Израильский певец и актер Идан Амеди, получивший тяжелое ранение в секторе Газы, провел пресс-конференцию в больнице «Шиба», где проходил лечение более двух недель. Well-known Israeli actor and singer Idan Amedi has been seriously wounded while fighting in Gaza, according to reports – but who is he?
Israeli ‘Fauda’ Star Expresses His Excitement To Visit Dubai In A Video Message To His UAE Fans
'Fauda' singer and actor Idan Amedi was seriously injured while fighting Hamas in Gaza. Idan Amedi, known for his role in the acclaimed Netflix series ‘Fauda’, has suffered severe injuries during ground operations in Gaza against the Palestinian-based Hamas militant group, according to an Israeli diplomat’s statement on Monday. Idan Amedi, a prominent actor in the popular web series ' Fauda ' on OTT platform Netflix and a renowned singer in Israel, has sustained serious injuries while fighting Hamas terrorists in Gaza as a reservist in the Israel Defense Forces' counter-terrorism unit.
Звезда серила Фауда Идан Амеди был ранен в Газе
Hospitalized, he underwent urgent, serious and lengthy surgery, reports Channel 12. In a video message recorded last week at the height of the war, Amedi called for an end to internal dissent among Israelis: "After 90 days of fighting, we continue to destroy the armored missile emplacements, launch sites and command facilities of the terrorist organization Hamas. The people of Israel are living.
Notably, the Palestinian terrorist group Hamas launched an attack on Israel on October 7, 2023, killing over 1,200 people and taking 240 hostages. Later, Israel retaliated with intense bombardment and a ground invasion of Gaza which resulted in the death of more than 22,000 people.
Asked if he had a message for viewers at home, he said, "Am Yisrael Chai!
How did he get his start? Exclusive photo of Idan Amedi center minutes before the incident in which he was critically injured. In that competition and throughout his career, he composed and performed many songs related to his military service in the combat engineering corps.
Тебе известен мой путь; на пути, по которому я хожу, расставили мне капкан. Посмотри направо и увидишь, что нет у меня друга — пропало мое укрытие, никто не заботится обо мне. Взываю к тебе, Г-сподь, говорю: «Ты — мое убежище, мой удел в земле живых». Внемли моей мольбе, ибо я совсем изнемог, спаси меня от преследователей — ведь они сильнее меня. Выведи из теснин мою душу, чтобы я прославил Имя Твое. Мною будут гордиться праведники, когда Ты воздашь мне добром.
Псалом 20 Руководителю хора. Псалом о Давиде. Ответит тебе Г-сподь в день бедствия, укрепит тебя имя Б-га Яакова. Пошлет помощь тебе из святилища, из Циона поддержит тебя. Вспомнит все приношения твои, и всесожжение твое превратит в пепел то есть примет с благоволением. Он даст тебе согласно желанию сердца твоего, каждый замысел твой исполнит.
Актер сериала «Фауда» дал интервью курдскому каналу
The Hamas attack resulted in the deaths of over 1,400 individuals, predominantly civilians, and the abduction of several Israelis, foreigners by Palestinian groups. The series revolves around a retired Israeli agent returning to pursue a Palestinian fighter he believed he had previously eliminated, triggering a chaotic sequence of events.
An explosion left him unconscious for days, with shrapnel in his eye sockets, jaw and neck. Amedi was initially scheduled to hold a press conference on Monday to answer questions about his rehabilitation and future plans. However, the presser was canceled after the Israel Defense Forces announced that three soldiers had been killed during fighting in the southern Gaza Strip.
The series reported the death of Matan Meir, one of its executive producers, also in the fighting in Gaza. Israeli singer and actor of the hit series Fauda, Idan Amedi, has been seriously injured in the fighting inside the Gaza Strip, where he was fighting as a reservist of the... Series Fighting in Gaza dies Matan Meir, executive producer of the series Fauda Israeli singer and actor of the hit series Fauda, Idan Amedi, has been seriously injured in fighting inside the Gaza Strip, where he was fighting as a reservist for the Israeli army. In addition to being a singer and actor, Amedi served in real life as an Israel Defense Forces reservist in the combat engineering department.
Тогда он был командиром резерва Боевого инженерного корпуса и потерял в том происшествии шестерых солдат. Это назвали героическим поступком. Однако Амеди не счел себя достойным. Он надеется, что если годом позже ему снова поступит такое предложение, то из-за его творчества, а не из-за героизма на войне.
Fauda’ fame Idan Amedi suffers serious injury amid Israel-Hamas conflict
Idan Amedi, an actor-singer who was part of Netflix series “Fauda”, was reportedly seriously injured while fighting as an Israel Defence Forces reservist against Hamas militants in Gaza Strip's Khan Younis on Monday. 35-летний Идан Амеди был серьезно ранен в результате взрыва в секторе Газа более двух недель назад и сказал, что сразу после попадания шрапнели его неузнавали. Статья автора « Самые важные новости» в Дзене: Израильский певец, звезда сериала «Фауда» Идан Амеди получил ранения в секторе Газа. Idan Amedi, star of the hit Israeli TV show “Fauda,” was severely wounded on Monday during fighting in the Gaza Strip. Israeli singer and actor, Idan Amedi, best known for his role in the TV series Fauda, was seriously injured during the fighting in Gaza and was airlifted to the Sheba Medical Center in Tel Aviv where he is currently sedated. Idan Amedi, an Israeli singer-songwriter who had acted in the iconic Netflix show 'Fauda', has been seriously injured during ground operations against the Hamas group in Gaza, an Israeli diplomat said on Monday.
‘I’m Kurdish and proud’: Fauda actor on his Kurdish roots
Народ Израиля жив». И я хочу пообещать вам, что мы не сдадимся, пока не победим», — заявил он в видеоролике. Чрезвычайно гордящийся своим наследием, Амеди всегда заканчивает свои концерты песней на курдском языке. Одна из его самых известных песен под названием «Боль воина» описывает посттравматический опыт солдата, возвращающегося с войны. Песня быстро взлетела в чартах в 2010 году после того, как он исполнил ее на израильском музыкальном шоу «Кохав Нолад» или «Звезда родилась». Амеди женат, имеет двоих детей.
In addition, more than 57,000 people were injured in Israeli strikes on Gaza since October 7. Published By:.
Из глубин я воззвал к Тебе, Г-споди. Г-споди, услышь мой голос! Пусть Твой слух внемлет гласу моей мольбы! Если грехи Ты будешь хранить, Б-же, Г-сподь, — кто устоит? Ведь у Тебя — прощение, чтобы трепетали перед Тобой. Надеялся я, Б-г, надеялась моя душа — на Его слово я уповал. Моя душа ждет Г-спода больше, чем стража утром — утренней стражи. Уповай, Израиль, на Б-га, ведь у Г-спода милосердие, и великое искупление у Него.
И Он искупит Израиль от всех его грехов! Псалом 142 Наставление Давида. Молитва во время пребывания его в пещере. Мой голос к Г-споду возопит, мой голос Г-спода умолять будет.
Вчера вечером Идана Амеди эвакуировали на вертолете в клинику «Шиба» и провели экстренную операцию. Позже его отец рассказал журналистам, что медикам удалось стабилизировать сына. Он по-прежнему в тяжелом состоянии, но угроза для жизни, согласно оценкам экспертов, уже позади. Для этого еврейское государство посетит Прамила Паттен, спецпредставитель организации по вопросам сексуального насилия в условиях войн. Визит запланирован на конец января. Паттен по совместительству является заместителем генерального секретаря ООН. Отмечается, что она будет проводить расследование изнасилований израильтянок, которые были совершены во время вторжения террористов ХАМАС 7 октября. Смотрите также: Война против ХАМАС — главные события 84-го дня Энтони Блинкен, который в пятый раз с начал войны прибыл в Израиль, рассчитывает сосредоточить усилия на плане по переходу к третьей фазе операции в Газе.
Звезда серила Фауда Идан Амеди был ранен в Газе
Bollywood Hungama» News» International» Fauda fame Idan Amedi sustains injuries while serving in IDF counter-terrorism unit amid Israel-Hamas war. Idan Amedi, an IDF reservist and star of the TV series 'FaudaOfficial,' has been released from the hospital two weeks after being seriously wounded in Gaza. Israeli actor-singer-songwriter Idan Amedi recounted his experience of fighting in Gaza and the blast that left him hospitalized for over two weeks.
Netflix star Idan Amedi injured fighting Hamas in Gaza
Israeli singer and actor of the hit series Fauda, Idan Amedi, has been seriously injured in the fighting inside the Gaza Strip, where he was fighting as a reservist of the... Series Fighting in Gaza dies Matan Meir, executive producer of the series Fauda Israeli singer and actor of the hit series Fauda, Idan Amedi, has been seriously injured in fighting inside the Gaza Strip, where he was fighting as a reservist for the Israeli army. In addition to being a singer and actor, Amedi served in real life as an Israel Defense Forces reservist in the combat engineering department. We really love Israel," the actor said in an interview inside the Gaza Strip with Channel 12 hours before he was wounded in the fighting in Khan Younis in the south.
And thank you to the good God on all the free gifts. There are no words to describe this miracle. He is set to release an untitled fifth album in 2020. He joined Fauda season two as Sagi, a new addition to the unit.
As a reservist, Amedi was serving in the Combat Engineering Corps when he was injured. He was brought to Sheba Medical Centre in Ramat Gan at about 4 pm on Monday and underwent urgent, serious and lengthy surgery, according to media reports. Hours before he was injured, Amedi was interviewed by an Israeli channel where he said a little tired, but fine. The operation here is on a very central Hamas tunnel route.
Amedi is said to be in a stable condition after undergoing emergency surgery. Less than half an hour before the incident Amedi was interviewed on the battlefield by a Channel 12 reporter. We are here to protect our children, families and homes.
Актер телесериала «Фауда» Идан Амеди получил ранение в секторе Газа
Idan Amedi, an actor-singer who was part of Netflix series “Fauda”, was reportedly seriously injured while fighting as an Israel Defence Forces reservist against Hamas militants in Gaza Strip's Khan Younis on Monday. There has been an improvement in the medical condition of 'Fauda' star and singer Idan Amedi who was seriously injured in battle in Gaza yesterday. Idan Amedi spoke to Rudaw's Hevidar Zana on his career as a singer and actor, as well as his Kurdish roots. Известный израильский актер и музыкант, звезда сериала «Фауда» Идан Амеди отказался от предложения зажечь факел в ходе официальной государственной церемонии в День Независимости. The actor, Idan Amedi, underwent surgery to remove shrapnel from his body and was expected to recover, Israeli news media reported.
Звезда серила Фауда Идан Амеди был ранен в Газе
Idan Amedi, one of the stars of Fauda and a popular singer, is among the wounded on Monday in Gaza, his family announced in the evening. Актер «Фауда» Идан Амеди получил осколочные ранения во время боевых действий за Израиль в секторе Газа. Amedi is best known for playing agent Sagi Tzur in “Fauda,” a Netflix drama about an elite Israeli undercover unit trying to track down a notorious Palestinian terrorist. Israeli Netflix star Idan Amedi from the series Fauda has been 'seriously injured' while fighting in Gaza. В сериале "Фауда" он сыграл агента под прикрытием Саги Цура.