Discover the best item builds, skills, and traits for Kindred in TFT. Kindred, for example, could be getting hit with a 20 percent nerf to her Mounting Dread’s slow and health ratio damage. КИНДРЕД ГАЙД | КИНДРЕД КОМБО | КИНДРЕД ОБЗОР | СОВЕТЫ | ФИШКИ | РУНЫ. Though interpretations of Kindred’s nature vary across Runeterra, every mortal must choose the true face of their death. Sorting – Below you can find all the Kindred skins in the game, both normal skins and chromas.
Kindred Prestige Skin in League of Legends : Latest Update
Follow our build, pentakills will follow and you will learn how to play Kindred. Since Riot Games regularly releases a new patch, Kindred builds may change from time to time. It is important to keep up to date. Buying the right item can make the difference between winning and losing as Kindred. The order of items is also very important. Especially in early game, it is imperative to make the right decision on what to buy. You need to know the right starter item and starter trinket.
On cast, Wolf will be enraged and attack an enemy in a certain area. This ability provides additional damage that can help take down enemy champions faster. Meanwhile, its passive ability provides a small healing to Kindred after hitting a normal attack at full stack. Additionally, the stack will build up as she moves, so movement is your friend with Kindred. This skill also makes her one of the best jungle champions in the game. Enemies caught will be slowed and receive tons of damage if hit three times by Kindred. You should cast this ability at the start of combat, activating the third hit as soon as possible. This will give Kindred an immediate advantage, so activate it if you think you would proc the third normal hit. This can turn around team fights, especially when you prevent your team from dying, thanks to her ultimate. However, enemy units can also not die while inside of it, so be wary of when to cast it. It can help Kindred to slow and burn enemies off if they want to gank an opposing lane champion. Additionally, Kindred needs to power farm as much as possible, prioritizing stacks as much as possible.
It is run by an experienced staff who know how important it is to keep the campers safe. It is likely that the average player in the middle lane will have more access to notes than in the jungle. Relatives have two ways to earn points: Kill a selected jungle camp or pick an enemy champion. With its passive markers, Kindred adds a key game to the jungle game style in which the enemy camp is killed and the enemy champion receives a bonus stack. Dance of Arrows - Relatives rush forward and shoot three arrows at nearby targets. As the game progresses, Kindred transforms into a ranged killer who pounces on tight targets and bursts them with his mounted terror E for high attack damage. Relative is strong and efficient, and it scales well even late, with super-strong play. Ending hunting strengthens their basic ability to hunt a creature that is capable of killing it. Complete the hunt facilitates relatives in the basic ability of the creature.
Вот его краткая характеристика: «Киндред опустошают лагеря монстров и помечают вражеских чемпионов знаком смерти, становясь сильнее с каждым исполненным приговором. Но вестники смерти способны также отсрочить ее приход. Если жизнь союзников окажется под угрозой, Киндред могут наложить чары на то место, где они находятся, создав таким образом зону, внутри которой на протяжении нескольких драгоценных секунд смерть окажется бессильной».
Обзор чемпиона Киндред Вечные Охотники из Лиги Легенд (гайд)
Krugs are next on the kill list, and when those are dead go ahead and kill the Raptors. These grant you level three, unlocking Mounting Dread. Though, Gromp can be done prior to the Blue Sentinel if the player prefers a faster Gromp spawn for the second clear. The goal is to complete a six camp clear by killing five more camps after the Blue Sentinel.
Тизер в таком стиле уже выпускался для чемпионов Бард и Таам Кенч Этот эффект теперь возникает над целями их пассивного умения Mark of the Kindred.
Образ Киндред был создан на основе китайской философии Инь и ян, которые обозначают противоположные и противоборствующие стороны, тем не менее неразрывно связанные друг с другом. Крылова, которая имеет те же сюжет и мораль. Также на чемпиона повлияли славянская, кельтская, германо-скандинавская и другие древние языческие мифологии. Киндред - это воплощение Смерти и Мрачного Жнеца на Рунтерре.
Additionally, this ability can help Kindred leap through thin walls and make a good position with it in the jungle. On cast, Wolf will be enraged and attack an enemy in a certain area. This ability provides additional damage that can help take down enemy champions faster. Meanwhile, its passive ability provides a small healing to Kindred after hitting a normal attack at full stack.
Additionally, the stack will build up as she moves, so movement is your friend with Kindred. This skill also makes her one of the best jungle champions in the game. Enemies caught will be slowed and receive tons of damage if hit three times by Kindred. You should cast this ability at the start of combat, activating the third hit as soon as possible.
This will give Kindred an immediate advantage, so activate it if you think you would proc the third normal hit. This can turn around team fights, especially when you prevent your team from dying, thanks to her ultimate. However, enemy units can also not die while inside of it, so be wary of when to cast it. It can help Kindred to slow and burn enemies off if they want to gank an opposing lane champion.
Lastly, both Gustwalker and Mosstomper jungler pets are getting changes, with the former getting a 1- percent movement speed boost reduction and a monster takedown movement speed reduction of 15 percent. The latter, however, will get a 10 percent tenacity and slow resist nerf, along with a late-game nerf to its shield. Dot Esports is supported by our audience.
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Kindred продлевает партнерство с «Филадельфия Иглз» до 2025 года
KINDRED PROBUILDS | including Win Rate, Ban Rate, Play Rate and much more! |
Kindred Pro Builds - How to Play Kindred in Season 14 | ВОЛИБИР ДЕМОН СЛОМАННЫЙ БИЛД \ УБИЛ КОМАНДУ В УЛЬТЕ КИНДРЕД online with your friends. |
Top Rated Kindred Decks for Legends of Runeterra | Their strength increases gradually when they collect the "Mark of the Kindred" and are very afraid of being hard crowd controlled. |
DRX Киндред | В ростере Marvel Contest of Champions из 250+ супергероев и злодеев появятся Шёлк и Киндред; первую добавят 20 июля, а Киндреда — 3 августа. |
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including Win Rate, Ban Rate, Play Rate and much more! Kindred probuilds reimagined by : newer, smarter, and more up-to-date runes and mythic item builds than any other site. ШОКИРОВАЛ ВРАГОВ! Shadowfire Kindred was released as a champion release skin along with Kindred in 2015. Волибир демон сломанный билд \ убил команду в ульте киндред.
This Kindred deck list is sorted by the best rated Kindred decks for the current patch, to make sure you get the best Kindred deck for the current Legends of Runeterra meta. Лига легенд Киндред. League of Legends Киндред 18. Kindred was a marksman that people never really see in the bot lane because of her kit, but with the introduction of mythic items in season 11, she became quite strong as an ADC. In conclusion, the new Prestige skins, especially the Kindred one, are a big deal in League of Legends. A subreddit dedicated to League of Legends players who love playing Kindred, The Eternal Hunters. Последние записи: Друзья, если вам нужна Топовая Гильдия тогда. Нормально так поиграли. Сборки на Киндред.
В Marvel Contest of Champions добавят Шёлк и Киндред
Top 7 Best Supports For Kindred in Season 12 | Kindred Runes Kindred Jungle Build. |
Kindred Build Guides, Runes and Items | Kindred is a great jungling duo in League of Legends, and we've got the ultimate guide to them, including the best runes and builds. |
Kindred Pro Builds - How to Play Kindred in Season 14 | Kindred probuilds reimagined by : newer, smarter, and more up-to-date runes and mythic item builds than any other site. |
Kindred Prestige Skin in League of Legends : Latest Update
We process over 1 Million League of Legends games every day to bring you the most accurate Kindred build so you can destroy your enemies and improve you win rate. Лучший Telegram: Стримы Trovo: Группа VK. Their strength increases gradually when they collect the "Mark of the Kindred" and are very afraid of being hard crowd controlled. ВОЛИБИР ДЕМОН СЛОМАННЫЙ БИЛД \ УБИЛ КОМАНДУ В УЛЬТЕ КИНДРЕД online with your friends. Могу дать солидный соло билд: киндред (кровные узы), дед хард/спринт, часы, железная воля. Kindred can also be played in other roles, but we focus on position Jungle in this LoL Kindred guide as it fits the current meta in S14 very well.
Обзор чемпиона Киндред Вечные Охотники из Лиги Легенд (гайд)
Lamb will likely have a flowing white dress with golden accents, while Wolf might have a regal coat with similar embellishments. In the meantime, you can check out the regular Porcelain Kindred skin, which already looks amazing, Moreover, the regular Porcelain skill can get players a glimpse of what the Prestige version might look like. Furthermore, keep an eye out for official previews and trailers from Riot Games as we get closer to the release date. This is exciting news for all the Kindred players and fans of the Prestige Porcelain skin line.
Дополнительные навыки «ускользания» тоже спорные, когда можно прокачать рывок — он и уклоняться дает, и в позицию для перезарядки уйти с ним можно. Хотя и стрелять во время рывка навыком «твердая рука» тоже спорно — зачастую стреляешь либо из-за укрытия, либо делаешь рывок — стреляешь, либо стреляешь в замедленном времени от сандевистана или керезникова. Тоже касается куража с его восстановлением выносливости при убийстве в рывке. В остальном же — претензий нет. Билд «Боевой самурай» Синопсис: прокачка сконцентрирована на клинковом оружие, скорости, боевых имплантах, которые дают полезные бонусы, и здоровье, чтобы выдерживать большое количество урона. В билде мы ориентируемся на использование катаны или клинки богомолы — их бы я советовал использовать, если есть Phantom Liberty, ведь там есть полезный навык биочипа «перепрошивка». В бою часть урона персонаж игнорирует — клинок позволит контр-атаковать в ближнем бою, а также отражать пули. Постоянное использование рывков в сражение позволит избегать огромную часть пуль, игнорировать урон и восстанавливать выносливость при воздушных рывках.
Чтобы усилить билд, мы прокачиваем технику и силу. Сила увеличит количество здоровья и регенерацию, даст «адреналиновый щит», если наше здоровье упадет до малого значения. Техника позволит усилить тело большим количеством имплантов, также увеличит нашу выживаемость и боеспособность.
Если он опустеет и станет красным, монстр вернётся в свой лагерь и восстановит здоровье. Всё как у Гнара, только наоборот. Восстанавливайте здоровье. Отличный побочный эффект боя в движении — накопление зарядов для пассивного эффекта бешенства. При максимальном их количестве атакуйте кого-нибудь, чтобы подлечиться и снова начать копить заряды. Не обязательно убивать того, на кого напали.
Можете бежать дальше, но уже с большим количеством здоровья. Используйте пассивное умение. Киндред — единственный, кто может помечать врагов и с непривычки об этом легко забыть. Постоянно следите за тем, на кого из врагов можно поставить знак и не забывайте о вражеском лесе, там можно добыть ещё больше зарядов. Вот ваша основная схема засады: Обойдите оппонента с тыла; Повесьте на него Всепоглощающий ужас; Включите Волчье бешенство; И наслаждайтесь Танцем стрел. Если что пойдёт не так, вы сможете с лёгкостью уйти из-под удара. Много зарядов Знака Киндред это хорошо, но не думайте, что это ваш единственный путь к превосходству в конце игры. Опасно входить в чужой лес без обзора или прыгать под башни. Одна ошибка и вы ещё больше отстанете.
Так что действуйте наверняка.
A Chroma Bundle is available for this skin. Spirit Blossom Kindred Spirit Blossom Kindred Splash Art With the Spirit Blossom skin line released in 2020, Spirit Blossom Kindred became the best skin for Kindred because the aesthetics and theme of this skin fit with her lore, the new in-game model which is well designed, the sakura petals in her skill, sound, and particle effects are astounding. Every kindred main will definitely like and use this skin. Spirit Blossom Kindred Spotlight.
Legends of Runeterra - Киндред выйдет на охоту с релизом “Империй вознесшихся”
Золотой посох: каждые 12 секунд Золотой посох усиливает следующую атаку Вуконга. После завершения вражеского объекта или убийства чемпиона, перезарядка пассивного эффекта сокращается на 2 секунды. Перезарядка также сокращается на 2 секунды с каждым уровнем умения. Воин-обманщик: теперь игроки смогут контролировать клон Вуконга с помощью стика, и клон будет повторять умение "Верхом на облаке".
Но вестники смерти способны также отсрочить ее приход. Если жизнь союзников окажется под угрозой, Киндред могут наложить чары на то место, где они находятся, создав таким образом зону, внутри которой на протяжении нескольких драгоценных секунд смерть окажется бессильной». Подробнее о Киндред и их способностях читайте на специальной странице официального сайта League of Legends.
Разработчики дали возможность с помощью калькулятора способностей предварительно по изучать способности, составить билды и поделиться результатами. Этот материал содержит цель проанализировать способности и составить возможные билды. Сразу сделаю ремарку ко всем билдам. Некоторые способности получились у авторов спорными. Например, «Киборгизация» по описанию не совсем ясно, когда становится активным — если нужны прямо все заполненные ячейки имплантов, то это жесть. Есть ситуативные навыки — удача нужна до тех пор, пока копишь компоненты для прокачки имплантов или оружия. Обновление драйверов и разборчивость можно прокачивать только когда приходишь к риперу, а потом перекачивать на полезные навыки. Полевая медицина не нужна, если ставишь имплант биомонитор. Универсальность не нужна для мили билдов, да и для дальних не для всех. Внутренняя гармония для доступа к клеточному адаптеру вообще стремный навык — этот адаптер дает бонус к восстановлению хилок, гранат, увеличивает урон от электромагнитного оружия и дает резист к взрывам. В общем, такое себе.
Nami is the best support for Kindred because of her entire Kit Best Item For Nami Ardent Censer Nami already has incredible enchantments that she can give Kindred and this item improves that even further. It is an excellent trading ability that heals Kindred and damages the nearest enemy at the same time. This will also be your main poking ability, sure you can use your Q in the early game but it already has a good value because of its damage and CC effect. Poke enemies with your W and make sure it bounces back to you or Kindred so you can heal and take no damage in return. Mid Game Playstyle You can go for an all-in engage with this duo during mid-game. Nami can initiate a kill with her ultimate and follow it up with her bubble. While enemies are stunned or slowed, she can enchant Kindred with her E to empower her basic attacks and add a slow effect to it and speed Kindred up at the same time. Late Game Playstyle Much like mid-game, engage only if you have both of your ultimates up but this time, team fights become more frequent and focus on staying in the backline and keeping Kindred enchanted with your spells and items and healing her every time she needs it. She can 1v2 or 1v3 any type of composition, be it tanks or assassins. She just needs to keep her HP up to be able to put them all down and that is where Soraka comes in. When talking about heals, look no further as Soraka is the best champion to do it. Try to max your heal first to pave the way for an aggressive playstyle for Kindred where she can poke enemies with her Q and get back safely.
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Описание Киндред Билд Splash Art Образы Избранный. Congratulations to our early group on Kindred's first free company victory over Bahamut Prime, clearing Turn 4 (also known as Turn 13) of the Final Coil of Bahamut! Find the best runes, items, skill order, counters, and more in our statistical Kindred Build for LoL Patch 14.8. Описание Киндред Билд Splash Art Образы Избранный. Бесплатно Гайд на Киндред "Kindred" скачать версию, на любой смартфон или планшет с Андроид.
LoL PBE reveals massive changes to Kindred, Evelynn, and general jungling
This build is currently sitting at a 37. Situational Kindred Runes and Items Depending on the context of your game, your matchup, and enemy champions, you might want to consider building some situational items or take specific runes. Carefully examine your team, enemy team, game state , and your matchup to plan your Kindred build accordingly! For example, when it comes to rune shards, you might want to take either Armor or Magic Resist, depending on which champion you are about to lane against. Furthermore, if you want a more detailed breakdown, you should also check out Kindred runes page. Kindred useful resources Probuilds Check out the latest and best Kindred Probuilds used by pros from around the world, featured by lolvvv.
Once those are dead upgrade Dance of Arrows, the last monster on this route is the Rift Scuttler. Getting an early Rift Scuttler kill is important because it has a Mark and now you can attempt to gank a lane, invade the enemy jungler. Jungle Route Summary.
Lulu has already lots of utility spells and she can even improve this by building even more utility items. Moonstone is a great item to get her simply because she can proc its effects quite often. Play defensively in the early game and let Kindred farm for her core items first. Late Game Playstyle You can stay in the front line in the late game using your Q to slow enemies down which can lead to a pick. Yuumi When talking about enchanting, nobody does it better than Yuumi. Her passive that increases offensive stats of ADCs is really strong, especially in the late game. Her heals are quite strong as well to keep Kindred healthy throughout the game.
Her ultimate is one of the best chase or disengage spells that Kindred can utilize. Mid Game Playstyle If you see Kindred start a fight immediately follow it up with your ultimate. Heal her whenever she needs it and just watch how she takes enemies down thanks to your passive that increases her damage. Late Game Playstyle Focus on clinging onto Kindred in the late game because this is the time she tries to 1v5 enemies. Making her fight enemies a little longer.
Late Game Playstyle 5. Morgana Kindred is an unstoppable killing machine in the mid-late game, but her weakness is when she gets crowd-controlled.
But the problem is how will they chase enemies down if they disengage using their flash? The answer is using a speed boost item making it easier for you to chase enemies down. This item also has a very low cost meaning it can be rushed. Kindred can poke with her Q as well but only try to do so if you have your Blackshield up. Mid Game Playstyle Kindred is an excellent tower diving marksman so try to push the lane as fast as you can and help kindred lower the hp of minions. Once the opponents are under the tower, spam your Q and W to bring their HP down. Late Game Playstyle Kindred will have crazy range and damage come late game so she will be playing really aggressively.
Try to match this playstyle by building items that lower your cooldowns. Spam your abilities and make sure you have an Hourglass so you can flash and ult in the middle of the opposing team and stun all of them so that Kindred can clean them all up. Nami Enchanters work great on Kindred as they can increase her damage and Nami is one of the best enchanters in the game.
Kindred Pro Builds - How to Play Kindred in Season 14
В Marvel Contest of Champions добавят Шёлк и Киндред | Кроме как изменения билда у этого мейнера, использования других мастерок, реворк ботрока и еще много чего другого. |
Обзор чемпиона Киндред Вечные Охотники из Лиги Легенд (гайд) | Kindred, the Eternal Hunters are champions in League of Legends. Kindred consists of two characters, Lamb and Wolf. |
One moment, please... | Прогнозы на спорт Новости Kindred продлевает партнерство с «Филадельфия Иглз» до 2025 года. |
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