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Style Korean (Code: karas_blushing) for 10% off. Вдохновляемся образами стритстайл звезд и берем на заметку их модные фишки | theGirl. Просмотрите доску «korean style» в Pinterest пользователя Meru Turebekova, на которую подписаны 427 человек.

The best street style from the Seoul Fashion Week spring/summer 2024 shows

Магазин напрямую сотрудничает с корейскими производителями косметики, и каждый продукт из каталога «Стайл Кореан» является подлинным. Владелец сайта предпочёл скрыть описание страницы. Просмотрите доску «кореан стайл» пользователя Aruzhan Musaeva в Pinterest. Korean Entertainment Latest News: Find the Latest Korean Entertainment updates, K-pop news, K-drama, Korean Movies, Korean Web series, Korean celebrity style, photos and videos at Pinkvilla. You can still maintain your Korean style by setting aside your summer dresses and replacing them with knitted coats and jackets.

Watch: Rishi Sunak Escorted By 'North Korean Style' Motorcade To Escape Extinction Rebellion

Korean-style glasses have been gaining popularity among Korean celebrities and young people who want to emulate their looks. Вдохновляемся образами стритстайл звезд и берем на заметку их модные фишки | theGirl. Планировали заказать косметику в магазине «Stylekorean»? Прочитайте статью на нашем сайте и изучите отзывы реальных покупателей. это отличный вариант. Почтовый посредник Priem Box закажет и доставит косметику StyleKorean в.

Old Money Style Origins and Evolution

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Неделя моды в Сеуле: 5 трендов азиатского стритстайла, которые ты точно оценишь 😎

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Even with more formal work attire, you can choose to wear these reliable round glasses because they still project professionalism. The rising popularity has made manufacturers introduce these glasses in acetate frames and in a variety of colors. They are much cheaper than metal. But, before you rush to the local optical store to follow the trend, first consider your face shape. Korean-styled eyewear is fashionable and is designed to fit the contours of your face. It is fast raising its popularity in western countries too.

A lot of people have tried them on in the US and EU nations, and their popularity is increasing every year. There has recently been a surge in demand for genuine Korean eyewear and sunglasses styles. The most intriguing aspect of this style is that it may be worn with any type of material, such as metal, acetate, or a rimless look. But do Korean glasses suit all face types? Square-Shaped Face Circular frames appear somber on people with square faces because of their sharp edges. They make you appear sophisticated and attractive. Oval-Shaped Face A wider forehead and a pointed chin are characteristics of oval face forms.

Any type of frame, whether square, circular, or another geometric shape , fits them perfectly. Choose any of the shapes if your face is oval-shaped; it will make you look attractive. Diamond-Shaped Face Diamond-shaped faces, which have a thin chin and forehead, are rather uncommon.

Тщательно подбирают даже чехлы на смартфон и формируют страницу в Instagram соцсеть запрещена в РФ ; принадлежит корпорации Meta, которая признана в России экстремистской и запрещена. Все будет в едином стиле», — рассказывает художник-иллюстратор Милена, которая уехала из Москвы полтора года назад и завела семью в Сеуле. С каждым годом корейская мода становится все более европеизированной: молодые девушки выбирает юбки покороче, а топы — пооткровеннее. При этом у местных существует собственное «искусство обнажения», основанное на чувстве меры. Они предпочитают открывать чужим взглядам только одну часть тела, скрывая остальные под мешковатой одеждой. Например, могут надеть безразмерное худи и мини-шорты или дополнить кроп-топ широкими брюками. Однако что касается декольте — тут строже. Я приехала ровно с обратным настроем из России, где мне прохожие свистели вслед и делали комплименты по поводу "ножек". Накупила объемных штанов и маек на тонких бретелях, чтобы не умереть в жару, а в итоге пришлось составлять гардероб заново», — сетует Милена. Но возможность свободно обнажать ноги на публике кореянки обрели относительно недавно. Еще в 1970-х годах в стране действовало строгое ограничение на длину женских юбок — это правило было прописано в Законе о мелких правонарушениях, ставшем частью политики президента Пак Чон Хи. Тогда по улицам разгуливали стражи порядка с рулетками, которые внимательно следили за благопристойностью: от колен до подола юбки не должно было быть больше 17 сантиметров, иначе нарушительницу отправляли в полицейский участок. Молодым людям, дерзнувшим отрастить волосы по моде того времени, тоже приходилось прятаться от зорких глаз правоохранителей. Если со спины юноша походил на девушку, его доставляли в отдел и насильно стригли. Таким образом, форма мужских причесок зависела от навыков и фантазии конкретных полицейских Старшее поколение по-прежнему относится к вкусам молодежи со скепсисом. Они не приемлют пирсинг и татуировки, даже окрашивание волос может вызвать у них недовольство. По словам россиянки, свекровь сочла ее наращенные волосы «дешевыми и неэлегантными». Несмотря на влияние западной культуры, традиционных взглядов придерживаются и молодые корейцы. А цветные волосы он посоветовал оставить попугаям — то есть арт-студентам», — смеется художница. Мать корейской моды В середине прошлого века в мире корейской моды появились первые законодатели трендов — дизайнеры. Матерью местной фэшн-индустрии считается смелая и независимая Нора Но.

First, they are now a fashionable addition. Korean-style glasses are regarded as a contemporary and fashionable option in Korea, where wearing glasses is frequently perceived as a fashion statement. Second, people in modern society will be more exposed to electronic products; it is claimed that glasses can shield the eyes from the negative effects of blue light. Airport attire was first made popular by Korean celebrities who wanted to hide from the paparazzi and crazed fans. They adore oversized sunglasses. It has since unwittingly become ingrained in Korean culture. In addition to those lifestyle tabloids and fashion runaways, airport styling has become an innovative platform for creativity in fashion trends. They are ideal for daily wear because they are lightweight and have conventional, thin metal frames. Even with more formal work attire, you can choose to wear these reliable round glasses because they still project professionalism. The rising popularity has made manufacturers introduce these glasses in acetate frames and in a variety of colors. They are much cheaper than metal. But, before you rush to the local optical store to follow the trend, first consider your face shape. Korean-styled eyewear is fashionable and is designed to fit the contours of your face. It is fast raising its popularity in western countries too. A lot of people have tried them on in the US and EU nations, and their popularity is increasing every year. There has recently been a surge in demand for genuine Korean eyewear and sunglasses styles.

Korean Style

Korean Men’s Fashion 2024 – Popular Korean Outfits for Men Просмотрите доску «Корейский стиль | Korean style» в Pinterest пользователя savonovamary, на которую подписаны 1 104 человек.
Korean fashion_idol style🍀 – Telegram Я ранее заказывала корейскую косметику с сайтов либо с iHerb, ну и конечно же покупала в корнерах в наших местных торговых центрах. Впервые с сайтом Stylekorean я.
Stylekorean, про корейскую косметику отзывы на мои заказы Просмотрите доску «korean style» пользователя Lena в Pinterest. Посмотрите больше идей на темы «корейская мода, азиатская мода, идеи наряда».
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Korean style

The most intriguing aspect of this style is that it may be worn with any type of material, such as metal, acetate, or a rimless look. But do Korean glasses suit all face types? Square-Shaped Face Circular frames appear somber on people with square faces because of their sharp edges. They make you appear sophisticated and attractive. Oval-Shaped Face A wider forehead and a pointed chin are characteristics of oval face forms. Any type of frame, whether square, circular, or another geometric shape , fits them perfectly. Choose any of the shapes if your face is oval-shaped; it will make you look attractive. Diamond-Shaped Face Diamond-shaped faces, which have a thin chin and forehead, are rather uncommon. Get spectacles with rounded, gentle curves to balance out your angular features. The cat-eye is your best option because how its elongated shape draws attention to your cheekbones.

You can also choose top-heavy eyewear, such as horn-rimmed glasses, which balance out your features by adding breadth to the brow. Korean Style Glasses 2022 Most of the time, people just need to shop around for a good pair. It is also the type most often worn by Korean celebrities. Usually, these glasses will be gold or silver in color. The metallic color makes the glasses look more delicate and also gives the wearer a literate look. It is suitable for people who like mature style.

Чимин 7 K-pop айдолов, чьи настоящие имена часто принимают за сценические псевдонимы: Дженни, Джено, Мор! Однако есть и отдельные айдолы, которым удалось создать ажиотаж самостоятельно Возвращение NewJeans «Bubble Gum» превзошло ожидания, несмотря на хаос в отрасли 28 апреля, 2024 Последние пару дней были как вихрем вражды между HYBE Labels и генеральным директором ADOR Мин Хи Джин, так aespa Karina Style: 9 способов одеться как великолепный лидер группы 28 апреля, 2024 aespa Карина покорила K-pop сцену не только своим талантом, но и безупречным чувством стиля. В этом путеводителе по Роун откровенно объясняет, почему он покинул SF9 ради актерского мастерства: «Я чувствовал, что это было весело…» 28 апреля, 2024 В недавнем интервью Роун рассказал о своем переходе от айдола к полноценному актеру.

Это, конечно, не проблема, но было бы удобнее, если бы для поиска нужного оттенка не нужно было выходить в общее меню. Чтобы просмотреть описание и фото конкретного товара, прокрутите страницу вниз, там будет указана полная информация по каждому средству и выпускающему его бренду. Кстати, вы можете добавлять товары не только в корзину, но и в виш-лист — чтобы не забыть то, что вы хотели бы, но пока не готовы приобрести. Наконец, заходим в корзину — там нас уже ждет выбранный товар и возможность добавить подарок по акции. Далее нужно подтвердить адрес доставки и выбрать метод оплаты — для России сейчас доступна оплата банковской картой через платежный сервис PayPal регистрация в системе PayPal не требуется, но если она у вас есть, вам будет еще удобнее. Когда ваш заказ будет отправлен, вы увидите соответствующую пометку рядом с ним в разделе «Order history» вам также придет оповещение на электронную почту , а еще сможете проверить трекинг. Надеюсь, мой обзор был для вас полезен! Если у вас появились какие-то вопросы, вы можете задать их в комментариях ниже! И не забудьте написать, обзор на какой магазин вы хотели бы увидеть в следующий раз!

Quality The luster and softness of high-quality silk add depth and elegance to the tie, enhancing its appearance and feel. Patterns and Colors From solid colors and classic stripes to subtle patterns, the design choice in silk ties can convey personality and professionalism. Materials Pure Silk Renowned for sheen and texture, pure silk is the preferred material for ties, offering a luxurious feel and elegant drape. Colors and Patterns Colors A solid-colored silk tie, especially in deep blues, burgundy, or classic black, is versatile and suitable for various occasions. Classic Stripes Striped silk ties, often in club or regimental patterns, evoke a sense of tradition and continuity. Subtle Patterns Small, understated patterns like paisleys, dots, or geometric shapes add interest without overwhelming the ensemble. Occasions Business and Formal A well-chosen silk tie adds a finishing touch of elegance for business meetings, formal events, or occasions requiring a suit. Semi-Formal Lighter colors or interesting patterns can dress down a suit for semi-formal gatherings, offering a touch of personality. Recommended Brands Renowned for exquisite designs and superior quality, Hermes ties symbolize luxury and sophistication. Charvet As a pioneer in fine shirtmaking, Charvet also offers a range of elegant silk ties, renowned for unique colors and excellent craftsmanship. Brooks Brothers An American classic, Brooks Brothers provides a selection of silk ties that cater to traditional and contemporary tastes. Silk ties are not just an accessory but a statement of style, tradition, and attention to detail, making them an indispensable part of the old money aesthetic. A well-chosen silk tie can elevate any ensemble, embodying a timeless elegance for formal, business, or semi-formal occasions. Pocket Squares Pocket squares are the epitome of sartorial finesse in the old-money wardrobe. They serve not only as a functional accessory but also as an expression of personal style and attention to detail. Small pieces of fabric, tucked into the breast pocket of a suit or blazer, add a splash of color, texture, and sophistication, elevating an overall look. Design and Features The charm of pocket squares lies in their ability to complement or contrast with the rest of the outfit, offering a subtle yet impactful statement. Quality Silk, linen, and fine cotton are preferred for their texture, appearance, and ability to hold folds and shapes. Variety of Patterns Pocket squares allow personal expression from solid colors and classic polka dots to intricate paisleys and bold prints. Edge Finishing Hand-rolled and stitched edges are signs of a high-quality pocket square, adding to its elegance and durability. Materials Offers a lustrous sheen and vibrant colors, ideal for formal and semi-formal occasions. Linen Known for its crisp texture and matte finish, linen pocket squares are perfect for a clean, sophisticated look. Fine Cotton Provides a softer, more casual appearance, suitable for everyday wear and less formal events. Colors and Patterns Colors It is a simple way to add a touch of elegance, especially when chosen to complement or subtly contrast the tie or shirt. Classic Patterns Stripes, polka dots, and checks offer a timeless appeal, while paisleys and prints can introduce a more dynamic element. Occasions Formal Events A silk pocket square in a classic fold adds a refined touch to formal wear, such as tuxedos and dark suits. Business and Semi-Formal Linen and fine cotton pocket squares can lend an air of professionalism and polish to business and semi-formal attire. Casual Outings For a more relaxed look, playful patterns and colors in any fabric can add personality to casual blazers and sports coats. Recommended Brands Hermes Offers an exquisite selection of silk pocket squares, renowned for their vibrant colors and intricate designs. Simonnot Godard Specializes in fine linen and cotton pocket squares, offering exceptional quality and classic designs for the discerning gentleman. Tom Ford Provides luxurious pocket squares that embody modern sophistication, focusing on rich colors and premium materials. Pocket squares are a testament to the notion that details matter, serving as the finishing touch that can define the tone and style of an ensemble. Pocket squares symbolize refinement, elegance, and an unwavering commitment to the highest standards of personal presentation. Cufflinks Cufflinks symbolize sophistication and are an essential accessory in the old money wardrobe, adding a touch of elegance and personality to formal and business attire. Cufflinks secure the cuffs of a dress shirt and allow one to express individual style and attention to detail. Variety and Selection Cufflinks come in many designs, materials, and finishes, allowing for personal expression while adhering to the tenets of classic style. Designs From simple and understated to ornate and decorative, cufflinks can reflect personal interests, heritage, or a preference for a particular aesthetic. Materials Precious metals like gold and silver are traditional choices, while mother-of-pearl, enamel, and semi-precious stones add color and texture. Finishes Polished, matte, or textured finishes can complement other accessories and the overall look of an outfit. Choosing the Right Cufflinks for the Occasion Formal Events For black-tie or formal occasions, wear cufflinks in gold, silver, or mother-of-pearl to ensure they match the tone and elegance of the event. Business Settings Cufflinks should be understated in professional environments, favoring simple designs and materials that convey sophistication without ostentation. Casual Gatherings More casual settings allow for creativity and personal expression in the choice of cufflinks, including playful designs or colorful materials. Montblanc Montblanc produces sophisticated cufflinks that complement its pens and leather goods. Paul Smith Provides a selection of cufflinks with unique and whimsical designs, perfect for adding a touch of personality to any outfit. For those who appreciate the old-money aesthetic, cufflinks offer a perfect opportunity to demonstrate a commitment to quality, tradition, and attention to the finest details. Wristwatches In old-money fashion, watches are not merely tools for telling time but an integral aspect of personal style and heritage. Classic timepieces are valued for rare craftsmanship, design, and the stories they tell, as most old money watches are heirlooms passed down through generations. Selection Criteria When selecting a watch, several factors come into play, reflecting not just personal taste but also an appreciation for the art of watchmaking: Mechanism Mechanical watches, both manual and automatic, are prized for their intricate movements and the skill required to craft them. Design Classic and understated designs that emphasize elegance and readability over ostentation are preferred. Brand Heritage Watches from brands with a long history of craftsmanship and innovation are preferred as signs of legacy and the value they retain. Material Quality materials such as stainless steel, gold, and platinum are common, and they are chosen for their durability and aesthetics. Choosing the Right Watch — by the Occasion Formal Events A slim, elegant dress watch with a leather strap or a discreet metal bracelet complements a suit or tuxedo perfectly for formal occasions. Business Settings A classic, understated watch with a simple dial is suitable for professional environments. It reflects reliability and attention to detail. Casual Outings More casual or sporty watches can be worn in less formal settings, though the old money preference leans towards timeless design, even in leisure. Recommended Brands Known for its iconic designs and unparalleled durability, Rolex watches symbolize success and craftsmanship. Patek Philippe The pinnacle of watchmaking excellence, with timepieces seen more as investments than wrist accessories. Omega Combines a rich history of innovation with classic design, making it a favorite for formal and casual occasions. Jaeger-LeCoultre Offers a range of sophisticated watches known for their technical prowess and elegant aesthetics. Watches in the old money aesthetic are more than mere timekeepers but expressions of personal history, craftsmanship, and a deep appreciation for timeless design. Whether passed down as heirlooms or chosen as personal statements, these timepieces reflect a commitment to quality that transcends generations. Classic Style Writing Instruments In an age dominated by digital communication, the choice of writing instruments among those who appreciate the old-money aesthetic speaks volumes about tradition, personal style, and the value placed on the written word. Selection Criteria Selecting a writing instrument involves consideration of its functionality, craftsmanship, and the statement it makes: Type Fountain pens are highly regarded for their elegance, writing quality, and tradition. Rollerball and ballpoint pens offer convenience and a different writing experience. Brand Heritage Brands with a long history of crafting fine writing instruments are often preferred for their expertise and legacy. Design Classic designs that have stood the test of time are favored for their elegance and understated sophistication. Choosing the Right Pen for the Occasion Formal Signings A fountain pen, with its refined appearance and smooth writing, is ideal for important documents and occasions requiring a significant signature. Everyday Use Rollerball or ballpoint pens can be practical for daily use, offering ease and reliability with a touch of class. Gifts and Heirlooms A well-crafted pen can be a meaningful gift, symbolizing respect and high regard and serving as a cherished heirloom. Recommended Brands Synonymous with luxury writing instruments, Montblanc pens are celebrated for their craftsmanship and iconic design. Pelikan Known for exceptional fountain pens, Pelikan offers a range of beautiful and functional pens. Parker With a history of innovation, Parker pens are recognized for their quality, durability, and classic style. Waterman Offers a selection of elegant pens that combine tradition with modern writing technology, appealing to a wide range of preferences. Whether used for personal correspondence, professional endeavors, or as a statement piece, a high-quality pen is a testament to the value of thoughtfulness and tradition in an increasingly digital world. Essential Leather goods Leather goods are special in the old-money aesthetic, embodying durability, functionality, and timeless style. From wallets and briefcases to travel bags and accessories, leather accessories of high craftsmanship have a timeless elegance suitable for any respectable gentleman. The careful selection of leather goods is crucial for those who appreciate the old-money lifestyle, with a focus on items that combine practicality with an understated luxury: Wallets Slim, well-crafted leather wallets that age gracefully, accommodating essentials without unnecessary bulk. Briefcases Classic, structured briefcases in fine leather, designed for durability and a professional appearance. Travel Bags High-quality leather duffel bags or weekenders that blend functionality with style for sophisticated travel. Accessories Leather belts, watch straps, and folios complement the overall aesthetic and serve practical purposes. Materials and Craftsmanship The choice of material and the craftsmanship behind leather goods are key to their appeal and longevity: Premium Leather Full-grain or top-grain leather is preferred for its durability, texture, and ability to develop a patina over time. Handmade Craftsmanship Items crafted by skilled artisans, emphasizing traditional techniques, are sought after for their quality and uniqueness. Selecting Leather Goods When selecting leather goods, the focus is on timeless design and functionality, ensuring that each item is both a practical and stylish addition to the wardrobe or collection: Choose items that are versatile and can be used in various settings, from formal to casual. Opt for classic colors like black, brown, and tan, which age well and match easily with other accessories. Recommended Brands Ghurka: Offers a range of premium leather goods known for their craftsmanship and timeless design. Smythson A British luxury brand that provides a selection of refined leather accessories, combining functionality with elegance. Tumi While known for their travel luggage, Tumi also offers high-quality leather bags and accessories designed for durability and style. Leather goods in the old-money aesthetic are not just luxury accessories but symbols of a lifestyle that values tradition, quality, and understated elegance. Sunglasses In old-money aesthetics, sunglasses are not mere protective eyewear but a statement of style and sophistication. Sunglasses of the wealthy have a timeless design — aviators or wayfarers — reflecting a preference for traditional styles over fleeting fashion trends. Ideal Sunglass Styles The selection of sunglasses within the old-money aesthetic focuses on classic shapes that offer both functionality and a nod to historical elegance: Aviators Originally designed for pilots, aviators are known for their distinctive teardrop shape and metal frames, embodying a blend of function and timeless appeal. Wayfarers Characterized by a sturdy frame and slightly rounded shape, wayfarers symbolize effortless style since inception. Quality and Craftsmanship Regarding sunglasses, the emphasis is on the quality of materials and construction, ensuring adequate protection and an elegant look. Premium Materials High-quality acetate or metal frames and superior lens technology to protect against UV rays. Durability Well-constructed sunglasses that withstand daily use and maintain their shape and finish over time. Choosing the Right Sunglasses Choosing the right pair of sunglasses involves considering both the aesthetic appeal and the practical aspects of eyewear: Opt for classic designs that complement various outfits and occasions, from formal to casual. Ensure that the sunglasses provide adequate UV protection, a crucial factor for maintaining eye health. Select a frame color and lens tint that suits your style while also offering versatility and wearability. Recommended Brands Iconic for their wayfarer and aviator styles, Ray-Ban sunglasses are synonymous with classic American cool. Persol Italian craftsmanship and timeless design define Persol sunglasses, favored for their quality and elegant aesthetics. Oliver Peoples Offers a range of sophisticated eyewear designs, focusing on attention to detail and vintage-inspired styles. Old money-style sunglasses are chosen to convey a sense of timeless elegance and understated style. Classic designs like aviators and wayfarers testify to the enduring appeal of well-crafted, stylish eyewear. Scarves Scarves, made from wool or cashmere, are indispensable accessories in the old money wardrobe, especially during the colder months. Beyond their practical use for warmth, scarves offer an opportunity to add a layer of sophistication and subtle flair to any outfit. The choice of a scarf speaks to an appreciation for fine materials, craftsmanship, and the timeless elegance that characterizes the Old Money aesthetic. Essential Scarf Qualities When it comes to selecting scarves, there are a few key qualities that are prioritized to ensure functional and stylistic needs. Material Wool and cashmere are preferred for their warmth, softness, and durability. These natural fibers offer superior comfort and insulation compared to synthetic alternatives. Design Classic patterns such as herringbone, plaid, and solid colors are favored for their versatility and timeless appeal. Subtle branding or no branding is often preferred to maintain an understated look. Craftsmanship High-quality scarves are characterized by their attention to detail, including fine stitching and finishes that ensure longevity and a luxurious feel. Choosing the Right Scarf The selection of a scarf is not just about warmth but also about complementing the wardrobe and enhancing personal style. Consider the color and pattern of the scarf to ensure it pairs well with the outerwear and suits your wardrobe. Opt for scarves of a suitable length and width for versatile styling, whether worn draped, knotted, or wrapped. Invest in quality to ensure the scarf looks elegant and stands the test of time, becoming a staple in the cold-weather wardrobe. Recommended Brands Burberry Known for their iconic check pattern, Burberry scarves are crafted from cashmere, offering warmth and a touch of British elegance. Loro Piana It specializes in luxury cashmere and wool scarves and is renowned for its exceptional quality and timeless designs. Johnstons of Elgin It offers a range of finely crafted wool and cashmere scarves from the finest natural fibers in Scotland. Mixing practicality and elegance, these accessories are a testament to the enduring appeal of classic, understated luxury. Leather Gloves Within the Old Money aesthetic, leather gloves represent a blend of functionality, luxury, and a meticulous approach to personal style. They reflect attention to detail and appreciation for classic elegance. Characteristics of Premium Leather Gloves Those who embrace the Old Money lifestyle select leather gloves based on several key characteristics that ensure they are stylish and durable.

korean style

In recent years, South Korean fashion has exceeded the country’s borders, captivating the world with unique and innovative styles. После новостей о том, что Боми из Apink состоит в отношениях с Black Eyed Pilseung Rado в течение. YG Entertainment’s Model Kim Su-bin Marries Korean Actor Yoon Bak.

Massive Fashion Trends from the Korean Street Style

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A pair of black shades, too fell to be the accent of the season.

Simonnot Godard Specializes in fine linen and cotton pocket squares, offering exceptional quality and classic designs for the discerning gentleman. Tom Ford Provides luxurious pocket squares that embody modern sophistication, focusing on rich colors and premium materials. Pocket squares are a testament to the notion that details matter, serving as the finishing touch that can define the tone and style of an ensemble. Pocket squares symbolize refinement, elegance, and an unwavering commitment to the highest standards of personal presentation. Cufflinks Cufflinks symbolize sophistication and are an essential accessory in the old money wardrobe, adding a touch of elegance and personality to formal and business attire. Cufflinks secure the cuffs of a dress shirt and allow one to express individual style and attention to detail. Variety and Selection Cufflinks come in many designs, materials, and finishes, allowing for personal expression while adhering to the tenets of classic style. Designs From simple and understated to ornate and decorative, cufflinks can reflect personal interests, heritage, or a preference for a particular aesthetic.

Materials Precious metals like gold and silver are traditional choices, while mother-of-pearl, enamel, and semi-precious stones add color and texture. Finishes Polished, matte, or textured finishes can complement other accessories and the overall look of an outfit. Choosing the Right Cufflinks for the Occasion Formal Events For black-tie or formal occasions, wear cufflinks in gold, silver, or mother-of-pearl to ensure they match the tone and elegance of the event. Business Settings Cufflinks should be understated in professional environments, favoring simple designs and materials that convey sophistication without ostentation. Casual Gatherings More casual settings allow for creativity and personal expression in the choice of cufflinks, including playful designs or colorful materials. Montblanc Montblanc produces sophisticated cufflinks that complement its pens and leather goods. Paul Smith Provides a selection of cufflinks with unique and whimsical designs, perfect for adding a touch of personality to any outfit. For those who appreciate the old-money aesthetic, cufflinks offer a perfect opportunity to demonstrate a commitment to quality, tradition, and attention to the finest details. Wristwatches In old-money fashion, watches are not merely tools for telling time but an integral aspect of personal style and heritage.

Classic timepieces are valued for rare craftsmanship, design, and the stories they tell, as most old money watches are heirlooms passed down through generations. Selection Criteria When selecting a watch, several factors come into play, reflecting not just personal taste but also an appreciation for the art of watchmaking: Mechanism Mechanical watches, both manual and automatic, are prized for their intricate movements and the skill required to craft them. Design Classic and understated designs that emphasize elegance and readability over ostentation are preferred. Brand Heritage Watches from brands with a long history of craftsmanship and innovation are preferred as signs of legacy and the value they retain. Material Quality materials such as stainless steel, gold, and platinum are common, and they are chosen for their durability and aesthetics. Choosing the Right Watch — by the Occasion Formal Events A slim, elegant dress watch with a leather strap or a discreet metal bracelet complements a suit or tuxedo perfectly for formal occasions. Business Settings A classic, understated watch with a simple dial is suitable for professional environments. It reflects reliability and attention to detail. Casual Outings More casual or sporty watches can be worn in less formal settings, though the old money preference leans towards timeless design, even in leisure.

Recommended Brands Known for its iconic designs and unparalleled durability, Rolex watches symbolize success and craftsmanship. Patek Philippe The pinnacle of watchmaking excellence, with timepieces seen more as investments than wrist accessories. Omega Combines a rich history of innovation with classic design, making it a favorite for formal and casual occasions. Jaeger-LeCoultre Offers a range of sophisticated watches known for their technical prowess and elegant aesthetics. Watches in the old money aesthetic are more than mere timekeepers but expressions of personal history, craftsmanship, and a deep appreciation for timeless design. Whether passed down as heirlooms or chosen as personal statements, these timepieces reflect a commitment to quality that transcends generations. Classic Style Writing Instruments In an age dominated by digital communication, the choice of writing instruments among those who appreciate the old-money aesthetic speaks volumes about tradition, personal style, and the value placed on the written word. Selection Criteria Selecting a writing instrument involves consideration of its functionality, craftsmanship, and the statement it makes: Type Fountain pens are highly regarded for their elegance, writing quality, and tradition. Rollerball and ballpoint pens offer convenience and a different writing experience.

Brand Heritage Brands with a long history of crafting fine writing instruments are often preferred for their expertise and legacy. Design Classic designs that have stood the test of time are favored for their elegance and understated sophistication. Choosing the Right Pen for the Occasion Formal Signings A fountain pen, with its refined appearance and smooth writing, is ideal for important documents and occasions requiring a significant signature. Everyday Use Rollerball or ballpoint pens can be practical for daily use, offering ease and reliability with a touch of class. Gifts and Heirlooms A well-crafted pen can be a meaningful gift, symbolizing respect and high regard and serving as a cherished heirloom. Recommended Brands Synonymous with luxury writing instruments, Montblanc pens are celebrated for their craftsmanship and iconic design. Pelikan Known for exceptional fountain pens, Pelikan offers a range of beautiful and functional pens. Parker With a history of innovation, Parker pens are recognized for their quality, durability, and classic style. Waterman Offers a selection of elegant pens that combine tradition with modern writing technology, appealing to a wide range of preferences.

Whether used for personal correspondence, professional endeavors, or as a statement piece, a high-quality pen is a testament to the value of thoughtfulness and tradition in an increasingly digital world. Essential Leather goods Leather goods are special in the old-money aesthetic, embodying durability, functionality, and timeless style. From wallets and briefcases to travel bags and accessories, leather accessories of high craftsmanship have a timeless elegance suitable for any respectable gentleman. The careful selection of leather goods is crucial for those who appreciate the old-money lifestyle, with a focus on items that combine practicality with an understated luxury: Wallets Slim, well-crafted leather wallets that age gracefully, accommodating essentials without unnecessary bulk. Briefcases Classic, structured briefcases in fine leather, designed for durability and a professional appearance. Travel Bags High-quality leather duffel bags or weekenders that blend functionality with style for sophisticated travel. Accessories Leather belts, watch straps, and folios complement the overall aesthetic and serve practical purposes. Materials and Craftsmanship The choice of material and the craftsmanship behind leather goods are key to their appeal and longevity: Premium Leather Full-grain or top-grain leather is preferred for its durability, texture, and ability to develop a patina over time. Handmade Craftsmanship Items crafted by skilled artisans, emphasizing traditional techniques, are sought after for their quality and uniqueness.

Selecting Leather Goods When selecting leather goods, the focus is on timeless design and functionality, ensuring that each item is both a practical and stylish addition to the wardrobe or collection: Choose items that are versatile and can be used in various settings, from formal to casual. Opt for classic colors like black, brown, and tan, which age well and match easily with other accessories. Recommended Brands Ghurka: Offers a range of premium leather goods known for their craftsmanship and timeless design. Smythson A British luxury brand that provides a selection of refined leather accessories, combining functionality with elegance. Tumi While known for their travel luggage, Tumi also offers high-quality leather bags and accessories designed for durability and style. Leather goods in the old-money aesthetic are not just luxury accessories but symbols of a lifestyle that values tradition, quality, and understated elegance. Sunglasses In old-money aesthetics, sunglasses are not mere protective eyewear but a statement of style and sophistication. Sunglasses of the wealthy have a timeless design — aviators or wayfarers — reflecting a preference for traditional styles over fleeting fashion trends. Ideal Sunglass Styles The selection of sunglasses within the old-money aesthetic focuses on classic shapes that offer both functionality and a nod to historical elegance: Aviators Originally designed for pilots, aviators are known for their distinctive teardrop shape and metal frames, embodying a blend of function and timeless appeal.

Wayfarers Characterized by a sturdy frame and slightly rounded shape, wayfarers symbolize effortless style since inception. Quality and Craftsmanship Regarding sunglasses, the emphasis is on the quality of materials and construction, ensuring adequate protection and an elegant look. Premium Materials High-quality acetate or metal frames and superior lens technology to protect against UV rays. Durability Well-constructed sunglasses that withstand daily use and maintain their shape and finish over time. Choosing the Right Sunglasses Choosing the right pair of sunglasses involves considering both the aesthetic appeal and the practical aspects of eyewear: Opt for classic designs that complement various outfits and occasions, from formal to casual. Ensure that the sunglasses provide adequate UV protection, a crucial factor for maintaining eye health. Select a frame color and lens tint that suits your style while also offering versatility and wearability. Recommended Brands Iconic for their wayfarer and aviator styles, Ray-Ban sunglasses are synonymous with classic American cool. Persol Italian craftsmanship and timeless design define Persol sunglasses, favored for their quality and elegant aesthetics.

Oliver Peoples Offers a range of sophisticated eyewear designs, focusing on attention to detail and vintage-inspired styles. Old money-style sunglasses are chosen to convey a sense of timeless elegance and understated style. Classic designs like aviators and wayfarers testify to the enduring appeal of well-crafted, stylish eyewear. Scarves Scarves, made from wool or cashmere, are indispensable accessories in the old money wardrobe, especially during the colder months. Beyond their practical use for warmth, scarves offer an opportunity to add a layer of sophistication and subtle flair to any outfit. The choice of a scarf speaks to an appreciation for fine materials, craftsmanship, and the timeless elegance that characterizes the Old Money aesthetic. Essential Scarf Qualities When it comes to selecting scarves, there are a few key qualities that are prioritized to ensure functional and stylistic needs. Material Wool and cashmere are preferred for their warmth, softness, and durability. These natural fibers offer superior comfort and insulation compared to synthetic alternatives.

Design Classic patterns such as herringbone, plaid, and solid colors are favored for their versatility and timeless appeal. Subtle branding or no branding is often preferred to maintain an understated look. Craftsmanship High-quality scarves are characterized by their attention to detail, including fine stitching and finishes that ensure longevity and a luxurious feel. Choosing the Right Scarf The selection of a scarf is not just about warmth but also about complementing the wardrobe and enhancing personal style. Consider the color and pattern of the scarf to ensure it pairs well with the outerwear and suits your wardrobe. Opt for scarves of a suitable length and width for versatile styling, whether worn draped, knotted, or wrapped. Invest in quality to ensure the scarf looks elegant and stands the test of time, becoming a staple in the cold-weather wardrobe. Recommended Brands Burberry Known for their iconic check pattern, Burberry scarves are crafted from cashmere, offering warmth and a touch of British elegance. Loro Piana It specializes in luxury cashmere and wool scarves and is renowned for its exceptional quality and timeless designs.

Johnstons of Elgin It offers a range of finely crafted wool and cashmere scarves from the finest natural fibers in Scotland. Mixing practicality and elegance, these accessories are a testament to the enduring appeal of classic, understated luxury. Leather Gloves Within the Old Money aesthetic, leather gloves represent a blend of functionality, luxury, and a meticulous approach to personal style. They reflect attention to detail and appreciation for classic elegance. Characteristics of Premium Leather Gloves Those who embrace the Old Money lifestyle select leather gloves based on several key characteristics that ensure they are stylish and durable. Material The best gloves are made from high-quality leather, such as lambskin or deerskin, known for their softness, flexibility, and durability. These materials ensure comfort and a snug fit while allowing the hands to breathe. Color Classic colors such as black, brown, and tan are preferred, as they can easily match various shoes and wristwatch straps, ensuring a cohesive and polished look. Lining The lining of the gloves is equally important for warmth and comfort.

Natural fibers like silk, wool, or cashmere are favored for their insulation properties and softness against the skin. Craftsmanship Hand-stitched gloves are highly prized for their superior construction and attention to detail. Features like precise stitching and elegant button closures add to their appeal. Well-fitting gloves offer better warmth and more elegant lines. Consider the occasions on which the gloves will be worn. More formal gloves might have minimal detailing, while casual gloves can feature stitching and other decorative elements. Recommended Brands Dents A historic brand known for crafting fine leather gloves since 1777, offering a range of styles combining traditional craftsmanship and modern design. Hestra A family-owned company with a reputation for high-quality gloves made from carefully selected leathers and lined with natural materials. Peccary It specializes in luxurious and durable peccary leather gloves, known for its unique texture and warmth.

Merola Gloves Offers a selection of handcrafted Italian leather gloves renowned for their fit, comfort, and elegant designs. Selecting the right pair of gloves ensures practical comfort and adds a finishing touch to any outfit that speaks to a refined and discerning style. Umbrellas Although an often-overlooked accessory in modern times, the umbrella is important in the old-money aesthetic, symbolizing keen attention to detail and respect for tradition. Key Features of a Quality Umbrella When selecting an umbrella, several features are prioritized to ensure it meets the durability, functionality, and style standards. Material The canopy should be high-density fabric like Pongee to ensure water resistance and durability. The frame is ideally crafted from strong materials such as fiberglass or steel to withstand wind. Design Classic designs and colors, such as solid blacks, dark blues, or traditional British tan, are preferred for their timeless appeal and versatility. Mechanism A smooth, reliable opening and closing mechanism is essential for convenience and longevity. Automatic mechanisms are appreciated for their ease of use.

Handle The handle is a functional part of the umbrella and a statement of style. Wooden and leather-wrapped handles are favored for their elegance and comfort. Consider the size of the umbrella when open and closed. A compact, foldable design may be preferred for those on the go, while a classic stick umbrella may be chosen for its elegance at more formal occasions. The quality of construction is paramount. An umbrella that can withstand the test of time is a valuable accessory. Opt for an umbrella with a tasteful, understated design that complements your collection of old-money outerwear and suits.

Ankle Pants Korean style is notable for its ankle length pants. The sight of men wearing straight cut ankle pants in solid colors is the norm in Korea. Many wear these pants in a looser fit with a tapered end as well. The great thing about these pants is that you can build any type of outfit with them, be it casual, smart casual, or semi-formal. Button up shirts, sweatshirts, t-shirts, blazers, and all types of jackets go well with ankle length pants. Cargo Pants Another option for you if you want an authentic Korean look is cargo pants. People from Korea frequently wear cargo pants for stylish streetwear looks. To match the laid back look of these pants, you can team them up with vintage style t-shirts or sweaters. Straight Jeans Follow the likes of lanky Korean men by donning a pair of straight jeans. A white button down shirt, black straight jeans, and a v neck sweater form a very trendy street style look which you can complete with a pair of chunky white sneakers. Wide Legged Slacks No one rocks wide, baggy slacks as well as the Korean men do. These slacks are their go-to option, especially for the summer. Pair them with t-shirts and military or plaid South Korean style jackets for a dapper look. Hoodies Pullover and zipped hoodies are a staple in Korean inspired wardrobes as activewear essentials. They too fall in the category of baggy staples that are used for pairing with slim fit jeans and slacks. Hoodies are a great option when you need to layer your minimal outfits. Trench Coats Long black wool trench coats are a perfect way to stay warm while following Korean men in fashion. These trench coats are among the best winter jackets for men in Korea. Oversized Down Jackets Another cozy option that is no lesser in terms of style for menswear in Korea is the padded down jacket. Besides providing optimal insulation, these down filled jackets also look very stylish due to their puffed up appearance, quilted design, and appealing colors. Bomber Jackets Lately, Korean street style shows a lot of men flaunting the best bomber jackets for their dashing looks. You can build Korean style outfits with the clothing staples mentioned above. Remember the loose with fit style fundamental to mirror the classic Korean look. We are talking about the photos of a cute looking couple wearing clothes in the same color scheme or design. You, too, can follow suit by wearing the same kind of clothing with couple quotes on the back or front of the t-shirts, hoodies, or sweatshirts. Korean Hairstyle Trends Certain kinds of hairstyles are prevalent in contemporary Korean fashion. Such as long, straightened hair with bangs covering the forehead, wavy hairstyle, and cropped hairstyle. Wearing loud accessories such as big bows, bunny headbands, and clips are also very common.

Блог о платежах в зарубежных интернет-магазинах и сервисах после санкций в России Корейская косметика Stylekorean. Как заказать Stylekorean в Россию? StyleKorean — интернет-магазин, специализирующийся на корейской косметике и средствах по уходу за кожей. Одним из уникальных аспектов StyleKorean является то, что они предлагают тщательно отобранные продукты от различных корейских брендов, включая популярные, такие как COSRX, Innisfree и Etude House, а также менее известные. У них также есть собственный бренд под названием Ksisters, который предлагает ряд продуктов по уходу за кожей. В дополнение к своим продуктам StyleKorean также предлагает раздел блога на своем веб-сайте, где они делятся советами по красоте, обзорами продуктов и корейскими тенденциями красоты.

Корейский стиль | Korean style

После новостей о том, что Боми из Apink состоит в отношениях с Black Eyed Pilseung Rado в течение. K-pop and Korean drama have fostered a cultural exchange, enabling fans to immerse themselves in Korean fashion and express their individuality through style. Стайл Кореан (34 фото)Кореан герл стиль 2020 Мода кореянок 2020 Корейская мода Лиза Меркулова Кореан герл стиль Милые женственные образы Кореан герл. Korean Style | корейский стиль. 16 апреля, 2024, 18:29. Перейти к просмотру видео. Download the Stylekorean App and shop for your favorite Korean beauty and fashion items on the go.

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Кроме того, в интернет-магазине регулярно проводятся розыгрыши и распродажи. Промокоды Style Korean за апрель - май 2024 года вы найдете на нашем сайте. Актуальные акции для вашей экономии размещаются внизу данной страницы. Скопируйте выбранный промокод и используйте его при оформлении заказа.

This season also sees up-and-coming designers breaking into the scene with the likes of whysocerealz and its unconventional art performance and Maison Nica, who borrows heavy inspiration from the Ancient Greek tale of Dionysus. Preppy influences and denim-on- denim set the stage with the occasional pop of colour.

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