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- Dazai x Atsushi
Спасти Ацуши-куна
-Дазай вернулся обратно и встал на стул.-Перестань думать только о себе!-он шагнул в петлю. "попытки двойного самоубийства" топовый фанф ацуши\дазай. Просмотрите доску «Ацуши и Дазай» в Pinterest пользователя Смутная Печаль, на которую подписаны 126 человек. Посмотрите больше идей на темы «бешеные псы, рисунки, аниме». Смотрите видео на тему «Фанфики По Дазаю И Ацуши» в TikTok. Фанфики по аниме "Бунго Стрей Догс" с парой Дазай/Акутиагава (ДазАцу) с активным Ацуши уже давно пользуются огромной популярностью среди поклонников.
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That is what I want to put in the depth of the story. He is aided by Osamu Dazai who acts as a mentor but rather than constantly aid him, he leaves the protagonist alone when it comes to actions should he do. Though their relationship is initially awkward, there was focus in Atsushi maturing across the story for giving him the responsibility of protecting Yokohama. Asagiri said that throughout the film, Atsushi stays true to his original persona of a weak and relatable person, despite having scenes showing his inner strength. When he saves detective Osamu Dazai from drowning, Dazai is angered because he was attempting suicide. After inviting him to eat at a restaurant, Dazai realizes that Atsushi is a weretiger and asks him to work at his Armed Detective Agency. Atsushi accepts and meets other members who also possess supernatural powers.
During his search for Kyoka, Atsushi clashes with Akutagawa to stop the airship Moby Dick from falling on the city, and the two encounter Fitzgerald. Atsushi and Akutagawa search for the person responsible for the virus and face a Rats member named Ivan Goncharov. During the battle, when Atsushi is weakened, Akutagawa gives him strength. Atsushi comes to the conclusion that, while he understands his torturer, he is sad because he never got the chance to kill him. As their superiors search for them, Atsushi and Akutagawa decide to have a fight in the next six months to end their rivalry. The agency blames Decay of Angels for a murder inspired by a scene from a book Fitzgerald was looking for.
However, they manage to receive orders from him.
Эту легенду назвали "Дети Бога". И вот уже прошло куча времени с тех лет когда омеги существовали и тут приходит интересное задание для Детективов и Мафии которые сотрудничают в данный момент... Пишите о том, что вам не нравится, а также заказы. Если тут нет персонажа, которого вы хотите видеть в этой истории, то тоже пишите.
Thirty-six years prior, he received a prophecy about the war from his sword.
He then set about this plan, making himself the villain and example, in an effort to try and eliminate war by creating a scenario where new laws would have to be written to prevent a catastrophe like this from happening ever again. Fukuchi asks Fukuzawa to kill him, saying it is the only way to save the Agency. However, when Fukuzawa says he cannot do it, Teruko stabs Fukuchi in the back for him.
In Wan! As the series progress, when Atsushi finds himself in a difficult situation, Atsushi thinks "What would Dazai-san do?
When Dazai was imprisoned, Atsushi was struggling to stay independent with Kyouka, Atsushi saw Dazai appear to him, offering him encouragement and advice. When Dazai is acting out his plans with Fyodor, he says to himself "I hope Atsushi-kun and the others are okay", notably emphasizing Atsushi was the first person he thought of and worried about. Before even hearing what he has to say, Atsushi remarks that Dazai saved the city. They share an exchange similar to that of the beginning of the movie, where Dazai asks if he seems like such a good person to attempt to save the city and Atsushi innocently responds with the same words as last time, making Dazai smile. Whenever Dazai appears to be doubting himself and whether he is truly a good person, Atsushi is there to remind him in a pure and honest way that he is.
On the other hand, when Atsushi is down on his luck or recalling his past, Dazai acts as a voice of reason and a motivator for Atsushi to keep persevering. Port Mafia Arc[ ] This section is in need of major improvement. Please help improve this article by editing it. Atsushi meets Dazai. Atsushi is starving after being kicked out of the orphanage and plans to rob someone for money.
As he fails in multiple attempts, he then spots a man floating in the river drowning. Atsushi remains silent and nervous, not knowing what to do but eventually shaking off his doubts and jumping straight into the river to save the man. This man is revealed to Dazai, and he wakes up saying, "I lived. Dazai slowly gets up and asks if Atsushi was the one who interrupted his drowning, and Atsushi is confused. Dazai, finding this amusing, responds saying he was attempting to commit suicide.
Atsushi is shocked and Dazai explains with a sigh his goal was to commit a clean suicide, and since he troubled Atsushi, wanted to get some food for him. After some bantering, Kunikida appears and starts snapping at Dazai for ruining his schedule as Atsushi watches in confusion.
День когда я подобрал дазая манга - 89 фото
Дазай Ацуши и Акутагава 14. Фанфики по аниме "Бунго Стрей Догс" с парой Дазай/Акутиагава (ДазАцу) с активным Ацуши уже давно пользуются огромной популярностью среди поклонников. Dazai x atsushi 57179 stories for atsushi, bsd, bungostraydogs, bungoustraydogs, chuuya, dazai, dazaiosamu, soukoku, The best collection of stories. фф дазай и ацуши законченные.
Чуя Накахара х Дазай Осаму–СоуКоку–Портовая мафия
Фанфик великий из бродячих псов ожп | In reality, Chuuya and Dazai were on the same side the entire time, tricking Fyodor into thinking he was dead by using Chuuya’s ability to crush the bullet against his forehead upon release. |
Фанфики по Соукоку | Pink Jellefish | Дзен | Просмотрите доску «Akutagawa x Atsushi x Chuuya x Dazai» пользователя Джунг Мин в Pinterest. |
коротко об отношении дазая к аку и ацуш
Реакция персонажей Bungou stray dogs | Фанфики по аниме "Бунго Стрей Догс" с парой Дазай/Акутиагава (ДазАцу) с активным Ацуши уже давно пользуются огромной популярностью среди поклонников. |
Ацуши Накаджима — Великий из бродячих псов | Ну, как по мне Ацуши просто слишком невинен для таких дел с Дазаем. сейчас я об этом окончательно уверилась. |
Наши Школьно-любовные деньки. 18+ | Я читал подобный фф, там дазай и чуя женатики и у них усыновлен маленький акутагава, и после ацуши. |
Ацуши Истории
Акутагава открыл рот, и из него посыпались лепестки роз,а в горле виднелась ножка с шипами. Мафиози закрыл рот и начал сжимать место в области груди, вскоре он опустился на землю и стал выплевывать целые цветки. Акутагава посмеялся, и они вместе с мальчиком пошли к тому самому месту, куда им следовало идти. Перед глазами открылся вид на высокий заброшенный дом, его крышу подпирали четыре белые резные колонны с золотыми полосами в некоторых местах, сам дом был бежевым и прекрасным, таким, что было сложно оторвать взгляд. Акутагава поднялся по ступеням, а за ним побежал мальчишка. Он робко перебирал ногами и в миг оказался рядом со своим дядей перед большой деревянной дверью.
Чёрные лезвия распахнули дверь, Акутагава вновь покашлял, но в этот раз просто кровью с шипами, мальчик ступил во тьму гостиной. Акутагава застучал своей обувью и, согнувшись словно старушка, поплелся обратно в город. Пока тот шагал в груди уже появилась почка, он срезал её с помощью Расемона, но тут же пожалел. Мафиози почувствовал некое жжение и всхлипнул.
Одним вечером, Осаму пригласил Оду прогуляться после работы, и тот согласился. Когда уже стало слишком поздно, а Дазаю идти нужно было около получаса, Сакуноске оставил того у себя, стал поить чаем, рассказывая о сиротах, о который Осаму так внимательно слушал.
Their relationship is one of contention but often mutual benefit; although they are on opposite sides in Yokohama, they are often brought together to face threats that endanger their city. History Shin Soukoku became a popular pairing after Chapter 37 of the manga [1] , in which Dazai Osamu revealed that, in order to protect Yokohama from the Guild and other outsider attacks, a new partnership between Atsushi and Akutagawa was necessary. It was also revealed that Dazai had been planning this partnership from the moment he met Atsushi in Chapter 1, perhaps giving the pairing a fated sense. Another reason for its popularity in fandom may also be its direct succession from the juggernaut ship Soukoku , of which Dazai himself was a member of.
Твои внутренние органы! И вдруг он увидел бегущего к нему человека с белоснежными волосами. Извини, задумался. Когда он улыбается его глаза меняют цвет! Это же так необычно, я ещё ни разу не встречал такого. Детектив удивленно посмотрел на юношу: - Потому что ты обладаешь редкой способностью.
Фанфик Дазай/Ацуши. Великий из бродячих псов.
When Dazai was imprisoned, Atsushi was struggling to stay independent with Kyouka, Atsushi saw Dazai appear to him, offering him encouragement and advice. When Dazai is acting out his plans with Fyodor, he says to himself "I hope Atsushi-kun and the others are okay", notably emphasizing Atsushi was the first person he thought of and worried about. Before even hearing what he has to say, Atsushi remarks that Dazai saved the city. They share an exchange similar to that of the beginning of the movie, where Dazai asks if he seems like such a good person to attempt to save the city and Atsushi innocently responds with the same words as last time, making Dazai smile. Whenever Dazai appears to be doubting himself and whether he is truly a good person, Atsushi is there to remind him in a pure and honest way that he is.
On the other hand, when Atsushi is down on his luck or recalling his past, Dazai acts as a voice of reason and a motivator for Atsushi to keep persevering. Port Mafia Arc[ ] This section is in need of major improvement. Please help improve this article by editing it. Atsushi meets Dazai.
Atsushi is starving after being kicked out of the orphanage and plans to rob someone for money. As he fails in multiple attempts, he then spots a man floating in the river drowning. Atsushi remains silent and nervous, not knowing what to do but eventually shaking off his doubts and jumping straight into the river to save the man. This man is revealed to Dazai, and he wakes up saying, "I lived.
Dazai slowly gets up and asks if Atsushi was the one who interrupted his drowning, and Atsushi is confused. Dazai, finding this amusing, responds saying he was attempting to commit suicide. Atsushi is shocked and Dazai explains with a sigh his goal was to commit a clean suicide, and since he troubled Atsushi, wanted to get some food for him. After some bantering, Kunikida appears and starts snapping at Dazai for ruining his schedule as Atsushi watches in confusion.
Dazai responds, "Yeah. Dazai Osamu.
Like the role of Merlin to King Arthur. In the end, he decided on a structure in which the main character is confused and at the mercy of strange people. However, Atsushi Nakajima is actually an author who often appears in textbooks. The weak parts of himself that he would like to get rid of come to the surface every now and then, tormenting him.
He struggled, thought, and worried to shake it off. That is what I want to put in the depth of the story. He is aided by Osamu Dazai who acts as a mentor but rather than constantly aid him, he leaves the protagonist alone when it comes to actions should he do. Though their relationship is initially awkward, there was focus in Atsushi maturing across the story for giving him the responsibility of protecting Yokohama. Asagiri said that throughout the film, Atsushi stays true to his original persona of a weak and relatable person, despite having scenes showing his inner strength. When he saves detective Osamu Dazai from drowning, Dazai is angered because he was attempting suicide.
After inviting him to eat at a restaurant, Dazai realizes that Atsushi is a weretiger and asks him to work at his Armed Detective Agency. Atsushi accepts and meets other members who also possess supernatural powers. During his search for Kyoka, Atsushi clashes with Akutagawa to stop the airship Moby Dick from falling on the city, and the two encounter Fitzgerald. Atsushi and Akutagawa search for the person responsible for the virus and face a Rats member named Ivan Goncharov. During the battle, when Atsushi is weakened, Akutagawa gives him strength. Atsushi comes to the conclusion that, while he understands his torturer, he is sad because he never got the chance to kill him.
Тацухико Шибусава и Дазай. Шибусава бродячие псы. Фем Гоголь БСД.
Фем Достоевский и Гоголь. Тацухико Шибусава и Ацуши. Шибусава БСД.
Шибусава Тацухико БСД. Ацуши Накаджима и Шибусава Татсухико. Ацуши и Куникида.
Ацуши Накаджима и Куникида Доппо. БСД Куникида и Ацуши. Дазай и Куникида.
Бродячие псы Куникида. Дазай и Куникида 18. Дадзай Осаму и Куникида Доппо.
Великий из бродячих псов Ацуши и Куникида. Куникида БСД. Куникида шип.
Фрэнсис и Куникида БСД. Дазай и Куникида любовь. Ацуши Накаджима.
Малыш Ацуши Накаджима. Чуя Накахара и Ацуши. Чуя Накахара и Ацуши Накаджима.
БСД Чуя и Ацуши. Фанфики по Рампо и Эдгару. Кронштейн МТЗ 1021-2308076.
Евровинт 661. Максус ld100. Термоусадочный полуавтомат BSL-5045la.
Ацуши и Мори Огай. Мори Огай и Ацуши Накаджима. Бродячие псы Ацуши и Мори.
Ацуши и Мори Огай яой. Гоголь и Достоевский БСД. Достоевский и Гоголь и Сигма бродячие псы.
Фукудзава и Куникида. Дазай и Чуя. Eyeless Соукоку.
Чуя Накахара и Дазай 18. Чуя Накахара и Куникида. Дазай Чуя и Куникида.
Bongo Stray Dogs фанфики Куникида и Рампо. Омега Ацуши Альфа Акутагава. Чуя Накахара Актив и Дазай пассив 18.
Дазай пассив Чуя Актив 18. Дазай яой. Бродячие псы Акутагава и Дазай.
Гин Акутагава и Дазай. Акутагава Достоевский и Акутагава. Ацуши шипп.
Будут мои несмешные шуточки,комментарии и тд. Персонажи не все! По начало все было нормально до токого как у белобрысого началась 1 течка...
Наши Школьно-любовные деньки. 18+
Knowing that his mentor will not show up, he gets up to leave. This can be interpreted as Atsushi realizing for the first time that, someday, Dazai may actually end up killing himself and, never having had a mentor or place to belong before meeting Dazai, Atsushi clearly feels somewhat attached to him. We see Dazai acting his regular cheerful self. Before they share their drawings, Atsushi is also notably excited at the prospect of Dazai struggling with something, reinforcing his view that Dazai is a person to be held in high esteem.
He enlists the help of the other agency members, to no avail, and eventually decides to go about it his own way. He meets Dazai at the door of the Detective Agency building and presents him with a bouquet of flowers, while thanking him for everything he has done. Dazai, so shocked by his gesture of kindness, passes out.
When the Shell is activated and starts to destory the entire world, Atsushi heads back in time by 55 minutes with the help of H. Atsushi is forced to infiltrate the group of thieves and Dazai suggests the nickname Matasaburou of the Wind for Atsushi to use as an alias. It is revealed that he chooses this name purely for his own amusement, messing with Atsushi yet again.
There are also several sentimental moments between them during the novel. In a memory, Atsushi, while following along behind Dazai, comes to the realization that Dazai is not completely flawless and has many human faults, contrary to what he once believed. After being advised by Kunikida, Atsushi is sure Dazai will figure out exactly what to do.
Towards the end of the light novel, Dazai ends up in mortal danger due to a stab wound from Jules Gabirel Verne Gab and Atsushi is tasked with saving him. In an effort to reach Yosano, who can save Dazai, Atsushi is in peril alongside Akutagawa, as Dazai is about to die from blood loss. Akutagawa stabs Atsushi in the throat and as the latter blacks out, he recalls a conversation he had with Dazai where he asked Dazai, "Why do you want to kill yourself?
This violent side is even noted by Gab. No matter what it costs. Dazatsu is a well-known and popular ship, and is the fourth most written ship within the fandom on AO3.
Harukawa said it would be easy to draw the main character in white in any scenario. As the manga was starting, Asagiri wrote about four lines of character settings and send it to Harukawa via email. Asagiri purposely decided to make the main character a person with no personality. That way, it would be easier to connect with the unique characters around the reader. In terms of roles, if Atsushi is the hero, Dazai is the sage. Like the role of Merlin to King Arthur. In the end, he decided on a structure in which the main character is confused and at the mercy of strange people. However, Atsushi Nakajima is actually an author who often appears in textbooks. The weak parts of himself that he would like to get rid of come to the surface every now and then, tormenting him.
He struggled, thought, and worried to shake it off. That is what I want to put in the depth of the story. He is aided by Osamu Dazai who acts as a mentor but rather than constantly aid him, he leaves the protagonist alone when it comes to actions should he do. Though their relationship is initially awkward, there was focus in Atsushi maturing across the story for giving him the responsibility of protecting Yokohama. Asagiri said that throughout the film, Atsushi stays true to his original persona of a weak and relatable person, despite having scenes showing his inner strength. When he saves detective Osamu Dazai from drowning, Dazai is angered because he was attempting suicide. After inviting him to eat at a restaurant, Dazai realizes that Atsushi is a weretiger and asks him to work at his Armed Detective Agency.
Акутагава открыл рот, и из него посыпались лепестки роз,а в горле виднелась ножка с шипами. Мафиози закрыл рот и начал сжимать место в области груди, вскоре он опустился на землю и стал выплевывать целые цветки. Акутагава посмеялся, и они вместе с мальчиком пошли к тому самому месту, куда им следовало идти.
Перед глазами открылся вид на высокий заброшенный дом, его крышу подпирали четыре белые резные колонны с золотыми полосами в некоторых местах, сам дом был бежевым и прекрасным, таким, что было сложно оторвать взгляд. Акутагава поднялся по ступеням, а за ним побежал мальчишка. Он робко перебирал ногами и в миг оказался рядом со своим дядей перед большой деревянной дверью. Чёрные лезвия распахнули дверь, Акутагава вновь покашлял, но в этот раз просто кровью с шипами, мальчик ступил во тьму гостиной. Акутагава застучал своей обувью и, согнувшись словно старушка, поплелся обратно в город. Пока тот шагал в груди уже появилась почка, он срезал её с помощью Расемона, но тут же пожалел. Мафиози почувствовал некое жжение и всхлипнул.
Atsushi accepts and meets other members who also possess supernatural powers. During his search for Kyoka, Atsushi clashes with Akutagawa to stop the airship Moby Dick from falling on the city, and the two encounter Fitzgerald.
Atsushi and Akutagawa search for the person responsible for the virus and face a Rats member named Ivan Goncharov. During the battle, when Atsushi is weakened, Akutagawa gives him strength. Atsushi comes to the conclusion that, while he understands his torturer, he is sad because he never got the chance to kill him. As their superiors search for them, Atsushi and Akutagawa decide to have a fight in the next six months to end their rivalry. The agency blames Decay of Angels for a murder inspired by a scene from a book Fitzgerald was looking for. However, they manage to receive orders from him. In order to save the agency, they are told to erase the content of the book the Angels used. During the film, Atsushi, Kyoka, and Akutagawa lose their powers but manage to defeat their avatars. However, Atsushi is left alone, as he cannot recover his will to fight.
He then understands that, when he was in the orphanage, he was tortured by Tatsuhiko Shibusawa , the same man who created the fog. In a fit of rage, Atsushi kills Shibusawa, who is then revived by Fyodor. When Atsushi encounters Akutagawa in the novel, Dazai tells Atsushi to become a detective alongside Kyoka before killing himself. Upon his introduction into the manga series, The Fandom Post said that his ability to become a tiger offered him the power to do good rather than making him feel cursed. His final fight against Akutagawa in the first season received a positive response.
Фанфик дазай 18 - фото сборник
You opened the door to Dazai's apartment. You weren't that surprised to see him with a knife in his hand and the tip right at his throat. Накахара сильно разозлился из-за наглости Осаму, но промолчал- сейчас просто прись к Ацуши на ночь, потому. Dazai x atsushi 57179 stories for atsushi, bsd, bungostraydogs, bungoustraydogs, chuuya, dazai, dazaiosamu, soukoku, The best collection of stories. Великий из бродячих псов Дазай Чуя Ацуши Акутагава. Таже кёка увидила ТО что чуя седит на хуе у Дазая.
- Фанфики по Соукоку | Pink Jellefish | Дзен
- dazai x chuuya
- Реакция персонажей Bungou stray dogs — Трикки — тесты для девочек
- Наши Школьно-любовные деньки. 18+
- NSFW алфавит (Дазай Осаму/Детективное Агенство)
Фанфик Дазай/Ацуши. Великий из бродячих псов.
Это так??? Я почувствовал как на мне скрестились три взгляда, даже Дазай оторвался от чтения своей любимой книжки и скосил на меня взгляд. Я вздохнул. Мне известно когда и что произойдёт, известны все планы Главных Антагонистов этой Вселенной. И, не желай я кое чего другого, то с удовольствием понаблюдал за всем происходящим, что называется, "из первых рядов". Но снова, в который раз про себя проклинаю чертову клятву, и понимаю что, единственный способ исполнить моё желание, это попытаться оторваться в этом мире по полной, и возможно, я смогу наконецтаки заполучить что я так страстно желаю большую часть своей никчемной жизни. Ведь дураки возомнившие себя всесильными, как правило долго не живут, поэтому мои губы разъезжаются в уродливой ухмылке... И так вот, желаете ли вы купить у меня, скажем, информацию о готовящемся нападении на одного из ваших сотрудников?
Ну а дело которое расследовали Дазай с Ацуши, мы пожалуй опустим, ведь ваш супер детектив Эдогава Рампо, скоро сам все вам расскажет. Вздрагиваю, так как неожиданно, кто-то положил мне на плечи свои руки. Вот только позволь один вопрос. Чем ты докажешь достоверность своего товара парень? Меня это слегка выбешивает, и я также как и он мигом ранее, наклоняюсь к его уху и начинаю говорить тихим шепотом... Также обладание стальной логикой и неплохими... Нет, отличными дедуктивными навыками.
Но опустим ваш характер. На вас всем было плевать, и уже тогда ваш внутренний мир начал ломаться. Это окончательно уничтожило ваш внутренний мир, и поселило там всепожирающую пустоту, и желание покончить с собой. Узнав о которой, вас купил и забрал к себе в организацию Огай Мори, тогда еще просто Исполнитель Портовой Мафии. Ведь ваши способности прекрасно дополняли друг друга.
Эту легенду назвали "Дети Бога". И вот уже прошло куча времени с тех лет когда омеги существовали и тут приходит интересное задание для Детективов и Мафии которые сотрудничают в данный момент... Пишите о том, что вам не нравится, а также заказы. Если тут нет персонажа, которого вы хотите видеть в этой истории, то тоже пишите.
Atsushi remains silent and nervous, not knowing what to do but eventually shaking off his doubts and jumping straight into the river to save the man. This man is revealed to Dazai, and he wakes up saying, "I lived. Dazai slowly gets up and asks if Atsushi was the one who interrupted his drowning, and Atsushi is confused. Dazai, finding this amusing, responds saying he was attempting to commit suicide. Atsushi is shocked and Dazai explains with a sigh his goal was to commit a clean suicide, and since he troubled Atsushi, wanted to get some food for him. After some bantering, Kunikida appears and starts snapping at Dazai for ruining his schedule as Atsushi watches in confusion. Dazai responds, "Yeah. Dazai Osamu. Eventually after Kunikida queries Atsushi on the tiger as the latter attempts to run, Dazai bribes Atsushi with a sum of money to be bait at a warehouse for a tiger. Later, Atsushi is shocked how Dazai cold read in the dark. Atsushi quickly leaves his room only to be confuddled by Dazai sitting in an oil drum attempting to commit suicide. He goes on a monologue on how this turned out to be a torture method, and confused, Atsushi knocks Dazai forward to help him out. Dazai remains expressionless during this but then announces he has an alternative job for Atsushi, and the latter thanks Dazai and the two set off. Dazai convinces Atsushi to properly distract the bomber, presumably teasing him despite giving him encouragement. The Guild Arc[ ] This section is in need of major improvement. The Guild Aftermath Arc[ ] This section is in need of major improvement. Cannibalism Arc[ ] This section is in need of major improvement. Dazai is seldom emotionally vulnerable around others, making this moment stand out. At first, Dazai denies being there to visit Oda and asks if it looks like he is visiting a grave, to which Atsushi replies that it does, surprising Dazai.
In order to save the agency, they are told to erase the content of the book the Angels used. During the film, Atsushi, Kyoka, and Akutagawa lose their powers but manage to defeat their avatars. However, Atsushi is left alone, as he cannot recover his will to fight. He then understands that, when he was in the orphanage, he was tortured by Tatsuhiko Shibusawa , the same man who created the fog. In a fit of rage, Atsushi kills Shibusawa, who is then revived by Fyodor. When Atsushi encounters Akutagawa in the novel, Dazai tells Atsushi to become a detective alongside Kyoka before killing himself. Upon his introduction into the manga series, The Fandom Post said that his ability to become a tiger offered him the power to do good rather than making him feel cursed. His final fight against Akutagawa in the first season received a positive response. Tokyo agreed in terms of the parallels between Atsushi and Kyoka, and wondered how their relationship would develop after Atsushi saves her, as they were enemies when meeting for the first time. As a result, the writer said the story would benefit from this type of subplot since Bungo Stray Dogs rarely contained romance. Tokyo made similar comments and characterized the two as yin and yang. The Fandom Post appreciated how the rivalry progressed across the story and felt that the final battle was enjoyable, with Fitzgerald showing signs of humanity. Once Atsushi accepted being the tiger, Anime News Network felt that he participated, alongside Akutagawa, in one of the most interesting fight scenes. Kafka Asagiri and Harukawa 35 tell us more".