Новости топ 500 аниме

Топ-40 анимационных сериалов Disney по количеству оценок на IMDB. Это легендарное аниме заслуживает место в топ-10 аниме всех времён!

Топ Аниме от Создателей Боевого Континента! (Китайские 3D Аниме)

В топовую сотню могут попасть как детские сказки, так и детективные истории, и фантастика, и ужасы. Нет ограничений по формату, продолжительности. Почётные места в первой сотне или первой десятке занимают короткометражные, полнометражные фильмы и сериалы разной длины. Главное, что их объединяет, это стилистическая принадлежность к рисованному искусству. Сегодня нет необходимости искать топовые подборки в отдельных журналах, газетах или других периодических изданиях. Не нужно дожидаться, пока результаты очередного голосования озвучат по телевизору, по радио. Достаточно иметь доступ к интернету: вся информация о лучших произведениях среди всего многообразия японской анимации представлена онлайн.

Naruto is the clear winner for being the most popular anime by country in Africa. It spreads throughout central, northern, and southern Africa. During the design of the African continent, I noticed a very interesting pattern stemming down from Europe. Though completely different countries, languages, and cultures, we can see how One Piece, which we saw was most popular amongst southern European countries goes over the Mediterranean Sea and dominates all northern African countries bar Egypt.

The remaining four go to Naruto, which represents 18.

When Naruto was just a baby, his village was attacked by the powerful monster New-Tails Fox. His father, the Fourth Hokage, sealed the monster inside Naruto to save the village. This Anime Tops the Most Viewed anime. Advertisements 2.

Shingeki no Kyojin Attack on Titan Shingeki no Kyojin Attack on Titans takes place during a time when humanity is living in cities surrounded by walls. Four young characters, Eren Yeager, Mikasa Ackerman, and Armin Arlert, become the new generation of soldiers in a battle against the Titans. Advertisements Much more than an anime-only with scenes of violence although it is very violent and shocking! Black Clover Black Clover The Black Clover anime is about Asta, a young man born without magical power in a world where everyone has magical abilities. Yuno, his childhood friend, is a magical prodigy with great powers and talents. Advertisements These Orphaned boys grow up together on the outskirts of Clover Kingdom.

He is a powerful character representing strength and adventure, so he was welcomed back after being gone for 18 years, after the original Dragon Ball manga and Dragon Ball Z anime series. But now, other powerful beings are looking to come over to Earth.

Most Watched Anime in the world 1. Since then, the adventures of the young ninja who dreams of becoming the next Hokage, the ultimate leader of his village, have only grown in fan numbers. When Naruto was just a baby, his village was attacked by the powerful monster New-Tails Fox. His father, the Fourth Hokage, sealed the monster inside Naruto to save the village. This Anime Tops the Most Viewed anime. Advertisements 2. Shingeki no Kyojin Attack on Titan Shingeki no Kyojin Attack on Titans takes place during a time when humanity is living in cities surrounded by walls.

Four young characters, Eren Yeager, Mikasa Ackerman, and Armin Arlert, become the new generation of soldiers in a battle against the Titans. Advertisements Much more than an anime-only with scenes of violence although it is very violent and shocking! Black Clover Black Clover The Black Clover anime is about Asta, a young man born without magical power in a world where everyone has magical abilities. Yuno, his childhood friend, is a magical prodigy with great powers and talents. Advertisements These Orphaned boys grow up together on the outskirts of Clover Kingdom.

Выбор редакции

Scorptec Autumn Sale: Our Top Picks To Upgrade Your Rig. Прошлая коллекция: Топ-500(525) аниме MALа без лишнего. Матч-центр Новости Топ-матчи Билеты Видео ы.

Топ Аниме от Создателей Боевого Континента! (Китайские 3D Аниме)

Онгоинг Смотреть аниме онлайн - AnimeBuff В 21 веке аниме стало очень популярно, все хотят его смотреть, наш сайт предоставляет такую возможность. У нас вы можете смотреть аниме онлайн бесплатно, без регистрации. На AnimeBuff самая большая база японских и китайских мультиков, более 15 000 в настоящий момент и постоянно увеличивается.

As history tells us, Vikings are usually at the heart of fighting and raiding. In this story, we see young Thorfinn brave the harsh realities of his Viking life. Aside from the cold climate of his northern home, his village is asked to participate in a war as well. This award-winning anime mixes history with gripping action-filled fiction. Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magica The mahou shoujo magical girl genre has been a staple in anime for a very long time. But Shaft Studio decided to make something new with the genre. Some fans describe it as a deconstruction of the mahou shoujo genre, as it adds a lot of seriousness and darkness in its story.

Madoka was a regular middle school student when she encountered a magical creature named Kyuubey. This adorable magical-girl-sidekick-looking character offered Madoka to be a magical girl! But a brooding transfer student shows up and tries everything in her power to stop Madoka from turning into one. Legend of Galactic Heroes Best anime of all time list? Sci-fi, action, and drama blend in this riveting space opera anime. Set in a futuristic, spacefaring world, two factions of interstellar humans wage war against each other to fight for their own ideologies. Cowboy Bebop Jazz and all that pizzazz! In this futuristic anime, Spike and Jet are space bounty hunters who are later joined by an alluring con artist, an oddball of a kid, and a curious little corgi. They all have their baggage from their history, but they eventually come together as a found family to help each other face their own pasts.

Surprisingly, Cowboy Bebop had a rocky start when it initially aired in Japan. Through reruns, it slowly earned and rated well. You see, they turned to alchemy to bring back their mom, but it only gave them dire consequences. This is another classic anime that is always high up in a lot of recommendations. Not a lot of anime can say that! Neon Genesis Evangelion A group of teenagers are trained and sent to pilot massive mechas to combat otherworldly aliens. Genre deconstruction, religious imagery, and psychoanalysis are aplenty in this masterful piece of anime from Hideaki Anno. Attack on Titan What once was a safe home for young Eren became a life of sudden chaos. He and the others thought the huge walls surrounding their town would keep them safe, but a punch from a Titan obliterated that reality.

Titans are humongous human-like beings that seem to live only to kill and eat humans. With its gripping storyline, unique world, interesting characters, and a wild ride of twists and turns, Attack on Titan is understandably one of the best anime out there. The final season will air soon, so you have time to marathon this gem of an anime. In this futuristic and cyberpunk world, cybernetics and global connectivity are the norm.

The story is full of adventure, knights, mercenaries, kings, and princesses.

But fair warning — although the story is really compelling, things can get really dark and disturbing! A Silent Voice By now, a lot of us know that anime can easily break our hearts and cause a flood of tears. But our pick for one of the best heartbreaking anime ever is A Silent Voice. Not only does it pull your heartstrings, but the message it delivers is also clear and important. Bullying is a serious issue in a lot of schools, and it gets worse for people with disabilities.

In this movie, we see characters go through it and experience the repercussions of their actions. A little compassion definitely goes a long way. Gintama Comedy anime? Set during the Edo period, the story follows the samurai Gintoki as he takes up freelancing gigs to pass the time. He gets into different hijinks with his friends, too.

Not only can this series dish out wacky humor with aliens, anime references, and ridiculous gags, the show actually knows how to make a tearjerker of a story too. So get yourself an anime that can get you in tears through laughing and crying! Mushishi Tired of the multitude of fast-paced and action-filled anime shows? You can definitely take it easy with Mushishi, a supernatural anime about mysterious creatures called Mushi. Mushi are tiny supernatural beings that exist in the environment, whose actions are neither good nor evil but can directly affect humans.

Ginko, a Mushishi — a. This anime has a Japanese folktale feel mixed with supernatural elements. Usagi Tsukino might be a bit of a goofy high school student, but she has the heart and eagerness to help others. Together with her friends, they team up as Sailor Guardians to defend the Earth. The Sailor Moon series continues to be one of the most popular anime of all time.

More importantly, it taught the importance of friendship, working together as a team, and being who you are. The Guardians, with their different personalities and looks, were role models for a lot of young anime fans. It starts with a baby Saiyan sent to Earth. Saiyans are usually aggressive human-like aliens who fight and conquer planets. However, this little one turned out differently.

Kill la Kill This was the anime that put Studio Trigger on the map for a lot of anime fans. Kill la Kill is unapologetic with its style and fanservice, but a lot of fans are very much thankful for its existence. The story talks about clothing as parasitic alien creatures, although some of them are sentient, helpful, and quite powerful.

Премьера на Netfix состоится 24 мая. История разворачивается вокруг Хиираги Яцусе, ученика первого курса средней школы, который изо всех сил пытается завести друзей, несмотря на свои усилия понравиться другим.

Аниме ТУТ! База №0 по просмотру аниме сериалов и фильмов

Аниме - это больше, чем простой мультипликационный фильм. Это вид художественной анимации, которая завоевала любовь людей самых разных возрастов: как маленьких детей, так и стариков. Приятно, что есть возможность смотреть аниме на русском языке в онлайн-режиме в свободном доступе, и что все серии идут последовательно одна за другой. Некоторые люди ошибочно причисляют аниме к мультфильмам, но на самом деле аниме является настоящим творением искусства, которая по сюжетной линии и глубине игры героев зачастую имеет большое превосходство над фильмами, снятыми на пленку в традиционном формате. Искусство аниме зародилось в Стране восходящего солнца - в Японии и уже много лет назад завоевал популярность в других странах. Для многих людей возможность прикоснуться к данному виду необычного искусства было весомым, а порой и основным поводом для посещения Японии. К счастью, сегодняшние реалии в век цифровых технологий позволяют нам приобщиться к прекрасному искусству аниме, не совершая поездок в эту страну. Достаточно зайти на сайт AnimeVostorg и выбрать любое аниме — они доступны онлайн.

Основанная в 1979 году Юдзи Нунокавой, который оставил свое прежнее место работы, чтобы основать Пьеро, студия известна своим сёнэн-аниме. Они также работали над «Великим учителем Онидзука», «Сайюки» и «Историями о привидениях» да, с веселым английским дубляжом. Их логотип представляет собой клоуна, что является отсылкой к персонажу-клоуну Пьеро и японскому заимствованному слову «клоун» Пьеро.

Они объединились и сделали себе имя благодаря своему качеству и совместной работе с другими талантливыми людьми в отрасли. Некоторыми из директоров, которых они наняли в какой-то момент, были Сатоши Кон и Мамору Хосода. Открытая в 1985 году, ее основателями являются супруги Хидэаки и Йоко Хатта, и по сей день они остаются президентом и вице-президентом компании. Вот это уже качественная работа! Той Анимация Toei Animation — одна из старейших аниме-студий в индустрии. Он начался в 1948 году как Japan Animated Films, но позже был куплен компанией Toei, что привело к изменению названия. Их логотип — Перо, кот из их фильма 1969 года «Кот в сапогах». Прекрасный выбор! Студия Гибли Можно утверждать, что Studio Ghibli в настоящее время является самой популярной аниме-студией из-за ее отмеченных наградами фильмов, признанных во всем мире. Среди 10 самых кассовых аниме-фильмов в Японии пять принадлежат студии Ghibli.

Они даже получили пять номинаций на премию Оскар, а «Унесенные призраками» стали лучшим анимационным фильмом в 2002 году.

Они убеждены, что найдут то место, где будут чувствовать себя на своем месте. Их объединяет страсть к музыке — именно поэтому они и поют, выражая свои чувства и надежды через песни.

Именно для удовлетворения потребностей посетителей и создан наш сайт. Смотрите аниме онлайн с хорошем качестве без каких-либо ограничений. Регистрируйтесь, общайтесь, делитесь впечатлениями, АнимеТОП постарается вам дать лучшее из мира аниме, на любой вкус и цвет, в рамках закона разумеется, так что извините но Хентай вы тут не найдете :.

50 лучших аниме всех времен: большой опрос «Афиши Daily». Часть 1: сериалы

Похожие аниме. Если вам нравится Боевой Континент, Расколотая Битвой Синева Небес и другие топовые анимешки, то вы в правильном месте. Обзоры серий каждую неделю.

The original Fullmetal Alchemist ranked first both times. The solo quester Kirito is among those who just might be able to beat the system, as he links up with allies such as Klein, Agil, and the incomparable Asuna.

Despite the anime debuting over a decade ago, movie adaptations continue to be released to great fanfare, showing just how much of a lasting effect it has had. The story follows Ichigo Kurosaki, a teenager who acquires the power of Soul Reaping that is now tasked with defending humans from evil spirits and guiding departed souls to the afterlife. The story that follows is one that places a large emphasis on rebellion and friendship, as a slew of new characters and storylines are introduced that really resonate with viewers. Bleach also became popular for its amazing fights, as scenes like Ichigo versus Byakuya Kuchiki are still discussed today.

One of the most impressive things about this anime is that despite a decade hiatus, the recent Bleach: Thousand-Year Blood War has not only delivered an amazing story but has also been one of the most popular animes currently airing. Spirited Away Image Source: Studio Ghibli Another Studio Ghibli masterpiece, Spirited Away still holds up as one of the best anime films of all time, even though it was released back in 2001. While magical at first, things soon turn dire, as the girl is trapped by a witch and forced to work. She must now find a way to get back to her mundane but comfortable life in the real world by any means necessary.

For 19 years, Spirited Away held the title of the highest-grossing Japanese film of all time. In that time, it won the Academy Award for Best Animated Feature and was voted the fourth-best film of the 21st century by BBC , proving that its acclaim and popularity spread even beyond dedicated anime filmgoers. Your Name Image Source: Toho CoMix Wave Films Your Name is another one of those movies that has to be in the conversation when it comes to putting anime on the map, despite coming out more recently. The film depicts the story of a high school boy and girl that inexplicably begin to swap bodies.

What follows is a heartwarming tale of mystery and tragedy, fueled by emotional and detailed writing, music, and animation. Paramount is also making a live-action American remake of the film as we speak. Naruto tells the story of Naruto Uzumaki, a young ninja who seeks recognition from his village and dreams of becoming its leader, known as the Hokage. Since its debut in 2002, Naruto has etched its name on the Mount Rushmore of anime when it comes to pop culture, as people even have a meme surrounding running like they do in the show, calling it the Naruto run.

Demon Slayer Image Source: Ufotable Another one of the newer anime to make this list, Demon Slayer, is so high up simply due to how big of an impact the series has managed to make. Despite only being around since 2019, the series is one of the most talked-about anime of all time, thanks in large part to the insanely detailed fight scenes and animation Ufotable has produced. Demon Slayer follows Tanjiro Kamado, a teenager looking to avenge the death of his family and turn his sister back into a human by becoming a Demon Slayer. Along his journey, he meets many like-minded friends, some treacherous demons, and even a few misunderstood enemies.

This figure includes all of its merchandise and makes it one of the highest-grossing media franchises of all time. One Piece Image via Toei Animation As the undisputed king of The Big Three, it goes without saying that One Piece is one of the most popular anime of all time through sheer force of will. With over 1,000 episodes and counting, this anime tells the story of Monkey D. Luffy, a boy with a body that has the property of rubber, which he gained after unintentionally eating a Devil Fruit.

Viewers and critics alike have praised the series for its storytelling, art, characterization, and humor. One Piece has had such an impact on culture that there has even been a fruit fly gene named after it, called Baramicin. Every week, each episode was a water cooler event, with fans discussing the latest twist or turn that the series has taken. The story follows Eren Yeager, a victim of one of these Titan attacks, as he and his friends try to uncover the secrets surrounding the mysterious creatures.

Аниме не стоит на месте, с каждым годом оно развивается в визуально-графическом плане, а так же музыкальном, каждый день выходят новые серии аниме, которые вы можете смотреть онлайн на AnimeBuff - абсолютно бесплатно, когда и сколько захотите. Так же на нашем сайте вы можете следить за выходом серий или новых сезонов старых аниме. Тут вы можете ознакомиться с самыми лучшими новинками аниме за 2022 год , они не оставят вас равнодушным.

Онгоинг Смотреть аниме онлайн - AnimeBuff В 21 веке аниме стало очень популярно, все хотят его смотреть, наш сайт предоставляет такую возможность. У нас вы можете смотреть аниме онлайн бесплатно, без регистрации. На AnimeBuff самая большая база японских и китайских мультиков, более 15 000 в настоящий момент и постоянно увеличивается.

ТОП 100 лучших аниме за Апрель 2024

сайт №1 в России по японскому аниме! Подобрали топ-50 лучших аниме-сериалов и полнометражных фильмов от выдающихся японских аниматоров, которые должен посмотреть каждый. The list of the top rated anime you must watch. List 2023 updated with more than 40+ famous anime series.

30 Best Anime of All Time

Топ-20 лучших аниме 2023 года — новые сериалы и топовые продолжения - CQ Самые лучшие аниме всех времен представлены в каталоге развлекательного портала Канобу.
50 лучших аниме всех времен: большой опрос «Афиши Daily». Часть 1: сериалы Они входят / были 500 самыми популярными в myimelist по состоянию на август 2019 года.

Top 30 Best Anime of All Time [2024]

Scorptec Autumn Sale: Our Top Picks To Upgrade Your Rig. Это лучшее место для просмотра аниме в хорошем качестве. 500 самых популярных аниме на Шикимори / Коллекции. Топ-500 аниме MALа без лишнего.

Топ 100 аниме фильмов и сериалов

Не только это до сих пор заставляет поклонников аниме смотреть все новые и новые серии, а некоторые даже собираются на особые фестивали в честь своего увлечения и устраивают костюмированное шоу-косплей. Вторым условием для просмотра этих мультфильмов я считаю детальную прорисованность и, как следствие, восхитительное качество фильма налицо. Популярность аниме и аниме-сериалов к настоящему времени сильно возросла. Даже трудно сказать, что сейчас популярнее манга онлайн или аниме онлайн. Но все же одно я могу сказать точно, что в интернете сейчас полным-полно сайтов, где куча материалов по вышеизложенной мною теме.

Аниме не стоит на месте, с каждым годом оно развивается в визуально-графическом плане, а так же музыкальном, каждый день выходят новые серии аниме, которые вы можете смотреть онлайн на AnimeBuff - абсолютно бесплатно, когда и сколько захотите.

Так же на нашем сайте вы можете следить за выходом серий или новых сезонов старых аниме. Тут вы можете ознакомиться с самыми лучшими новинками аниме за 2022 год , они не оставят вас равнодушным.

The movies include Evangelion: 1. Operating massive humanoid robots called Evangelions, provided by the covert organization NERV, they not only confront external threats but also grapple with personal traumas, relationships, and the blurred line between human and machine. This anime is divided into two different anime: Fullmetal Alchemist and Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood. The former Fullmetal Alchemist was broadcasted before the manga series did not finish the story, which means its story is different from the manga series. The alchemist brothers Edward and Alphonse loses a part or the whole of their body by violating a taboo: Using alchemy to try to revive their dead mother.

And, they start traveling to find the way to retrieve their bodies. During the journey, they meet a variety of State Alchemists and vicious opponents Homunculi. You can enjoy fierce battles between them as well as moving episodes related to what is life. The first volume of the manga was published in 1997, and there are now over 100 volumes sold around the world. The anime adaption began two years later after the first manga was released, and over 1,000 episodes have been aired since then. The whole story of One Piece can be divided into about 10 parts, and beginners can enjoy it even if they start anywhere. It proceeds with the adventures of the main character Monkey D.

Luffy and his crews in the pirates world. There are Devil Fruits in the world of One Piece, which grant a superpower to those who eat one while the fruits unable them to swim. Powerful fight scenes between the Devil Fruits eaters including Luffy are stunning. There is no action scene or supernatural event in this anime, but human drama is represented sensitively. There are two parts in the anime: Clannad in 2007-2008 and Clannad After Story in 2008-2009. The story follows the daily life of the main character Tomoya and the heroine Nagisa in the high school. It reaches the climax in the second half of the anime, and touching episodes move you.

It is totally worth spending the amount of time for 44 main episodes. The setting of Naruto is the fictional world of Shinobi Ninja , and the ineffective boy Naruto is growing by the help of many friends and masters there. Naruto and other Ninja characters battle with various Ninja techniques using the chakra energy. Many anime fans may pick out Naruto as the top of anime especially for foreign people, and it deserves it. Nevertheless, Naruto yields the top position to a certain new anime being released. Air Dates: 2002-2017.

Updated on December 15, 2023: While we all love a good classic, innovative and binge-worthy anime series are coming out all the time. Fair warning: You may find yourself scratching your head from time to time. In 1711, a group of alchemists making the journey across the Atlantic are granted immortality after successfully summoning a demon, though only one of them is let in on the secret of how to make the eternal life-giving elixir. They go their separate ways and settle in different locations around the world. Later, in Prohibition-era New York, one of the alchemists is on the verge of recreating the elixir when it is stolen. It ends up changing hands numerous times, mistaken for a potent alcohol. Back in 1985, a series called "Robotech" was released in America. This show was a mash-up of three different anime shows, edited together to come up with a new story for U. One of those shows was "Super Dimension Fortress Macross," one of the most influential anime of all time.

While many of the entries that followed are worth your time the 1994 four-part OVA "Macross Plus" is a must-see , the original series is still the best. When the ship recognizes them, it overrides the humans inside and begins firing on the Zentradi, setting the conflict in motion. What sets "Macross" apart from other mecha shows is the music, which is often used to move the story forward. Food Wars! If food anime is your thing, then look no further than "Food Wars! With recipes from the renowned Japanese chef Yuki Morisaki, the manga became a hit in its home country, and the anime adaptation from J. Soma is ready and willing to prove them all wrong — at Totsuki, students regularly engage in competitions called "shokugeki," facing off against one another to see who can come up with the best meal under trying circumstances. Natsuki Subaru rarely leaves his home, only venturing outside for supplies. With this knowledge, Natsuki decides to help a half-elf named Emilia, who befriended him upon his arrival in this strange new world.

When he first pops up in Lugnica, Natsuki says, "Is this one of those isekai summoning things? Spy x Family TV Tokyo Based on the manga series of the same name by Tatsuya Endo, "Spy x Family" took the anime world by storm when it debuted in 2022, scoring rave reviews and quickly amassing a passionate fanbase. It all begins when a spy who goes by the the name Twilight disguises himself as a psychiatrist named Loid Forger in order to investigate an inscrutable politician named Donovan Desmond. As part of his cover, he drafts in a woman named Yor to act as his wife and an orphan girl named Anya, who is supposed to be their daughter. The Forgers also have a pet Pyrenean Mountain Dog named Bond, who can see the future thanks to his past as a canine test subject at Project Apple. The second season, which dropped in 2023, is just as gripping as the first, meaning the future looks bright for this burgeoning family-friendly franchise. The creature destroys most of the moon turning it into a permanent crescent and then comes to Earth, where he insists on taking over as the teacher of Class 3-E. He begins molding the low-achieving students into skilled assassins and claims that Earth will meet the same fate as the moon if the students cannot kill him by the end of the school year. Mahou shoujo became a thing in anime thanks in part to the success of the American sitcom "Bewitched," and its influence in early offerings is apparent: The protagonists of these shows are all typical girly-girls who use their magic for cutesy purposes.

After being granted magical powers by a talking cat called Luna, Usagi adopts the Sailor Moon moniker and sets out on a quest to find the moon princess. Her ultimate goal is to bring an end to the tyranny of Queen Beryl, the leader of the Dark Kingdom. The characters in "Sailor Moon" stood apart from similar shows because they came with "real personalities, real issues, and overcame these with strength, like warriors," says Complex. Nippon Animation made a "Hunter x Hunter" anime in 1999, which lasted for 62 episodes. It ticks all the shonen boxes, but it sets itself apart from many of its competitors in the genre in several ways. Perhaps chief among them is the power system, which is well-defined and easy to understand, unlike a lot of similar shows. These wars are contests in which mages summon heroes of legend such as Gilgamesh and Lancelot to compete for the chance to obtain the power of the Holy Grail, with both the mage and the hero getting a wish granted by the Grail should they emerge victorious. It takes place a decade before the events of the original series and sees the wealthy Einzbern family hire the renowned freelance mercenary Kiritsugu Emiya — nicknamed the Magus Killer — to represent them in the war. To sweeten the pot, they offer the hand of their only daughter Irisviel in marriage.

Made by Ufotable the animation house behind the critically acclaimed "Demon Slayer the Movie: Mugen Train" , it looks fantastic and deals with interesting questions about morality. A fan of the sport himself, Takahashi created "Captain Tsubasa" — the story of Tsubasa Ozora, a soccer-obsessed kid who dreams of representing Japan at the FIFA World Cup — in the hopes of igniting an interest in soccer in his home country. In that sense, I wrote this book for the Japanese audience, explaining football in more detail. The show went on to inspire youngsters to play soccer, and not just in Japan. Dubbed versions of the show in which the titular character was renamed Oliver Atom aired all over Europe, encouraging future stars of the game like Fernando Torres, Lukas Podolski, Alessandro Del Piero, and Alexis Sanchez. I wanted to be Oliver. Several new adaptations of the manga have come out over the years, the most recent in 2018 by way of David Production. The animation is inevitably far more crisp, and the fact that soccer is now well established in Japan means it has a ready-made audience, but the original series is still the most charming of the bunch. It follows a teenage orphan girl named Tohru Honda, who moves in with her grandfather after the death of her mother.

When her grandfather is forced to renovate their house she needs to move again, and the kind-hearted Sohma family agrees to take her in. It sounds like a set up for a comedy, but, while it certainly has its humorous moments, the manga touches on some serious themes. The story was never wrapped up, and for a long time it appeared as though fans would never get the proper adaptation that they craved, but in 2019, a new anime from TMS Entertainment was released. The creators got it spot on this time, and the show went down well with fans. There have been two more seasons since then, with the third and final one released in 2021 a firm favorite on My Anime List. Viewers were able to follow the adventures of Ash Satoshi in the Japanese version, named after franchise creator Satoshi Tajiri and his trusty sidekick Pikachu for 25 years, with the long-running series coming to a close in 2023. After all, with its iconic theme tune and unforgettable characters, the "Indigo League" series remains the very best. While Lucy has been hardened by the inhumane experimentation she was subjected to behind closed doors, her second personality Nyu is sweet and innocent. Together, they aim to protect their new friend from the government agents hunting her down.

50 лучших аниме всех времен: большой опрос «Афиши Daily». Часть 1: сериалы

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Вы не понимаете, это искусство: лучшие и самые ожидаемые аниме 2024 года

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