Когда в зоне действия пассивки появляется чемпион с малым запасом здоровья Сорака начинает очень быстро перемещаться. Различные билды на Сораку. Гайд по Саппорт Сораке(League of Legends, Season 8), разбор умений, заклинаний призывателя, рун и билд на чемпиона, плюсы и минусы, контр-пики.
Soraka и
По мере перехода персонажа на каждый новый уровень бонусы суммируются, и на 18 уровне достигается максимальное значение - 7,74 единицы. Предмет восстанавливает 5 единиц маны за каждого ликвидированного монстра или вражеского юнита. Когда герой будет убивать врага, то получит взамен 2 стака, а при содействии в убийстве - 1 стак. Каждый из стаков увеличивает силу умений на 8 единиц. Максимальное количество стаков - 20 шт. Если герой будет убит, то он потеряет часть заработанных стаков. Собирается из: Amplifying Tome. Собирается из: Boots of Speed. Собирается из: Ruby Crystal.
Вариант 2 Заклинания: 1 Clarity - заклинание мгновенно восстанавливает 190-700 в зависимости от уровня героя единиц маны. Кулдаун: 180 секунд. Доступно с 6 уровня 2 Heal - описание читать в варианте 1. Гайд по Soraka League of Legends, описание умений: 2, 3, 2, 3, 2, 4, 3, 2, 3, 2, 4, 3, 1, 1, 1, 4, 1, 1. Руны: 1 Greater Mark of Potency - увеличивает силу умений на 0,59 единиц. Собирается из Boots of Speed 2 Rod of Ages - повышает силу умений на 60 единиц, уровень здоровья и маны - на 450.
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This is very helpful to understand the relevance of advertising campaigns. Consent Measure content performance Information regarding which content is presented to you and how you interact with it can be used to determine whether the non-advertising content e. For instance, whether you read an article, watch a video, listen to a podcast or look at a product description, how long you spent on this service and the web pages you visit etc. This is very helpful to understand the relevance of non-advertising content that is shown to you. Consent Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources Reports can be generated based on the combination of data sets like user profiles, statistics, market research, analytics data regarding your interactions and those of other users with advertising or non-advertising content to identify common characteristics for instance, to determine which target audiences are more receptive to an ad campaign or to certain contents. Consent Develop and improve services Information about your activity on this service, such as your interaction with ads or content, can be very helpful to improve products and services and to build new products and services based on user interactions, the type of audience, etc.
If there are multiples of this item within the party, only one of them can take effect at any given time. Tribute: Gains 1 charge s every 30 seconds up to 3 times. When a teammate is nearby, using abilities or attacks to deal damage to enemy champions or structures consumes 1 charges to grant 65 gold and restore 20-80 Health.
Flash Heal For summoner spells, Flash is a must on most champions. If this happens, then change Heal to Ignite to help kill the enemies. Early Game Soraka does ok in the early game, you can poke the enemy with Starcall and Equinox and you can heal your AD carry if they are low on health with Astral Infusion so you can survive and stay in lane longer. You have to be very careful when stepping forward with Soraka, as if you get caught out and engaged on you can die very quickly. Late Game The later the game goes, the stronger Soraka gets thanks to her heals getting stronger with more items. As mentioned before, Soraka basically becomes a heal bot and your main purpose is to heal your allies to keep them alive. It is really important as a support that you stay with your team and help them during team fights.
Soraka x Sett
Sett x Soraka lineart by Wofye08 on DeviantArt. Сборки сораки в хп тоже не работают, ты будешь ходячим танком, а не жесткой хилочкой (чего от тебя и ждут), ап будет мало > хил будет слабее. Soraka is a fun-to-play champion in League of Legends. Know the best item builds, skill combos, and more in this LOL Wild Rift Soraka guide. Find Soraka Runes, Builds, Skill Order and more in All regions for Patch 13.20.
Узнайте, с какими предметами и рунами Сорака побеждает чаще! СОРАКА / SORAKA Полное описание игры за СОРАКУ. Это выделяет Сораку среди остальных чемпионов, как саппорта с самым большим количеством исцеления в игре. Soraka’s changes will remain on the League of Legends PBE for further testing and will go live with a later patch if approved. Разработчики пересчитают баланс ряда чемпионов и пересмотрят AP-билд Кай'Cы.
Soraka Wild Rift Build & Guide
An arrow pointing towards the low HP allied champion will appear when Salvation is active. Q 1st: Starcall Starcall drops a star into the target area to damage and slow enemies hit. If Starcall hits an enemy, Soraka gains Rejuvenation which heals her and empowers her 2nd, Astral Infusion. Starcall drops faster the closer its cast to Soraka. So if you want to instantly damage or slow your enemy, move closer before casting this ability. Target bushes with this ability to reveal the area. Starcall also works well to scout the Drake and Baron area. Astral Infusion also grants the target Rejuvenation if Soraka is currently affected by it. E 3rd: Equinox Equinox summons a circle which damages and silences enemies within.
After a short duration, enemies who remained inside the circle are rooted and damaged again. Equinox is tough to land but chaining it with 1st, Starcall, helps because of its slow. Melee casters like Yasuo, Zed, and Fizz are great targets for Equinox because they become vulnerable without their abilities. R Ultimate: Wish Wish is a global ability that instantly heals all allies regardless of where they are on the map.
The good thing is that there are multiple builds that work for AD Soraka. Feel free to mix things up and experiment with different items and runes. But if you want one standard bread-and-butter build, follow the one you see in this post.
Учу хил, стараюсь попасть на лайн с танком или иду с тем, кому сложно будет стоять на лайне - например, если в тиме есть крыса, можно ее поддержать сорокой, ибо он беззащитен перед гангами. Далее смотрю по ситуации. Если можно стоять и не хилить постоянно, максю хил и старколл и фармлю крипов. Если нас харрасят - максю хил и заливку маны.
Tanky Runes can essentially make Soraka a healing cow, causing her and allies to become unkillable. Simply laid out, Grasp of the Undying will passively build stacks as players enter and exit battle. When players get 4 stacks they have 6 seconds to hit enemy champions to receive 2. To be honest, a tanky Soraka can be one of the best things to have on a team, especially in a longer game of ARAM. Demolish comes in especially handy if your team consists of primarily other tanks or magic damage. While it can be useful for players to receive some extra health from you marking enemy champions, extra damage can really make the difference in ARAM. Second Wind can help Soraka players stay phat and full of health, but players can also substitute it with Bone Plating, which has a 45-second cooldown and merely reduces the damage Soraka takes. I personally love Second Wind because it has no cooldown and can be abused by taking a little bit of damage from enemy champions and backing out. Do I need to explain how overpowered that is? Thank you.
Soraka Wild Rift Build & Guide
Soraka/LoL/Patch history | League of Legends Wiki | Fandom | Soraka Wild Rift counter stats: All the Soraka info you could want with counter picks, general counters, item counter, lane synergy and more! |
Support Soraka Counters, Synergies, and First Pick Analysis | Soraka is an extremely powerful champion in ARAM, both for her quick healing skills and her massive sustain in most situations. |
Soraka TFT - Best Items and BiS Build | Soraka probuilds reimagined by : newer, smarter, and more up-to-date runes and mythic item builds than any other site. |
Soraka stats in LEC Spring Season 2023 - Games of Legends | statistically derived tier list, win rates and frequency. |
Soraka Pro Builds - How to Play Soraka in Season 14 | Описание Сорака Билд Splash Art Образы Избранный. |
League of Legends Wiki
So if you’re a Soraka main and you want to shake things up a bit, I’d definitely recommend the full AD Soraka build in season 13 of League of Legends. ПОЛНЫЙ ГАЙД НА СОРАКУ | Wild Rift | Сорака | Билд и Руны. Сорака жертвует частью своего запаса здоровья, восстанавливая здоровье другому союзному чемпиону. СОРАКА – МОЩНЕЙШИЙ ЦЕЛИТЕЛЬ Лиги Легенд He гайд на Сораку Как играть за Сораку, обзор игры.
Soraka Wild Rift Counter: Champions & Tips
WILD RIFT СОРАКА ЭТА СБОРКА СЛОМАЛА ИГРУ, ГАЙД ВАЙЛД РИФТ / League of Legends Wild Rift | Find the best runes, items, skill order, counters, and more in our statistical Soraka Build for LoL Patch 14.8. |
Soraka ARAM Build [+ Tips] | League of Legends Guide - Basically Average | Хотела посмотреть как играется сорака на пк, но попалось это видео, так что считаю что могу высказаться будучи мейнером сораки в мобильной лиге. |
Ребят, хочу поделиться новым билдом на Сораку адк. | Разработчики пересчитают баланс ряда чемпионов и пересмотрят AP-билд Кай'Cы. |
Программа Сорака
В этом случае вы лишаетесь саппорта в лице Тинъюнь, но получаете еще одного дамагера Хук Замена Сервал Наносит неплохой урон и накладывает на врагов эффект периодического урона. Он получит массу преимуществ от сочетания с Сампо Химеко Замена Сервал Если у вас есть Химеко, возьмите ее на роль главного дамагера. Она наносит урон от огненного элемента и с помощью пассивной способности может накладывать на врагов ДоТ 6. Статус суммируется до 5 раз Техника Накладывает на врагов в указанной области статус Слепота, который существует 10 секунд.
Tanky Runes can essentially make Soraka a healing cow, causing her and allies to become unkillable. Simply laid out, Grasp of the Undying will passively build stacks as players enter and exit battle. When players get 4 stacks they have 6 seconds to hit enemy champions to receive 2. To be honest, a tanky Soraka can be one of the best things to have on a team, especially in a longer game of ARAM.
Demolish comes in especially handy if your team consists of primarily other tanks or magic damage. While it can be useful for players to receive some extra health from you marking enemy champions, extra damage can really make the difference in ARAM. Second Wind can help Soraka players stay phat and full of health, but players can also substitute it with Bone Plating, which has a 45-second cooldown and merely reduces the damage Soraka takes. I personally love Second Wind because it has no cooldown and can be abused by taking a little bit of damage from enemy champions and backing out. Do I need to explain how overpowered that is? Thank you.
League of Legends фэндомы Наброски реворка Итак по доступной инфе сразу можно сделать вывод, отныне сорака это танко-супорт, живущий лишь 1-ой целью принимать весь урон в себя и лечить чужие тушки. Для примера наброски билда: Мастерис Закуп, по деньгам явно не супорт, но мало ли как пойдет игра И получаем В принципе можно пожертвовать лишней тысячей хп, ради АП или просто для экономии денег, ну билд это всегда вещь ситуативная. Единственный навык ради которого есть смысл попытаться затарить силу уменей.