K-Pop group BTS has becomes the first group to hit the number 1 spot on the Billboard 200 with five consecutive albums. Top Billboard 200 Album. Billboard открыл два новых чарта: Billboard Global 200 и Billboard Global Excl. Стоит ли говорить, что это лучший результат в карьере рэпера из Хьюстона?
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- “Billboard 200”: наилучшие альбомы недели
- Бейонсе с альбомом "Renaissance" возглавила чарт Billboard
- Justin Timberlake’s New Album Departs Billboard 200 After Just Four Weeks
Попали в историю лучших! BTS возглавили чарт Billboard 200
This list continued to be published until the consolidated Top LPs chart debuted in 1963. In 1982, Billboard began publishing a Midline Albums chart alternatively titled Midline LPs which ranked older or mid-priced titles. The chart held 50 positions and was published on a bi-weekly and later tri-weekly basis. The criteria for this chart were albums that were more than 18 months old and had fallen below position 100 on the Billboard 200. Starting with the issue dated December 5, 2009, however, the catalog limitations which removed albums over 18 months old, that have dropped below position 100 and have no currently-running single, from the Billboard 200 was lifted, turning the chart into an all-inclusive list of the 200 highest-selling albums in the country essentially changing Top Comprehensive Albums into the Billboard 200.
A new chart that keeps the previous criteria for the Billboard 200 dubbed Top Current Albums was also introduced in the same issue. The albums were eligible for the main album charts until 1963, when a Christmas Albums list was created. Albums appearing here were not listed on the Top LPs chart. In 1974, this rule was reverted and holiday albums again appeared within the main list.
Бейонсе возглавила чарт Billboard 200 с альбомом "Renaissance". Как сообщает Billboard, альбом за первую неделю продался в эквиваленте 332 000 копий. Из них физических версий было продано 190 тысяч, а остальное удалось заработать благодаря 179,06 миллионам прослушиваний на стримингах.
Об этом пишет NME. За неделю было продано 1,578 миллиона копий «Midnights. Последним альбомом, достигшим такого количества продаж в первую неделю после выпуска, был «25» Адель в 2015 году.
The chart is based mostly on sales both at retail and digitally of albums in the United States. The weekly sales period was originally Monday to Sunday when Nielsen started tracking sales in 1991, but since July 2015, tracking week begins on Friday to coincide with the Global Release Date of the music industry and ends on Thursday. A new chart is published the following Tuesday with an issue post-dated to the Saturday of the following week. New product is released to the American market on Fridays.
Top US Billboard 200 Albums - Year-end 2022
However, from this point on, only new releases were listed in the official charts. Albums that were released more than 18 months ago were included in the newly created catalog charts as soon as they left the Top 100 and no album song was listed in one of the airplay charts. In 2009, the regulation meant that after the death of Michael Jackson and shortly after the re-release of the Beatles albums in a digitally revised form, the albums by these artists were in great demand and were among the best-selling albums, but not in the official ones Charts appeared. Therefore, it was decided at Billboard to break the separation. Since November 22, 2009, the Billboard 200 lists all albums that have been sold during the recording period, regardless of when they were released. Due to the change in consumer habits due to technological change, a fundamental change was introduced in 2014. On the one hand, online music services offered not only the downloading of complete albums but also the option of downloading each individual album title and not just selected single titles. On the other hand, many music listeners chose to access various music streaming platforms as an alternative to purchasing music.
The Billboard Global 200 is a weekly record chart published by Billboard magazine. The chart ranks the top songs globally and is based on digital sales and online streaming from over 200 territories worldwide. First announced in mid-2019, it officially launched in September 2020. The current number-one as of the chart dated April 27, 2024, is " Too Sweet " by Hozier. American singer-songwriter Mariah Carey is the longest-reigning act of the Global 200, spending 18 weeks atop the chart.
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Bing Billboard 200 The Billboard 200 is a record chart ranking the 200 highest-ranking music albums and EPs in the United States, published weekly by Billboard magazine. It is frequently used to convey the popularity of an artist or groups of artists. Often, a recording act will be remembered by its " number ones ", those of their albums that outperformed all others during at least one week. The chart is based mostly on sales both at retail and digitally of albums in the United States.
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- Billboard 200: Top Albums of 2023 | Billboard
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Bon Iver Hits Number Two on Billboard 200
The Billboard 200 is a record chart ranking the 200 most popular music albums and EPs in the United States, published weekly by Billboard magazine. + Justin Timberlake 's The 20/20 Experience is officially No. 1 on the Billboard 200 chart, which was released today. Вместе с чартом Global 200 журнал Billboard запустил и другой, сходный по методике составления хит-парад: Billboard Global Excl. Теперь Уэст — один из семи артистов, у которых по крайней мере десять альбомов лидировали в чарте Billboard 200 за всю историю его существования.
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‘We Still Don’t Trust You’ Debuts at No. 1 on Billboard 200
It has only been three weeks since their first collaborative album hit number-one on the Billboard 200 albums chart, but Metro Boomin and Future are at it again. Billboard is taking a look at the albums that have topped the Billboard 200 in 2023. Пластинка Music to Be Murdered By мгновенно стала успешной, заняв первое место чарта Billboard 200. The Billboard 200 is a record chart ranking the 200 most popular music albums and EPs in the United States.
Linkin Park возглавили чарт Billboard 200
В 1960 году Billboard Top 200 начал одновременно издавать чарты альбомов, которые оценили продажи старых или оцененных альбомов. еженедельный таблица рекордов, опубликованная журналом Billboard. Billboard announced it will count official music video plays on YouTube, as well as Apple Music, Spotify, Tidal and Vevo in the Billboard 200 chart. K-Pop group BTS has becomes the first group to hit the number 1 spot on the Billboard 200 with five consecutive albums. Два скандала с далеко идущими последствиями произошли в апреле в сфере устойчивого развития. Устойчивые новости: экологический скандал вокруг H&M и гринвошинг бизнеса.
Billboard 200 Makeover: Album Chart to Incorporate Streams & Track Sales
The chart is based mostly on sales both at retail and digitally of albums in the United States. The weekly sales period was originally Monday to Sunday when Nielsen started tracking sales in 1991, but since July 2015, tracking week begins on Friday to coincide with the Global Release Date of the music industry and ends on Thursday. A new chart is published the following Tuesday with an issue post-dated to the Saturday of the following week. New product is released to the American market on Fridays.
Интервью с блогером Настей Федько об учебе в Америке, мюзиклах Camp Rock и рекламе майонеза Обзоры — 15 марта, 18:32 10 видео, которые нужно посмотреть на ютьюбе: Hwa Sa, Dreamcatcher, Stray Kids и другие наши любимые клипы кей-поп-звезд Обзоры — 2 марта, 13:09 Что бы посмотреть? Куда идем? Команды», «Необъяснимо, но факт» и другие шоу, которые мы втайне любим Обзоры — 1 декабря 2023, 14:53 Что бы посмотреть? А как ты хотела? Интервью с админами фан-клубов «Постучись в мою дверь» Обзоры — 1 сентября 2023, 17:33 Что бы посмотреть?
Альбом сразу стал бестселлером 2023 года а Свифт получила 7-й бестселлер года, рекорд , имел крупнейший в XXI веке тираж на виниле. Суммарно, это её 13-й чартттоппер, рекорд для женщин с 1956 года и уступает только The Beatles 19 и Jay-Z 14 [c]. Свифт повторила свой рекорд по количеству одновременных дебютов на вершинах Billboard 200 и Hot 100 5 раз и стала первой в истории Billboard Global 200 исполнительницей, занявшей всю первую шестерку с песнями из перезаписи. Дебютировав на первом месте в UK Albums Chart, альбом разошёлся тиражом 184 000 экземпляров, из которых 62 000 — виниловые пластинки, что более чем в два раза превысило общий объём продаж оригинального альбома в первую неделю продаж и стало самым быстро продаваемым виниловым альбомом в 2023 году.
Ранее он стал первым сольным исполнителем, продавшим два миллиона копий своего дебютного сольного альбома "Layover" в чартах "Hanteo". Поклонники по всему миру ликуют, ведь Тэхён сумел добиться такого невероятного успеха со своим первым сольным альбомом. Со всего мира приходят искренние поздравления в честь этого замечательного достижения. Выпустив 8 сентября 2023 года свой сольный альбом, Тэхён продал более двух миллионов копий, став первым сольным исполнителем, которому удалось достичь такого результата.
Blackpink стала первой женской k-pop-группой, возглавившей чарт Billboard 200
Однако критики и слушатели отнеслись к альбому по-разному. Так, музыкальное онлайн-издание Pitchfork дало «Donda» всего шесть из десяти возможных баллов — авторы рецензии сочли, что «значительная часть альбома все еще звучит неполно» и представляет собой «свалку». Ранее свинка Пеппа «затроллила» Канье Уэста в Twitter из-за нового альбома. Подписывайтесь на «Газету.
The other weeks were spent on the Top Pop Catalog Albums chart. Tapestry by Carole King holds the record for the longest time for an album by a female solo artist to remain on the Billboard albums chart, with over six years. King also holds the record for most consecutive weeks at number one on the Billboard 200 for any one album by a female solo artist with 15 weeks, also by Tapestry. The Monkees are the only band to have had four number-one albums in the same year. Prince is the only artist to have five albums simultaneously in the top ten, which occurred for a week in May 2016. The Kingston Trio had four albums simultaneously in the top ten, which occurred for five consecutive weeks in November and December 1959. She broke this record two years later with a fourth number-one debut. The first UK solo artist to debut at number one with a debut album is Leona Lewis on April 26, 2008 with the album Spirit.
Initially only five long positions, the album chart was not released on a weekly basis, sometimes taking three to seven weeks before it was updated. Then Popular Albums appeared, in 1955, this list was updated every two weeks and only counted the fifteen albums with the highest sales in the region. With the "explosion of rock and roll " on March 24, 1956, the list officially became weekly and would now be recognized from the top ten to the thirty best-selling albums.
Billboard 200 — список 200 наиболее популярных музыкальных альбомов и мини-альбомов в США. Что касается отдельных музыкальных композиций, то в чарте Global 200 песня «Dynamite» расположилась на 94-м месте, «Butter» — на 126-м, «My Universe» — на 139-м месте.