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Руководство по запуску League of Legends: Syndra the Dark Sovereign

Syndra TFT - Best Items and BiS Build League of Legends чемпион Синдра Счетчики, статистика, про сборки, скины, брызговики и рейтинги.
Syndra - Liquipedia League of Legends Wiki Detailed League of Legends Syndra ARAM Build including spell order, summoner spells, the most important items as well as runes.
League of Legends: гайд по Синдре Welcome to /r/syndramains, a subreddit dedicated to the League of Legends Champion Syndra. This is a place for avid Syndra players and fans, as.

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Syndra is strong, but if you ran into Irelia or Twisted Fate you might get in trouble. In order to win your lane and against your counter, you need the right spells, items and runes. The following Syndra Mid pro build will help you with that. Follow our build, pentakills will follow and you will learn how to play Syndra. Since Riot Games regularly releases a new patch, Syndra builds may change from time to time. It is important to keep up to date. Buying the right item can make the difference between winning and losing as Syndra.

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Не работает с артефактом Chalice of Harmony. Увеличивает скорость перемещения на 45 единиц. Собирается из: Boots of Speed.

После активации, герой становится неуязвимым к вражеским атакам и другим негативным воздействиям на 2,5 секунды. Однако герой не может двигаться, атаковать и пользоваться своими способностями. Кулдаун: 90 секунд.

Кулдаун: 60 секунд.

As long as Syndra has a Dark Sphere out in the lane, she is applying pressure and should be respected for it. The only way to really punish Syndra is to be agile enough to avoid all of her abilities, or wait for her to use all of them before pursuing a trade or all-in.

With that in mind, good Syndra players will predominantly be using Q in lane, and not her W or E to have that constant threat of its use to apply pressure and generate leads. In order to play the mid game correctly, it is important to keep that in mind. That is why her build and rune choices are so important to creating options to keep herself safe in this stage of the game when she is weakest, but at the same time the most impactful.

Syndra is best at getting picks on rotations and around objectives by initiating with her abilities, or at least following up and dealing the finishing blow with her ultimate. Her problem, however, is that she must stay ahead of the curve in terms of income to make sure she is as impactful at this stage of the game as possible. The best way to do that consistently is with CSing in the side lanes.

In the side lanes, Syndra must be extremely careful because of her lack of mobility. When she cannot easily match an enemy side laner, Syndra will likely only be punished for moving to the side lanes to catch waves, and so instead, should be looking to setup plays for picks in the jungle, and only move to side lanes when it is safest to do so. For competitive, side laning is a bit harder compared to solo queue.

Syndra is perhaps one of the champions that is so dependent on this awareness that it really makes-or-breaks her gameplay. Positioning around her Dark Spheres to play aggressively is one thing, but also positioning to minimize her chances of getting killed at the same time, is a whole different challenge. I think the most important things during teamfights are, making sure that: 1.

You have balls stacked up before the fight starts in order to get the maximum number of balls for your ultimate. As well as: 2. Setting up just potential balls for you to look for stuns off of.

On top of all of these factors, Syndra can also play a fight in more of a utility role where she uses her ultimate to position all of her Dark Spheres in front of her to set up an easy and also massive stun that can potentially hit the majority of the enemies. As the fight continues, her role gets a bit easier as she just needs to position for safety, while using abilities to continue dealing damage. Counterplay Although Syndra is an incredible blind pick, she still has some counter picks.

As mentioned previously, Assassins, Juggernauts, and Bruisers are quite effective against Syndra in lane.

Proactive ball placement will not only threaten an all-in on squishy targets that will likely result in death, but also threaten easy setup for multi-champion stuns or follow up crowd control. This setup is not only important for controlling the flow of the fight, but considering high priority champions in the meta right now, she can easily punish the heavy-dive compositions that are common in solo queue. So she is a very good deterrent for a lot of the other meta champions right now. Syndra is one of the few mid lane champions that is incredibly good as a blind pick. With her impeccable laning, in most matchups she can get lane priority and apply that one-shot pressure elsewhere around the map to create easy leads. To synergize with her early game dominance, try to pair Syndra with an aggressive early game jungler to effectively generate leads in the jungler and mid lane.

I think the main determining factor when picking Syndra blind is just which jungler are you comboing her with. If you have a good jungler to combo with Syndra, then Syndra plus that jungler can really take over the early game and I think that is a really huge factor. A good example is our game against FlyQuest where we played Syndra. The game plan behind that is that Hecarim just wants to farm early game and make it to level 6, whereas Graves should have a lot of agency and invade and prevent him from getting to that level 6. Syndra should be able to get mid priority most matchups and help Graves in accomplishing that. Ultimately, however, there is one option for runes that is far above the rest overall. Phase Rush is easily the best rune choice overall because it makes up for her lack of mobility while also providing her an easier time readjusting her positioning to setup stuns with her Scatter the Weak.

Transcendence also provides Syndra with lower cooldowns that can make her power that much more potent as she levels up. Finally, Scorch is exceptional for Syndra because of how important her poking is to her lane success. Adding extra damage to her poke every ten seconds can add up quickly and again, make her laning that much more potent. In terms of the secondary tree, summoners should look to take Inspiration tree with points in Biscuit Delivery, and Cosmic Insight. Considering it is common to have 1-2 active items, and how important Flash is to staying alive, Cosmic Insight is essential. I think Phase Rush is definitely the best, just because she is a very low mobility champion, and if her E Scatter the Weak is down, then she becomes very vulnerable to anyone who jumps on her. So having the extra movement speed will be really good for escaping those situations.

But there is some room for some other Keystones.

Syndra Build, Runes & Counters for middle Syndra

This should enable champions with reactive mobility to avoid stuns and damage more easily. While her new ultimate animation may have a new visual flair, that will remain undodgeable. Players will be able to admire the deep shades of purple as Syndra continues to one-combo them as she has for years.

Health Potion x2 : Provides Syndra with the necessary sustain in the early laning phase. Situational Items Void Staff: Ideal when facing teams with high magic resist, ensuring her spells pierce through defenses. In our Syndra Guide, we delve into the specific runes preferred by the pros.

Read along for the full League of Legends Patch 12. League of Legends Patch 12. These changes should help Syndra players feel as though their power is growing over time and give more compelling upgrades ranging from more explosive burst combos to debilitating crowd control.

Ranking up an ability with skill points beyond the first grants 5 Splinters. Killing a large minion grants 1 Splinter. Cooldown increased to 7 seconds from 4.

Zed x Syndra

Подробнее об обновлениях среднего уровня Синдры см. Лига легенд Прежде чем двигаться дальше, сначала важно предоставить список всех изменений, которые Синдра получает в своем наборе, а также промежуточные обновления в League of Legends. Промежуточные обновления Синдры в League of Legends Трансцендентный P Синдра собирает до 120 осколков, нанося урон вражеским чемпионам и получая уровни. Осколки гнева усиливают Синдру и ее способности.

Well, the Prestige Star Guardian Syndra splash art really takes the cake in that department! However, the abilities here are overly detailed. They also turn their heads in the Q ability animation.

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Если вы хотите поднять ранг и научиться играть лучше, то вы зашли по адресу. У меня многолетний опыт как обучения игроков, так и профессиональных команд. Я работал аналитиком, а затем и тренером в Gambit Esports, а также комментатором в Riot Games.

Syndra ARAM Build - Best Guide and Runes for Syndra on Patch 14.8

Syndra Zed by qazx0809 on DeviantArt Косплей, Фэндомы, Аниме Арт, Романтика. В билде с синдрой в миф+ тоже берем косу. So we’re looking at all of Syndra’s skins and ranking them based on both what they offer, and the amount of cash you’ll have to turn into RP for each one.

Syndra Wild Rift Build & Guide

However, Syndra grew frustrated as, instead of gaining more control, over the years her magic seemed to weaken. Konigen now locked himself away each morning, meditating in solitude rather than teaching her anything new, and so she confronted him. His teeth gritted with exhaustion, he confessed that he was deliberately dampening her power, for her own safety. Such negativity had a strange, unpredictable effect on reality, and Syndra had grown far beyond his ability as a mentor. She felt more betrayed than she ever had before. Konigen tried to calm her, which only fueled her anger… and in that moment, his focus was lost. The foundations of the temple shook. The morning light seemed to pale.

Syndra rose from the floor, as her frustrations surged within her. The ceiling gave way, rubble raining down, burying the sacred gardens in dust. Never had such negative energy been so concentrated in one place, and it was the Spirit of Ionia that swelled to counter it.

Available directly after Icecap Avalanche This has been updated to also apply Razorice to your targets if Howling Blast is empowered by Rime. Available directly after Empowered Rune Weapon and Gathering Storm [Источник] Feedback: Paladins In the next beta build we will have an updated tree ready for testing This update will include major pathing changes, new spells, and node cost reduction. We would like to give you our thoughts on our design direction for this tree moving forward. Our intention is for this to not overpower the melee playstyle, but we want to find room for both to exist simultaneously without impeding each other.

Our goal is to intermingle spells and abilities in such a way that players are encouraged to path throughout the tree, but not feel like they must pick up undesirable talents for their build along the way. Spells Changes We felt the overall nodes in this tree were in a solid spot and that most of the issues in this tree were pathing related. Hopefully this mixes gameplay up a bit more and offers further compelling choice, particularly in the bottom section of the tree. This change was influenced by several factors. Modern PvP realities are that a powerful heal such as this does not have the same level of impact that it did in previous versions of the game. It is likely that if we were to go back in time with the current tools we have, our solution would have been to apply a PvP multiplier to such a strong ability without outright disabling.

И скорость атаки и ускорение умений и замедление и скорость бега сказка а не итем для нового бц Бесащыбачний Кледус: ну и зачем мне этот голос зака? Лейт потенциал Синдры тоже кажется весьма большим - может уже пора давать по 3 бана на человека? Хорошо ,если Мундо от неё не ваншотнется ,а просто отъедет ,пытаясь догнать ,но остальные же просто улетать будут. Dyrahte - Glorious Axe: Нормально, топеры становятся саппортами, саппорты становятся лесниками, может, когда-нибудь, Рито сделают из Дрейвена саппорта Fraikon: Привет зак, когда на фронт? Александр Иванов: Скоро сапортов не останется, все станут лесниками Михаил Васильев: очень жду блица, наконец-то появится возможность для соло-игры, до этого реворка ему необходимо было слишком много предметов, чтобы кого-то переигрывать не под вышкой, а к этому моменту уже либо все скатится в тимфайты, где ты не особо полезен, либо вообще уже игра закончится первая мысль, конечно, это что придется первым максить вешку. RGW Respected: С такими реворками танко саппортов в игре больше не останется Забытый шутник: Кстати, чисто по рофлу спрашиваю... А что там по мидовому Рэйкану? Apocalypse: Итак. Моргана лес была. Тарик лес есть. Блиц лес будет. Apocalypse: Не понимаю прикола с Синдрой. Рито дают ей пассивку Рабадона, но режут скейлы на умения. Detrang: Чегооо, какая казнь Синдре, ритосы вы там что употребили? Она и без казни нормально так убивала. Я конечно понимаю что её сильно ослабили на старте, но с получением ульты в лейте мне кажется она станет резко доминировать.. Deveiq: Может это просто совпадение, но на мой взгляд, когда комментирует Зак, инфы как-то больше, точного подмечания всех нерфов и баффов в конкретных патчах.

Imbued Infusions. New Talent, row 5. Consuming Infusion of Light reduces the cooldown of Holy Shock by 1. Unwavering Spirit. The cooldown of Aura Mastery is reduced by 30 seconds. Boundless Salvation. New Talent, row 10. Divine Favor. New Talent, row 8. Flash of Light, Holy Light, and Judgment critical strikes reset the cooldown of Hammer of Wrath and make it usable on any target, regardless of their health.

Обновленный Бренд! Гайд на Бренда на мид линии против Синдры / Brand Guide vs Syndra

Smite's best source for player profiles, god stats, smite matches, elo rankings, smite guides. Syndra is an angel who was expelled from heaven to help humans. Her compassion turned to hate, transformed her physically and psychologically. Syndra rework, buffs to off-meta builds such as Fighter Blitzcrank and Crit Garen, and more on the League of Legends Patch 12.19 Notes.

Best Syndra Build in League of Legends

О сервисе Прессе Авторские права Связаться с нами Авторам Рекламодателям Разработчикам. Гайд по Syndra Лига Легенд, билды. Реальны ли сейчас альтернативные билды с двуручкой без синдры?

League of Legends Wiki

Hexflash: Channel for 2s to blink to a new location. Cooldown: 20s. Goes on a 10s cooldown when you enter champion combat. Magical Footwear You get free Slightly Magical Boots at 12 min, but you cannot buy boots before then. Perfect Timing Begin the game with a Commencing Stopwatch that transforms into a Stopwatch after 14 minutes.

Руны Доминирование — основная руна, которая отлично подходит Синдре. С помощью Electrocute вам нужно будет использовать все ваши способности до 6, чтобы это сработало. Врагам также будет сложно сражаться с вами, если у них нет средств для избегания ваших атак и достаточного урона, поскольку вы сможете превзойти их и исцелить себя. Опять же, вам нужна вся мощь, которую вы можете получить в начале-середине игры, чтобы вы были монстром в поздней игре, Коллекция глаз — как раз то, что нужно. Синдра довольно прилично перемещается, так как вы можете сильно толкать волны. Старайтесь перемещаться как можно дольше, чтобы максимально использовать потенциал этой руны.

Поскольку у Синдры есть ульт Высвобожденная сила, вы захотите, чтобы эта способность как можно быстрей восстанавливалась, особенно после ее выполнения, а Абсолютный охотник поможет в этом. Вы будете использовать умения против своего врага, который будет использовать совсем немного маны в боях, особенно если вам придется использовать ману на приспешников несколько раз. Поток маны — та самая руна, которая очень поможет вам, как только вы немного потесните своего врага на линии, поскольку она дает вам больше максимальной маны каждый раз, когда вы наносите урон вражескому чемпиону. Используйте умения столько, сколько сможете. Будьте осторожны, чтобы не пропустить много, иначе это сделает вас уязвимыми. Превосходство для Синдры очень полезно из-за того, что, если вы не используете Ultimate Hunter, у вас всегда будет запасная способность для ваших способностей. Так же можно попробовать альтернативные руны. Можно заменить Казнь электричеством на Призыв пушинки или Магическую комету. Теперь нужно выбрать Поток маны, Полная сосредоточенность и Ожог. Вы будете постоянно наносить врагу дополнительный урон от Пушинки или Магической кометы, Absolute Focus и Ожог и вашему противнику на линии нужно будет постоянно уклоняться от ваших способностей, в результате чего они будут заблокированы от волн фарм-миньонов, а также использовать способности для уклонения от ваших скиллшотов.

Это помогает вам продержаться на линии еще дольше и позволяет вам чаще выгонять своих врагов Предметы Буря Людена — ядро всех предметов AP mid laner. Это дает огромный AP, много маны и 20-кратную скорость. Пассивка также помогает с waveclear хотя у Синдры уже достаточно и уроном по вашему врагу.

This way, you have additional damage to Unleashed Power. Syndra Early Game Guide In the early game, you would want to get aggressive but with good positioning, as much as possible, leaving enemies with little space. This constant pressure will help Syndra get ahead of her opposing lane, thanks to her poking abilities, such as Dark Sphere. However, you must be wary of ganks and strategically ward off the bushes to get informed when an enemy gank is on the way.

With this strategy, you can snowball into the late game beautifully. Additionally, if you get behind in the early game, you would still pressure the enemies from time to time, but you should focus on farming more until you have the required build into the late game. Syndra Late Game Guide In the late game, Syndra is now being unleashed after acquiring the required build for her. She can decimate enemies at a distance, without taking risks and damage, especially in team fights. Additionally, focus on eliminating key targets, such as the marksman or the mage of the enemy using Unleashed Power, to clear out any enemy DPS.

This constant pressure will help Syndra get ahead of her opposing lane, thanks to her poking abilities, such as Dark Sphere. However, you must be wary of ganks and strategically ward off the bushes to get informed when an enemy gank is on the way.

With this strategy, you can snowball into the late game beautifully. Additionally, if you get behind in the early game, you would still pressure the enemies from time to time, but you should focus on farming more until you have the required build into the late game. Syndra Late Game Guide In the late game, Syndra is now being unleashed after acquiring the required build for her. She can decimate enemies at a distance, without taking risks and damage, especially in team fights. Additionally, focus on eliminating key targets, such as the marksman or the mage of the enemy using Unleashed Power, to clear out any enemy DPS. In this way, team fights and taking objectives would be much easier. Synergies For our Syndra Wild Rift Guide, we highly recommend using her with the following champions as they synergize well with her.

Альтернатива Синдре - Новый билд - Айскап - Фрост дк Ниалота как играть)

Тотально агрессивный! чтобы играть в этот билд и добиться успеха, необходимо играть с синдрой как с мастером и в команде. Руны и мастерства говорят сами за себя! The most detailed and best Syndra Build, Runes & Counters Guide for middle Syndra on LoL Patch 14.8 are found on LoLalytics. Гейм-дизайнер League of Legends TheTruexy в личном twitter-аккаунте поделился информацией о грядущей переработке Синдры. Представитель Riot Games опубликовал список изменений. Осколки усиливают Синдру и её способности. Синдра восстанавливает 20-215 маны после подбора осколков у врага. Гайд по Syndra Лига Легенд, билды.

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