natalia High Damage Build 2023 mobile legends. natalia new meta Best Build natalia Top 1 Global natalia Mlbb. Here are all the skill changes assassin hero Natalia received in Mobile Legends: Bang Bang patch 1.7.08 and why you should play her in the jungle. Смотрите видео онлайн на Смотрите сериалы бесплатно, музыкальные клипы, новости мира и кино, обзоры мобильных устройств.
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Dominate with Mobile Legends Natalia: Ultimate Guide to Mastering the Silent Assassin 2024
Zerochan has 11 Natalia (Mobile Legends: Bang Bang!) anime images, wallpapers, HD wallpapers, fanart, and many more in its gallery. In this Mobile Legends guide, we will also talk about the skills to use in certain scenarios as well as skill combos to be able to play Natalia to her maximum potential. Присаживайтесь поудобнее, наливайте себе чай с печенюшками и наслаждайтесь просмотром видео, в котором Вы узнаете в виде гайда всё о герое убийце НАТАЛЬЯ в мобильной игре Mobile Legends: Bang Bang. Natalia Mobile Legends Got A OP Revamp to Kill All Marksman! НОВЫЙ ГЕРОЙ В Mobile Legends: Adventure. Гайд на Наталью в Mobile Legends 2024. Разбор навыков, лучшие сборки, заклинания и набор эмблем. Как играть за героя на разных стадиях игры.
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If you have any questions, feel free to reach out via social media. I look forward to your feedback. Moreover, below are some related posts that might be interesting: Related image with five things you should know about the new natalia mobile legends Related image with five things you should know about the new natalia mobile legends.
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So when roaming, pick Rapid Boots as the extra movement speed makes it easier to rotate across lanes. Do also bless the boots with roaming blessing-Dire hit as it deals extra damage to low HP enemies, making it much easier to melt down dot life enemy targets. After getting the boots, build equipment like Blade of Hepetases and Hunter Strike as they both provide physical penetration and physical attack needed to melt HP of low defensive enemies. Next up, is Malefic Roar which provides very high physical penetration and is very helpful when faced with highly defensive targets like some fighters or Tanks. Another useful piece of equipment is Demon Hunter Sword as its passive enables one to deal extra damage when faced with enemy heroes very high, when combined with Malefic Roar, it becomes much easier to melt down even the tankiest of heroes. Lastly, one should build Blade of Despair as it provides a very high Physical attack when faced with enemy targets, making each basic attack hurt a lot. However, a player must need a good understanding of the map to bring the best out of any hero. According to her gameplay, we can break it down into three phases. Our Mobile Legends Natalia guide includes the perfect game plan for the early, mid, and late game.
Гайд Натальи по Mobile Legends 2022
ДОЛБАНУТЫЙ ГАЙД НА НАТАЛЬЮ Mobile Legends как играть за Наташу мобайл легендс BEST BUILD NATALIA. jungling, hunting, roaming strategy guide. Наталья убийца мобайл легенд. Сборка на Наталью mobile Legends 2022.
Natalia Hero Detail and Item Build
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Natalia Please Auto Ban Natalia The New Meta 2023 Mobile Legends
Если мы изучим каждый навык Натальи в бою, мы сможем полностью понять их и применить в нужный момент против противника. Получив это, наш результат всегда будет максимально положительным, пока мы понемногу не поднимемся и не станем экспертом после natalia Mobile Legends. Коготь Использование -Коготь- natalia набросится на вашего противника, нанеся 250 единиц физического уронаа если со спины урон будет намного больше. Затем способность станет доступной через несколько секунд, если противник поражен во время атаки.
Early Game Focus on farming and leveling up. Natalia excels at picking off weak targets, not head-on fights. Mid Game Begin to roam and apply pressure on the map. Look for isolated targets or enemies out of position to eliminate. Assist in securing objectives by providing vision and threatening enemy backlines, forcing them to play defensively. Prioritize taking down key enemy damage dealers in team fights. Use your stealth to gather information, set up ambushes, and avoid unnecessary confrontations.
Your goal is to tilt team fights in your favor by removing critical threats. Countering Natalia Countering Natalia involves awareness, vision control, and selecting heroes that can reveal her or survive her burst. Aurora : A well-timed freeze from Aurora can immobilize Natalia , making her an easy target for the team. Adapting her build and playstyle to the current meta and team composition is key to unlocking her full potential. Conclusion Natalia is a high-risk, high-reward hero that, when mastered, can dominate the battlefield with her stealth and burst damage. This guide has covered the essentials of playing Natalia , from item builds and emblem setups to strategies and counters. We invite you to share your experiences, tips, and strategies with Natalia in the comments below.
Не инвизом-с ним ещё куда ни шло. На ней стало гораздо сложнее шотать чемпионов. А в долгую, к сожалению, в мете рывков и ускорений она ничего не может сделать.
The cons of the revamp is that her claw are a bit short than the first version, and also her "melons" were nerfed, but that fine because it happened to Karina too. Also, compare her model to her wallpaper, you can see that her claw is in her right hand, but for the model the claw is on her left hand. This made me feeling puzzled.
Mobile Legends Natalia Guide: Best Emblem, Build and Gameplay Tips
The cons of the revamp is that her claw are a bit short than the first version, and also her "melons" were nerfed, but that fine because it happened to Karina too. Also, compare her model to her wallpaper, you can see that her claw is in her right hand, but for the model the claw is on her left hand. This made me feeling puzzled.
Раньше я на фрее мог тянуть второй навык от собственной базы до базы врага. А сейчас пф и двух метров не пройду и сразу кд 10 секунд А Фрея она взрывная в любую секунду готова к бою была а сейчас пордоньте Без силы второго навыка она ничто Ответить Дмитрий Самохин - 10. Не инвизом-с ним ещё куда ни шло.
If you have any questions, feel free to reach out via social media. I look forward to your feedback. Moreover, below are some related posts that might be interesting: Related image with five things you should know about the new natalia mobile legends Related image with five things you should know about the new natalia mobile legends.
Поговорим подробнее про каждый из них. Пассивный навык — Инстинкт ассасина Скрываясь в кустах, не получая урон и не нанося атак вражеским персонажам в течение 2 секунд, у Натальи активируется эффект маскировки. Она будет заметна только при приближении к сопернику. Базовая атака в этом состоянии преобразуется в прыжок за спину, повышается урон и, при ударе, накладывается короткий эффект немоты враг не сможет использовать навыки. Первый навык — Удар когтями Персонаж совершает рывок в указанном направлении.
Если удалось достать до врага, то наносится атака с повышенным уроном, а перезарядка навыка сокращается до 5 секунд. Второй навык — Дымовая шашка С помощью этого скилла Наталья бросает на землю дымовую шашку. Она активирует небольшую область, в которой герой становится неуязвимым к базовым атакам.
Natalia from mobile legends
Saber Natalia Story Natalia was orphaned from the war and she was raised as a little girl by the Monastery of Light. Natalia was trained into becoming one of the Light assassins. This young phenom had risen to become the top assassin for the Monastery, via her outstanding talents.
Items Rapid Boots are an important item for Natalia, who can become even faster with them thanks to her passive. Their Unique Passives work together to boost both her Attack and Crit Chance, making her burst capabilities even stronger.
Abilities Natalia has a mix of offensive and defensive measures to help her isolate an opponent and burst them down without taking too much damage. You can use Claw Dash to gap close to an important enemy and then throw down a Smoke Bomb to nullify their Basic Attacks.
She can easily roam around the map and initiate ganks without getting spotted. Natalia can easily take down squishy heroes due to her high burst damage. She is also an adept inflicting movement speed reduction making escape impossible. I just want to share with you things that works very well for me when playing this hero.
Лучшие заклинания Возмездие — обязательно, если играть Натальей через лес. Помогает фармиться и забирать монстров, но снижает получение золота за обычных миньонов на первых минутах. Кара — заклинание, которое хорошо подойдет для других ролей. Наносит чистый урон и помогает убивать персонажей. Топовые сборки Среди всевозможных сочетаний предметов мы подобрали оптимальные варианты для Натальи. Персонаж хорошо себя чувствует на линии опыта, в роли поддержки и в лесу. В критичных ситуациях можете добавить в свою сборку Трезубец, который не даст врагам регенерироваться. Игра в лесу.
Топ Наталья мира! Актуальный гайд на Наталью / Mobile Legends / Мобайл Легенд
Mobile legends natalia best emblem 2023. this emblem set gives a balanced amount of damage and durability that will increase natalia’s power in the lane. agility – increases movement speed. invasion – increases physical penetration. high and dry – increases damage to the enemy (enemy must be alone). Самый мощный обстрел Белгорода за всю войну / Новости России. Мобайл легенд Банг Банг Наталья. Наш путеводитель по Mobile Legends Natalia включает в себя идеальный план игры для ранней, средней и поздней игры.
Понимание способностей Натальи
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- Best Build Items, Emblems and More for Natalia in Mobile Legends
- 110 ide Natalia (Mobile Legends) di 2024 | gambar, legenda seluler, animasi
Buffed Natalia in MLBB patch 1.7.08 will give you nightmares in the jungle
This young phenom had risen to become the top assassin for the Monastery, via her outstanding talents. However, on one assassination mission, she failed in her execution, causing her companions to meet with unprecedented disaster and death. To prove herself again, she exiled herself to the outskirts of the land, far from the Moniyan Empire and the Monastery of Light, to carry out more dangerous missions.
She was played as a roamer for the longest time, making it almost impossible to get an early lead in gold and EXP. Still, the reworked Natalia packs a punch in the current meta, so expect more players to try her out in ranked games.
All loner squishy hero must die. Do watch out of the heroes I mentioned earlier as it could backfire on you. Stall Them. Unless they have Arrival or is cheating, you will deal a significant amount of damage or even destroy the turret before they get there.
Remember that you are the best in stealing turrets because your passive, 1st, and 2nd can all be used as escape. Late game; This is where bulk of the teamfights happen. Like I said earlier, you are not meant to be a frontliner, sneak back and kill that Layla or whoever is that squishy at back. Do Not Initiate unless you can escape; Do not initiate the team fight, let others do it. Only initiate when you can escape or you are well coordinated with your teammates rarely happens in Solo Queue Additional;.
Юмор Отрываю куски на Наталье нереальный камбэк. В мобайл легенд - Mobile legends Приветствую всех кто сейчас находится на моём канале! Я снова решил вернуться в игру Mobile legends и думаю записывать как поднимаюсь с нуля можно сказать.