В матче «Лейкерс» против «Оклахомы» Леброн Джеймс установил рекорд результативности за карьеру в истории НБА.
Леброн Джеймс вышел на первое место в истории НБА по очкам за карьеру
Его трижды выбирали лучшим игроком НБА, он 12 раз принимал участие в матчах всех звезд. В 2001 году Мэлоун был включен в Зал славы. Тогда же были выбраны Леброн Джеймс и Дарко Миличич. В первом сезоне он набрал в среднем 21 очко за игру, а лучший результат, 28. Тогда же его впервые выбрали в качестве участника матча всех звезд, где он позднее появлялся еще 9 раз. Энтони не завоевал чемпионский титул НБА, но стал трехкратным олимпийским чемпионом. Стороны заключили соглашение сроком на 7 лет и 121 млн долларов. Первые годы совместной работы с «Лос-Анджелесом» не давали значимых результатов, но уже в 2000 году они завоевали первый чемпионский титул НБА и повторили успех в следующих двух сезонах. На его счету также победа на Олимпиаде 1996 года и на чемпионате мира 1994. Уилт Чемберлен начал клубную карьеру в 1958 году в составе «Гарлем Глобтроттерс», так как не мог попасть в НБА из-за юного возраста.
В следующем году состоялся его дебют в баскетбольной ассоциации в составе «Уорриорз». Он сразу показал хороший результат, набрав за регулярный чемпионат в среднем 37. Чемберлен дважды становился чемпионом НБА: в 1967 году в составе «Филадельфии-76», в 1972 — в составе «Лейкерс». В 1998 году он был выбран «Милуоки Бакс» под девятым номером, но команда сразу обменяла его в «Даллас Маверикс». Новицки выступал за «Даллас» 21 сезон и в 2011 году стал чемпионом НБА. По результатам финальной встречи его признали самым ценным игроком. Команда закрепила за Новицки 41 номер. Выступая за «Быков», Джордан шесть раз выиграл чемпионат НБА, и каждый раз он получал звание лучшего игрока финала. В 1984 году Джордан стал олимпийским чемпионом.
На Олимпиаде 1992 года сборная вновь завоевала золотую медаль. Joseph A. Коби Брайант, двукратный олимпийский чемпион, всю свою карьеру провел в «Лос-Анджелес Лейкерс». Он пять раз завоевывал чемпионский титул НБА, в 2000-2002, 2009 и 2010 гг, пока не завершил карьеру в 2016 году.
With that comes the ladder, the rankings of which players are among the cream of the crop, and which rise even above that.
Some who were considered among the finest only a year ago are no longer on the radar. New names have taken their spots. He averaged 10. Just hold those punches. He has risen to become one of the Top 50 NBA players via hard effort and determination.
He averaged a double-double in each of his first four NBA seasons and is coming off a career-high 17. He certainly earned the maximum contract extension he got this offseason. Since the start of the 2019-20 season, the two-time All-Star has averaged 19. Surely deserves to be among the Top 50 NBA players. Cade Cunningham Pistons Cade Cunningham averaged 21.
With Fox turning things around late last season 29. Evan Mobley Cavs Evan Mobley was an outstanding first-year player, making an impact on both sides of the ball and generating defensive parallels to Kevin Garnett. He should improve his consistency as a perimeter shooter and become even better defensively. The 22-year-old guard averaged 17. LaMelo Ball Hornets In 2021-22, the Charlotte All-Star increased both his usage and assist rates as a result of having around 12 more touches per game and owning the ball 22 percent more per game than he did in his rookie year.
Over the last two seasons, the diminutive guard has averaged 20 points, 4. On 46 percent FG shooting, the veteran guard averaged 21. Watch out! Anthony Edwards Timberwolves Few players are more explosive than Anthony Edwards, who can go off for 40 points and a game-winning dunk on any given night. In Year two, he took a much-needed stride forward in terms of efficiency.
Despite playing point guard and averaging the second-highest usage rate in the league, Doncic had a 61 percent true shooting rate and made 59 percent of his two-point field goals. His post-up game was lethal, and he still remains maybe the best orchestrator of an offense in the NBA. If all that gets put together, and the Mavs bounce back, Luka will finish as one of the top vote getters. Devin Booker, Phoenix Suns Booker has averaged over 25 points per game in each of the last five seasons, proving to be one of the best scorers in the league. While his team has fallen short of that elusive championship goal, they remain aggressive in trying to accomplish that feat.
This offseason, it included ushering out Chris Paul and welcoming Bradley Beal and Jusuf Nurkic, along with a brand new cast of role players. That also includes Kevin Durant, who the Suns brought in prior to the trade deadline. Safe to say, Phoenix will be really good. They have three gifted scorers, several role players, and Nurkic, I guess.
The previous record holder, Kareem Abdul-Jabbar, had scored 38,387 points for the Milwaukee Bucks and the Lakers in an illustrious 20-year career spanning from 1969 to 1989. As of April 2024, James had a total of 40,474 points, breaking the 40 thousand points mark in a loss to the Denver Nuggets.
Who has scored the most points in NBA playoffs? This statistic only shows points scored in regular-season NBA games and does not take the playoffs into account.
Лидеры по набранным очкам на каждой позиции в сезоне НБА 23/24.
That optimism is in large part thanks to the meteoric rise of Gilgeous-Alexander, who shocked everyone with a first-team All-NBA season. Statistically, he was better than ever. He averaged 32. Despite playing point guard and averaging the second-highest usage rate in the league, Doncic had a 61 percent true shooting rate and made 59 percent of his two-point field goals.
His post-up game was lethal, and he still remains maybe the best orchestrator of an offense in the NBA. If all that gets put together, and the Mavs bounce back, Luka will finish as one of the top vote getters. Devin Booker, Phoenix Suns Booker has averaged over 25 points per game in each of the last five seasons, proving to be one of the best scorers in the league.
While his team has fallen short of that elusive championship goal, they remain aggressive in trying to accomplish that feat. This offseason, it included ushering out Chris Paul and welcoming Bradley Beal and Jusuf Nurkic, along with a brand new cast of role players.
Лидером же по среднему показателю за игру на данный момент является Марк Итон, который по окончании карьеры имеет в своём активе результат в 3,50 блок-шота в среднем за игру. Второе место по этому показателю занимает Мануте Бол , который по итогам своих выступлений набрал 3,34 балла в среднем за игру. На третьем месте идёт Хаким Оладжьювон, показатель которого составляет 3,09 блок-шота в среднем за игру [4]. В данный список входят четыре действующих баскетболиста, самым результативным из них является Брук Лопес , занимающий пока двадцать восьмое место.
The explanation in the drop in rank provided on ESPN was as follows: A series of ankle injuries limited Ball to 36 games and dropped the Hornets toward the cellar.
Analysis: The injury concerns are fair, a drop in his ranking to be expected heading into 2023. I would actually disagree with his per-game stats being "Improved" last season.
Его суммарный показатель составляет 8535 пасов. Также Джеймс входит в топ-5 лучших бомбардиров НБА — на его счету 32 162 набранных очка за карьеру. Оба этих достижения в сумме позволили игроку «Лейкерс» стать первым в истории баскетболистом, вошедшим в топ-10 обеих статистических категорий.
NBA all-time scoring list 1946-2024
Леброн обогнал Пола Пирса по точным 3-очковым в НБА и вошел в десятку лучших | When the NBA gathered its 50 greatest players at the 1997 All-Star Game in Clevel. |
Лучшие снайперы в истории НБА | NBA leaders for the 2023-2024 season. Top 10 players for every statistical category. |
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Ranking: The Top 100 players in the NBA for 2023-24
На счету Мэлоуна 36928 очков. Болельщики «Уизардс» встретили успех Джеймса овацией. Джеймсу потребовалось для перекрытия достижения Мэлоуна провести 1363 матча, у игрока «Юты» — 1476 матчей.
Who has scored the most points in NBA playoffs? This statistic only shows points scored in regular-season NBA games and does not take the playoffs into account. Prior to breaking the all-time points record, LeBron James already held the record for the most points scored in NBA playoffs , which stood at 8,023 points as of June 2023.
He is also the career leader for the Cleveland Cavaliers , for which he played a total of 11 seasons, in many important statistical categories like points, assists, rebounds, steals, and games played.
If Harden is either traded or not playing, however, Maxey will need to take significant steps forward as a playmaker for Philadelphia to remain a threat in the East. Improvement in that area is something he has stated as a goal for this season, and worked on this summer.
Основными блокирующими игроками являются игроки передней линии — центровые и тяжёлые форварды. Однако игроки других позиций, имеющие хороший прыжок и координацию, зачастую становятся лучшими в данном показателе. В НБА лучшим игроком по блок-шотам считается игрок с самым большим средним показателем по ним за игру. Лишь пять баскетболистов на данный момент сделали более 3000 блок-шотов, 9 игроков преодолели рубеж в 2500 баллов и 19 человек имеют в своём активе более 2000 блок-шотов.
Леброн Джеймс вышел на второе место в списке лучших бомбардиров в истории НБА
In the 2009—10 EuroLeague season, he improved his performance, averaging 15. He also played with Olympiacos in the final, but they lost to Barcelona. Additionally, he was named part of the All-GBL defensive team. Even though he was a veteran, Gervin averaged 26. He even scored 31 points and grabbed 15 rebounds to keep Manresa in the first Spanish division. One of the all-time greats left his mark in Europe, while the NBA named him as one of the 75 greatest players in its history.
English was signed for the second half of the season by Napoli Basket, and together with Walter Berry, another foreign player on the Neapolitan team, formed one of the strongest pairs of foreign players in the history of basketball under the shadow of Mount Vesuvius.
He achieved all these wins while playing with the Bulls. Rajon Rondo The third player on our list is professional basketball player, Rajon Rondo. Rajon Rondo Source: Wikimedia. Rondo last played for the Cleveland Cavaliers. The Minnesota Timberwolves selected him in the first round of the 2009 NBA draft as the fifth overall. Ricky Rubio Source: Wikimedia. The Timberwolves traded Rubio to the Cavaliers in August 2021. He debuted with the Hornets and played with the franchise from 2005 to 2011.
Conclusion So, these are the top 15 NBA players with the best dribbling ability. Consequently, they are considered some of the best players in the NBA. As the creative mind behind numerous sports-centric projects, he brings a fresh perspective to the world of athletics, blending insightful commentary with captivating narratives.
Araton, too, wanted to drop Monroe for Pierce. The harsh truth is many of our own staff, young and old heads, wanted to cut Monroe too. He is still deserving all these years later.
I look it at all as a salute. But I know.
Всего за встречу 38-летний баскетболист набрал 38 очков. Встреча в Лос-Анджелесе завершилась со счетом 133:130 36:34, 40:32, 28:33, 29:31. Из-за возможного рекорда Джеймса цены билетов на матч достигали 100 тысяч долларов. Джеймс — четырехкратный чемпион НБА 2012, 2013, 2016, 2020.
Top 50 NBA Players for the 2022-23 Season
NBA is among the world’s top basketball leagues and one of the top-tier sports leagues worldwide. Топ-трансферы 2023. И все-таки «Уорриорз» выправили результаты и победили в семи матчах — 4:3. Стефен Карри в решающей встрече набрал рекордные для НБА 50 очков — позже в этом же розыгрыше результат превзойдет Тейтум из «Селтикс». Counting down the NBA's top 50 players for 2022-23 season: Nos. With the NBA season around the corner and the rise of young stars, we ranked the best 30 players in the NBA as of right now prior to the 2023-24 campaign.
Top 10 NBA Small Forward
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Леброн Джеймс вышел на второе место в списке лучших бомбардиров в истории НБА | The 50 best NBA players in the Association right now. |
5x5 Men's Olympics | Очередная порция игроков НБА из ТОП-50. |
List of Top 50 NBA All-time Points Leaders - Sports Aspire | After being named one of the 75 Greatest and 50 Greatest Players in NBA History, the 12-time All-Star was inducted into the Naismith Memorial Basketball Hall of Fame. |
The All Time NBA Power Rankings - The Definitive Dose | After being named one of the 75 Greatest and 50 Greatest Players in NBA History, the 12-time All-Star was inducted into the Naismith Memorial Basketball Hall of Fame. |
The 50 Best NBA Players of All Time
Также Джеймс входит в топ-5 лучших бомбардиров НБА — на его счету 32 162 набранных очка за карьеру. Оба этих достижения в сумме позволили игроку «Лейкерс» стать первым в истории баскетболистом, вошедшим в топ-10 обеих статистических категорий. The NBA had an incredibly exciting, enigmatic and unbelievably fast transforming decade while we're moving to the year 2020. Last week’s most exciting NBA games to watch according to our users. After spending his 10 years of career in the NBA, Chandler Parsons’s estimated net worth is $50 million.
NBA 75: Top 75 NBA players of all time, from MJ and LeBron to Lenny Wilkens
Теперь на счету Джеймса 38390 очков за карьеру в НБА. Стоит отметить, что из-за возможного рекорда Джеймса цены билетов на эту игру доходили до 100 тыс. Сразу после ставшего рекордным броска матч был прерван, чтобы воздать почести баскетболисту.
The playoffs are now an expectation for this team. Last season, McCollum averaged 22.
His veteran leadership is invaluable on a team full of young and talented players. This is a new role for the guard, but he seems fully prepared to take it on heading into the season. In his rookie season, he showed his ability to score in the paint and sometimes out to the 3-point line, as well as his defensive ability to protect the paint and versatility to defend on the perimeter. In addition, the Cavaliers look to be majorly improved after a great season with the addition of Donovan Mitchell and should be contenders to surprise everyone in the East.
We saw what happened last year after the Bucks lost Khris Middleton to injury. The role was too big for Holiday. You want Jrue putting opposing guards in Alcatraz. In a league that struggles to contain dribble penetration, Holiday is truly a lockdown defender on the perimeter.
He can also credibly guard wings that are taller than him. He leads by example and is a terrific locker-room presence. Even in a more restrictive system last year, Murray averaged 21. Expect the rebounds to dip some, but the points and assists could jump up by a significant number.
Murray is in a perfect situation and a perfect role heading into the season. The Eastern Conference is packed, but Murray makes the Hawks serious playoff contenders on paper. His defense compliments Young perfectly, and the Hawks should be very fun to watch this season. His defensive shortcomings also make him difficult to build around.
Playing him next to a traditional big means you need three really good shooters on the floor. He has no spacing around him. He has no one to help ease the offensive burden. The Thunder are building something special.
Sam Presti probably wants to try his lottery luck one more time before pivoting toward winning. Any team would be lucky to have him, but SGA deserves the chance to see this rebuild through. While it has worked fairly well for the Toronto Raptors, there needs to be more evidence. The Raptors run an odd lineup that keeps opposing teams on their toes, and to be fair, that would be impossible without Sikkim.
The explanation in the drop in rank provided on ESPN was as follows: A series of ankle injuries limited Ball to 36 games and dropped the Hornets toward the cellar. Analysis: The injury concerns are fair, a drop in his ranking to be expected heading into 2023. I would actually disagree with his per-game stats being "Improved" last season.
He is also the career leader for the Cleveland Cavaliers , for which he played a total of 11 seasons, in many important statistical categories like points, assists, rebounds, steals, and games played. James has been similarly dominant off the court, being the highest-paid player in the NBA , with total earnings close to 120 million U. Who has the most NBA assists? Ranked second and third for assists were Jason Kidd and Chris Paul, respectively.
Леброн обогнал Пола Пирса по точным 3-очковым в НБА и вошел в десятку лучших
The latest FIBA World Ranking Women, presented by Nike, has several teams rewarded after solid results at the recent FIBA Women's Basketball World Cup Qualifying Tournaments. Доступ до бонусних подкастів про НБА, АПЛ, Серію А та інше. This is a top 50 list projecting for next year, which is why Im considering so many of the ultra talented young players who could make significant improvements next year.
10. Kevin Durant
- 5x5 Men's Olympics
- NBA Playoffs All-Time Scoring Leaders
- NBA all-time scoring list | Statista
- Top 50 Most Jacked NBA Players | Muscle Prodigy Fitness
- Ranking the top 74 NBA players of all time - Nos. 10-1 - ESPN