Discover and download for free The Sims 4 CC shoes, sneakers, heels, wedges and boots for your sim.
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Можно перекрашивать. Зимние ботинки со шнуровкой для симов. Оригинальное название — SimmieV Plaid Hightops.
Удобные клетчатые кеды для симов. Стильные ботинки для взрослых симов. Оригинальное название — Man Summer Shoes. Тканевые летние ботинки для взрослых симов. Кожаные сникерсы для взрослых симов. Дизайнерские кроссовки от Adidas для симов. Оригинальное название — Elijah Kamski Shoes.
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Sims 4 shoes
Filed Under: Shoes for males Tagged With: ShakeProductions, shoes, Sims 4, sneakers, The Sims Resource, TSRMarch 22, 2022. Загрузить женскую и мужскую обувь для Симс 4. Самая стильная обувь на все возрасты: для малышей, для молодых, для взрослых и для старых. Скачать моды из рубрики "Обувь для мужчин" для игры Симс 4 возможно абсолютно бесплатно в огромном каталоге нашего сайта Выбирайте и скачивайте понравившиеся моды на мужскую обувь для игры Sims 4. Sneakers - High-Top Sneaks by Lunararc.
Male Shoes
Главная Форум > The Sims 4 > The Sims 4: Информация по игре > The Sims 4: Комплекты >. Подборка лучших мужских и женских модов на Sims 4 — прически, штаны, куртки и другие вещи. The Sims 4: Мужская обувь Tumblr_nexbw240D91tmlfido1_1280 [Вы должны быть зарегистрированы и подключены, чтобы видеть эту ссылку].
Madlen Stromboli Shoes(MALE)
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Пак обуви для женщин и мужчин (140 вариантов)
Модификации на мужскую обувь в Sims 4. Кроссовки, туфли и другая обувь в самых разных стилях и от самых разных брендов вы найдете в этой категории! The Sims Team has released a new Sims 4 SDX drop today, featuring new Build Items for free in The Sims 4 Base Game. Custom Content are popular among Sims 4 players. There is far more free content available to download than is included in the base game and all game packs combined. The unofficial subreddit for all things Sims 4. The Sims 4» The Sims 4» Обувь симс 4» Мужские кроссовки S102306. Мы подбираем эксклюзивную и оригинальную мужскую обувь для Симс 4, которая сможет пригодиться для всех наборов одежды.
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Maxis Match Boots (Male + Female): Sims 4 CC (List)
Совместимость с HQ текстурами реализовано в полной мере. Мод проверен и стабильно и без косяков работает на последней лицензионной версии игры. Качайте данное дополнение и наслаждайтесь любимой игрой прямо сейчас. Надеемся Вам понравится!
A whole pack of it! The Child Pack 2 by Madlensims comes with 4 different shoes for babies, toddlers, and children. You can see the four types in the picture above. Now adults can no longer gatekeep these comfortable shoes! Gloomtown Brats Shoes Crocs are the type of shoe that you either take or leave. But, what if the crocks were decorated with spikes?
The Gloomtown Brats shoes are decorated with not only spikes on the back strap but also a chain on the front. It makes the croc look very intimidating. Canvas Sneakers There is just something about Converse-style sneakers that never get old. With the Canvas sneakers by Jius-sims, you have two different versions. One is a solid color and the other is multicolored. Each comes with a certain amount of swatches and are both HQ compatible. Techwear Sneakers In this modern, techy world you may want your clothing to showcase this. In the Techwear Sneakers CC, you get just that. It is a shoe for male sims that comes with 10 swatches.
Sims-aged teens to elders can wear this. Spice Boots Plaid never gets old and with the Spice Boots , your female sims can embrace plaid in their footwear. These CCs come in two different styles. One has socks and the other is without them. It comes with ankle boots, derby shoes, casual shoes, leather ankle boots, and finally leather loafers. The Xmas shoes come complete with an adorable bow on the front. In total, it comes with 55 different swatches. Some are solid colors while others are multi-colored! It comes with matte boots, metallic boots, and leather boots.
For those that like heels, it comes with snake heels, star heels, and finally a chunky heel sandal. Maeve Buckled Heels There is just something adorable about chunky heels complete with an ankle strap. The Maeve Buckled Heels come in three different versions such as glossy, matte, and finally with over-knee socks. Each come with their own set of swatches as well. These sneakers provide not only comfort but also stability for the sim that chooses to wear it. Cheetah Heels Animal print never gets old and the Cheetah Heels are a great way to celebrate this type of style. This CC which is base game compatible, comes with 49 swatches. These heels go all the way up to the knee have your sim pair it with a pair of shorts or a short skirt! Nike Air Jordan Air Jordans are a popular type of shoe for not only the player but also the sim themselves.
T he Nike Air Jordan will let your sim embrace their love for this classic shoe. It comes with 11 swatches and is for male and female sims, teen to elder. These boots come in 25 color combinations and feature some typical country looks like spurs and chains. It even comes with a pentagram which is not very country, but is pretty cool looking. Omens V2 The Omens V2 boot is a knee-length boot that will go great with a pair of shorts or a skirt to show them off completely. There are three different versions. One is flat, one comes with chunky heels, and the other with a stiletto. All of them come with several swatches. With the Hourglass booties , you get a single swatch that is for a female frame.
It might not come with several swatches but you have to realize that black is a classic color.
Набор будет включать 23 новых предмета, в том числе пиджаки, брюки, костюмы, юбки, обувь, шерстяное пальто и не только. С их помощью привычный гардероб симов заиграет новыми модными красками. Напомним, что не так давно для The Sims 4 выходили наборы « Фэшн-Стрит » и « Стиль Инчхона », которые добавили в игру одежду, вдохновлённую модой Мумбаи и Сеула.
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