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Получите информацию о курсе валют Спотовая цена на золото к Доллар США на сегодня онлайн, а также доступ к нашему конвертеру валют XAU/USD, графикам, прошлым данным и новостям. Новости по теме золото. На азиатских рынках в понедельник цены на золото снизились из-за уменьшения опасений вокруг возможного расширения конфликта на Ближнем Востоке, что привело к сокращению спроса на этот драгоценный металл.
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По данным , котировки золота на спот-рынке 23 апреля после почти трехнедельного перерыва опустились ниже уровня $2300 за тройскую унцию. Главная Новости Тема дня Сколько будет стоить золото в 2024 году и ждать ли нового роста цен. Новости по теме золото. Разница в цене возникает в связи с тем, что фьючерс на золото — это финансовый актив, цена которого определяется базовым активом (товарным золотом), но не является его точной копией.
Золото прогноз
Ни Израиль, ни Иран "не заинтересованы в настоящей войне", полагает старший инвестиционный аналитик XM Мариос Хаджикириакос. Следовательно, инвесторы возвращаются к более рискованным сделкам", - добавил он.
Оптимистично на перспективы золота смотрят и в Goldman Sachs. Произвести расчет параметров потенциальной прибыли и убытков удобно при помощи калькулятора FxPro. Аналитика FxTeam в Telegram — читайте новости и аналитику первыми!
Инвесторы рассчитывают на некоторое ослабление геополитической напряженности, которое переключает их интерес на более рискованные активы, такие как акции. Это максимальное дневное падение с июня 2021 года. Нынешний уровень цен является самым низким с 3 апреля.
Подробнее читайте в статье. Сколько будет стоить золото в 2023 году? Агентство экономических прогнозов АПЭКОН считает, что к концу декабря 2023 года цена на золото упадет до 500 777 за унцию.
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Цена золота в данный момент и советы по вложениям в золото
Наш сайт в Интернет канал в Telegram фьючерса на золото 28 марта 2024 года. The Motley Fool reaches millions of people every month through our premium investing solutions, free guidance and market analysis on , top-rated podcasts, and non-profit The Motley Fool Foundation. Разница в цене возникает в связи с тем, что фьючерс на золото — это финансовый актив, цена которого определяется базовым активом (товарным золотом), но не является его точной копией. The gold spot price is used globally when the precious metal is traded.
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Get the latest investing news from TheStreet, where you'll find headlines about investing ideas, investment strategies, and stock market updates. Официальный канал Котировки и графики в режиме реального времени, свежие новости и актуальная аналитика, экономический календарь и уведомления. Spot Gold is under intense selling pressure at the beginning of the week, and XAU/USD trades near a daily low of $2,329.51, its lowest in a week. Updated Price for Gold (COMEX: GCM24). Charting, Price Performance, News & Related Contracts.
Фьючерсные контракты на драгоценные металлы
Not investing at all. In addition to the inflation and portfolio diversification benefits gold traditionally offers, the current climate also offers investors a rare opportunity to turn a quick profit. GC00 | A complete Gold Continuous Contract futures overview by MarketWatch. View the futures and commodity market news, futures pricing and futures trading. Unallocated US Spot Gold (symbol: USGOLD) can be converted into one of the following products. Цена золота в текущий момент online и советы по вложению сбережений в желтый металл. Investing Groups Covering GOLD.
Торговые сигналы и прогноз курса Gold
The SGE has three trading sessions throughout the day, a night trading session from 8 pm to 2 am, a morning session from 9 am to 11:30 am, and an afternoon session from 1:30 pm to 3:30 pm. Heading west from China, other important gold trading centres are Singapore, India and Dubai, each of which has an active wholesale market as well as gold futures platforms, e. Within Europe, the gold markets of Russia, Switzerland and Germany are notable, with Zurich in Switzerland being a particularly famous and historical gold trading centre. The Gold Rate in India India does not have a centralized gold exchange, although such an gold exchange has been proposed at various times with the backing of the World Gold Council. The gold then passes through a large network of gold wholsealers and gold refineries on to gold retailers. The gold price in India, known as the Gold Rate, differs from the international gold price due to gold import duties and goods and services tax GST. Various benchmark gold rates are calculated in India by polling wholesale gold market participants in a number of Indian cities. Gold Price Weights A number of gold weight measurements are used around the world for the trading of gold and for gold price quotations for gold trading. However, other weight measurements also exist.
Since most gold markets around the world are price-takers, these markets either directly use this US dollar per troy ounce gold price quote, or else indirectly use the US dollar price per troy ounce in calculating and adjusting their local currency denominated gold prices. In Hong Kong, the Chinese Gold and Silver Exchange CGSE quotes some of its gold contracts in kilograms a Hong Kong dollar Kilobar gold contract and a Renminbi Kilobar gold contract , some of its contracts in terms of troy ounces loco London gold contracts , and some in terms of the weight measurement Tael. The Tael, also known as Tael Troy, is a traditional Chinese precious metal weight measurement. In Hong Kong, the Tael is equal to 37. This would mean, for example, that a 5 Tael gold bar weighs 6. The Tael weight specification is not standard across Asia and can vary. In Vietnam, the Tael equals 35. The Tola is a traditional precious metals weight measurement used in India and other parts of Asia.
A Tola equals 0. Common gold bars weights as denominated in Tolas are the 5 Tola gold bar and the 10 Tola gold bars. This means that a 10 Tola bar weighs 3. London is a wholesale gold market and the global centre for Over-the-Counter OTC gold trading where market participants range from bullion banks, central banks and institutional investors, to refineries, gold mining companies and gold jewelry companies. Gold also trades locally OTC in physical gold centres such as Thailand , Vietnam , and in the Singapore bullion market. Gold Mints and Refineries A number of national gold mints are acknowledged for their expertise in the production of investment grade gold bullion coins. The Royal Canadian Mint, for example, is well-known for its fabrication of Gold Maple Leaf bullion coins, while the Perth Mint produces a number of flagship gold bullion coins such as the Gold Kangaroo and Gold Lunar series. The Austrian Mint is famed for its production of the Gold Philharmonic bullion coin series.
Many of the well-known investment grade gold bar brands are produced by specialist gold refineries. Some of the national mints also operate their own gold refineries, and so leading gold bar choices also include gold bars from the Perth Mint and Royal Canadian Mint. Prices for gold bars and gold coins therefore reflect the spot gold price but additionally they also contain a premium which is that part of the gold bar or gold coin price in excess of the gold value of the gold metal contained in the gold bar or gold coin. The gold price premiums are based on a number of factors such as gold refining, gold fabrication and minting costs and other costs of the refiner or mint, for example, distribution, insurance and marketing, and in some cases precious metals wholesaler costs. If a particular gold bar is in short supply, its price premium will be higher.
Данные по индексу деловой активности показали, что китайская производственная деятельность сократилась в ноябре больше, чем ожидалось, продлив спад на фоне снижения экспортного спроса. Этот спад указывает на возможное охлаждение спроса на медь. Однако это предположение было нивелировано признаками ужесточения ситуации на рынке меди после закрытия крупных шахт в Перу и Панаме, которые, как ожидается, ограничат поставки меди в ближайшие месяцы. Ожидается, что рост спроса на электромобили и развитие «зеленой» энергетики также компенсируют снижение спроса в Китае.
In practice, the international price for gold is set by the gold markets which have the highest trading gold volumes and gold liquidity, namely the London Gold Market and the COMEX gold futures market. Local gold markets around the world are gold price takers and take in the international gold price, using it as a basis for setting and quoting their own local country gold prices. Spot Price for Gold The Spot Price for gold, or Gold Spot, is the current market price at which gold can be bought or sold in the wholesale market for immediate delivery and short-dated settlement. By convention, the Gold Spot price is quoted in US dollars per troy ounce, and the quotation refers to a standard amount of gold in the range of 5,000 to 10,000 troy ounces. Market makers keep Gold Spot price quotes current by quoting continuous bid-ask prices during trading hours. Futures Price for Gold The Futures Price of Gold is a price at which delivery of gold could take place on a future delivery date based on a gold futures contract agreement between transacting parties. A gold futures contract is said to be in contango when the futures price is higher than the spot price. Conversely, a gold futures contract is in backwardation when the gold futures prices is below the spot price. The majority of gold trading in the London OTC gold market is spot gold trading for immediate delivery of gold in large quantities, generally between quantities of 5,000 to 10,000 troy ounces of gold. However, the unit of settlement in the London OTC gold market is not physical gold but unallocated gold. Unallocated gold is a form of synthetic gold which is fractionally-backed by bullion banks and where trades are predominantly cash-settled. Huge volumes of unallocated gold trades are executed on the London gold market each day that are many multiples of the amount of physical gold underlying these bilateral contracts. Although this gold futures contract offers a physically deliverable option of gold, i. The international gold price is therefore set by 2 markets, the London OTC gold market and the COMEX gold futures market, both of which are paper gold markets and both of which generate trading volumes far higher than the amount of physical gold underpinning this gold trading. Direct participants in the gold auction are limited to a small number of bullion banks and other similar institutions which are members of the London Bullion Market Association LBMA. However, other gold market participants such as gold refineries can participate indirectly through one of the direct participants. However, the LBMA gold price reference rate is used widely in the global bullion industry to value everything from gold-backed ETFs to OTC gold swaps, and also to value transactions in the wholesale gold market such as gold trades between gold mines and gold refineries. However, the LME is making its gold reference prices available free of charge to market participants, and at some point in the future, the LME gold reference prices may gain some market share from the dominant LBMA Gold Price benchmark. The actual trading unit in the auction is physically-delivered 1 kilobar lots of 99. There are 12 Fixing Members, all of which are banks, and the majority of which are Chinese banks. There are 6 Reference Price Members which comprise non-bank participants such as Chinese gold jewelry and Chinese gold mining companies. Gold Trading Hours The gold market is global in nature and it follows the sun around the world as gold marketplaces and gold exchanges open and close throughout the day. At any given time, the gold price is practically the same around the world, with arbitrage trading keeping prices in convergence. The exceptions are frictions caused by local country rules, such as gold import tariffs and gold sales taxes e. One of the two dominant venues for gold price formation, the over-the-counter wholesale London Gold Market, trades from 8:00 am to 4:30 pm London time with daily LBMA Gold Price auctions at 10:30 am and 3:00 pm. This platform sees significant trading during Asian hours as well as during the US and European trading day. The SGE has three trading sessions throughout the day, a night trading session from 8 pm to 2 am, a morning session from 9 am to 11:30 am, and an afternoon session from 1:30 pm to 3:30 pm. Heading west from China, other important gold trading centres are Singapore, India and Dubai, each of which has an active wholesale market as well as gold futures platforms, e. Within Europe, the gold markets of Russia, Switzerland and Germany are notable, with Zurich in Switzerland being a particularly famous and historical gold trading centre. The Gold Rate in India India does not have a centralized gold exchange, although such an gold exchange has been proposed at various times with the backing of the World Gold Council.
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