List of all hockey players who were drafted to the NHL in the 2017 NHL draft. Компенсацией за 24-летнего нападающего послужил выбор в 3-м раунде драфта 2017 года. Существенный вопрос, от которого зависят энхаэловские перспективы Кицына, – выберут ли его на драфте Канадской хоккейной лиги и, собственно, отпустят ли его туда играть.
Второй номер драфта НХЛ-2017 завершил карьеру в 25 лет
Итоги драфта НХЛ — 2017 для российских игроков | На драфте новичков НХЛ 2017 было выбрано 18 хоккеистов из России. |
Redrafting the 2017 NHL Draft | The NHL Draft to me is about drafting the rarest high-level skillsets you can find, especially up high, and to swing for the fences on someone you really like in the late rounds, or go after a goalie or two who can stop a puck. |
Full coverage: 2017 NHL draft | The 2017 draft isn’t so cut and dry. |
драфт 2017 года нхл | Дзен | A real-time, sortable list of NHL draft including total value, guaranteed money, and complete salary breakdowns. |
Список хоккеистов, выбранных в первом раунде драфта НХЛ-2017
Выбор Detroit Red Wings в третьем раунде достался Arizona Coyotes в результате обмена 20 июня 2016 года, в результате которого Максим Летунов и пик в шестом раунде в 2017 году отправились в Сан-Хосе в обмен на пик в четвертом раунде в 2016 и этот выбор. Сан-Хосе ранее приобрел этот выбор в результате обмена 26 мая 2016 года, который был отправлен в Детройт в обмен на этот выбор. Florida Panthers этот Пик в первом раунде достался Detroit Red Wings в результате обмена 1 марта 2017 года, в результате которого Томас Ванек был отправлен во Флориду в обмен на Дилана Макилрата и этот пик условно на момент торговли. Условие - Детройт получит выбор в третьем раунде в 2017 году, если Флорида не выйдет в плей-офф Кубка Стэнли 2017 - было изменено 30 марта 2017 года.
Филадельфия Выбор Флайерса в третьем раунде был отдан команде Аризона Койотс в результате обмена 24 июня 2017 года, в результате которого в 2017 году Филадельфия 35-е место во второе раунде в обмен на выбор во втором раунде в 2017 году 44-е место в общем зачете , выбор островитян в четвертом раунде в 2017 году 108-е место в целом и выбор. Выбор Калгари Флэймз в третьем раунде к Эдмонтон Ойлерз в результате обмена 24 июня 2017 г. Аризона ранее приобрела этот выбор в результате обмена 20 февраля 2017 года, в результате которого Майкл Стоун был отправлен в Калгари в обмен на условный выбор в пятом раунде.
In 2017, they had 23 players selected, including six in the first round and six in the second, which was a record for Finland. Somewhere, Teemu smiles. Louis Blues. So they went the trade route, and pulled off a coup: Dealing him to the Philadelphia Flyers with the No.
LOSER: Jim Rutherford He traded a first-round pick and a roster player for a 30 year old that plays less than nine minutes a game, is a fighter in a league with no fights anymore and is Ryan Reaves. But hey, at least now with an enforcer on the roster, the Penguins can finally challenge for the Stanley Cup. WINNER: Stan Bowman Cap strapped and contractually obligated, the Chicago Blackhawks general manager got creative and aggressive to get better in the short term and really set up his team in the long term. Getting Brandon Saad gives them cost certainty for four years and could reenergize Jonathan Toews.
They had the quantity, but not the quality: Michael Rasmussen was a reach at No. As Scott Wheeler put it: The worst draft of the weekend, by a landslide, belongs to the Red Wings relative to my ranking. Keith Petruzzelli the only good pick.
Кроме того, на счету Костина девять игр за "Динамо" Балашиха в Высшей хоккейной лиге, в которых он отметился одной шайбой, и один матч за ХК МВД в Молодежной хоккейной лиге, в котором он отдал голевую передачу. В январе Костин получил травму плеча и выбыл из строя до конца сезона, однако, североамериканских скаутов это не смутило.
He put up fantastic numbers with 45 goals and 96 points in 65 games. He uses his size effectively to protect the puck and make plays, although he could put it to use to drive the net more often.
He owns a hard, accurate shot, thrives in the slot on the power play and is a strong skater for his size. Does he project more as a 3C at the NHL level or can he be the top-six unicorn center teams often dream about but can never find? He owns a big one-timer on the power play and a hard, accurate wrist shot that can solve goalies from far out. His season was beset by mono and he was also traded part way through in search of more ice time. Originally considered a surefire top three pick early in the season, he could go anywhere from 5-20 in the draft. Skating wise, he has great power in his stride and beats many junior-level players with ease. Offensively, he mostly stays away from the big load ups from the point, more often than not opting for an efficient approach focused on getting shots through to the net.
Костин возглавил итоговый европейский рейтинг драфта НХЛ-2017
Кроме того, на счету Костина девять игр за "Динамо" Балашиха в Высшей хоккейной лиге, в которых он отметился одной шайбой, и один матч за ХК МВД в Молодежной хоккейной лиге, в котором он отдал голевую передачу. В январе Костин получил травму плеча и выбыл из строя до конца сезона, однако, североамериканских скаутов это не смутило.
Для Гретцки очень много значит то, что именно он вручал мне «Харт Трофи»: он выигрывал его больше, чем кто-либо другой, возможно, он лучший игрок всех времен. Победителя «Тед Линдсей» определяют ребята, с которыми ты соревнуешься каждый день, для меня много значит, что они проголосовали за меня, проявили такое уважение ко мне. В свою очередь, форвард «Торонто» Остон Мэттьюс получил приз лучшему новичку сезона — «Колдер Трофи». Для 19летнего американца минувший сезон был первым в НХЛ. Трое в дюжине Идем дальше. В сшибке за трофей 32летний канадец одолел Эрика Карлссона из «Оттавы», который выиграл приз в прошлом году, и Виктора Хедмана из «Тампы». Между тем приз «Селки Трофи», который вручается лучшему нападающему оборонительного плана, достался форварду «Бостона» Патрису Бержерону.
Отметим, что для канадца это уже четвертый «Селки» за карьеру. Ранее он побеждал в 2012, 2014 и 2015 годах. По итогам сезона Бержерон оказался лучшим в лиге по числу выигранных вбрасываний и показателю SAT. Помимо Бобровского, награду получил и наставник «Коламбуса» Джон Торторелла, признанный лучшим тренером сезона и завоевавший «Джек Адамс Эворд». В минувшем сезоне «Коламбус» выдал вторую по продолжительности победную серию в истории НХЛ в течение одного сезона из 16 матчей. По итогам регулярного чемпионата «Блю Джекетс» заняли третье место в Восточной конференции и вышли в плей-офф, где в первом раунде уступили будущему чемпиону — «Питтсбургу» 1—4. Отметим, что Торторелла уже выигрывал «Джек Адамс Эворд» в 2004 году. В прошлом же сезоне обладателем этой награды стал главный тренер «Вашингтона» Барри Тротц.
He also put in a decent showing at the Canada-Russia series in November, albeit not enough for World Junior team coach Valeri Bragin to include him on the U20 roster. Strong and skilled with the puck, Kostin can create openings with his stickhandling and 1-on-1 abilities, but must work on his skating and consistency. Eeli Tolvanen Eeli Tolvanen also watched his stock soften as the season progressed after beginning as a top 10 pick 8th. Tolvanen possesses sharp offensive instincts and a lethal shot, yet there are concerns about how his slight frame and dimensional game will translate to higher levels. No player fell further in the rankings this season than towering Russian winger Nikita Popugaev. The Moscow native fired 19 goals in his first 25 games with Moose Jaw, however his play tailed off in December and he was dealt a month later to Prince George where he continued to sputter. Popugaev brings great size at 6-foot-6 and 220 pounds as well as a strong shooting arsenal. His skating needs to come along though, particularly his footwork and overall agility. But the bigger concern is how badly he wants it - as his work ethic and defensive play regressed to alarming levels over the second half.
His smooth skating, subtle skills, and innate feel for the game were on full display throughout. Vaakanainen could turn out to be one of the best players from this draft. Expect the Finns to be high profile at this draft - as they could place up to seven players in the opening round plus another half dozen in the second.
Талантов первой величины страна не выставила, а в топ-32 попал лишь Клим Костин. По иронии судьбы именно накануне права на него были обменяны в «Детройт» из «Эдмонтона», где он не сумел помочь Коннору Макдэвиду завоевать свой первый Кубок Стэнли. При этом параллели между драфтом 2023-го и 2017-го можно проследить и в другом.
Ведь в последний раз именно шесть лет назад во втором раунде был выбран лишь один россиянин. Тогда им стал будущий победитель Кубка Стэнли в составе «Тампа-Бэй» Александр Волков, чья карьера после этого пошла по нисходящей.
Redoing the First Round of the 2017 NHL Draft
2017 NHL Draft: Draft Lottery results, first round order | 2024 NHL Draft Top Prospects. Learn more about EP Premium. |
2017 NHL Entry Draft Prospects | Русский медведь стал бостонским - Газета «Коммерсантъ» - Коммерсантъ: последние новости России и мира. |
Winners and Losers of NHL Draft 2017 - Yahoo Sports | В Нэшвилле состоялся ежегодный драфт НХЛ, по итогам которого свои новые команды узнали более 200 лучших молодых хоккеистов планеты. |
Кто выиграл лотерею драфта НХЛ 2017 года? По ходу третьего сезона закрались сомнения
NHL17 Awards & Expansion Draft. Центральное скаутское бюро Национальной хоккейной лиги опубликовало окончательные рейтинги драфта-2017, который пройдет 23-24 июня в Чикаго. Итоги Драфта НХЛ-2017 для игроков МХЛ. 24 июля в Чикаго завершился 55-й по счёту Драфт НХЛ. The 2017 NHL Expansion Draft was conducted on June 21, 2017 by the National Hockey League. Хоккейные фотографии из прошлого + новости хоккея. With the gift of hindsight, the 2017 NHL Draft top-10 picks features both suprstar talent and major misses franchises would love to have back.
Winners and Losers of NHL Draft 2017
Redrafting the 2017 NHL Draft - FCHockey | В конце июня в НХЛ состоялся очередной драфт новичков. |
Игроки драфта НХЛ 2017: 18 российских игроков | In this article you will discover everything you need to know about 2017 NHL Entry Draft, from its history and origin to its relevance today. |
На драфте НХЛ-2017 выбрано 18 россиян
Итоги Драфта НХЛ-2017 для игроков МХЛ. 24 июля в Чикаго завершился 55-й по счёту Драфт НХЛ. HR Home Page > Draft > 2017 NHL Entry Draft. Full round 2017 NHL draft, with trades and compensatory picks based on weekly team projections and college and amateur player rankings. Full round 2017 NHL draft, with trades and compensatory picks based on weekly team projections and college and amateur player rankings.
Winners and Losers of NHL Draft 2017
With the 2020 NHL Draft potentially approaching soon, let's revisit the 2017 NHL Draft's top five picks after three seasons. Эксперт TSN Крэйг Баттон представил финальную версию проекта драфта НХЛ-2017. На Драфт-2017 были допущены хоккеисты.
Взяли количеством. Итоги юниорского драфта НХЛ для россиян
He is a really good young man. Patrick would go on to miss his entire third season with the Flyers with what is believed to be a migraine disorder. A real shame as I believe he would have excelled playing under current Flyers head coach Alain Vigneault. In the season leading up to the draft Heiskanen excelled playing against grown men for Helsinki as he recorded 11 goals and 23 points in just 30 games in his second season for the club. These numbers were good enough for 24th among all defenseman but Miro had done it having played 30 less games than most of the players on this list who all happened to be 21 years of age and older. He would go on to play in all 82 games while consistently playing well north of 20 minutes per games as a 19 year old.
Что вышло на драфте? Сам швейцарец в первый год выглядел очень уверено, учитывая свой юный возраст. Сейчас у Хишира есть все задатки, чтобы стать отличным двусторонним центром. К его технике, хоккейному айкью, умению играть на чужом пятаке, несмотря на скромные габариты, добавилась еще и игра без шайбы.
Во многом этому виной травма в драфтовый год. Однако и в здравии форвард не смог зарекомендовать себя в НХЛ, как звезда. Игроку дали время и доверие, но прогресса в игре Нолана не было. Его катание вызывало вопросы и до драфта, в НХЛ обострился вопрос в навыках его игры именно в центре звена. Этот сезон для Патрика так ещё и не стартовал. Виной тому травма, которая очень уже похожа на хроническую. Год ушло на развитие у себя в Финляндии, после чего Хейсканен приехал, чтобы сходу стать лидером обороны "звёзд". Уже в 19 лет Миро играл по 23 минуты за матч, выходил в меньшинстве и большинстве. Конечно, не обходилось без ошибок, но с ходом сезона их становилось все меньше.
Louis in exchange for Zach Pochiro and this pick being conditional at the time of the trade. The condition: Edmonton will receive a third-round pick in 2017 if Yakupov scores 14 or fewer goals in the 2016—17 season was converted on April 9, 2017, when Yakupov finished the season with 3 goals. Carolina previously acquired this pick as the result of a trade on September 11, 2015, that sent Dennis Robertson, Jake Massie and a fifth-round pick in 2017 to Chicago in exchange for Kris Versteeg, Joakim Nordstrom and this pick.
Original Pick: Robert Thomas With Thomas being selected 13 picks earlier in our re-draft, the Blues find themselves in a difficult spot in attempting to find any kind of an equivalent. Their closest target might have been the Finnish forward from the Swift Current Broncos in Heponiemi. At the time, however, the team was in the market for improving their team from the back, out.
Like some others, Fleury could climb this list even more, but to be safe, 21 is a good spot. He still may have a future in the NHL but at this time, yet Poehling seems like more of a sure thing, at least for a middle-six role. The actual seventh-overall selection drops sixteen places to the Coyotes — the team whose pick he was actually selected with. Original Pick: Kristian Vesalainen Casey Mittlestadt is yet another example of the premature hype that began to surround the 2017 NHL draft class approximately a year after the draft. With such an uncertain top 5, it seemed as if many people were eager to crown a group of more worthy players. Despite possessing an apparent valiant work-ethic and strong lower-body, his success in both the Finnish Liiga and the KHL have not translated to North America.
For all the uncertainty surrounding his current trajectory, this seems like an appropriate spot for Vesalainen. While the team is already rich with young talented defensemen in John Klingberg and Miro Heiskanen , the early second-round selection, Conor Timmins would look good in a Stars uniform. Tippett is making his way in the AHL, and looks like he still certainly has a positive and productive future in the NHL.
Redoing the First Round of the 2017 NHL Draft
Swiss star Nico Hischier of the Halifax Mooseheads in the Quebec League is both smart and skilled enough to go first overall, as he led all CHL rookies in scoring and carried a thin roster to the postseason. Playing center with a wiry frame is perfectly normal in major junior, but Hischier will need to fill out before competing and succeeding against the bigger pivots in the NHL. The biggest riser in the first round is a kid who continued to prove me wrong all season. It may seem as though sublime defender Cale Makar from the Brooks Bandits is simply a flavor-of-the-month kind of prospect because of the way he crushed a lesser-known league like the Alberta Junior Hockey League. It took a while, but I finally realized that questioning the level his competition, or his choosing to attend UMass-Amherst over bigger, tougher NCAA programs, is nitpicking at its finest. But times are changing, and the Big Leagues are desperately promoting speed and skill, two things Makar has in spades. Klim Kostin was a favorite player of mine in the preseason, but his draft year was as incomplete as they come. He followed up a dominant Ivan Hlinka tournament with a promotion to the KHL — a rarity for pre-draft teenagers.
The 71 points led the Chiefs in Scoring. He scored seven goals and 13 points in just seven games in the tournament. A late birthday, he is not eligible until the 2017 draft, when he will have just completed his third year in the WHL. Yamamoto has tremendous hands, he is a great stickhandler and can bury goals in tight to the goalie. He also is very quick to loose pucks with great acceleration and a really quick first step. More a play maker than a goal scorer, he uses his quickness and stickhandling to open up passing lanes. Yamamoto can feather passes tape-to-tape to his linemates and has outstanding vision. He also put up 15 goals and 34 points in 37 games playing in the under 20 SuperElite league. A versatile player, Vesalainen has experience playing both wings.
He has excellent size, and uses it to protect the puck along the boards and extend plays in the cycle. Gifted with a large wing-span, Vesalainen takes advantage of it to play keep-away with defenders. A budding power forward, Vesalainen wins battles along the boards, and is not afraid to fight through checks to get to the front of the net. Vesalainen also has an excellent shot. His skating is surprisingly quick, and his stride long and fluid. He plays a strong two-way game and covers a lot of ground for a big man. Hague scored 14 goals last season, showing off a powerful slap shot on the power play. He is able to move laterally and walk the line to open up shooting lanes to get his shot through. Hague could stand to improve his passing skills this season though.
He makes a decent breakout pass from his own end, but needs to be a bit more patient with the puck at the oppositions blue. The big man also shows good defensive instincts for a player his age. Vaakanainen has excellent hockey IQ. He reads the play very well in both the offensive and defensive ends of the ice. He chooses to make the smart plays both with and without the puck. Defensively he has great gap control and positioning. He also can skate the puck out of danger in his own zone, and start the transition game with a good first pass. Offensively he has a hard accurate shot, and the vision to be a play maker from the blue line. He has a great first step, excellent agility, and the edge work necessary to make quick cuts on a dime.
He combines this with the soft hands to control the puck and make plays in tight spaces and at top speed. Morand is deadly in close to the net.
GM Ron Hextall has been a draft master during his tenure in Philly, stacking picks and making nice selections. This year was no different with Noah Cates a raw Joe Pavelski type , big goalie Kirill Ustimenko and that kid who went second overall who might be pretty decent… All jokes aside, Hextall and his staff get lots of different skill sets and positional needs every draft, which puts them in a great spot for the future.
Another notable dropper was Matthew Strome, who had to wait until the fourth round before Philly snapped up the big, smart scorer. Everyone knows that Strome and to a lesser extent Vilardi needs to iron out his footwork, but he was generally seen as a second-rounder. But yet again, it feels like the team only tried to hit singles instead of taking a home run cut or two. For the second time in three years, Washington only made four selections.
An NHL career is not set when a pick is made. An NHL career is made every single day of a young players life, and the path is never the same for any pair of picks. Many of these players will take well over a season to gain the skills necessary to even come close to an NHL spot, and the level of skill development necessary can be enormous.