Новости карл везерс актер

New Orleans-born actor Carl Weathers always wanted to be an actor, but in his early years, he started off as a successful football star, playing with the Oakland Raiders. Lucasfilm remembers Carl Weathers, the legendary actor who played Greef Karga on The Mandalorian.

Умер актёр Карл Уэзерс, звезда «Рокки», «Хищника» и «Мандалорца»

But at the time football was still his top priority. His talents eventually landed him at San Diego State, as a transfer student, where he played defensive end for Hall of Fame coach Don Coryell. After that season, he went unselected in the 1970 NFL draft but his connection to an old friend helped him land on his feet. Hall had become a linebackers coach for the Raiders. Weathers called him to let him know he was interested in Oakland, and he was given a shot at making the roster. So he changed positions to linebacker and played a large portion of his snaps on special teams. Weathers donned the number 49 for the 1970 season. Upshaw, the five-time All Pro guard, hooked the rookie by extending his arm and knocked Weathers off his feet.

Stabler and Weathers were both rookies under Madden in 1970. Today, Carl would be a safety. That would have been the perfect position for him. He had everything it took. He was smart, he could run like a deer and he was chiseled. He was a magnificent athlete. He would probably fit in really, really well as a running back.

Weathers grew up admiring actors such as Woody Strode, whose combination of physique and acting prowess in "Spartacus" made an early impression. Others he idolized included actors Sidney Poitier and Harry Belafonte and athletes Jim Brown and Muhammad Ali, stars who broke the mold and the color barrier. And hopefully I can inspire someone else to do good work as well," he told the Detroit News 2023. Weathers, a former athlete and actor, died Tuesday. In high school, athletics took him down another path but he would reunite with his first love later in life.

Weathers played college football at San Diego State University — he majored in theater — and went on to play for one season in the NFL, for the Oakland Raiders, in 1970.

Weathers was married and divorced three times, to Mary Ann from 1973-1983, Rhona Unsell from 1984-2006 and Jennifer Peterson from 2007-2009. The star was born in New Orleans, Louisiana on January 14, 1948. During his time in school he exhibited an aptitude for sports and later played football as a defensive end in college. He started his college career in 1966 at Long Beach City College and after sustaining an ankle injury he then transferred and played for San Diego State University. At San Diego State, Weathers received a master in theatre arts.

The actor is seen as Mark Jeffries in Chicago Justice Weathers signed with the Oakland Raiders as a free agent in 1970 and played in seven games for the Raiders in 1970. The Raiders released him in September 1971. He retired from football in 1974 and began pursuing an acting career. His first starring roles came in Bucktown 1975 and Friday Foster 1975 and he appeared in an early 1975 episode of the sitcom Good Times He also guest-starred in a 1975 episode of Kung Fu and appeared as a loan shark in an episode of the crime-drama Starsky and Hutch. The star was born in New Orleans, Louisiana on January 14, 1948, During his time in school he exhibited an aptitude for sports and later played football as a defensive end in college pictured 1979 He started his college career in 1966 at Long Beach City College and after sustaining an ankle injury he then transferred and played for San Diego State University pictured 1966 The star is pictured with first wife Mary Ann Castle and sons Jason and Matthew in 1988 Weathers is pictured with third wife Jennifer Peterson in 2000 - they were wed from 2007-2009 In 2019 he debuted as Greef Carga in several episodes of the first season of the Star Wars series, The Mandalorian.

Он снялся более чем в 120 фильмах и сериалах. Ушел из жизни американский актер Карл Уэзерс. Средство массовой информации, Сетевое издание - Интернет-портал "Общественное телевидение России". Главный редактор: Игнатенко В.

Скончался актер Карл Уэзерс, звезда «Рокки», «Хищника» и «Мандалорца»

Карл был исключительным человеком, который прожил необыкновенную жизнь. Благодаря своему вкладу в кино, телевидение, искусство и спорт он оставил неизгладимый след и признан во всем мире и среди поколений. Carl Weathers passed away on February 1st at age 76. Most recently, Carl Weathers has starred in the Disney hit “The Mandalorian,” appearing in all three seasons. Неожиданные новости, потому что в свои годы выглядел молодо и бодро. 76 лет это в наше время очень рано.

Умер Карл Уэзерс, звезда фильмов "Рокки" и "Хищник"

It was Sylvester Stallone who offered one of the most heartfelt remembrances of his friend and colleague in an Instagram video. Some actors might be content with just that successful run, but Weathers took the chance for re-invention, appearing in the likes of Happy Gilmore, Little Nicky and as a voice in Eight Crazy Nights, all alongside Adam Sandler. He enjoyed a run of several episodes on Arrested Development playing a spoof version of himself, who had become an acting tutor. And more recently, he added a whole new generation of fans via his work as Greef Karga, the mercenary wrangler-turned-official for Star Wars TV series The Mandalorian. He served on the Directors Guild of America board and various committees, helping others navigate the job.

Последующее десятилетие актер появлялся в малобюджетных лентах или же в непримечательных ролях. В это время сосредоточился на карьере режиссера - снимал такие сериалы, как «Для людей», «Шина», «Сильное лекарство», «Шелковые сети», «Отступник», «Золотые крылья Пенсаколы». В 2007 году Карл Уэзерс сыграл в спортивной комедии «Мстители», рассказывающей о тренере, который приводит к победе команду неудачников.

В 2009 году стал главным героем американского комедийного сериала «Братья». Также снимался в рекламных роликах бренда «Old Spice» и банка «Credit Union». Актер продолжает активно сниматься в фильмах.

В 2016 году сыграл в научно-фантастическом телесериале «Колония». В 2017 году исполнил роль Государственного прокурора Марка Джеффриса в телесериале «Правосудие Чикаго». В ноябре 2019 года выйдет на экраны телесериал в жанре космическая опера «Мандалорец».

He was 76 years old at the time of his passing. In a statement shared with Deadline, Weather passed away on February 1. Through his contributions to film, television, the arts and sports, he has left an indelible mark and is recognized worldwide and across generations. He was a beloved brother, father, grandfather, partner, and friend. Great dad. Great actor.

Также он снялся в «Хищнике», «Мандалорце», «Счастливчике Гилморе» и ряде других картин. За свою роль в «Мандалорце» Карл был номинирован на премию «Эмми» как «Лучший приглашённый актер в драматическом телесериале». Актёрскую карьеру начал в 1970 году, и активно снимался до начала 2000-х годов.

The Comment That Ended Carl Weathers’s NFL Career Fueled His Success As an Actor

Артист также исполнил роль экранной версии самого себя в комедийном сериале «Замедленное развитие». Был номинирован на премию «Эмми Прайм-тайм» в номинации «Лучший приглашенный актер в драматическом сериале» за работу в сериале «Мандалорец».

He also voiced Combat Carl in the Toy Story franchise. Weathers grew up admiring actors such as Woody Strode, whose combination of physique and acting prowess in Spartacus made an early impression. And hopefully I can inspire someone else to do good work as well," he told the Detroit News last year. In high school, athletics took him down another path but he would reunite with his first love later in life. Weathers played college football at San Diego State University — he majored in theatre — and went on to play for one season in the NFL, for the Oakland Raiders, in 1970.

И мы бы точно не провели такое чудесное время за съемками. Каждая минута с ним — на съемочной площадке и за ее пределами — были чистой радостью», — признался Арнольд Шварценеггер. Актер также добавил, что будет скучать по ушедшему Карлу Уэзерсу. Сильвестр Сталлоне, в свою очередь, выложил в сеть новый ролик, в котором с грустью признал, что все потеряли легенду в лице Карла Уэзерса. Стоит отметить, что за свою актерскую карьеру ушедший Карл Уэзерс сыграл в нескольких десятках проектах. В фильме «Хищник» он исполнил роль Джорджа Диллона, а в серии фильмов «Рокки» актер сыграл Аполло Крида — профессионального боксера и друга Рокки Бальбоа.

Причина смерти не указывается. По словам родных актера, он "ушел во сне". Карл Уэзерс родился 14 января 1948 года в США. В молодости он занимался американским футболом, параллельно играя на сценах местных театров.

Карл Уэзерс до актёрской карьеры играл в НФЛ. Его выгнали за излишнюю чувствительность

Карл Уэзерс: новости. Не стало звезды «Рокки» и «Хищника» Карла Уэзерса. Weathers took a familiar route to screens, working on commercials and smaller roles in films and guesting on a variety of TV series. Актёр из Соединённых Штатов Карл Уэзерс умер в возрасте 76 лет, говорится в заявлении его семьи. Фото: EAST NEWS. На 77-м году жизни скончался американский актер, продюсер, режиссёр и бывший профессиональный игрок в американский футбол Карл Уэзерс. На 77-м году жизни скончался американский актер Карл Уэзерс.

Умер звезда фильмов "Рокки" и "Хищник" Карл Уэзерс

В США скончался актер из серии фильмов «Рокки» Карл Уэзерс, известный по роли Аполло Крида. Об этом пишет Variety со ссылкой на его менеджера Мэтта Любера. Карл Уэзерс (англ. Carl Weathers; 14 января 1948, Новый Орлеан, Луизиана, США — 1 февраля 2024, Лос-Анджелес, США[5]) — американский актёр, продюсер, режиссёр и бывший профессиональный игрок в американский футбол. Семья актера ‘Рокки’ подтвердила его смерть в возрасте 76 лет. Умер Актер Уэзерс Карл 01.02.2024 на 77 году умер атер снимавшийся в рокки и хищнике Карл ы смерти не известны. Actor, football player Carl Weathers, best known for his roles in the 'Rocky' movies and 'Predator,' has died at the age of 76. Carl Weathers criticized Sylvester Stallone’s acting during his audition for Rocky — an insult which he says helped land him the role of Apollo Creed.

Голливуд скорбит. Умер звезда фильмов «Рокки» актер Карл Уэзерс

Some actors might be content with just that successful run, but Weathers took the chance for re-invention, appearing in the likes of Happy Gilmore, Little Nicky and as a voice in Eight Crazy Nights, all alongside Adam Sandler. He enjoyed a run of several episodes on Arrested Development playing a spoof version of himself, who had become an acting tutor. And more recently, he added a whole new generation of fans via his work as Greef Karga, the mercenary wrangler-turned-official for Star Wars TV series The Mandalorian. He served on the Directors Guild of America board and various committees, helping others navigate the job. He died peacefully in his sleep on Thursday, February 1st, 2024.

Уэзерс также сыграл Крида в фильмах « Рокки 2 » 1979 , « Рокки 3 » 1982 и « Рокки 4 » 1985. В 2019 году Уэзерс появился в первом сезоне сериала « Мандалорец » в роли Грифа Карги, в 2020 году вернулся к роли во втором сезоне.

За роль Грифа Карги Уэзерс был номинирован на премию «Эмми» как лучший приглашённый актер в драматическом телесериале [9]. Скончался 1 февраля 2024 года в своём доме в Лос-Анджелесе в возрасте 76 лет.

Карл был исключительным человеком, прожившим необыкновенную жизнь.

Благодаря своему вкладу в кино, телевидение, искусство и спорт он оставил неизгладимый след и получил признание во всём мире и среди разных поколений. Он был любимым братом, отцом, дедушкой, партнером и другом".

What a guy!! Everyone loved him. My wife and I had the best times with him every time we saw him. Love to his entire family and Carl will always be known as a true legend. He died peacefully in his sleep on Thursday, February 1st, 2024. Through his contributions to film, television, the arts and sports, he has left an indelible mark and is recognized worldwide and across generations.

His character also formed the crux of the storyline for acclaimed Rocky spin-off film series, Creed - which stars Michael B. My life was forever changed for the better the day I met Carl Weathers. Rest in power and keeping punching. Today is an incredibly sad day for me.

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