Новости 372 уровень брайан тест

Прохождение Brain Test» Уровень 372. Oops. Oops, app failed to load! Retry. Ответы на каждый Brain Test Уровень в том числе советы, хитрости, видео, скриншот и инструкции, чтобы быстро перейти к следующей загадке. Brain Test уровень 372. Брейн тест 372.

Прохождение игры брайан тест

Помоги, пожалуйста… 136... Помоги, пожалуйста… 136 уровень игра Brain Test отключены Ох-хо-хо! Только не это! Малыш снова плачет!

Что же он хочет? Что же он... Успокой её, пожалуйста.

Поймай крысу, пока маму сердечный приступ не хватил! Поймай крысу, пока маму сердечный приступ не...

Он мог играть и застрять где-нибудь. Мы предлагаем следующие решения: Brain Test Уровень 372 — Он хочет быть выше..

Вы решили использовать наш веб-сайт для предотвращения потери уровня.

Здесь нам предстоит решать трудные и не очень задачки. Проверьте свои знания, смекалку и находчивость пройдя все уровни этой игры. Разработчики этой головоломки приложили немало усилий, чтобы игра получилась интересной и познавательной.

The game requires a lot of thinking outside of the box, so be prepared for it.

Enjoy this funny test. It is free and can be found in both the App Store and Play Store.


372 уровень Brain Test — Это самая популярная головоломка, в которой вам предстоит разгадывать непростые задачки. Брайан тест 2 худеем с Настей 17 уровень. Брайан тест уровень 113. Brian Test 181 уровень. Прохождение Brain Test» Уровень 372. Новости. Путешествие.

Brain Test Level 372 (NEW) He wants big muscles Answer

Brain Test: Tricky Puzzles is one of the most popular trick question games in the history of the iOS and Android platforms. It’s been at the top of the download charts for a long time, and has even gotten its own sequel, titled Brain Test 2: Tricky Stories. Brain Test уровень 372. 372 уровень Brain Test — Это самая популярная головоломка, в которой вам предстоит разгадывать непростые задачки. Нужно будет искать нестандартные решения. 372 уровень Brain Test — Это самая популярная головоломка, в которой вам предстоит разгадывать непростые задачки. Ответы на игру Brain test. Brain test отличная игра головоломка, предлагаю вашему вниманию прохождение игры.


Вам ведь нужен правильный ответ! Уровень 32 Вопрос: Помоги машине пересечь мост. Ответ: тапните по машинке, чтобы она поехала, затем задержите палец на середине моста, где есть разлом. Уровень 33 Вопрос: Он должен добраться до своей машины, чтобы спастись от зомби! Ответ: когда вы движетесь, зомби идут к вам. Поэтому сначала идите в правый верхний угол, затем — влево и вниз к машине, которая теперь не окружена зомби. Уровень 34 Ответ: потрясите телефоном. Открывашка вам не нужна. Ответ: опустите текст вопроса под животных и выберите единственного кота.

Уровень 36 Вопрос: вы видите сетку с цифрами 9 и 1. Ответ: 4. Речь идет о точках, где перекрещиваются отрезки. Уровень 37 Вопрос: Тут слишком темно! Не могу найти моего кота! Ответ: переместите лампочку из правого верхнего угла с количеством подсказок в середину экрана. Уровень 38 Вопрос: Доберись до финиша, пока не истекло время. Ответ: разрушьте часы, тапнув по ним несколько раз, а затем запустите машинку.

Level 203: Some of the soccer players have circles around them. Then shoot a goal. Level 204: To teach the cat how to hunt, put the box over the cat, then grab the cheese from the shelf and put it on the ground. When the mouse appears, move the box and the cat will hunt it. Level 205: To find the treasure, tap and drag the rocks around until you find a red X. Then grab the shovel and stick it in the red X to find the treasure. The rabbit will trip and the tortoise will win.

Not the dream boy, the real boy. Level 210: To make a choice with the genie, rub the left choice with your finger to erase it. Tap that one. When he moves the umbrella, tap the llama to spit at him. There are a total of 12 teeth. Your goal is to black out all of the grids. Level 214: To follow the correct pattern, simply watch the order in which the buttons light up and then copy it.

Level 215: Horsy wishes for wings now. Level 216: To separate the colors, simply tap the test tubes together to give colors from one to the other. Make it so that three of the test tubes are all one color apiece. Put the mattress on the left side of the screen underneath the trampoline, then move the trampoline. Level 219: Tom wants to jump again, but we ran out of mushrooms. Drag the left hill towards the right hill to close the gap, then hit the jump button. Level 220: To help our friend cross the street, drag the crosswalk from the bricks down into the street on his side so that he can cross.

Level 221: To make an omelette, pop the balloon by dragging it to the knife, then pick up the egg and crack it onto the pan to cook it and make an omelette. Level 222: She lost her balloon! Scroll the entire screen down to find it in the sky, then give her the balloon that you find up there. Level 223: How many dogs are there? There are a total of 12 dogs — some of them are hiding. Level 224: To get rid of all of the microbes, pick up the white cloth from on the ground, then wipe up all of the microbes. Then throw the cloth into the fire.

Level 225: To get into the house, zoom in on the house with two fingers. Then take the key and put it into the keyhole in the door. Level 226: To help me feed the lizard, first, swipe up on the serving tray to take the lid off and reveal the chicken. Then open the window by tapping on it. A fly will come in the window and the lizard will eat it. All reds go in one dish, all yellows in one dish, and all blues in one dish. Level 228: Tom has found another valley to jump!

Drag the middle cloud down out of the sky and put it in the gap, then hit the jump button and the cat will bounce off of the cloud. Level 229: To find all of the animals, find the five rabbits, two snakes, and one bird. Then take the acorn and put it in front of the middle tree hole to get the squirrel to come out. Level 231: He wants 5 glasses of milk and 3 cookies, so swap the 3 and the 5 around to turn the question into 3 glasses of milk and 5 cookies. Level 232: To help the man escape, the zombie will always mirror his movements. So trap the zombie behind the red wall at the top left corner, then make your way to the car. Level 233: To help our hero, flip the phone upside down.

The hero will stay there, but the other ones will fall off of the screen. Level 235: She is very tired. To help her out, tap the dishwasher to open it. Tap the cabinet to open it, then put the clean dishes inside. Then put the dirty dishes in the dishwasher. Level 236: To help her hit the target, drag the target into the path of the moving crosshair. Then tap her to shoot an arrow once the crosshair is over the target.

Then hit fight to beat him. Level 238: How can Tom jump this time? Easy — swipe to the right on Tom to move him to the edge of the platform, then tap the jump button and he will make it across. Level 239: We must stop this monster! Drag the paint can up above the monster to turn its health bar from red to green, which will make the monster turn green and friendly. Hit the wizard in the head with it, then drag the stars that pop up and put them into the sky. Level 241: To pick the apples, tap all of the apples on all three screens, but watch out for the tomato, which looks just like an apple but has a smooth bottom.

Level 242: To start a fire, take his hat off, then move one of the clouds to reveal the sun. The sun will bounce off of his head and light the firewood on fire. Level 243: To draw a triangle, move the middle dot downward, then draw lines between each set of two dots. Level 244: There are some weird things going on around here. To find them, tap on the red puffer fish, the pink crab, and the larger of the two green round fish in the middle. Level 245: He needs some help! Level 247: Which monkey has the longest tail?

Swipe the monkeys up and you will see how long all of their tails are. Swipe them all the way up to the top of the screen. Level 248: He wants the same burger. Simply build him the same burger, with the same ingredients in the same order as the other guy has. Level 249: The computer works too slow and it makes him sad. To make him happy again, take all of the dirt out of the fan shrouds so that the fans start blowing again, speeding up the computer. Level 250: Oh no, he is so late for work today!

Level 251: To help the man reach his house, swipe up on the red shape to help him cross the first gap, then swipe back down on the shape to help him cross the second gap. Level 252: Where is the dog hiding? Shine the light around the lower left quadrant of the screen to find the dog next to the wardrobe. Level 253: To get rid of the traffic, tilt your phone to the right to slide the traffic downhill and make it leave the bridge. Level 254: To complete your sword training, swipe around on his hands until he moves the sword two times. Level 255: To help the judge escape the traps, tap down, right, right, right, down, down, left, left, down, down, right, right, right, right, right. Level 256: Oh no, her flower is dying!

To revive the flower, take the bucket, fill it with water, then pour it on the flower. After that, take the hay and give it to the cow. When the cow eats it, it will poop. Then put the poop on the flower to fertilize it. Level 258: To save the town from the meteors, swipe up on the left mountain to raise it high enough to block the meteors from hitting it. Level 260: To reform the face, drag the black line in the middle of the screen down and put it right next to the left half of the face. Level 261: You must win this, somehow.

Drag the circle off of the top right square and put an X there to make a tic-tac-toe. Level 263: To help the cat get the fish again, take the bone and spin it around the dog over and over to make the dog dizzy. Then move the cat to the fish. Level 264: To help him overcome this boring Monday, tap the coffee maker until it gets hot, then put it in his cup. Open the cabinet and get the coffee out, then put it in his cup. Then drag the cup to his mouth. Level 265: To help these two lovers come together, zoom in on the log with two fingers to increase the size, then move it into the middle to make it a bridge.

Level 266: The baby is crying again, so move the teddy bear to find a remote, then tap the remote to change the channel on the TV. Level 267: To conquer the castle, take the torch from the three troops and use it to set the catapult rock on fire. Then fire the rock at the castle. Level 268: Sir Noobalot requires your help to defeat the dragon. Level 269: What is on Jupiter? Drag the question mark out of the question and onto Jupiter, since the answer is unknown. Level 270: To prevent the accident, pull the horn string on the train to sound the horn and wake up the sleeping guy on the tracks.

Level 271: He is so angry, calm him down! To do that, lie your phone down screen-side down to make him take a nap. Level 272: We must open this vault! Move the books to reveal a piece of paper with a T-shape. Use that as a guide and light up 1, 2, 3, 5, and 8. Level 273: Sir Noobalot must defeat a troll this time. To defeat the troll, run up to him and then back away when he raises his club.

Do it a second time and the bridge will break, dropping the troll into the water. Level 274: Why is the car in front not moving? Scroll the cars to the left to find the guy sleeping inside, then tap on the driver to wake him up. Move 13 on top of 7 to make 20, then tap on the number 20. Level 277: To satisfy the customer, put all of the food on the tray at the same time and then give it to him.

Игра отличная, весёлая, позитивная, но, помимо лёгких уровней в игре бывают такие, что даже используя подсказки, сложно понять, что делать дальше. В этот момент на помощь приходим мы! Не могу найти моего кота! Насколько публикация полезна? Нажмите на звезду, чтобы оценить!

Ответ: трем расческу об футболку, подносим к прическе, так мальчик станет выше. Оцените статью.

Брайан тест 372 - 81 фото

Brain Test: ответы на все уровни игры | - программы и IT обзоры | Дзен Лайфхаки. Музыка. Новости и СМИ. Обучение. Подкасты.
Игра brain test ответы на все уровни Брайан тест уровень 113.

Найди здесь ошибку брайан тест

Brain Test уровень 372. Брейн тест 372. Brian Test уровень 143. Here we go with another brain teaser called Brain Test and we love it because it is as challenging as it can get. The game consists of various difficult riddles and tricky tests that can challenge your IQ at extreme levels. Brain Test breaks common sense and brings you a new experience. Levels Answers. Here we go with another brain teaser called Brain Test and we love it because it is as challenging as it can get. The game consists of various difficult riddles and tricky tests that can challenge your IQ at extreme levels. Brain Test breaks common sense and brings you a new experience. Brain Test Level 421 – 425 Answers.

Brain Test 372 уровень — Он хочет быть выше

Ответы к игре brain test Уровень 113 BRAINTEST. Брайан тест уровень 111.
Brain Test - Как пройти 372 уровень (Руководство и Ответы) Как пройти игру Брайан тест 419 уровень.
Как пройти 372 уровень в игре Brain Test если не знаете правильных ответов 372 уровень Brain Test — Это самая популярная головоломка, в которой вам предстоит разгадывать непростые задачки.

Brain Test Ответы и Прохождение Всех Головоломок (Android, IOS)

Вы можете отгадывать головоломки где угодно, ведь постоянно подключению к интернету игра не требует. Приступайте решать задачи с друзьями или родственниками и пройдите всю игру Brain Test:Хитрые головоломки до конца. Игра подойдет для любого возраста, поэтому Вы можете провести время в кругу своих друзей. Вы ответите на многие вопросы: Как проходить игру brain test?

We encourage you to engage with our content, leave comments, and connect with fellow readers who share your interests. Throughout the article, the writer presents a wealth of knowledge about the subject matter. In particular, the section on X stands out as particularly informative.

Get ready to take the quiz! Brain Test consists of many tricky puzzles that make you think outside the box. Therefore, the game brings a new puzzle experience that can be lots of fun and challenging. You can enjoy Brain Test alone in your room, but it can sometimes be even more fun when played with others like friends or family.

Если вам нужно больше игр из жанра головоломки, воспользуйтесь меню нашего сайта. Тут мы разместили только самые популярные игры для прохождения. Похожие игры для прохождения из жанра три в ряд: Если вам наскучили головоломки, такие как Words of Wonders или по простому - WOW, то мы вам предлагаем обратить ваше внимание на игры из категории три в ряд.

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