Новости драфт нхл 2024 рейтинг проспектов

Журналисты Sportsnet составили рейтинг 30 лучших хоккеистов грядущего драфта НХЛ.

Два игрока из КХЛ вошли в топ-5 лучших проспектов на драфте НХЛ 2024

Драфт НХЛ 2024: Рейтинг проспектов и перспективы. Драфт претендентов в НХЛ 2024 года станет 62-м драфтом претендентов в НХЛ. Четверо россиян вошли в десятку международного рейтинга драфта 2024 года по версии центрального скаутского бюро Национальной хоккейной лиги (НХЛ), сообщается на странице пресс-службы НХЛ в соцсети X. Ahead of that, Sam Cosentino shares his latest top 32 rankings for the 2024 NHL Draft. Журналист The Athletic поставил Левшунова на второе место в рейтинга драфта-2024 НХЛ. NHL scoring leaders and demographics breakdown in the 2023-2024 season.

Preliminary 2024 NHL Draft Rankings

The Athletic: Силаев и Демидов в топ-10 рейтинга драфта НХЛ — 2024 Журналист The Athletic поставил Левшунова на второе место в рейтинга драфта-2024 НХЛ.
NFL Draft 2024 top-100 prospects: Expert rankings of best players available Промежуточный рейтинг возглавил форвард финского «Юкурита» Конста Хелениус.
"Кросби как пример". Кто из россиян может быть выбран в первом раунде драфта НХЛ 2024 NHL Draft Prospect Roundup: Berkly Catton living up to potential in WHL.
2024 NHL Draft Picks By Team and Top Prospects Портал Sportsnet опубликовал список 30 лучших хоккеистов грядущего драфта НХЛ. В топ-5 данного рейтинга вошли два российских хоккеиста — защитник нижегородского «Торпедо» Антон Силаев (2) и форвард петербургского СКА Иван Демидов (5).
Два игрока из КХЛ вошли в топ-5 лучших проспектов на драфте НХЛ 2024 NHL Inside | Обзоры НХЛ. 7 апр 2023. Пожаловаться. Колумнист авторитетного портала The Athletic Скотт Уилер представил предварительный рейтинг лучших проспектов для драфта НХЛ 2024 года. Первое место в данном рейтинге досталось канадцу Маклину Селебрини.


The big mover from our preseason rankings has been creating a buzz in hockey circles - Cayden Lindstrom. Defenseman Anton Silayev has also moved up to the top 5. Defenseman Zeev Buium is another big mover, having moved up from 29th to the top 10. There will undoubtedly be plenty of jockeying for position amongst the eligible prospects with offseason training to be done, and a full season of hockey yet to be played. The following is an early yet extensive glimpse at some of the talented young guns to keep on the radar for the 2024 NHL Draft in our patented quintessential spreadsheet format, composed by the incomparable E-Mac. This is undoubtedly a stronger year for defenseman. Early on, it appears to be a weaker drive class with respect to prospects from Sweden.

Полевые игроки были разделены на тех, кто выступает в Северной Америке и за ее пределами. Первое место в рейтинге проспектов из Северной Америки занял канадский нападающий Маклин Селебрини, на второй строчке оказался белорусский защитник Артем Левшунов.

Хотя он был немного «зеленым» в оборонительном плане, когда приехал в USHL, он быстро прогрессировал и действительно разобрался с этим в этом году. Он умело пасует и владеет шайбой, может с комфортом руководить выходами из своей зоны и входами в чужую зону.

Он умело ходит по линии и хорошо контролирует игру. И хотя я бы не сказал, что он пока динамичен в нападении, он хорошо находит пространство и играет уверенно и спокойно.

Нападающий «Динамо» Антон Чернышов занял 18-е место. Напомним, что в первом раунде драфта 2023 года было выбрано четверо россиян: защитник Дмитрий Симашев 6-й номер, «Аризона» , нападающий Матвей Мичков 7-й, «Филадельфия» , нападающий Даниил Бут 12-й, «Аризона» и защитник Михаил Гуляев 31-й, «Колорадо». Нашли ошибку в тексте?

The Athletic: Силаев и Демидов в топ-10 рейтинга драфта НХЛ — 2024

Скоро данная ссылка будет активна. Спасибо за понимание! Закрыть Правила размещения комментариев Комментарии, содержащие оскорбления, нецензурные выражения в т.

He has excellent hockey IQ and a high-level vision and playmaking allow him to find open teammates and rack up assists while still being a threat to score. Helenius has five goals and 10 points in 17 games this season, which is just a point shy of his total through 33 games last season. So, what does this mean for Adam? Absolutely nothing! Remember Fedor Fedorov? Joel Lundqvist?

Steve Kariya? Jiricek is a mobile two-way defenceman who has good poise for his age, very good vision, and loves to shoot from the blue line. He also protects the puck well when he has it on his stick and positions himself well on the defensive side. Jiricek projects as a top-four two-way defenceman at the NHL level. Not to be forgotten is he also has a very good shot. In his rookie season in the OHL, Mews scored 12 goals and 31 points in 55 games. This year, he leads his team in points from defencemen with six through 10 games.

If a team in the 12-16 range wins the first drawing, the first pick will be awarded to the worst team. The 12-16 seed team that won the first drawing is also locked into their new position. Like the first drawing, the second winner can only jump ten spots, but this time it is using the re-seeded order following the first drawing.

И хотя Левшунов старше по возрасту среди тех, кто попадает в число кандидатов в 2024 году, так как он родился в октябре 2005 года, однако Пауэр тоже родился в ноябре. Левшунов соответствует всем параметрам, которые команды ищут в защитниках высокого класса. Он правша с профессиональным телосложением. Он хорошо катается, обладает хорошей подвижностью в четырех направлениях.

Sportsnet's 2024 NHL Draft Prospect Rankings: December Edition

2024 NHL Mock Draft | NHL Projected Lines Четверо россиян вошли в десятку международного рейтинга драфта 2024 года по версии центрального скаутского бюро Национальной хоккейной лиги (НХЛ), сообщается на странице пресс-службы НХЛ в соцсети X.
Россиянин возглавил международный рейтинг драфта НХЛ 2024 года :: Хоккей :: РБК Спорт The 2024 NHL draft does not have an abundance of Centers with clear 1C upside, but Helenius is certainly on that short list.

Preliminary 2024 NHL Draft Rankings

Недавно был опубликован первоначальный рейтинг драфта НХЛ 2024 года. Первая десятка рейтинга лучших проспектов драфта-2024 НХЛ по версии Sportsnet выглядит следующим образом. Хотя до ближайшего драфта НХЛ ещё довольно далеко, уже можно изучать рейтинги проспектов, составляемые авторитетными изданиями и скаутами. Главная Новости СобытиеЭксперт Sportsnet Cэм Косентино включил Артема Левшунова в топ-3 рейтинга проспектов для драфта НХЛ 2024.

Sportsnet: Демидов – 3-й в рейтинге проспектов на драфте НХЛ-2024, Силаев – 8-й, Чернышов – 18-й

5 Лучших Русских Проспектов Драфта НХЛ 2024 - YouTube Сайт НХЛ опубликовал рейтинг проспектов, выходящих на драфт-2024.
2024 NHL Draft Rankings - NHL Rumors Топ проспектов драфта НХЛ согласно рейтингу Центрального скаутского бюро НХЛ.
6 российских игроков попали в ТОП-32 проспектов драфта 2024 по версии Главная» Новости» Драфт нхл 2024 рейтинг проспектов.
2024 NHL DRAFT FALL RANKINGS - DRAFT PROSPECTS HOCKEY An early look at the 2024 NHL Draft class with the top 12 ranked prospects, including Macklin Celebrini, Cole Eiserman, Ivan Demidov, and more.
Белорус и два россиянина в топ-5 проспектов драфта-2024 в НХЛ Защитник нижегородского «Торпедо» Антон Силаев занял второе место, форвард петербургского СКА Иван Демидов стал третьим в международном рейтинге драфта 2024 года по версии центрального скаутского бюро НХЛ.

Россиянин возглавил международный рейтинг драфта НХЛ 2024 года

That being said, improvements in his skating technique could unlock more upside in transition. He is a very effective playmaker making passes from behind the net as well and off the half wall. Despite his small frame, he will win puck battles by using his speed and competitiveness. Misa is supremely tenacious and will backcheck hard to try to force as many turnovers as he can. Combine that with poor size and just good skill and this is probably what separates him from a player like Zach Benson in 2023. Ritchie has very quick feet and hands with excellent puckhandling posture, making him an excellent puck carrier. Especially when given time and space to attack downhill, Ritchie is particularly adept at using those hands to find the middle of the ice for high-quality chances. Ritchie is also an effective positionally-focused player, using great puck spacing and support in all three zones and prioritizing strong body positioning before establishing puck possession. The next steps for Ritchie will be improving his standstill explosiveness and checking lanes which hinders his ability to win puck battles and adding more layers of deception to his playmaking. Ritchie has a good read of where his options are but too often telegraphs his intentions, making many of his passes unnecessarily risky. If Ritchie can improve in these areas and continue to develop, he could challenge Catton and Lindstrom for a top WHL draft-eligible.

Besides the name pedigree, Iginla is an easy player to root for. His habits away from the puck are a definite strength, from his frequent scanning, active stick, good forechecking routes and hard-nosed backchecking. He gets off the wall to the middle quickly, and can also drift into high-danger areas, and when paired with his lightning-quick snapshot, makes him a dangerous goal scorer. Iginla might lack the high-end dynamism of some of the other WHLers in this class, but his combination of all-around skills and pro-level habits make him a good bet to be a contributing NHLer. He constantly tries to take on opponents one-on-one, pushes through checks with shoulder drops and great puck placement, and always goes for the throat with his offensive zone incursions. A major difference between Connelly last year versus this year, is that he is trusting his teammates a lot more to complete his plays. As a result, his playmaking game has grown and he has adopted a distributor role that fits his skillset better than the finisher role he was trying to force last year. His defensive game is lacklustre; his motor is very inconsistent, and there have been major questions regarding his character that will likely have some teams very hesitant to bet on his upside, no matter how high it is. Developing a more mature game and showing whoever picks him that he can improve will be essential if he is going to reach his top-line ceiling. He is clicking at a goal per game and 30 points in 18 matches played as of writing this.

Beyond the point totals, however, what makes Parascak so interesting is the way he puts up those points. A vast majority of the points he has produced so far have come from the low slot and off one-touch plays, which seems strange at first given how poor his skating is. Perfectly-timed inside cuts, one-touch passes and net drives put him and his teammates in prime scoring real estate almost every shift, and he has also improved his long-range scoring to complement his short-range threat. His trademark mobility is as present as ever and is now employing multiple layers of deception at multiple levels. His passing game is remarkable, as he is able to identify soft ice regularly even at this intermediate level. He has become much better at anticipating play, and become a rather proficient stick-checker as well. He has plenty of time to get there, and he looks plenty impressive as is. If he continues on this path, he can make his placement on draft day a very difficult conversation. And boy did he ever. The undersized winger is now the captain of his team at 18 years old, and by far their leader in production and overall on-ice impact.

Often their lone forward when defending a 5 on 3 power play, often out in the last minute of the game to win a key faceoff or defend the lead, Howe is the go-to guy in Regina in defensive situations as well. With solid skating, a high-end motor and surprisingly good board battle mechanics, Howe always outworks his opponents along the boards. His puck skills need refining, but he should easily work his way into an NHL middle six in the near future. As his highlight-reel plays decreased, however, his game got more nuanced and scout-friendly. The Lumberjacks forward has some clear weaknesses — the lack of knee bend in his skating holds him back as he struggles to cut back against pressure and get involved in offensive transitions, and his defensive game falters as a result as well — but the upside is there. He makes plays in-stride, identifies his next play early, and knows when to let on-ice scenarios develop instead of rushing his ideas. He then executes well with a solid shot, great hands and adept passing skills. Offensively, he flashes brilliant skill, combined with advanced anticipation, creativity, deception, and processing speed. On the other hand, his defensive play has turned a fair few hairs on our heads gray already. His loose gap control, very inconsistent defensive scanning both against the rush and the cycle, and perception of secondary scoring threats have all plagued our early viewings and contributed to his fall outside our top 20, despite the elite skill in a class lacking just that.

Hutson could easily rocket up our board with increased consistency in his play and a bit of polishing on his defensive game as the season progresses, but for now, he falls at 24. Matvei Shuravin, LD — Krasnaya Armiya Moscow MHL Graham Montgomery — Not many draft-eligible players play with the kind of poise and confidence Shuravin does when they are playing against grown men in the second-best league in the world. Physically, he is very raw.

He takes many useless shots and he lacks some hockey IQ with awareness. Still a good prospect, just not as high as we once were on him. So, stick around as we promise to offer you plenty of educated and honest draft related content this season, including our 2024 Draft Preview Magazine coming in time for Christmas.

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He has good puck manipulation and will use it to draw in attackers and then quickly pass underneath the stick to an open teammate. Eiserman has an excellent shot especially from range. He does play with a bit of a physical edge in all three zones. When in transition, if Eiserman is driving the puck up ice, he does struggle to get separation around attackers. Josh Tessler 4 — Berkly Catton, F, Spokane Catton is going to push the envelope all season for the 2 spot in the upcoming draft. His microstat profile is aburd through two games. In the offensive zone, Buium is a great quarterback from the point. He will shift across the point and pinch up with the puck in an effort to identify and utilize a passing lane to the slot.

Defensively, Buium does a good job of positioning himself in front of the attack to take away skating lanes. He possesses a rare blend of skill, size, and speed as well as playing the coveted center position for one of the strongest teams in the WHL. Lindstrom is a fierce competitor who plays every game with a Tkachukian-edge. He boosts impressive speed and agility which he uses to frequently attack the middle of the ice on rushes. On the defensive side of the puck Lindstrom provides great support for his defenders when the puck is in the corners, and he also has a very active stick which he effectively uses to disrupt passing lanes. Lindstrom has the making of a star modern day power-forward and will certainly be one to watch as he is sure to move up draft boards as the year goes on. He has a pro-favoured frame at 6ft3 and 194 lbs, and uses it incredibly effectively in both ends of the ice. In the defensive zone, he nips plays in the butt, and accelerates the transition game with quick up passes. Skating is a strength, and there is no glaring weakness directionally. He can go all four directions well, with good agility to re position when needed.

When defending against the rush, he communicates well with his forwards to explain where he needs the support prior to crossing into the defensive zone. He implements extremely good positioning to shut down passing and shooting lanes to the interior. Jiricek does a great job of re-adjusting his positioning when defending against multiple attackers to shut down potential one-timers. When behind the red line and along the boards, he plays with a physical edge and will look to pokecheck. He loves jumping into the rush and pinching up with and without the puck. He will look to position himself in the high slot and pepper shots on net. Levshunov has collected quite a few assists at 5v5 as a result of generating rebounds for his teammates at the crease. Since he likes to pinch up and play up in the offensive zone, there are shifts in which he finds himself slightly out of position and struggles to get back into position. He loves to take advantage of tight passing lanes when on the rush and pressure intensifies. Parekh will complete outlet and stretch passes underneath the stick of the attacker with ease.

When off puck but his team has possession of the puck, Parekh loves to jump into the rush and provide his teammates with a passing option up ice. In the offensive zone, when pinching up he loves to change up his pace to throw off attackers and buy separation so he can net enough space to get a pass off to the interior. Last year the Finn put himself in the conversation as a potential top five pick, with 11 points in 33 Liiga games at just 16 years old. This year he has advanced that conversation further. That should probably be turning more heads than it has. He is a fantastic transition player and drives play as a result. His passing is crisp, accurate and deceptive, and while he might primarily be a play-maker he has a good shot, especially his one-timer from the left half-wall on the power-play. He is not the fastest, but is extremely shifty and agile. Helenius also has an exceptional compete level, and is more than solid defensively. Alex Appleyard 12 — Luke Misa, C, Mississauga Luke Misa plays a very high-tempo game, prays on the vulnerable when on the forecheck, can drive the rush and create chances off of the rush regularly.

Misa will feather passes in tight lanes in all three zones as he looks to push play up ice. In the offensive zone when off puck, he does a great job of finding open ice down low to create an intriguing passing option for his teammates. He will also look to jump onto loose pucks at the crease and capitalize with a quick goal before the goaltender can react. Misa has tremendous upside and could see a bump up in our next set of rankings. The highest a Norweigan has been picked was Marius Holtet, who went 42nd overall in 2002. The Oslo native has everything to be a top NHLer. The things that make him stand out? His release is fantastic, he gets the puck off crisply, quickly, and with a high level of accuracy even if it is away from his body or in his feet.

Хотя он был немного «зеленым» в оборонительном плане, когда приехал в USHL, он быстро прогрессировал и действительно разобрался с этим в этом году. Он умело пасует и владеет шайбой, может с комфортом руководить выходами из своей зоны и входами в чужую зону. Он умело ходит по линии и хорошо контролирует игру. И хотя я бы не сказал, что он пока динамичен в нападении, он хорошо находит пространство и играет уверенно и спокойно.

Sportsnet: Демидов – 3-й в рейтинге проспектов на драфте НХЛ-2024, Силаев – 8-й, Чернышов – 18-й

Драфт претендентов в НХЛ 2024 года станет 62-м драфтом претендентов в НХЛ. Драфт НХЛ 2024: Рейтинг проспектов и перспективы. Журналист The Athletic поставил Левшунова на второе место в рейтинга драфта-2024 НХЛ. Первая десятка рейтинга лучших проспектов драфта-2024 НХЛ по версии Sportsnet выглядит следующим образом: 1. Маклин Селебрини. NHL Inside | Обзоры НХЛ. 7 апр 2023. Пожаловаться. Колумнист авторитетного портала The Athletic Скотт Уилер представил предварительный рейтинг лучших проспектов для драфта НХЛ 2024 года. Первое место в данном рейтинге досталось канадцу Маклину Селебрини. 62-й драфт НХЛ пройдёт с 28 по 29 июня 2024 года в Парадайсе, штат Невада, США. Ожидается, что драфт пройдёт на музыкально-развлекательной арене «Сфера».

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