированных учеников, которые всегда стремятся к победе и обычно действительно побждают, так что в аниме о Шираторизаве не было бы никаких конфликтов, чтобы сделать историю достаточно увлекательной. Фукуродани Как и Шираторизава, Фукуродани может похвастаться чрезвычайно опытным асом. Однако обаяние и навыки Бокуто - далеко не единственное, что он несет в команду. Бокуто - игрок со своими недостатками.

His face was currently pressed up against the conference table as he fully registered what this new assignment meant. And for the longest time, he believed that volleyball was his only reason for existence. But standing here, one of his arms wrapped around you, curling around the small of your back with his hand coming to rest on your hip, with his other hand gently resting on the crown of your head, Hajime finally - finally realized what his actual purpose in life was. What he was born to do.

Aunt, I have a destiny with Buddha, please allow me to become a nun! Cousin Cui Mu Li:... A Miao, what nonsense are you talking about! Do you want me to help you get out. The pretentious cousin Xie Miao was reborn. She was no longer infatuated with her cousin Cui Mu Li and only wanted to become a monk.

In the process, she won the admiration of Cui Mu Li and her arch-enemy Zhou Nian Nan with her smart and true character. But overtime Lucifer was slowly gaining feelings for the radio demon without realizing it.... Will Lucifer figure out his feelings for the radio demon? Will he ignore it to stay loyal and see if Lilith would ever take him back?

Медорфенов. Книга 2. Академия

Ойкава Тоору безумно зависим от секса, но зависимость от человека, что скрывался за мнимой неприступностью и пробирающим до костей безразличием, оказалась куда безумнее. Читайте, обсуждайте, делитесь своим мнением с тысячами поклонников Ойкава-сан и Иваидзуми-кун. Для меня это важно. Оформляя подписку, Вы не только получаете доступ к контенту, но и даёте возможность радовать Вас еще большим количеством фанфиков. Персонажи: Оикава Тоору/Хадзимэ Иваидзуми, Коси Сугавара, Кенджиро Ширабу, Эйта Сэми Рейтинг: PG-13 Жанры: Детектив, Экшен Размер: Миди | 51 Кб Статус: Закончен События: Криминал. Ойкава и иваидзуми цитаты | Анекдоты, цитаты, статусы, загадки, стихи, фразы.

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