BTS is iconic to a generation of young people around the world and their last album was the first-ever album by a Korean artist to reach the top place on the Billboard 200 list. BTS is iconic to a generation of young people around the world and their last album was the first-ever album by a Korean artist to reach the top place on the Billboard 200 list.
Новый альбом группы BTS возглавил музыкальный чарт Billboard 200
All music genre s are combined, but there are separate "Billboard" charts for individual market segments. The complete sales data broken down by location is made available, but only in the form of separate SoundScan subscriptions. Declining CD sales and the widespread sale of singles via the internet further reduce the relevance of the Billboard 200. Artist milestones.
Because these numbers are supplied by a subset of sellers rather than record labels , it is common for these numbers to be substantially lower than those reported by the Recording Industry Association of America when Gold, Platinum and Diamond album awards are announced RIAA awards reflect wholesale shipments, not retail sales. This altered calendar allows for "Billboard" to calculate year-end charts and release them in time for its final print issue on the last week of December. After "Billboard" began obtaining sales information from Nielsen SoundScan, the year-end charts are now calculated by a very straightforward cumulative total of yearlong sales. Uses The "Billboard 200" can be helpful to radio stations as an indication of the types of music listeners are interested in hearing.
The recurrent rule on the Hot 100 indicates that descending songs are removed once they fall below number 25 after 52 weeks, or once below number 50 after 20 weeks. US chart. This chart follows the same formula as the Global 200, except, as the name suggests, it covers all territories excluding the US. So having each chart go 200 titles deep and also presenting a view of titles excluding U.
Mono albums were moved to the Essential Inventory—Mono chart 25 positions after spending 40 weeks on the Mono Action Chart, and stereo albums were moved to the Essential Inventory—Stereo chart 20 positions after 20 weeks on the Stereo Action Chart. Albums appeared on either chart for up to nine weeks, then were moved to an Essential Inventory list of approximately 200 titles, with no numerical ranking. This list continued to be published until the consolidated Top LPs chart debuted in 1963. In 1982, Billboard began publishing a Midline Albums chart alternatively titled Midline LPs which ranked older or mid-priced titles. The chart held 50 positions and was published on a bi-weekly and later tri-weekly basis. The criteria for this chart were albums that were more than 18 months old and had fallen below position 100 on the Billboard 200. Starting with the issue dated December 5, 2009, however, the catalog limitations which removed albums over 18 months old, that have dropped below position 100 and have no currently-running single, from the Billboard 200 was lifted, turning the chart into an all-inclusive list of the 200 highest-selling albums in the country essentially changing Top Comprehensive Albums into the Billboard 200. A new chart that keeps the previous criteria for the Billboard 200 dubbed Top Current Albums was also introduced in the same issue. The albums were eligible for the main album charts until 1963, when a Christmas Albums list was created.
Попали в историю лучших! BTS возглавили чарт Billboard 200
Their second collaborative album, 'We Still Don’t Trust You,' debuted at the top of the Billboard 200 chart just three weeks after its antecedent, 'We Don’t Trust You.'. Billboard 200 является еженедельным рейтингом, созданный журналом Billboard, из 200 самых продаваемых альбомов в Соединенных Штатах в всех музыкальных категориях. Fleetwood Mac‘s seminal 1977 album ‘Rumours’ has re-entered the top 10 of the Billboard 200 after 42 years thanks to recent surge in popularity. «BTS являются единственной группой, которая заняла первое место в чарте Billboard 200 в 2020 году с двумя разными альбомами, и вторыми исполнителями в целом. Your Daily News Source. [ 1 ] In 2015, Billboard magazine made the Greatest of All-Time Billboard 200 Artists list, with the most successful artists, and placed The Beatles in the first position.
Новости "Billboard 200"
Четыре ее альбома возглавляли Billboard 200: дебютный Whitney Houston 14 недель в 1986 году , Whitney 11 недель в 1987 году , саундтрек The Bodyguard 20 недель в 1992—1993 годах и I Look to You одна неделя в 2009 году. За Свифт и Хьюстон в списке самых прослушиваемых певиц следует британка Адель, чьи альбомы в совокупности были на первом месте 34 недели. Речь о пластинках «21» 24 недели в 2011—2012 годах и «25» 10 недель в 2015—2016 годах.
Albums that were released more than 18 months ago were included in the newly created catalog charts as soon as they left the Top 100 and no album song was listed in one of the airplay charts. In 2009, the regulation meant that after the death of Michael Jackson and shortly after the re-release of the Beatles albums in a digitally revised form, the albums by these artists were in great demand and were among the best-selling albums, but not in the official ones Charts appeared. Therefore, it was decided at Billboard to break the separation. Since November 22, 2009, the Billboard 200 lists all albums that have been sold during the recording period, regardless of when they were released.
Due to the change in consumer habits due to technological change, a fundamental change was introduced in 2014. On the one hand, online music services offered not only the downloading of complete albums but also the option of downloading each individual album title and not just selected single titles. On the other hand, many music listeners chose to access various music streaming platforms as an alternative to purchasing music. Streaming had already been included in the Billboard Hot 100 in March 2013 , and one and a half years later, streaming views were also included in the rating of the albums.
Альбом «Diamond Eyes», вышедший в 2010 году, за первую неделю был продан в количестве 62000 копий, заняв шестое место. Напомним, что девятый студийный альбом «Ohms» группы Deftones вышел 25 сентября этого года. Related Posts.
Catalog albums In 1960, Billboard began concurrently publishing album charts which ranked sales of older or mid-priced titles. These Essential Inventory charts were divided by stereo and mono albums, and featured titles that had already appeared on the main stereo and mono album charts. Mono albums were moved to the Essential Inventory—Mono chart 25 positions after spending 40 weeks on the Mono Action Chart, and stereo albums were moved to the Essential Inventory—Stereo chart 20 positions after 20 weeks on the Stereo Action Chart. Albums appeared on either chart for up to nine weeks, then were moved to an Essential Inventory list of approximately 200 titles, with no numerical ranking. This list continued to be published until the consolidated Top LPs chart debuted in 1963. In 1982, Billboard began publishing a Midline Albums chart alternatively titled Midline LPs which ranked older or mid-priced titles. The chart held 50 positions and was published on a bi-weekly and later tri-weekly basis. The criteria for this chart were albums that were more than 18 months old and had fallen below position 100 on the Billboard 200. Starting with the issue dated December 5, 2009, however, the catalog limitations which removed albums over 18 months old, that have dropped below position 100 and have no currently-running single, from the Billboard 200 was lifted, turning the chart into an all-inclusive list of the 200 highest-selling albums in the country essentially changing Top Comprehensive Albums into the Billboard 200.
Billboard Global 200 (Billboard Global 200)
Because these numbers are supplied by a subset of sellers rather than record labels , it is common for these numbers to be substantially lower than those reported by the Recording Industry Association of America when Gold, Platinum and Diamond album awards are announced RIAA awards reflect wholesale shipments, not retail sales. This altered calendar allows for "Billboard" to calculate year-end charts and release them in time for its final print issue on the last week of December. After "Billboard" began obtaining sales information from Nielsen SoundScan, the year-end charts are now calculated by a very straightforward cumulative total of yearlong sales. Uses The "Billboard 200" can be helpful to radio stations as an indication of the types of music listeners are interested in hearing.
После этого они заняли 3-е и 7-е места в чартах лучших продаж альбомов и чартах лучших текущих продаж альбомов соответственно. Сообщение, опубликованное в Instagram Альбом также занял 7-е место в чарте Tastemaker Albums. Хотя альбом набирает огромную популярность в чартах, его заглавный трек "Deja Vu" также выделяется сам по себе, поскольку песня стала первым треком TXT, который продержался три недели как в Global 200, так и в Global Excl. Помимо своей музыки, TXT также вошли в Artist 100. На YouTube музыкальное видео на «Deja Vu» в настоящее время набирает в общей сложности 53 988 981 просмотр по состоянию на 26 апреля.
Регулярное правило в Hot 100 указывает, что нисходящие песни удаляются, как только они упадут ниже 25 через 52 недели или один раз ниже 50 через 20 недель.
Этот формат продолжался до объединенной и моно чартов стерео впервые. В 1982 году Billboard Top 200 начал издавать среднелинейные чарты музыкальных альбомов, которая оценила старые или оцененные серединой названия. Чарт держал пятьдесят положений и был издан на две недели и более поздняя еженедельным тримараном основания. Текущие критерии для этого чарта — альбомы, которые изданы больше чем двумя годами и упали ниже положения 100 на Billboard Top 200. Альбом не должен присутствовать на Billboard Top 200 вообще, чтобы приобрести квалификацию статуса каталога. Праздничные альбомы Edit Billboard Top 200 приспособил политику для праздничных альбомов в несколько раз. Праздничные альбомы имели право достигать основных чартов альбома до 1963 года, когда Рождественский список альбомов был уже создан. Альбомы, появляющиеся здесь не были перечислены в списке долгоиграющих пластинок. В 1974 это правило возвратилось, и праздничные альбомы снова появились в пределах основного списка. В 1983 Рождественский чарт альбомов была возрожден, но внешность названия здесь не дисквалифицировала от появления на основном чарте Альбомов Популярности. В 1994 чарту была присвоено название «Лучшие Праздничные Альбомы».
TXT Breaks Personal Record On Billboard Global 200 With "Deja Vu"
Пластинка Music to Be Murdered By мгновенно стала успешной, заняв первое место чарта Billboard 200. Billboard 200 является еженедельным рейтингом, созданный журналом Billboard, из 200 самых продаваемых альбомов в Соединенных Штатах в всех музыкальных категориях. Два скандала с далеко идущими последствиями произошли в апреле в сфере устойчивого развития. Устойчивые новости: экологический скандал вокруг H&M и гринвошинг бизнеса.
Bon Iver Hits Number Two on Billboard 200
Новый альбом Тейлор Свифт «Midnights» возглавил музыкальный чарт США Billboard 200. Новый альбом американского репера Канье Уэста Donda включили в рейтинг самых конкурентоспособных альбомов в США Billboard 200, пишет музыкальный журнал Billboard. Лучший альбом из чарта Billboard 200 Album – Morgan Wallen, One Thing at a Time. Justin Timberlake's new album, Everything I Thought It Was, has fallen entirely off the Billboard 200 chart after just four weeks. Американская кантри-поп-певица Тейлор Свифт повторила успех Уитни Хьюстон в престижном хит-параде Billboard 200, став одной из самых прослушиваемых женщин в истории.
Возвращение BTS в чарты на Billboard 200 и Social 50
They did it simultaneously twice more now under the names Action Albums — Stereophonic and Action Albums — Monophonic. On April 1, 1967, the list was expanded to 175 spots, and finally 200 spots, on May 13, 1967.
Its current policy allows holiday albums to concurrently chart on the Top Holiday Albums list and the Billboard 200. Because these numbers are supplied by a subset of sellers rather than record labels, it is common for these numbers to be substantially lower than those reported by the Recording Industry Association of America when Gold, Platinum and Diamond album awards are announced RIAA awards reflect wholesale shipments, not retail sales. Incorporation of streaming data and track sales See also: album-equivalent unit and Top Album Sales Beginning with the December 13, 2014 issue, Billboard updated the methodology of its album chart again, changing from a "pure sales-based ranking" to one measuring "multi-metric consumption". Under the new methodology, ten track sales or 1,500 song streams from an album are treated as equivalent to one purchase of the album. This altered calendar allows for Billboard to calculate year-end charts and release them in time for its final print issue in the last week of December. After Billboard began obtaining sales information from Nielsen SoundScan, the year-end charts are now calculated by a very straightforward cumulative total of yearlong sales.
All-Time Billboard 200 achievements 1963—2015 In 2015, Billboard magazine compiled a ranking of the 100 best-performing albums on the chart over the 52 years, along with the best-performing artists. Also shown are the artists placing the most albums on the overall "all-time" top 100 album list. Top 10 albums of All Time 1963—2015 Rank.
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Other outlets, such as airline music services, also employ the "Billboard" charts to determine their programming. Limitations The chart omits unit sales for listed albums and total recorded sales, making it impossible to determine, for example, if the number one album this week sold as well as the number one from the same period in the prior year. It is also impossible to determine the relative success of albums on a single chart; there is no indication of whether the number one album sold thousands more copies than number fifty, or only dozens more. All music genre s are combined, but there are separate "Billboard" charts for individual market segments.
Бейонсе сохранила лидерство в чарте Billboard 200
О сервисе Прессе Авторские права Связаться с нами Авторам Рекламодателям Разработчикам. TXT Becomes 2nd K-Pop Artist In Billboard 200 History To Chart 10 Albums As "minisode 3: TOMORROW" Debuts At No. 3. Седьмой студийный альбом Muse занял первое место в чарте «Billboard 200». О сервисе Прессе Авторские права Связаться с нами Авторам Рекламодателям Разработчикам. Американская кантри-поп-певица Тейлор Свифт повторила успех Уитни Хьюстон в престижном хит-параде Billboard 200, став одной из самых прослушиваемых женщин в истории. “The new methodology for the Billboard 200 is a welcome and necessary evolution of Nielsen and Billboard‘s album chart data.
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In 1994, the chart was retitled Top Holiday Albums. As of 2009, the chart holds 50 positions and is run for several weeks during the end-of-calendar-year holiday season. Its current policy allows holiday albums to concurrently chart on the Top Holiday Albums list and the Billboard 200. Because these numbers are supplied by a subset of sellers rather than record labels, it is common for these numbers to be substantially lower than those reported by the Recording Industry Association of America when Gold, Platinum and Diamond album awards are announced RIAA awards reflect wholesale shipments, not retail sales. Incorporation of streaming data and track sales See also: album-equivalent unit and Top Album Sales Beginning with the December 13, 2014 issue, Billboard updated the methodology of its album chart again, changing from a "pure sales-based ranking" to one measuring "multi-metric consumption". Under the new methodology, ten track sales or 1,500 song streams from an album are treated as equivalent to one purchase of the album. This altered calendar allows for Billboard to calculate year-end charts and release them in time for its final print issue in the last week of December. After Billboard began obtaining sales information from Nielsen SoundScan, the year-end charts are now calculated by a very straightforward cumulative total of yearlong sales. All-Time Billboard 200 achievements 1963—2015 In 2015, Billboard magazine compiled a ranking of the 100 best-performing albums on the chart over the 52 years, along with the best-performing artists.
Отметим, что диск Бейонсе "4" уже две недели является лидером и в британском альбомном чарте. На второй строке чарта Billboard 200 по результатам прошедшей недели оказалась пластинка британской певицы Адель "21". Данное сообщение не является рекламой и носит исключительно информационный характер.
Новый чарт издаётся в следующий четверг с датой выпуска следующей субботы. Аналогичный хит-парад синглов называется Billboard Hot 100. Как правило, новые диски выпускаются на американский музыкальный рынок по вторникам. Цифровые загрузки с интернет-магазинов Digital downloads также включаются в Billboard Top 200. Альбомы, которые не лицензированы для розничной продажи в США купленные в США как импорт не имеют право быть включенными в этот чарт. До ноября 2007 года не учитывались диски, которые были проданы по низким розничным ценам исключительно в супермаркетах типа Wal-Mart или Starbucks. Однако, когда в ноябре 2007 года альбом группы The Eagles Long Road Out of Eden , продававшийся только в сети магазинов Wal-Mart и на официальном сайте группы, стал самым продаваемым альбомом недели, журнал был вынужден сменить политику чарта; с 17 ноября 2007 года любые издания альбомов могут быть включены в хит-парад [5]. История Журнал Billboard начал издавать чарты альбомов в 1945 году. Первоначально определялось только пять лучших альбомов, причём списки публиковались не каждую неделю, а иногда спустя несколько недель после предыдущего чарта. В 1955 году появился хит-парад из 15 лучших альбомов по продажам Best-Selling Popular Albums chart , который выходил один раз в две недели.
Consecutively, the album spent a record 925 weeks on the Billboard 200. The other weeks were spent on the Top Pop Catalog Albums chart. Tapestry by Carole King holds the record for the longest time for an album by a female solo artist to remain on the Billboard albums chart, with over six years. King also holds the record for most consecutive weeks at number one on the Billboard 200 for any one album by a female solo artist with 15 weeks, also by Tapestry. The Monkees are the only band to have had four number-one albums in the same year. Prince is the only artist to have five albums simultaneously in the top ten, which occurred for a week in May 2016. The Kingston Trio had four albums simultaneously in the top ten, which occurred for five consecutive weeks in November and December 1959. She broke this record two years later with a fourth number-one debut.
Бейонсе возглавила Billboard 200 в шестой раз подряд
еженедельный таблица рекордов, опубликованная журналом Billboard. + Justin Timberlake 's The 20/20 Experience is officially No. 1 on the Billboard 200 chart, which was released today. Американская кантри-поп-певица Тейлор Свифт повторила успех Уитни Хьюстон в престижном хит-параде Billboard 200, став одной из самых прослушиваемых женщин в истории. басист калифорнийской метал-группы AVENGED SEVENFOLD рассказал в интервью MTV News, как группа отпраздновала новости о том, что пятый альбом под. Пластинка возглавила топ-200 альбомов издания Billboard («Billboard-200 Albums Chart»), передает издание.
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- Billboard 200 Chart History For 2022 | Billboard News - YouTube