Иркутская нефтяная компания — все самые свежие новости по теме. ИНК-Портал от разработчика “ИНК-Портал” в каталоге RuStore. Менее 100 скачиваний. Android. Категория: Новости И Журналы. «ИНК-Портал» – мобильное приложение внутреннего портала группы компаний ИНК.
Иркутская нефтяная компания (ИНК) сдвигает сроки запуска Иркутского завода полимеров
О том, что готовит «КнигаМарт» в 2021 году — в материале Телеинформа. Мероприятия «Дня Ч» с участием экспертов из Москвы и Санкт-Петербурга состоялись на нескольких площадках. Об этом на торжественном открытии Года Байкала заявил губернатор региона Игорь Кобзев. Мероприятие состоялось 7 марта в поселке Листвянка Иркутского района — на площадке проекта Живи на Байкале.
The stage of technological readiness for introduction: The technology is implemented on a small scale the Russian Federation. Mandatory technical requirements for the technology: Ensuring stable operation of the system under intense loads and increased content of ARPD asphalt, resin, and paraffin deposits and salts in the extracted products. Technologies for reducing the time of preparation of the blocking compound at the well Priority technological solution: Equipment that allows to load at its inlet a chemical reagent and water, and at the outlet in order to produce a ready blocking compound. The stage of technological readiness for introduction: The possibility of development based on a separate product technology or a technology that represents a finished product. Similar equipment is available when injecting compounds into the formation for conformance control of the well input profile. Mandatory technical requirements for the technology: Minimum technical specifications: the equipment shall be heated and on a wheeled base for transportation. Solutions for modeling the process of well killing operations based on geological and technical data Priority technological solution: A software product that calculates the well killing process and the expected result taking into account the available chemical reagents and offers solutions for the use of other reagents to achieve the required state of the well killing fluid.
There are similar software products, but they take into account only the well design and reservoir pressure.
По словам собеседника "Интерфакса", ИНК просит рассмотреть возможность исключения из-под действия поправок в УК проекты с участием иностранных компаний, решения по которым были приняты до 24 февраля. Создана в 2000 году, ведет геологическое изучение, разведку и разработку 52 участков недр на территории Иркутской области, Красноярского края и Республики Саха Якутия. Законопроект о введении уголовной ответственности за исполнение санкций в Думу в апреле внесла группа депутатов и Сенаторов. Эту инициативу раскритиковали в Российском союза промышленников и предпринимателей.
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ИНК предупредила о срыве инвестпроекта из-за закона о наказании за исполнение санкций
Иркутская нефтяная компания (ИНК) в режиме опытного применения запустила гелиевый завод на Ярактинском нефтегазоконденсатном месторождении в Иркутской области. рассказал директор дирекции по строительству жилой и социальной инфраструктуры и вопросам градостроительства ИНК Игорь Драчев. Директор департамента управления персоналом ИНК Виктория Илюхина рассказала, что в 2021 году компания начала акцентировать внимание на местных кадрах и их привлечение на. ИНК-Портал – скачать приложение для Android – Каталог RuStore.
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Иркутская нефтяная компания (ИНК) — один из крупнейших независимых производителей углеводородного сырья в России. Согласно информации на сайте ИНК, для производства этилена из этана будет использована лицензия Lummus Technology, а для производства полиэтилена – лицензия Univation. Иркутская нефтяная компания (ИНК) — один из крупнейших независимых производителей углеводородного сырья в России. ПАО «Газпром», ИНК и Минпромторг РФ объединились для развития литиевого проекта на Ковыкте.
Газовый проект ИНК: новости инноваций
October 7, 2022 Irkutsk Oil Company is holding the contest in Environmental Culture and Social Responsibility for its contractor companies. July 29, 2022 Citizens of the Russian Federation aged 18-35 are welcome to apply. Entries will be accepted until August 31, 2022. July 11, 2022 Irkutsk Oil Company is bringing draft terms of reference for EIA of two facilities located in the Ichyodinsky field Verkhnetirsky subsoil block to public hearing. The forum will also be supported by the governor of the Irkutsk Region Igor Kobzev and the regional administration. Having visited LLC Irkutsk Polymer Plant a project implemented by Irkutsk Oil Company , the ombudsperson noted a special importance of the project to the local community and attracting young professionals. April 14, 2022 The inter-regional department of Rosprirodnadzor for Irkutsk region and Baikal natural territory issued a positive review of the state ecological expert review for the facility "Ust-Kut Gas Fractionation Plant. April 13, 2022 Irkutsk Oil Company held a quarterly safety forum with representatives from contractors. The participants discussed innovations in the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and other regulatory documents in the field of occupational safety.
The monthly monetary support would be 5,000 rubles. This is the third time INK has received the prestigious award. March 29, 2022 Irkutsk Polymer Plant has inventoried greenhouse gas emissions in 2021 In line with the best practices for oil and gas projects, Irkutsk Polymer Plant has quantified GHG emissions for the construction stage including the activities of all construction contractors. The bulk of GHG emissions were due to energy consumption in power and heat supply to production and associated facilities, specifically, in diesel and petrol combustion at diesel power stations, in heat generators, combustion engines in passenger and utility vehicles, and consumption of electricity supplied externally via the grids of the Irkutsk Region. Thanks to the launch of the gas chemical cluster, the region will need 2,000 specialists to work on a permanent basis. In March, 25 more people will undergo rehabilitation. February 17, 2022 Irkutsk Oil Company discussed the program of cooperation with representatives of the Association of Indigenous Minorities of Northern and Eastern Siberia. The plant currently employs 592 people.
January 31, 2022 INK Group hired total of 3,700 new employees in 2021. At present, the total number of employees is more than 11,000, most of whom are residents of Irkutsk region. January 28, 2022 Irkutsk Oil Company has approved the program for preserving the traditional way of life of the indigenous minorities of the North in the territories of its presence for 2022—2026. January 24, 2022 Irkutsk Polymer Plant started an active phase of installation of steel structures and pipelines to ensure the readiness of priority facilities in accordance with the project schedule. January 18, 2022 Irkutsk Oil Company has drilled the longest horizontal borehole of 2,065 meters. This is the longest horizontal section in the history of the company in 21 years. The total cost of the project including the construction of the housing district in Ust-Kut which is estimated at 300 billion roubles. January 12, 2022 SberStrakhovanie, a subsidiary of Sber, together with Ingosstrakh and Rosgosstrakh have entered into an agreement to insure the construction of Irkutsk Polymer Plant.
Thus, the first adaptation bonds in the history of the Russian stock market also became the first to be included in the relevant segment of the exchange. The issuance is regulated by the Resolution of the Government of the RF 1578 dated September 21, 2021. The funds raised will be used to partially reimburse the costs of the associated gas re-injection the cycling process project, which has been underway since 2010. The implementation of this project has resulted in the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions. The silos are designed as intermediate containers for holding polyethylene powder and pellets, which are used to start the polymerization reactor. December 3, 2021 Irkutsk Oil Company to Start Installation of Equipment at the 220 kV Polymer substation in Ust-Kut in January 2022 Irkutsk Oil Company will start installing the main equipment at the 220 kV Polymer substation as a part of construction the second stage of the power supply facility in January 2022. Start-up of the second stage of the substation will make it possible to fully provide with power the production facilities of the gas chemical cluster in Ust-Kut. The parties discussed issues of sustainable development in the field of carbon neutrality, the possibility of using successful practices of the region.
October 28, 2021 The project on risk analysis of large-scale cargo delivery for the Irkutsk Polymer Plant won a gold award at the international contest at Facilitation Impact Awards 2021. More than 20 organizations contested for the award this year. Это рекордный показатель за историю компании. The event took place in Saint-Petersburg on 13—15 of October. September 29, 2021 Irkutsk Polymer Plant completes installation of large-capacity equipment Irkutsk Polymer Plant installed the last unit of some large-size heavy equipment — Product Purge Bin. A total of 44 units have been installed at the construction site, which were previously delivered to Ust-Kut in the fall of 2020 from a port in South Korea.
Mandatory technical requirements for the technology: Minimum technical specifications: the equipment shall be heated and on a wheeled base for transportation. Solutions for modeling the process of well killing operations based on geological and technical data Priority technological solution: A software product that calculates the well killing process and the expected result taking into account the available chemical reagents and offers solutions for the use of other reagents to achieve the required state of the well killing fluid. There are similar software products, but they take into account only the well design and reservoir pressure. Mandatory technical requirements for the technology: Minimum technical characteristics: when modeling the well killing process, geological data of the formation permeability, structure, porosity, etc. The stage of technological readiness for introduction: The technology has been introduced on an industrial scale there is a confirmed market demand for the product and a positive feedback from current customers ; the product meets the technical requirements to the full extent. Elimination of hydrate plugs using chemical, technological or complex methods Priority technological solution Chemical effects on hydrate plugs; Mechanical, thermal, wave, etc. Digital and forecasting technologies Use of an analytical platform for managing the technical condition of equipment. The stage of technological readiness for introduction: At the development stage; Pilot projects have been successfully implemented, the applicability of the product has been proven and the market demand has been confirmed; The technology has not yet been introduced on an industrial scale.
Пресс-служба ИНК Основную массу плодородного грунта смешают с измельченными ветками и пнями, а затем отправят на места временного размещения. За период, пока строится микрорайон, качество почвы существенно улучшится, и на этапе благоустройства ее вернут на площадку. Часть вынутого грунта, 100 тысяч кубометров, переместят на городской полигон твердых коммунальных отходов. Это продлит срок его эксплуатации на три-пять лет.
БАБР писал о всех этапах этой беспрецедентной логистической операции: Газовый проект ИНК: логистика мирового уровня В настоящий момент на промышленной площадке Иркутского завода полимеров завершаются работы по подготовке фундаментов для монтажа и сборки основного крана грузоподъемностью 1 600 тонн. Общий вес технологического оборудования составляет 4 500 тонн. Самые крупные единицы оборудования — деэтанизатор длина 81,9 м, вес 357 тонн и реактор полимеризации этилена 44,5 м, вес 597 тонн. Монтаж оборудования должен быть завершен уже в сентябре 2021 года.
ИНК вошла в состав учредителей Института нефтегазовых технологических инициатив
Иркутская нефтяная компания (также сокращённо ИНК) — российская нефтяная компания, один из крупнейших независимых производителей нефти в России. Новости Иркутской нефтяной компании (ИНК) на сайте ИА Телеинформ. Иркутская нефтяная компания — все самые свежие новости по теме. Irkutsk Oil Company (INK) traditionally supports event as the main sponsor. Скачайте сейчас ИНК-Портал на телефон или планшет Андроид бесплатно. ИНК — все новости по теме на сайте издания Иркутская нефтяная компания будет добывать литий.
Газовый проект ИНК: новости инноваций
ИНК — Новости Якутии и Якутска — свежие новости онлайн на сайте — ЯСИА. По итогам 2023 г. штат Иркутской нефтяной компании (ИНК) увеличился почти на 3000 человек. новости Иркутска.