Новости фанфики андерверс

Underverse is a Web Comic-turned Web Animation based off of the video game Undertale and a Tumblr webcomic named X-Tale created by Jael Peñ. @producer666 Если у тебя есть эксклюзивное видео, либо интересная новость - ты можешь прислать её нам - @dybl666_feedback_bot. андерверс 333 stories for undertale, андертейл, ау, крипипаста, любовь, санс, фанфик, фриск, The best collection of stories. 24:20 Underverse 0.1: Начало истории (Озвучка).

Фреш и эррор фанфики

Many times he even relies on plagiarism and idea-stealing; for example, for Timeline 3 he literally copied Underswap. His behavior overall mirrors many, many creators of all genres and art forms, and many viewers have admitted that they see their own behavior reflected in XGaster. However, unlike us, XGaster has to live with his creations, and they are NOT happy to be continuously discarded. Sans teleports in front of Underswap Papyrus in order to save his life. Luckily, the deluxe ketchup bottle he got from Frisk in Underverse 0. This Cannot Be! One from X-Event Frisk in the prequel comic, which marks the point where his true character comes to light. X-Event Frisk: Sans... Wham Shot : Two in quick succession in 0. When Underfell Asgore attacks XTale Alphys, there is a shot of her right purple eye and Underfell Asgore looking surprised before it cuts back to XTale Mettaton , who is effortlessly blocking the attack.

What the Hell Are You? What the Hell, Hero? Wingdinglish : XGaster and normal Gaster always speak with a layer of Windings beneath their speech. XAlphys also writes all the entries in Windings, and at one point she and XGaster talk in it. Apparently, it sounds different enough from regular English that bystanders cannot understand it. Nightmare at the end of 0. Interestingly enough, Cross is the 10th character in the X-Tale cast when referring to the timeline entries. Lampshaded when Ink notes that XGaster really likes the letter X. Year Outside, Hour Inside : 0.

The creator decided to take a break from animating the series. XGaster was found observing the Doodle Sphere, noticing the damage that had been done by the X-Event. He summoned his assistant, X-Tale! Alphys to put the timelines that are corrupted by the X-Event under quarantine. Alphys first arrives in Underswap.

Upon arrival, Core! Frisk and Underswap! Papyrus was found having a conversation. Frisk mentions that they can no longer help them get to the Omega timeline because of their timeline collapsing. Both Underswap!

Papyrus and Underswap! Chara soon glitched away. Frisk feels bad for Underswap because the residents of the AU did everything to save the timeline. As X-Tale! Alphys moves past them, she mentions that Underswap was "Pacifist timeline number 122".

She said that Cross was in big trouble because of X-Event! Chara, as the white shine on her glasses disappeared for a short while. Alphys pulled out a page and once it touched the ground, everything was being sucked in. After the quarantine was successfully executed, Core was aware of what the quarantine was. They mentioned how the people of X-Tale were once good people and now have sly intentions.

A timeline that had been damaged by the X-Event had been detected, X-Tale! Alphys headed over.

XGaster was found observing the Doodle Sphere, noticing the damage that had been done by the X-Event. He summoned his assistant, X-Tale! Alphys to put the timelines that are corrupted by the X-Event under quarantine. Alphys first arrives in Underswap. Upon arrival, Core! Frisk and Underswap!

Papyrus was found having a conversation. Frisk mentions that they can no longer help them get to the Omega timeline because of their timeline collapsing. Both Underswap! Papyrus and Underswap! Chara soon glitched away. Frisk feels bad for Underswap because the residents of the AU did everything to save the timeline. As X-Tale! Alphys moves past them, she mentions that Underswap was "Pacifist timeline number 122".

She said that Cross was in big trouble because of X-Event! Chara, as the white shine on her glasses disappeared for a short while. Alphys pulled out a page and once it touched the ground, everything was being sucked in. After the quarantine was successfully executed, Core was aware of what the quarantine was. They mentioned how the people of X-Tale were once good people and now have sly intentions. A timeline that had been damaged by the X-Event had been detected, X-Tale! Alphys headed over. After arriving in "Pacifist timeline number 13" or Underfell, Core!

The entirety of season 1. Ink gathers a group of Sanses to stop Cross and X-Chara from destroying the multiverse. Even worse, in 0.

The multiverse ends up destroyed in the ensuing scuffle and Underswap- and Underfell-Sans are killed. XGaster reclaims the missing half of his soul and prepares to conquer the main universe. Shared Life-Meter : What happens when two beings have different parts of the same soul.

Sans and Underswap Chara find this out the hard way. In timeline 10, Cross forces XChara into his body in hopes of obtaining the power to Overwrite. Sound-Effect Bleep : Fresh does this whenever someone swears.

Underfell Sans learns this the hard way. Take That, Audience! He says that it is essentially our fault that he took the decisions he did, as he does not want to be forgotten.

He essentially presents XGaster as a replacement for us. In a more indirect manner, XGaster is a Deconstruction of the perfectionist author. It is outright stated that he is never satisfied with his own ideas, and keeps redoing his work over and over and over again, accepting nothing less than some unobtainable concept of perfection.

Many times he even relies on plagiarism and idea-stealing; for example, for Timeline 3 he literally copied Underswap. His behavior overall mirrors many, many creators of all genres and art forms, and many viewers have admitted that they see their own behavior reflected in XGaster. However, unlike us, XGaster has to live with his creations, and they are NOT happy to be continuously discarded.

Sans teleports in front of Underswap Papyrus in order to save his life.

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Underverse. Undertale AU и т.д. Просмотрите доску «underverse ∞» пользователя Алена Сайбаталова в Pinterest. Фанфик написан прежде всего по мультсериалу 1994го года "Человек-Паук", любые иные источники использовались только тогда, когда авторам это. Explora el tablero de uzuku midorya bisexual "underverse comics" en Pinterest. UNDERVERSE 0.7 • Русская озвучка • Сделка всей жизниПодробнее. Рисую, читаю, пишу фанфики. Сижу в Ютубе, ем сладости, страдаю фигнёй.

♡реакции по Андервёрсу♡

Read the most popular underverse stories on Wattpad, the world's largest social storytelling platform. Эррор андерверс. Эррор андерверс. Инк санс новый дизайн. Звучит заманчиво? Луна собирается попытаться перезагрузить Underverse и остановить X-событие. Here’s a smol preview of Underverse 0.8 part 1. Explore Simple Otaku's board "Underverse Art" on Pinterest. See more ideas about undertale drawings, undertale fanart, undertale art. На данный момент моей сферой интересов являются фанфики, коими я и занимаюсь, но, разумеется, останавливаться лишь на них не собираюсь.

Fresh Sans [My Human Version]

  • Underverse 0.7 часть II озвучка(Радикально-чернильные времена)
  • UNDERVERSE!SANS 0.2 - PART 1 - [Jakeinimation][RUS]
  • Фанфики по Гарри Поттеру
  • Underverse (Web Animation) - TV Tropes
  • @undervjusef

Underverse UFSans YOU

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Комикс UnderVerse Rus за авторством Jakei95, переведенный на русский, опубликованный переводчиком на сайте Авторский Комикс, можно бесплатно читать онлайн. In Korea, 'Universe' is usually used as 'Universe', whereas 'Underverse ' is used. Архив 14 160. Подбор картинок 10 114. Новости сайта 97. Помощь 6. Discover Underverse fan art, lets plays and catch up on the latest news and theories!

See, that’s what the app is perfect for.

  • Идеи на тему «Underverse ∞» (900+) | фан арт, милые рисунки, изображения скелетов
  • Фанфик Underverse (5 эпизод)
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  • underverse - Read stories underverse
  • Фанфики с 17 сентября по 23 сентября - 16 Сентября 2012 - Тайны Темных Подземелий

Фанфики по Marvel

Министерство магии в панике: оно так долго пытались скрыть сам факт их существования! Кто победит: магический мир или культисты?.. Почему-то в первую главу не загружается текст, поэтому фик начинается во второй главе. Планируемый объем работы: 7 частей по 10 глав каждая.

Коллаж "Северус Снейп" от MarSe. В подарок тайновчанам! Перевод "Что же всё-таки нужно сделать, чтобы... В подарок всем жителям ТТП в день рождения милой Гермионы!!! Стихотворение "Ночи мрак на Хогвартс сходит... Коллаж "Секрет Гермионы Грейнджер" , автор Draculina.

Потом набрал побольше воздуха и дальше орать. Оттолкнув кривоногого, эта огромная образина одним прыжком оказалась рядом со мной на лавке. Я чуть не уронил на штаны малюсенький грибочек, который с таким трудом зацепил на двузубую вилку, от неожиданности.

Не пей, скотина! Ну ведь противно смотреть на тебя. Вон и князь Патриков плюётся, и граф Шишкинд отворачивается презрительно!

Потом печально воззрился на грибок на моей вилке и добавил со среднерусской тоской в голосе: — Эх, Гертруда, Гертруда, горе-то како, како горе-э-э. Мне стало так жалко этого огромного детину, я погладил его по голове, вздохнул и подумал, что придётся взять его в ученики.

Услышав голос Эндрю, произносящий его имя, он понял, что ожидал услышать " Кто это? Каким-то образом облегчение, которое он почувствовал, услышав это, было недолгим. Он был в панике. Я проснулся шесть часов назад в доме в Колумбии с Ники и Аароном. Когда Нил просыпается в очень знакомой машине, сидя рядом с призраком, чуть более чем на 7 лет моложе, он был более чем немного напуган.

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