Сенат США начнет голосование по законопроектам о помощи союзникам 23 апреля. Лента материалов с меткой 'Нью-Гэмпшир'. The Daily Hampshire Gazette is the essential daily news source for the Pioneer Valley from Northampton, MA, in Franklin County. Сенат США начнет голосование по законопроектам о помощи союзникам 23 апреля. Сегодня у нас штат Нью-Хэмпшир (или Гэмпшир, как кому удобно).
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Трамп победил на праймериз республиканцев в Нью-Гэмпшире
Бывший президент США Дональд Трамп на прошлой неделе одержал победу на праймериз республиканцев в Айове. Как отмечается на сайте ABC News, «штат считался для нее наиболее благоприятным полем битвы против бывшего президента после того, как она заняла далекое третье место в Айове». В американском городе Кин, штат Нью-Гэмпшир, одномоторный самолет Beechcraft Sierra врезался в двухэтажный многоквартирный дом, сообщает CBS News. Говорится, что 42-летняя блогерша попала в страшное ДТП в США и впала в кому, после чего, не приходя в сознание, скончалась. The Daily Hampshire Gazette is the essential daily news source for the Pioneer Valley from Northampton, MA, in Franklin County.
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Телеканал CNN в режиме реального времени освещает ход мероприятия. Количество делегатов, которые представляют двух претендентов в кандидаты, определилось еще до окончания подсчета голосов. Хейли уже признала поражение в Нью-Гэмпшире и поздравила Трампа с победой.
This effort is backed by calls from major humanitarian aid organizations who work on the ground in Gaza , and the UN has called on Israel to stop blocking food aid into Gaza. These efforts are no doubt a result of legislators seeing the carnage in Gaza, and— importantly— the growing demand for peace and justice throughout the world. As we know, a disproportionate amount of power and decision making on issues of war and peace exists on Capitol Hill in Washington DC. Thus, our continued calls and engagement with legislators does make a difference.
Keep it going. We invite our members to come celebrate and reflect on the year at our Annual Meeting in June. See here for more information and note this is a bipartisan deal agreed to by the administration and Democratic leaders. Humanitarian aid to Gaza is crucial , as we are about to witness in Gaza the most intense famine since the second world war. We want our Senators and Representatives to know that we oppose these cuts and ask them to lead in the legislative process to protect and increase humanitarian aid, ideally through UNRWA. This will be a coordinated action to engage our Members of Congress—both online and in Washington, DC— to demand an immediate ceasefire in Gaza, end unconditional military aid to Israel, and demand a massive increase in humanitarian aid.
We especially want to encourage Senator Shaheen to become a leader in calling for a ceasefire, humanitarian aid, and a just peace. Support others to go? We are exploring interest in sending a New Hampshire delegation down to DC for in person advocacy and action, April 14 to 17. If you are interested in being part of this delegation— or supporting others to go— please fill out this brief survey soon. Click HERE for the survey and help spread the word to others who may be interested. Our focus continues to be on the crisis in Gaza, but issues of war and peace are global.
We want folks to be aware of the escalating violence and humanitarian crisis in other parts of the world, especially in Haiti and Sudan. We hope to have possible legislative action on these issues soon. In Gaza, the assault continues and fears of a famine increase daily. The crisis and increased calls for a ceasefire are becoming a partisan issue in the United States, contributing to an already divisive and toxic election year. Please join us, let us know of other vigils, or if you are interested in starting a vigil. We are increasing our social media presence to share news, updates, and events.
Please sign up HERE and help guide us to educate, mobilize, and organize to build a more peaceful and just future for all. There is escalating violence in other parts of the world and the presidential election season is upon us. There is much to be concerned about in these difficult times. Taking action for peace is the way. On March 8th, 37 people participated in a meeting with staff from Rep. Both meetings were respectful and engaging, with three activist leaders sharing stories and making three clear demands of our elected leaders: an immediate and permanent ceasefire; end military aid to Israel; and massive increase in humanitarian aid, especially through UNRWA We are cautiously optimistic that Sen.
We want Sen. Shaheen to follow these words with action: contact her office info below and tell her to sign on to a letter from her Senate colleagues to President Biden stating that Israel is in violation of Section 620I of the Foreign Assistance Act by limiting humanitarian aid to Gaza. We are seeing if there is interest in a New Hampshire contingent going to DC to meet with our Senators and Representatives. Please spread the word, we need to know soon how many folks may be interested. If you have something our legislators need to see, please share HERE or email me directly at tim nhpeaceaction. Education programs, trainings and standing vigil This last week plus included two education programs and our two weekly vigils in Dover Wednesdays at 2pm and Concord Thursday at noon.
Twenty-four people participated in an action training focused on the threat of a regional war and contacting our representatives to urge them to support diplomacy and de-escalation instead. Thirty-two people participated in a thoughtful and engaging discussion. You can watch the program HERE. Let us know if you are interested in joining this group to learn and plan for action. Please see below for more information on our weekly vigils and upcoming events. Taking a stand for peace: from the streets to city hall to the glamor of Hollywood People are taking escalating action throughout the world to influence decision makers to demand a ceasefire in Gaza.
Activists continue to engage in direct democracy throughout the state and push for city council resolutions calling for a ceasefire. Membership renewals have been mailed. Click HERE for the survey. And, as always, please participate in the below events and contact your elected leaders in DC and demand they lead for peace: Sen. Regional tensions are rising and the most pressing issues remain: continued US support for the violence, with minimal movement to address the massive humanitarian crisis that has millions of people at risk of disease, malnutrition and starvation. There are some small signs of hope: food is sometimes dropped from the sky amongst the bombs, and a pier may be built to get aid into Gaza.
As is always the case in war, women and children make up the vast majority of innocent civilians who are suffering and dying. To celebrate this day, we ask folks to continue to take action and to support the various struggles to make a more peaceful world. Throughout the United States, folks are using the presidential primaries to urge the Biden administration to demand a cease fire. Here in New Hampshire, activists continue to stand vigil and to press for cease fire resolutions at the local level; and you and others continue to call and engage our elected leaders. While the immediate outcomes are difficult to see— and even more difficult to celebrate— progress is being made. People are taking action and the roots of a movement are growing.
And there are many roots. A few we want to highlight: Today in Washington, Code Pink is highlighting the biggest cost of war: Women and Children. Click here for more information and to act. High school students in New Hampshire are urging our Congressional leaders to address the always present danger of nuclear war. This will include online lobbying of our Congressional leaders and a possible trip to DC for in person advocacy.
Kuster and Rep. Pappas to sign on to the letter. Unfortunately, they did not. It is in the strategic interest of both the U. This may include a trip to Washington to meet and educate our Members of Congress.
Let us know if you may be interested. The meeting was respectful and informative on a range of issues specific to the crisis in Gaza and the West Bank. The event was attended by many new participants to the series. Our two standing vigils — Wednesday 2pm in Dover and Thursday noon in Concord— also saw some new faces. These recurring events are important to educate and raise awareness and visibility, as well as to allow new folks to get involved in action. As always, spread the word. NH Peace Action coalition work included a training session and early planning on taking more direct action, with a focus on the principles of nonviolent civil disobedience. We also hosted a Zoom event to update folks on our work specific to Palestine and to share ideas and other events in New Hampshire. As we stated last week: there is a lot going on. We need your input and action.
Please continue to call legislators and participate in the events listed below. As long as we enable such violence, safety and justice will be out of reach for everyone. Lawmakers in Washington DC are currently consumed with figuring out military funding for Israel and Ukraine. In Gaza, the onslaught continues. There has yet to be a ground invasion of Rafah, but the humanitarian crisis is only getting worse. As the House attempts to put together bipartisan support for the supplemental, various proposals to either cut, keep, or increase humanitarian aid will be considered. By early next week, we will have a clearer message for Reps Kuster and Pappas that will ask them to support increasing humanitarian aid, while ending unconditional military aid. New Hampshire Peace Action continues to work with our partners to engage and communicate with staff from our four members of Congress. National Peace Action and affiliates are planning advocacy days, both online and in DC. More information to come soon.
In New Hampshire, as elsewhere, there is a huge increase in activism regarding Gaza, which encourages and inspires us. City councils are considering ceasefire resolutions brought forward by grassroots activists and eight people are on hunger strike at Dartmouth College. While NHPA has not been involved in these actions, the overall goals are similar: ceasefire now, stop US support for the violence, increase humanitarian aid in Palestine. There is a lot going on. Click HERE for survey. For our 501c4 members, renewal forms have been sent out and should be in your mailbox. Please consider renewing your membership to NH Peace Action. Your membership dues help fund out 501c4 work: lobbying, legislative engagement, coalition building, and electoral politics. We build power to move elected officials on crucial issues of war and peace. This assault will result in the violent deaths of thousands of innocent civilians and vastly increase one of the worst humanitarian crises we have witnessed in a long time.
Both Senator Hassan and Senator Shaheen voted in favor of this massive increase in funding to allow the Israeli military to continue its violent onslaught on Gaza and exacerbate the humanitarian crisis. The package is now in the House of Representatives and we need to call Representatives Pappas and Kuster to urge them to vote no on the supplemental military aid package. It appears that passage of the aid package may be delayed in the House, but things can move quickly. While any delay in funding war is positive news, the main reasons for the delay are not: Republican attempts to include extreme measures for border security in the package. Here at home, Governor Sununu is contributing to this Republican dysfunction with the southern border: he has requested funding from the fiscal committee to send the New Hampshire national guard to the Texas border. There is growing international consensus— including in the Biden administration— that an attack on Rafah would be catastrophic. This can be seen as a small glimmer of hope. Along with a possible stall in the House on the supplemental military aid package, there may be time to move elected officials to do the right thing: permanent ceasefire, restore full humanitarian aid through the United Nations, hold the state of Israel accountable to international law, push for negotiations that will bring Israeli hostages home. We know from the past that it is unclear when we are at an inflection point. But we do know, looking back, that it is people making their concerns known— contacting reps, standing vigil, taking action, writing letters— that force the inflection point and force the decision makers to turn away from violence and towards peace.
Instead, Israeli troops are now positioned for a ground invasion of Rafah. Meanwhile, the U. We also see the Biden Administration escalating the conflict, diving deeper into another Middle East war. We have been here before, and the results have been disastrous. Twenty years ago we peace activists were a minority. At this moment the majority of people are with us. That is something to celebrate but it is also disturbing that has not yet moved our reps. But we know what the stakes are, we know what others are suffering. We continue this work and we are glad to have you with us. A few updates for your calls to representatives: -Thanks to Senator Shaheen for signing on to a letter by Senators Murphy and Van Hollen to President Biden last week about the terrible humanitarian situation in Gaza.
Sadly, Senator Hassan did not sign on to it. It did not pass.
Причем эта точка зрения не ограничивается одной Клинтон — это пренебрежение характерно для значительной части Демократической партии, и оно лишь усугубляет обиду трампистов. Трамп и его союзники, к примеру член Палаты представителей Марджори Тейлор Грин и сенаторы Джош Хоули и Джей Ди Вэнс, позволили избирателям выпустить пар и скопившееся негодование.
Это до боли очевидно, если прислушаться к высказываниям самих трампистов, которые изыскивают все новые причины обожать своего кумира и отмахиваться от его вопиющих недостатков — не говоря уже о копящихся обвинениях. Трамп, в свою очередь, подпитывает это недовольство, виня в экономических и общественных бедах людей пришлых и посторонних особенно нелегалов. Такая подача проблемы позволила Трампу избежать ответственности за низкие социальные расходы, нехватку рабочих мест и недостаточные государственные инвестиции, которые могли бы преодолеть этот ширящийся разрыв. Свои хлопоты, будь то судебные и иные, он переложил на своих сторонников.
Справедливости ради надо отметить, что демократы собственноручно укрепили позиции Трампа — и, следовательно, обеспечили ему победы в Айове и Нью-Гэмпшире. Его политический взлет должен был стать для униженной элиты поводом для самокопания и масштабной переоценки ценностей.
Latest News
Штат Нью-Гэмпшир (Нью-Хэмпшир) расположен на Северо-востоке США и относится к штатам Новой Англии. Как отмечается на сайте ABC News, «штат считался для нее наиболее благоприятным полем битвы против бывшего президента после того, как она заняла далекое третье место в Айове». Что касается демократов, Джо Байден решил не вписывать свое имя в бюллетени на праймериз в Нью-Гэмпшире из-за разногласий между Национальным комитетом партии и ее руководством в штате. В Манчестере, необыкновенно красивом и уютном городе Нью-Гэмпшира [New Hampshire], можно купить дом за 170 тыс. But as head of New Hampshire’s education department, he’s used his platform to pursue conservative grievances against the education system and individual educators. Экс-президент Соединённых Штатов Америки Дональд Трамп заявил о своей полной уверенности в своей победе на предварительных выборах в штате Нью-Гэмпшир, которые проходят во вторник, 23 января.
Трамп заявил, что уверен в своей победе на праймериз в Нью-Гэмпшире
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- Bloomberg: Трамп мчится к реваншу над Байденом в 2024 году после победы в Нью-Гэмпшире
- Трамп заявил об уверенности в победе на праймериз в штате Нью-Гэмпшир
Трамп победил на праймериз республиканцев в Нью-Гэмпшире
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Громкий грохот и толчки в Нью-Гэмпшире, но землетрясения исключены
Хотите получать уведомления от сайта «Первого канала»? У него 55 процентов. Обработано 90 процентов бюллетеней. Экс-президент Штатов уже объявил о своей победе.
Символы штата Нью-Гэмпшир Дерево — берёза бумажная Betula papyrifera Цветок — сирень обыкновенная Syringa vulgaris и башмачок бесстебельный Cypripedium acaule Зверь — белохвостый виргинский олень Odocoileus virginianus Порода собак — чинук Птица — пурпурная чечевица Haemorhous purpureus Рыба — американский голец палия, Salvelinus fontinalis и полосатый лаврак Morone saxatilis Амфибия — зеленоватый тритон Notophthalmus viridescens Насекомое — семиточечная коровка божья коровка, Coccinella septempunctata Бабочка — карнер синий Lycaeides melissa Фрукт съедобный плод — тыква Драгоценный поделочный камень — дымчатый кварц раухтопаз Минерал — берилл Песня — "Старый Нью-Гэмпшир" Old New Hampshire, авт. Этот скальный выступ был одной из достопримечательностей штата до его обрушения в 2003 году. Сейчас на его месте создан мемориал, напоминающий очертания оригинального "Каменного лица". Прекрасная Америка Монета в четверть доллара из серии "Прекрасная Америка", посвященная штату Нью-Гэмпшир Одна из монет в четверть доллара из серии "Прекрасная Америка" посвящена Национальному лесу Белых гор, расположенному в штате Нью-Гэмпшир. На монете изображены гора Чокоруа, одна из самых живописных вершин штата, а также, на переднем плане, березы. Надпись на монете гласит White Mountain "Белые горы".
You can enroll in or change plans if you have certain life events or income, or qualify for Medicaid or CHIP. You may be able to get low-cost, quality health coverage through the Health Insurance Marketplace. All Marketplace plans cover things like prescription drugs, doctor visits, urgent care, hospital visits, and more.
Thus, our continued calls and engagement with legislators does make a difference. Keep it going. We invite our members to come celebrate and reflect on the year at our Annual Meeting in June. See here for more information and note this is a bipartisan deal agreed to by the administration and Democratic leaders. Humanitarian aid to Gaza is crucial , as we are about to witness in Gaza the most intense famine since the second world war.
We want our Senators and Representatives to know that we oppose these cuts and ask them to lead in the legislative process to protect and increase humanitarian aid, ideally through UNRWA. This will be a coordinated action to engage our Members of Congress—both online and in Washington, DC— to demand an immediate ceasefire in Gaza, end unconditional military aid to Israel, and demand a massive increase in humanitarian aid. We especially want to encourage Senator Shaheen to become a leader in calling for a ceasefire, humanitarian aid, and a just peace. Support others to go? We are exploring interest in sending a New Hampshire delegation down to DC for in person advocacy and action, April 14 to 17. If you are interested in being part of this delegation— or supporting others to go— please fill out this brief survey soon. Click HERE for the survey and help spread the word to others who may be interested. Our focus continues to be on the crisis in Gaza, but issues of war and peace are global. We want folks to be aware of the escalating violence and humanitarian crisis in other parts of the world, especially in Haiti and Sudan.
We hope to have possible legislative action on these issues soon. In Gaza, the assault continues and fears of a famine increase daily. The crisis and increased calls for a ceasefire are becoming a partisan issue in the United States, contributing to an already divisive and toxic election year. Please join us, let us know of other vigils, or if you are interested in starting a vigil. We are increasing our social media presence to share news, updates, and events. Please sign up HERE and help guide us to educate, mobilize, and organize to build a more peaceful and just future for all. There is escalating violence in other parts of the world and the presidential election season is upon us. There is much to be concerned about in these difficult times. Taking action for peace is the way.
On March 8th, 37 people participated in a meeting with staff from Rep. Both meetings were respectful and engaging, with three activist leaders sharing stories and making three clear demands of our elected leaders: an immediate and permanent ceasefire; end military aid to Israel; and massive increase in humanitarian aid, especially through UNRWA We are cautiously optimistic that Sen. We want Sen. Shaheen to follow these words with action: contact her office info below and tell her to sign on to a letter from her Senate colleagues to President Biden stating that Israel is in violation of Section 620I of the Foreign Assistance Act by limiting humanitarian aid to Gaza. We are seeing if there is interest in a New Hampshire contingent going to DC to meet with our Senators and Representatives. Please spread the word, we need to know soon how many folks may be interested. If you have something our legislators need to see, please share HERE or email me directly at tim nhpeaceaction. Education programs, trainings and standing vigil This last week plus included two education programs and our two weekly vigils in Dover Wednesdays at 2pm and Concord Thursday at noon. Twenty-four people participated in an action training focused on the threat of a regional war and contacting our representatives to urge them to support diplomacy and de-escalation instead.
Thirty-two people participated in a thoughtful and engaging discussion. You can watch the program HERE. Let us know if you are interested in joining this group to learn and plan for action. Please see below for more information on our weekly vigils and upcoming events. Taking a stand for peace: from the streets to city hall to the glamor of Hollywood People are taking escalating action throughout the world to influence decision makers to demand a ceasefire in Gaza. Activists continue to engage in direct democracy throughout the state and push for city council resolutions calling for a ceasefire. Membership renewals have been mailed. Click HERE for the survey. And, as always, please participate in the below events and contact your elected leaders in DC and demand they lead for peace: Sen.
Regional tensions are rising and the most pressing issues remain: continued US support for the violence, with minimal movement to address the massive humanitarian crisis that has millions of people at risk of disease, malnutrition and starvation. There are some small signs of hope: food is sometimes dropped from the sky amongst the bombs, and a pier may be built to get aid into Gaza. As is always the case in war, women and children make up the vast majority of innocent civilians who are suffering and dying. To celebrate this day, we ask folks to continue to take action and to support the various struggles to make a more peaceful world. Throughout the United States, folks are using the presidential primaries to urge the Biden administration to demand a cease fire. Here in New Hampshire, activists continue to stand vigil and to press for cease fire resolutions at the local level; and you and others continue to call and engage our elected leaders. While the immediate outcomes are difficult to see— and even more difficult to celebrate— progress is being made. People are taking action and the roots of a movement are growing. And there are many roots.
A few we want to highlight: Today in Washington, Code Pink is highlighting the biggest cost of war: Women and Children. Click here for more information and to act. High school students in New Hampshire are urging our Congressional leaders to address the always present danger of nuclear war. This will include online lobbying of our Congressional leaders and a possible trip to DC for in person advocacy. If you are interested in doing online advocacy or going to DC— or supporting others to go— please fill out this brief survey. We also want to take time to reflect and engage in dialogue on complex and challenging issues. If you are interested, please add your thoughts and reading suggestions here : And we want to celebrate.
Лишь спустя несколько дней эксперты Национального центра информации о землетрясениях Геологической службы прокомментировали происшествие. Они сказали, что понятия не имеют, что именно вызвало сотрясение земли. Нет никаких данных, которые указывали бы на то, что в регионе имело место землетрясение. В штате Нью-Гэмпшир происходят землетрясения — в августе 2021 года здесь были зафиксированы толчки магнитудой 1.
Сегодня в штате Нью-Гэмпшир пройдет внутрипартийное голосование, которое должно определить кандидата на пост главы Белого дома от республиканцев.
Корреспондент «Известий» Николай Иванов оценил их шансы на победу в праймериз. Праймериз нужны, чтобы выявить фаворитов у партий — у демократов и республиканцев. Например, желание Трампа участвовать в выборах, еще ни о чем не говорит — нужно понравиться избирателям. В этом плане маленький штат Нью-Гэмпшир является лакмусовой бумажкой, при чем десятилетиями.
И задает тон всей президентской гонке. Праймериз — внутрипартийные выборы. Десантис заявил самоотвод поняв, что проигрывает Трампу. А вот Хейли готова драться до конца.
Метеор мог пролететь над Нью-Гэмпширом и взорваться, вызвав мощный шум, который сотряс землю штата. Однако ни одна из гипотез пока полностью не подтверждена. Ранее мы рассказывали о землетрясении во Флориде магнитудой 3,9, которое было вызвано «экспериментальным взрывом». Подробности можно узнать в нашем материале.
Спустя 17 лет, на территории современного штата было основано британское поселение Хилтон-Пойнг. Немногим позже, земли штата отошли к англичанину Джону Мэйсону. Но он скоропостижно скончался, так и не сумев достроить свою колонию.
Земли Мэйсона перешли по наследству к его приемникам. Жители поселения были недовольны таким развитием событий. В результате — на территории штата вспыхнуло восстание.
Вооруженный конфликт закончился тем, что земли Нью-Гэмпшира добровольно перешли во владения Массачусетской колонии. Длительное время между французскими и английскими колонизаторами велась война за эти земли. Провинция не раз переходила из одних рук в другие.
В 1774 году жители провинции решили объявить свою независимость от Британии. На территории штата вспыхнуло вооруженное восстание во главе с ярым американским приверженцем Джоном Салливаном. Только в 1776 году Нью-Гэмпширу удалось отстоять свою свободу и стать независимым от Английского королевства.
Достопримечательности штата Первым пунктом экскурсии по Нью-Гэмпширу является город Конкорд. На его территории расположено огромное количество исторических достопримечательностей. Среди них — старинное здание Капитолия.
Это красивое трехэтажное сооружение, выполненное в неоклассическом стиле. В настоящее время помещения Капитолия используются в политических целях.
СМИ в соцсетях
В общем, гонка для ДеСантиса как с самого начала не задалась, так бесславно и окончилась. Хейли вослед ему съязвила: мол, флаг ему в руки, зато теперь на внутрипартийной дистанции остались "один чувак fella и одна дама lady ", так что "пусть победит сильнейшая" May the best woman win. Принятие неизбежного Впрочем, "дама" может сколько угодно ехидничать и строить хорошую мину, но реально ее однопартийцы консолидируются вокруг "чувака". Как пишет политологический портал Axios, за самое последнее время Трампу публично присягнули сенаторы Тим Скотт и Тед Круз, член нижней палаты Конгресса Нэнси Мейс Скотт и Мейс — южнокаролинцы, что немаловажно для ближайших праймериз. Телеканал NBC добавляет к этому перечню сенатора Джона Корнина и напоминает, что в целом Трампа поддержали уже 30 сенаторов-однопартийцев.
Students on that campus, as well as others throughout the country in recent days, have hosted large anti-war rallies calling on the […] BY: Ethan DeWitt - April 25, 2024 Sue Nastasi lost her birth certificate years ago. But getting it back is not a simple matter. Department of Labor Tuesday announced a final rule that means millions of salaried workers who are employed in the executive, administrative, or professional industries will become eligible for overtime pay. The rule will affect roughly 4 million workers in the first year of implementation and will be broken into two checkpoints.
Главный редактор сетевого издания И. Адрес редакции: 125124, РФ, г. Москва, ул. Правды, д.
По сообщениям полиции в социальной сети X, ситуацию в больнице удалось взять под контроль. Полиция ведет расследование случившегося", — проинформировали полицейские. Обстоятельства случившегося, а также мотивы стрелявшего на данный момент не приводятся. Ранее стало известно, что по меньшей мере шесть человек погибли и более 40 человек пострадали при стрельбе на вечеринках в США по случаю Хэллоуина.
Bloomberg: Трамп мчится к реваншу над Байденом в 2024 году после победы в Нью-Гэмпшире
Глубокий циклон стал причиной штормового прилива в штатах Мэн и Нью-Гэмпшир. В штате Нью-Гэмпшир происходят землетрясения — в августе 2021 года здесь были зафиксированы толчки магнитудой 1.7 балла. A police officer in Manchester, New Hampshire, has been arrested over allegations of domestic violence. Нью-Гэмпшир (США) принял закон, запрещающий геоинженерию, загрязнение воздуха или изменение климата посредством геоинженерии, химтрейлов, засева облаков и прочих неестественных выбросов. Читайте последние новости на тему в ленте новостей на сайте Радио Sputnik.
Основная навигация
- Все статьи, где упоминается штат Нью-Гэмпшир
- Президентские праймериз в Нью-Гэмпшире: Почему имени Байдена нет в бюллетенях - Российская газета
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"Многочисленные жертвы": В США произошла стрельба в больнице | Бывший президент США Дональд Трамп победил на праймериз республиканцев в штате Нью-Гемпишир — первых в американской президентской гонке. |
Стрельба произошла в больнице в американском Нью-Гэмпшире | Бывший президент США Дональд Трамп на прошлой неделе одержал победу на праймериз республиканцев в Айове. |