Новости фанфики андерверс

I'm sure there's a lot about Underverse you regret, but does one thing stand out more than the others? Многие из его идеалов весьма спорны, но это делает историю немного интереснее чем большинство однотипных фанфиков про попаданцев. {Кошмар эррора} реакция сансов на Underverse + сюжет part-14. Underverse. Аниме и манга 00K Active. Автор: Lily-lilith. Инк и Эррор битва из андервёрс.

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Both of you landed on the ground with flowers catching your fall. Both of you were in pain as both of you heard foot steps. As old as my account do no hate or anything qwq - tRaSh!!! Sans: Please make us suffer through your dare and make us tell our dark secrets, through making us tell the truthAuthor: Uhh... SansSans: Yeah? Stop making the potential reader pity you! Author: Please come in and play this game with us!

Credits will be the endEdit: this story contain malay too. Filled with adventure, fantasy, and suspense. These heroes later team up with Sans and transport themselves into the journey of their lives. This will catalyze the beginning of the biggest battle for the multiverse. DisclaimerThis story is rated T for teens. It contains blood, violence, and foul language.

They belong to their rightful creators.

Man wakes up as a alternate version of Cross Sans,neat,the cover is mine.. Cross Sans is not mine or any Sans you will see besides this alternate version of Cross Got first place in Bittytale... You meet new monsters every day.

The link is in my profile. I said I was gonna make a part 2 to Hopetale, sooo here you go. Updates will possibly be slow okay? Life has been normal for awhile now and Corsiva has never been happier.

One night, someone enters her home without warning and tells her that her universe is not the only one out there. Toby Fox owns Undertale. Most of this was made by me fangirling to random songs. Just let me know what you think.

I have experience though, through roleplaying. So, anyway, I hope you like this story!! You and Frisk always get along until both of you climbed up a mountain.

Frisk feels bad for Underswap because the residents of the AU did everything to save the timeline. As X-Tale! Alphys moves past them, she mentions that Underswap was "Pacifist timeline number 122". She said that Cross was in big trouble because of X-Event!

Chara, as the white shine on her glasses disappeared for a short while. Alphys pulled out a page and once it touched the ground, everything was being sucked in. After the quarantine was successfully executed, Core was aware of what the quarantine was. They mentioned how the people of X-Tale were once good people and now have sly intentions. A timeline that had been damaged by the X-Event had been detected, X-Tale! Alphys headed over. After arriving in "Pacifist timeline number 13" or Underfell, Core!

Frisk was watching X-Tale! Alphys from the trees because of her suspicious actions. Papyrus was talking to Underfell! Asgore, claiming that he was unaware of what happened. Soon the residents of Underfell spotted X-Tale! The king asked if she had any intentions causing descruction and threatened her to explain what happened. He quickly summoned his trident and counted down before he hastily attack X-Tale!

Just before the attack got to her, X-Tale! Mettaton stopped the trident with Underfell! Asgore shocked.

Если Вы хотели немного подробнее о сюжете, будет лучше для начала разобраться в предыстории или почитать соответствующие сайты. Похожие вопросы.


На данный момент моей сферой интересов являются фанфики, коими я и занимаюсь, но, разумеется, останавливаться лишь на них не собираюсь. Саннсара-нирвана (фанфик). Как-то сидел я в трактире в Ипатьевской слободе. UnderverseBattles has one repository available. Follow their code on GitHub. Просмотры: 14.4M. Смотрите видео на тему «Underverse Fanfic» в TikTok. Смотрите больше видео на тему «Taekook Fanfics, Fanfic Toman Em Português Sn Edits, Onde Ler Fanfic, Fanfic. Главная Топ видео Новости Спорт Музыка Игры Юмор Животные Авто. Я хоть и не презерватив но имею на это право ШОК НОВОСТЬ Гоголь и клубничка обкурились и поменялись местами, но потом они приняли Гоголя и трахнули полку.

Underverse сезон 2

Sound-Effect Bleep : Fresh does this whenever someone swears. Underfell Sans learns this the hard way. Take That, Audience! He says that it is essentially our fault that he took the decisions he did, as he does not want to be forgotten.

He essentially presents XGaster as a replacement for us. In a more indirect manner, XGaster is a Deconstruction of the perfectionist author. It is outright stated that he is never satisfied with his own ideas, and keeps redoing his work over and over and over again, accepting nothing less than some unobtainable concept of perfection.

Many times he even relies on plagiarism and idea-stealing; for example, for Timeline 3 he literally copied Underswap. His behavior overall mirrors many, many creators of all genres and art forms, and many viewers have admitted that they see their own behavior reflected in XGaster. However, unlike us, XGaster has to live with his creations, and they are NOT happy to be continuously discarded.

Sans teleports in front of Underswap Papyrus in order to save his life. Luckily, the deluxe ketchup bottle he got from Frisk in Underverse 0. This Cannot Be!

One from X-Event Frisk in the prequel comic, which marks the point where his true character comes to light. X-Event Frisk: Sans... Wham Shot : Two in quick succession in 0.

When Underfell Asgore attacks XTale Alphys, there is a shot of her right purple eye and Underfell Asgore looking surprised before it cuts back to XTale Mettaton , who is effortlessly blocking the attack. What the Hell Are You? What the Hell, Hero?

Расположенные вблизи королевства, правящие династии и короли - вымысел. Весьма сносно читается как ориджинал. Добавил а : Aлександрия Просмотров: [2978] Количество голосов: [0] Рейтинг: [0. Предупреждения: ООС, АУ Размер: миди Статус: в процессе перемещения с другого сайта Дисклеймеры: все права на героев мультсериала принадлежат их создателям. Права на тех героев, которых я создала сама, остаются моими же Размещение: только с разрешением автора и ссылкой на исходную публикацию От автора: Эта работа написана по заявке на Книге Фанфиков.

Для нас это земля обетованная, мы Некромонгеры, мы убиваем всех, кого не можем обратить в свою веру. Главный над Некромонгерами Лорд Маршал, только ему удалось совершить половничество к вратам вселенной смерти, назад он вернулся совершенно другим существом, необыкновенно сильным, но совсем чужим, на половину человек, на половину кто-то ещё… Год 10017… Некромонгеры явились в очередной раз, чтобы покорить новую планету, Планету Уиндзор Грядет эпоха великих изменений, грозящих перевернуть все существующие устои мироздания...

DisclaimerThis story is rated T for teens. It contains blood, violence, and foul language. They belong to their rightful creators. Oh, and there WILL be cursing. So make sure to comment and give me feedback, or just comment on stuff you think is funny so I know what to have more of. Thanks guys!!

E left his creator place and found out about the Dimension Paper. He had idea to make his creator, happy. I almost forgot... Once I got all the five dimension I need, we will create a story together, we will have fun. This will be about a 18 year old human who lives in a world of humans and monsters. While along this journey he finds a job with the Star Sanses. Transparent and colorless mostly, but has a slight bus of lime green time to time. The color of kindness.

Underverse 0.7 часть II озвучка(Радикально-чернильные времена)

Кто победит: магический мир или культисты?.. Почему-то в первую главу не загружается текст, поэтому фик начинается во второй главе. Планируемый объем работы: 7 частей по 10 глав каждая. Для понимания фанфика произведения Лавкрафта читать не обязательно.

Ну вот, похоже и все... Надеюсь вам понравился мой Фанфик. Гастер: нет, нет, это ещё не все... Share to.

Possibly invoked by XGaster. Most of the X-Tale characters that show up with him at the end of 0. Mirror Boss : Considering that the cast of the first season is literally just Sans, every single fight is this. However, they only ones who truly fight the same as Undertale Sans and Underfell Sans, with the rest mixing up their styles or having completely different magic. In this case, their powers and fighting styles have practically nothing in common. Moment Killer : Ink has a habit of throwing up or making out out-of-place, weird comments in tense situations.

The Multiverse : The premise is that one timeline is destroyed and Cross starts stealing from the other universes, with Ink and Sans trying to stop him. Ink does one as well in Xtra Scene 2. Painting the Medium : Just like the source material, all characters speak in their own fonts. All non-skeleton characters use 8bitoperator. Cross and XChara switch to Chalkboard for the same thing. The Gasters overlay Windings and Tahoma at once.

Fresh changes the colours of his speech bubble with every line. Ink and Nightmare have switched fonts several times through the series. It also happens in Underverse 0. People Puppets : Heavily implied to be the case with XAlphys, who while is incredibly loyal to XGaster, secretly disapproves of his actions. In the first season of Underverse, Cross obtains the ability to control people by stabbing them with his Hack Knife. His control is so good that he can speak through them.

He does so to fight Killer and protect Dream, although his reasoning is largely unknown at this point.

Я лишь поверхностно знаком с персонажами и событиями marvel в основном пару фильмов и дофига фанфиков стали моими источниками инфы , так что большую часть буду выдумывать сам. Поэтому не надо писать, что такого нет или я где-то ошибся в имени или событиях. Вселенных много, а вариаций происходящего ещё больше. Предлагайте свои идеи, чем дополнить фик. Почитаю, покумекаю, может и добавлю чего.

Underverse Stories

Еще немного under!verse Undertale, X-tale, Underverse, Underverse!sans, Undervirus, Sans, Error!sans, Errortale, Длиннопост. только нашла фанфики теперь буду читать их тут. Саннсара-нирвана (фанфик). Как-то сидел я в трактире в Ипатьевской слободе. Приложение Книга Фанфиков Всегда под рукой. Underverse is a Web Comic-turned Web Animation based off of the video game Undertale and a Tumblr webcomic named X-Tale created by Jael Peñ. Главная Топ видео Новости Спорт Музыка Игры Юмор Животные Авто.

underverse confessions

Либо после первой, либо после второй, если учитывать перемещение во времени из второй части. Но читать лучше после трех предыдущих. Болгарский я не знаю. Если кто укажет на ошибки, буду благодарна!

Вобщем, после битвы которая случилась, прошло уже 2 года, я Великий Папирус стал главой королевской стражи, а Андайн теперь помогает др. Альфис в лаборатории. На счёт остальных, поскольку Блуберри Санс отдал свою душу Фриск, она не справлялась с такой силой и ей пришлось выковать медальен, в который Фриск запустила половину своих сил. Все же прошло много времени, и Санс не мог так долго держать свои чувства в себе, он признался Фриск в любви, как это мило...

Sans decides to join after a rude calling with Underfell! Frisk gives Sans some advice to defeat Cross, as Fell! Sans joins him to the site. Fortunately, Sans and Fell! Sans were able to distract Cross before he could do much to Underswap, but the huge victory ends up being a flop, as Cross! Chara is revived by the soul of Underswap! Chara throws Sans and Fell! Chara begins his X-Event on the Underswap universe. He then performs a series of events on the Underswap crew thanks to the power of overwriting. Chara was much more understanding than Cross, and allowed him to kill someone. Meanwhile, Sans and Fell! Sans tries to hide from the now captured Underswap characters, and Dream tells them that they should lower their negative feelings, as his brother feeds on it. After Underswap! Papyrus tells his brother that this was the best timeline they could ever live in, the three were able to enter, and Sans was able to stop X-Event! Chara thanks to his ketchup bottle. Chara soon tries to reason with Sans about his own timeline, and his purpose, but with the failure of his chance at killing, Nightmare kills Underswap! Chara, and leaves with X-Event! Chara, telling Sans to "spend his last moments". Dream tells them all to head to Outertale , another safe pacifist AU, but Underswap! Papyrus decides to stay in the AU, since he has no chance at trusting Ink after the incident that has occurred. And as the crew heads to Outertale, Underswap! Papyrus looks up to the sunset, as the timeline is erased.

Alphys to put the timelines that are corrupted by the X-Event under quarantine. Alphys first arrives in Underswap. Upon arrival, Core! Frisk and Underswap! Papyrus was found having a conversation. Frisk mentions that they can no longer help them get to the Omega timeline because of their timeline collapsing. Both Underswap! Papyrus and Underswap! Chara soon glitched away. Frisk feels bad for Underswap because the residents of the AU did everything to save the timeline. As X-Tale! Alphys moves past them, she mentions that Underswap was "Pacifist timeline number 122". She said that Cross was in big trouble because of X-Event! Chara, as the white shine on her glasses disappeared for a short while. Alphys pulled out a page and once it touched the ground, everything was being sucked in. After the quarantine was successfully executed, Core was aware of what the quarantine was. They mentioned how the people of X-Tale were once good people and now have sly intentions. A timeline that had been damaged by the X-Event had been detected, X-Tale! Alphys headed over. After arriving in "Pacifist timeline number 13" or Underfell, Core! Frisk was watching X-Tale! Alphys from the trees because of her suspicious actions.

Underverse Stories

Underverse. Аниме и манга 00K Active. Автор: Lily-lilith. Миф 2: Шипперы Андерверс существуют только для создания фанфиков и фанартов. Просмотрите доску «Андервёрс» в Pinterest пользователя чернильница, на которую подписаны 467 человек.

Комиксы по Андервёрс 🔞

Underverse. Undertale AU и т.д. Underverse is a Web Comic-turned Web Animation based off of the video game Undertale and a Tumblr webcomic named X-Tale created by Jael Peñ. Просмотрите доску «Андервёрс» в Pinterest пользователя чернильница, на которую подписаны 467 человек. Фанфики по фэндому «Undertale». За сутки За неделю За месяцЗа все время. реакции по Андервёрсу. приятного прочтения, зайки мои внимание!! 1. отклонения от канона 2. грамматические ошибки 3. несмешные шутки автора.

Фанфики ВРИ — 65 книг

Фанфик "Дождалась! Подарок ко дню рождения Гермионы Грейнджер. В работе, глава 58 8. Коллажи "Серия гранж" от MarSe 6. Коллаж "Красная шапочка" от MarSe. Запоздалый подарок для Dva Slova!

Ты чего мне не сказал чо те херово? И откуда цветы?

Кто же стал причиной этой неполадки , а? Фреш говорил с явным беспокойством и... Стоп Пиджи не послышалось. Фреш явно нервничал. Пиджи хотел уж было сказать что не его ума дело, но что то подтолкнуло его сказать правду. Фреш впал в ступор с недоумением глядя через очки на Пиджи. Неожиданно, но похоже чувак я тя тоже типо люблю.

Но без таких последствий. Ты глянь на свои кости. Тут Пиджи заметил что его рубаху задрали и предоставили к зрелищу проросшие кости и душу розовыми маргаритками. Пиджи привстал и тут же свалился обратно, в груди ужасно болело. Тут Фреш сделал как бы он выразился ,, неожидос,, и притянул к себе Пиджи поцеловав его. В это время Пиджи ответил на поцелуй. Теперь он знал.

Они больше чем братаны.

He then performs a series of events on the Underswap crew thanks to the power of overwriting. Chara was much more understanding than Cross, and allowed him to kill someone. Meanwhile, Sans and Fell! Sans tries to hide from the now captured Underswap characters, and Dream tells them that they should lower their negative feelings, as his brother feeds on it. After Underswap! Papyrus tells his brother that this was the best timeline they could ever live in, the three were able to enter, and Sans was able to stop X-Event! Chara thanks to his ketchup bottle. Chara soon tries to reason with Sans about his own timeline, and his purpose, but with the failure of his chance at killing, Nightmare kills Underswap!

Chara, and leaves with X-Event! Chara, telling Sans to "spend his last moments". Dream tells them all to head to Outertale , another safe pacifist AU, but Underswap! Papyrus decides to stay in the AU, since he has no chance at trusting Ink after the incident that has occurred. And as the crew heads to Outertale, Underswap! Papyrus looks up to the sunset, as the timeline is erased. As they watch though, Error notices that the Cross anomalies were in the show, and after Asgoro and Sin enter in to stop Cross and Cross! Chara, Ink champs in, using his vial to erase Asgoro and Sin. He thanks Error for joining his game, where XGaster tells him to wake up, proclaiming that this game is getting interesting.

With this discovery, he officially breaks the truce he made with Ink. The creator decided to take a break from animating the series. XGaster was found observing the Doodle Sphere, noticing the damage that had been done by the X-Event. He summoned his assistant, X-Tale! Alphys to put the timelines that are corrupted by the X-Event under quarantine.

Если Вы хотели немного подробнее о сюжете, будет лучше для начала разобраться в предыстории или почитать соответствующие сайты. Похожие вопросы.

underverse comics

Многие из его идеалов весьма спорны, но это делает историю немного интереснее чем большинство однотипных фанфиков про попаданцев. Browse through and read underverse fanfiction stories and books. Фанфик написан прежде всего по мультсериалу 1994го года "Человек-Паук", любые иные источники использовались только тогда, когда авторам это. @producer666 Если у тебя есть эксклюзивное видео, либо интересная новость - ты можешь прислать её нам - @dybl666_feedback_bot.

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