Новости ионеску сабрина

New York Liberty guard Sabrina Ionescu is getting her first signature Nike basketball shoe in 2023.

Sabrina Ionescu’s getting married soon and hasn’t planned a single thing

Сама обувь была разработана для игроков, которые хотят ускоряться и быстро передвигаться по баскетбольной площадке. Вдохновленные румынским наследием Ионеску, кроссовки Nike Sabrina 1 отличаются особым рисунком на передней части стопы и выступами, отдающими дань уважения традиционному румынскому искусству и архитектуре. Модель оснащена амортизирующей вставкой Nike React во всю длину в сочетании с вставкой Zoom Air в передней части стопы.

The maximum mark in this sense was Craig Hodges, with 19 in 1991. Ionescu requested asylum in the United States for his entire family, but only he was granted a visa. Her wife, Liliana, and her eldest son, Andrei, had to wait three years, until 1992, to meet her father again. Already in California, in 1997, they increased the family with a set of twins: Edward and Sabrina.

Ionescu became eligible for the 2019 WNBA draft in terms of age. However, she had only played three seasons at college at this time. Senior Year Ionescu stood up as the first NCAA player to have recorded 2,000 points, 1,000 assists, and 1,000 rebounds in her college career with a 109-52 win over Utah.

Bryant had become a close personal friend of Sabrina during her senior year. Ionescu won the Honda Sports Award on April 14, 2020. She won the award as the best collegiate female basketball player in the United States. Impact At Oregon Ionescu is a gifted and supremely talented player. She carries the potential to leave a part at every place that she goes to. He referred to her as an esteemed Oregon Duck. The number increased to 4,200 by her sophomore year. Similarly, it elevated to 7,100 when she was in her junior year. The number became a whopping 10,000 in her senior year.

She was lucky to Oregon, and Oregon was lucky to her. With the increase in number, Oregon started getting fame and recognition. The number is more than what the Huskies gathered two nights earlier against Oregon State. Influence People in Oregon knew that Sabrina had a long way to go. Oregon State University created a poll for fans on social media when Ionescu was in her senior year. The poll asked them to name the four Oregon alums they would put on a notional Mount Rushmore for the University. But she went beyond expectations and conventional standards. Ionescu is a legend in the making. But Ionescu chose to resume at Oregon as a senior.

She then recorded 33 points, seven assists, and seven rebounds in 34 minutes of play in her second WNBA game on July 29 against the Dallas Wings.

Она также является лидером по количеству передач 769 , перехватов 549 и трипл-даблов 21. А также Ионеску поставила лучшие 3 рекорда Мирамонта набрав в течение одного сезона 598 2013-14 , 760 2014-15 и 834 2015-16 балла [3]. Колледж[ править править код ] На первом курсе Сабрина была признана лучшим новичком конференции Рас-12 и вошла в символическую пятёрку. На втором курсе она стала обладателем приза имени Нэнси Либерман , который вручают лучшему разыгрывающему защитнику в студенческом женском баскетболе.

Во второй игре своего старшего сезона 13 ноября 2019 года Ионеску набрала более 2000 баллов, превысила отметку в 800 передач за свою карьеру в колледже со 109-52 победами. Она не дотянула до еще одного трипл-дабла с 16 очками, 12 передачами и 9 подборами в игре, но записала свои 2 012 карьерных очков и 810 карьерных передач [10]. В победе над Стэнфордом 87-55 Ионеску набрала 37 баллов, выполнила 11 подборов и 7 передач и побила рекорд Элисон Лэнг набрав 2252 балла за всю карьеру [11] [12]. В игре против штата Орегон 24 января 2020 года Ионеску набрала 24 балла, 9 передач и 4 подбора и побила рекорд Окагона и звезды НБА Гэри Пэйтона в Рас-12 — 938 передач [13] [14].

Немного про рекорд Сабрины Ионеску в конкурсе трёхочковых бросков. Мужчины переплюнут когда-нибудь?

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Яннис не верит в Карри в конкурсе трехочковых с Сабриной Ионеску

WNBA star Sabrina Ionescu tells PEOPLE about designing her first shoe for Nike and incorporating 'Easter eggs' of her life story. New York Liberty star Sabrina Ionescu shares how her ankle injury changed her perspective on strength training and recovery. INTERVIEW: Nike Taps Sabrina Ionescu for Signature Basketball Shoe: Paired with the brand's first-ever unisex collection from a female athlete. Playing in all 36 games helped Sabrina Ionescu make the league’s top 10 in total points, assists and rebounds, the only player to do Christian Petersen/Getty Images. Карри победил Сабрину Ионеску в конкурсе трехочковых бросков Матча звезд НБА-2024. New York Liberty star Sabrina Ionescu shares how her ankle injury changed her perspective on strength training and recovery.

Sabrina Ionescu Bio: Basketball, WNBA, Family & Net Worth

So Sabrina left the University of Oregon accomplished but without that elusive championship. Ionescu hopes to achieve that professionally; this off-season, the Liberty made a massive step towards that goal. New York acquired fellow superstar Breanna Stewart, a winner at every level in her career. The combination of Ionescu and Stewart should make for very entertaining basketball in Brooklyn this season.

Модель оснащена амортизирующей вставкой Nike React во всю длину в сочетании с вставкой Zoom Air в передней части стопы. Обувь также включает в себя систему ремешков в средней части стопы с фиксирующими тросами, которые помогают зафиксировать стопу на месте во время резких движений. Дата релиза Nike Sabrina 1 "Spark": 1 сентября.

Kahleah Copper was the high-scorer with 21 points and eight rebounds, and Courtney Vandersloot contributed 13 points and 10 assists. Game 2 is set for Saturday afternoon in Chicago, and it will now be a must-win for the Sky. It was a classic late-game play from the veteran point guard, and it seemed like it would be the beginning of the end for the Liberty. Just 62 seconds later, however, the Liberty were in front. It never happened. They had their chances, such as a possession where they had two offensive rebounds and missed three shots with just over two minutes left. As bad as the Sky were down the stretch, the Liberty were equally as good. They not only took the lead; they pulled away and won comfortably. During their 13-0 run, they were 5 of 5 from the field and 2 of 2 from the free throw line.

They played a perfect stretch of basketball and did so on the road against the defending champs. In other words, they turned the ball over on one out of every five possessions.

Both shoes had insoles that were custom-designed for her following the ankle injury that sidelined her for most of her rookie season in 2020 which makes the theft much more significant for the basketball star. Ionescu had another great performance for her team scoring 22 points and most notably, scoring 6 times from behind the 3-point line, which takes her season tally to 107.

WNBA’s Sabrina Ionescu teams up with Xbox to empower young girls to pursue their hoop dreams

Nike представили кроссовки Сабрины Ионеску Sabrina 1 Sabrina Ionescu, the talented WNBA player, has been fortunate to have the support and inspiration of her elder brother, Andrei, and her twin brother, Edward Ionescu.
Sabrina Ionescu WNBA Stats | LAS VEGAS — Sabrina Ionescu found the loudest section of Michelob Ultra Arena on Friday and went to take a picture.

Сабрина Ионеску установила абсолютный рекорд для конкурсов трехочковых бросков в НБА

Nike Sabrina 1 Release Date | Hypebeast Sabrina Ionescu enjoyed a record-breaking performance to win the 2023 WNBA 3-point contest.
Sabrina Ionescu Debuts Nike Collection Inspired by Her Romanian Heritage Driven by adrenaline and supported by an extraordinary talent, Sabrina Ionescu (25), an American of Romanian origin, achieved what seemed impossible in a WNBA All Star three-point contest.
Sabrina Ionescu sets three-point contest record Впервые в истории была проведена специальная дуэль по трехочковым броскам между разыгрывающим «Голден Стэйт Уорриорз» Стефеном Карри и Сабриной Ионеску.
Latest Sabrina Ionescu News Сабрина Ионеску — самый ценный игрок игры McDonald’s All-American 2016 года среди девочек.
Oregon's Sabrina Ionescu is first in NCAA to record 2,000 points, 1,000 assists, 1,000 rebounds We look at Sabrina Ionescu's boyfriend, Hroniss Grasu, after the New York Liberty guard recorded a 30 point triple-double in the NBA.

Liberty guard Sabrina Ionescu throws up courtside during WNBA Finals loss

25-year-old Sabrina Ionescu not only set a new WNBA record in the three-point contest but also an all-time NBA record. For the third time this season, former Oregon star Sabrina Ionescu was named the WNBA's Eastern Conference Player of the Week. Sabrina Ionescu is a couple months away from tying the knot with Las Vegas Raiders offensive lineman Hroniss Grasu and she has yet to do any wedding planning, she told The Post. Sabrina Ionescu Building Her Business Off The Court By Learning From The Best.

WNBA star Sabrina Ionescu breaks down new signature Nike collection

Sabrina Ionescu Building Her Business Off The Court By Learning From The Best. В соревновании дальних бросков разыгрывающая «Нью-Йорк Либерти» Сабрина Ионеску установила рекорд всех времён по количеству очков как среди мужчин, так и среди женщин. Sabrina Ionescu, point guard for the super-team New York Liberty, joins a highly-exclusive group of powerful athletes that includes Serena Williams, Megan Rapinoe, Naomi Osaka, Elena Delle-Donne.

Sabrina Ionescu Sets Record in WNBA All Star Three-Point Contest

The crowd erupted in applause as they witnessed history being made. Gray, the reigning Finals MVP, once again proved her clutch prowess in the event, sealing the victory for her team. The 3-Point Contest followed the classic format that has made it a staple event for All-Star Weekends. Fierce competition ensued in the first round, with Sami Whitcomb and Sabrina Ionescu impressing the crowd.

Я был спортсменом Nike с юных лет. Итак, очевидно, что все, что мы знаем, поступая в Университет Орегона, — это то, что мы являемся частью семьи Nike. И поэтому я смог стать частью бренда и расти вместе с ним. Достигнув этого этапа, будучи выдающимся спортсменом и продолжая представлять бренд в меру своих возможностей, это было потрясающее партнерство, и я с нетерпением жду будущего. Я определенно только недавно начал это понимать. Но я обычно всегда в спортивной одежде, толстовке и баскетбольных шортах, так что коллекция одежды — это то, к чему я привык. Мне нравится узнавать о моде, особенно во время игры в Нью-Йорке. Это большая часть городской культуры, поэтому было интересно учиться и идти в ногу со временем. Я знаю, что коллекция одежды унисекс, но несколько минут назад я узнала, что вы первая спортсменка, создавшая унисекс-коллекцию для Nike.

Что касается Либерти, то после победы вчера вечером они заняли 9-е место в турнирной таблице с отрицательным результатом 9-12. Со своей стороны, Ионеску набирает 17 очков, 7,5 подборов, 6,5 передач и 1,1 перехвата за 33,1 минуты в день и, несомненно, станет одним из кандидатов на звание MVP сезона.

New York has four games remaining in the regular season, starting Monday against fellow Oregon alumni Satou Sabally and the Dallas Wings.

Oregon's Sabrina Ionescu is first in NCAA to record 2,000 points, 1,000 assists, 1,000 rebounds

The New York Liberty’s Sabrina Ionescu won the title Friday at 2023 All-Star Weekend in Las Vegas after turning in “the greatest performance we have ever seen in this contest,” ESPN play-by-play. INTERVIEW: Nike Taps Sabrina Ionescu for Signature Basketball Shoe: Paired with the brand's first-ever unisex collection from a female athlete. Сабрина Ионеску выиграла конкурс трехочковых матча звезд женской НБА с рекордом как для женщин, так и для мужчин | Вступай в группу Новости в Одноклассниках. Разыгрывающая "Нью-Йорк Либерти" Сабрина Ионеску установила рекорд Женской национальной баскетбольной ассоциации (WNBA) и Национальной баскетбольной ассоциации.

Oregon's Sabrina Ionescu is first in NCAA to record 2,000 points, 1,000 assists, 1,000 rebounds

Сабрина больше не придумывает сложные броски после дриблинга и не тратит лишние силы. И даже чаще делится мячом — из-за этого среднее количество бросков моментально рухнуло с 14,3 до 12,8. Зато американка может сосредоточиться на том, что получается лучше всего — трёхах. Броски из-за дуги у Ионеску в этом сезоне выросли с 6,9 до 8, а главное — стали проще.

Not only that, the 22-year-old Oregon Ducks guard helped her team achieve their 74-66 victory against Sanford just hours after delivering an emotional speech at the memorial of her mentor Kobe Bryant and his daughter Gianna, who was also killed in the same helicopter crash which claimed Bryant.

We had talked about it in the pre-season.

He came to the United States seeking political asylum. He left his then-wife, Liliana, and their son, Andrei, back in Romania.

Dan hoped that he could reunite with them in a few months. His wife and son could not move to the United States until 1995. The family was separated for almost six years.

Dan had settled down in the United States by 1995. He served as a limousine service in Northern California. Later, Isonescu settled in Northern California because he had a few extended family members living in that region for quite some time.

She did not understand the game then but enjoyed throwing the balls and collected a lot of experience. Growing up with two boys who loved basketball, Sabrina found joy in every point and rebounded. The family always knew that their girl would make it to the WNBA.

The boys never wanted to pass it to her. She discovered that if she could rebound, she could get the ball herself. Sabrina remembers being shorter, skinnier, and small than her teammates because she played with an eighth-grade team when she was in sixth.

Eddy And Sabs The Ionescu twins did everything together. They competed every day in everything, from doing chores and going to bed to racing and basketball. Eddy was no less when it came to stubbornness and competitiveness.

They would play and fight, getting severely intense resulting Bruises and wounds. Eddy recorded 6 points per game in his freshman year. Similarly, he registered 9.

Eddy then joined Oregon Ducks. Sabrina Ionescu Education And Early Career Ionescu attended a middle school that lacked enough girl players to form a basketball team so she even considered playing with the boys, but her school refused the idea.

On the brink of elimination, the Liberty pulled off an 87-73 win on Sunday night to force a Game 4. With the game tied at 64, Las Vegas scored six straight points, including the first four by Jackie Young, to go ahead 70-64 with 1:26 left. Receive your weekly recap of all the happenings around the world of sports.

Сабрина Ионеску установила рекорд и женской, и мужской НБА в конкурсе трёхочковых

Earlier this week, Oregon Ducks guard Sabrina Ionescu became the first college player to score 2,000 points, 1,000 rebounds, and 1,000 assists in a career. Sabrina Ionescu and the New York Liberty's energy was on 'cause the WNBA team was poppin' bottles and gettin' lit in the locker room after winning their 1st Commissioner's Cup! Сабрина Ионеску реализовала 13 из 15 первых бросков, однако затем сбавила темп.

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Сабрина Ионеску установила рекорд и женской, и мужской НБА в конкурсе трёхочковых

Additionally, the midfoot is equipped with a band system and lockdown cables that help stabilize the foot for a secure fit and ride. Intricate embroidered patterns show face on the forefoot and eyestays to honor her heritage and traditional Romanian art and architecture. Furthermore, her signature insignia is stamped to the tongues To accompany the sneakers, Nike also cooked up a range of apparel items including a pullover hoodie, tees, shorts and socks.

After finishing second in the first round with 26 points -- two behind first-place finisher Sami Whitcomb of the Seattle Storm -- Ionescu gave Whitcomb and Dallas Wings guard Arike Ogunbowale 21 first-round points no chance in the final round. Get South Florida local news, weather forecasts and entertainment stories to your inbox.

В финальном раунде Ионеску набрала 37 очков максимум — 40 , реализовав 25 из 27 бросков. Она побила рекорд 31 , принадлежавший Стефену Карри и Тайризу Халибертону.

Зато американка может сосредоточиться на том, что получается лучше всего — трёхах. Броски из-за дуги у Ионеску в этом сезоне выросли с 6,9 до 8, а главное — стали проще. А за последние 10 матчей Ионеску настроил прицел на максимум — видимо, повлияла победа на конкурсе трёхочковых на Матче всех звёзд с рекордом в 25 из 27 бросков такой статы не было даже у мужчин в НБА. И вуаля — теперь Сабрина кладёт по 4,1 трёхи с 9,7 попыток.

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