Новости драфт нхл 2024 рейтинг проспектов

Первая десятка рейтинга лучших проспектов драфта-2024 НХЛ по версии Sportsnet выглядит следующим образом: 1. Маклин Селебрини. Защитник нижегородского «Торпедо» Антон Силаев занял первое место в международном рейтинге драфта НХЛ в 2024 году, сообщает Центральное скаутское бюро лиги. Хоккеисты СКА и «Торпедо» — в списке лучших проспектов на драфте НХЛ 2024. Главная Новости СобытиеЭксперт Sportsnet Cэм Косентино включил Артема Левшунова в топ-3 рейтинга проспектов для драфта НХЛ 2024. Минимум трое россиян могут рассчитывать на выбор в первом раунде драфта Национальной хоккейной лиги (НХЛ) 2024 года.

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Два российских игрока вошли в топ-5 лучших проспектов драфта-2024 НХЛ по версии Sportsnet

Журналист поставил белоруса на третье место в рейтинге проспектов. И хотя Левшунов старше по возрасту среди тех, кто попадает в число кандидатов в 2024 году, так как он родился в октябре 2005 года, однако Пауэр тоже родился в ноябре. Левшунов соответствует всем параметрам, которые команды ищут в защитниках высокого класса. Он правша с профессиональным телосложением.

Пока появляются предварительные рейтинги, одним из них стал список 16 лучших молодых игроков, составленный в середине сентября известным аналитиком канадского портала TSN Бобом Маккензи. Этот рейтинг сформирован по итогам голосования 10 скаутов клубов НХЛ. Первым номером прошедшего в этом году в Нэшвилле драфта НХЛ был двукратный чемпион мира среди молодежных команд канадец Коннор Бедард, и никто этот выбор "Чикаго" не оспаривал. Отмечается, что Селебрини может повторить путь Бедарда, так как имеет потенциал добавить во всех компонентах: катании, владении шайбой, видении площадки, голевом чутье. Интересно, что оба родились в агломерации Ванкувера. Вторым в рейтинге стоит крайний нападающий Коул Эйзерман, который, как и многие американские игроки, является участником программы Ассоциации хоккея США по развитию игроков до 18 лет. Эксперты отмечают его бросок, из-за которого канадский аналитик, специализирующийся на выявлении хоккейных талантов, Крэйг Баттон сравнил Эйзермана с нападающим "Вашингтона" Александром Овечкиным. Демидов хочет выиграть Кубок Гагарина Нападающий СКА Иван Демидов идет на третьем месте в списке, 17-летний форвард известен своим универсализмом, культурой паса и броском.

В межсезонье он наигрывался в звено к выбранному седьмым на драфте-2023 "Филадельфией" Матвею Мичкову. Тот пробовался в тройке в качестве центрфорварда, но в начале чемпионата Фонбет - Континентальной хоккейной лиги не закрепился в основе армейцев и был отправлен в аренду в "Сочи". Четырех россиян выбрали в первом раунде. Несмотря на это, по мнению Баттона, Демидов по своему потенциалу выглядит сильнее Мичкова, эксперт сравнил его с форвардом "Тампы" Никитой Кучеровым. В своем рейтинге Баттон, как и Маккензи, поставил Демидова на третье место. Контракт Демидова со СКА действует еще два сезона.

Спасибо за понимание! Закрыть Правила размещения комментариев Комментарии, содержащие оскорбления, нецензурные выражения в т. В случае авторизации через социальные сети, может быть информирована администрация данной сети.

Левшунов отлично действует в атаке и обороне, у него хорошие руки и высокий хоккейный IQ. Это современный защитник, который может наказать своих соперников как за счет силовой игры, так и посредством результативных действий. Как нам известно, некоторые команды из NCAA уже сейчас пытаются переманить Левшунова, что может придать остроты перед стартом нового сезона юниорской лиги.

NHL 2024 mock draft player rankings

По словам тренера, Демидову ни в коем случае нельзя останавливаться в своем развитии. Надо работать на тренировках. Для того, чтобы играть в первой команде, а не в фарм-клубах". Сам Демидов уже давал понять, что пока не думает о драфте. Интересно, что согласно скаутским выкладкам, в топ-16 рейтингов TSN Маккензи и Баттона попали сразу семь защитников. В первой десятке место занял довольно рослый, но подвижный защитник Антон Силаев, который несмотря на свои 17 лет, имеет постоянное место в составе "Торпедо", а главный тренер нижегородцев Игорь Ларионов известен доверием молодежи. При этом Силаев имеет довольно много игрового времени - около 20 минут за матч. Мы переживаем, что можем перегрузить его игровым временем, но он всех радует своим прогрессом, - рассказал ТАСС генменеджер "Торпедо" Максим Гафуров. Весной или в феврале, когда опытные команды встанут на рельсы, будет многое видно". Сам Ларионов отметил в конце сентября, что Силаев играет очень хорошо для своего возраста.

Главное, его не перегрузить эмоционально, потому что он мальчишка, получающий большое количество времени. И я пытаюсь найти время, дать ему паузу, чтобы он отдохнул. В прошлом году мы это делали с [Богданом] Конюшковым, который тогда попал в состав и играл здорово. Я ему дал четыре дня отдохнуть, мы пытаемся найти это окно и разгрузить и Силаева, и Никиту Артамонова, чтобы они побыли у родителей", - подчеркнул тренер.

Нападающий «Динамо» Антон Чернышов занял 18-е место. Напомним, что в первом раунде драфта 2023 года было выбрано четверо россиян: защитник Дмитрий Симашев 6-й номер, «Аризона» , нападающий Матвей Мичков 7-й, «Филадельфия» , нападающий Даниил Бут 12-й, «Аризона» и защитник Михаил Гуляев 31-й, «Колорадо». Нашли ошибку в тексте?

The story has been updated. This looks like an average draft class right now. The potential No. There are several defense prospects who have the potential to be impact players. I have three defenders projected as No.

He bullies opponents along the boards, easily strips them of possession, and makes small-area passes to open teammates with an ease and accuracy that leaves his opponents scrambling to keep up. In the KHL, much of the same remains, but he has also shown a whole lot of adaptability despite the limited ice-time. He tracks back, finds his check, and sticks to him. Despite making his debut in the Liiga at just 16 years old, his development has encountered some setbacks. He thinks the game on a level only few can. He anticipates plays exceptionally well and makes smart decisions with and without the puck. His defensive game relies heavily on his stick work and the physical side of the game is something he really needs to work on. That said, his tools forced our hand in keeping him inside our top 15. He uses his physicality intelligently too, always looking to separate player from puck. Most of those pertain to the mental side of the game. From missing secondary scoring threats to becoming a deer in the headlights under pressure while stationary, Jiricek has a few hurdles to overcome, but we have seen enough flashes to believe that there is a real chance he does so. His tenacious presence on the forecheck often leads to turnovers which he quickly turns into scoring chances with accurate passes. He is a legitimately dangerous playmaker thanks to his precise puck handling and ability to get passes through lanes. He also has a strong understanding of space and timing, particularly in the offensive zone. This puts him in a good position to score on a regular basis although his finishing is only about average. His strong work ethic allows him to overcome an inefficient stride that ultimately limits his top speed. That being said, improvements in his skating technique could unlock more upside in transition. He is a very effective playmaker making passes from behind the net as well and off the half wall. Despite his small frame, he will win puck battles by using his speed and competitiveness. Misa is supremely tenacious and will backcheck hard to try to force as many turnovers as he can. Combine that with poor size and just good skill and this is probably what separates him from a player like Zach Benson in 2023. Ritchie has very quick feet and hands with excellent puckhandling posture, making him an excellent puck carrier. Especially when given time and space to attack downhill, Ritchie is particularly adept at using those hands to find the middle of the ice for high-quality chances. Ritchie is also an effective positionally-focused player, using great puck spacing and support in all three zones and prioritizing strong body positioning before establishing puck possession. The next steps for Ritchie will be improving his standstill explosiveness and checking lanes which hinders his ability to win puck battles and adding more layers of deception to his playmaking. Ritchie has a good read of where his options are but too often telegraphs his intentions, making many of his passes unnecessarily risky. If Ritchie can improve in these areas and continue to develop, he could challenge Catton and Lindstrom for a top WHL draft-eligible. Besides the name pedigree, Iginla is an easy player to root for. His habits away from the puck are a definite strength, from his frequent scanning, active stick, good forechecking routes and hard-nosed backchecking. He gets off the wall to the middle quickly, and can also drift into high-danger areas, and when paired with his lightning-quick snapshot, makes him a dangerous goal scorer. Iginla might lack the high-end dynamism of some of the other WHLers in this class, but his combination of all-around skills and pro-level habits make him a good bet to be a contributing NHLer. He constantly tries to take on opponents one-on-one, pushes through checks with shoulder drops and great puck placement, and always goes for the throat with his offensive zone incursions. A major difference between Connelly last year versus this year, is that he is trusting his teammates a lot more to complete his plays. As a result, his playmaking game has grown and he has adopted a distributor role that fits his skillset better than the finisher role he was trying to force last year. His defensive game is lacklustre; his motor is very inconsistent, and there have been major questions regarding his character that will likely have some teams very hesitant to bet on his upside, no matter how high it is. Developing a more mature game and showing whoever picks him that he can improve will be essential if he is going to reach his top-line ceiling. He is clicking at a goal per game and 30 points in 18 matches played as of writing this. Beyond the point totals, however, what makes Parascak so interesting is the way he puts up those points. A vast majority of the points he has produced so far have come from the low slot and off one-touch plays, which seems strange at first given how poor his skating is. Perfectly-timed inside cuts, one-touch passes and net drives put him and his teammates in prime scoring real estate almost every shift, and he has also improved his long-range scoring to complement his short-range threat. His trademark mobility is as present as ever and is now employing multiple layers of deception at multiple levels. His passing game is remarkable, as he is able to identify soft ice regularly even at this intermediate level. He has become much better at anticipating play, and become a rather proficient stick-checker as well. He has plenty of time to get there, and he looks plenty impressive as is.

Два российских игрока вошли в топ-5 лучших проспектов драфта-2024 НХЛ по версии Sportsnet

The Hockey Writers: в топ-16 рейтинга драфта НХЛ-2024 оказался один россиянин Prospect rankings and projections for the NFL Draft 2024. Player and position breakdowns of the top prospects and averages of other scouting reports.
2024 NHL Draft Rankings The top prospects for the 2024 NHL Draft are Macklin Celebrini, Cole Eiserman, Artyom Levshunov, Ivan Demidov, and Berkly Catton.
2024 NHL Draft rankings: Mid-November top 40 Защитник нижегородского «Торпедо» Антон Силаев занял первое место в финальной версии международного рейтинга драфта 2024 года по версии центрального скаутского бюро НХЛ.
2024 NHL Draft Rankings Драфт НХЛ 2024: Рейтинг проспектов и перспективы.

The Athletic: Силаев и Демидов в топ-10 рейтинга драфта НХЛ — 2024

The 2024 NHL draft will be held at The Sphere in Las Vegas on Friday, June 28th, and Saturday, June 29th. The 2024 NHL draft does not have an abundance of Centers with clear 1C upside, but Helenius is certainly on that short list. Национальная хоккейная лига (НХЛ, NHL) – профессиональная хоккейная лига Северной Америки, в которой выступают 32 команды из США и Канады. With some showcase tournaments out of the way, here’s a look at Daily Faceoff’s 40 rankings for the 2024 NHL Draft for November. РУВИКИ: Интернет-энциклопедия — 62-й Драфт НХЛ пройдёт с 28 по 29 июня 2024 года в Парадайсе, штат Невада, США. Похожие новости.

The Hockey Writers: в топ-16 рейтинга драфта НХЛ-2024 оказался один россиянин

NFL Draft 2024 top-100 prospects: Expert rankings Защитник нижегородского «Торпедо» Антон Силаев занял первое место в международном рейтинге драфта НХЛ в 2024 году, сообщает Центральное скаутское бюро лиги.
"Кросби как пример". Кто из россиян может быть выбран в первом раунде драфта НХЛ The top prospects for the 2024 NHL Draft are Macklin Celebrini, Cole Eiserman, Artyom Levshunov, Ivan Demidov, and Berkly Catton.
NHL Scoring Leaders 2023-2024 Prospect rankings for the top college, junior, and international players in the 2024 NHL Draft.
Россиянин возглавил международный рейтинг драфта НХЛ 2024 года :: Хоккей :: РБК Спорт Find out where your favorite all stacks up against the 2024 class and view expert mock drafts.

2024 NHL Draft Rankings

Хоккеисты СКА и «Торпедо» — в списке лучших проспектов на драфте НХЛ 2024. Промежуточный рейтинг возглавил форвард финского «Юкурита» Конста Хелениус. Лента новостей. 2024 NHL Draft Prospect Rankings | Tankathon. Защитник нижегородского «Торпедо» Антон Силаев занял первое место в международном рейтинге драфта НХЛ в 2024 году, сообщает Центральное скаутское бюро лиги.

Россияне Силаев и Демидов возглавили рейтинг драфта НХЛ-2024

Автор издания Daily Faceoff Стивен Эллис составил рейтинг проспектов, которых команды Национальной хоккейной лиги смогут выбрать следующим летом. Prospect rankings and projections for the NFL Draft 2024. Player and position breakdowns of the top prospects and averages of other scouting reports. Главная» Новости» Драфт нхл 2024 проспекты. The 2024 NHL draft does not have an abundance of Centers with clear 1C upside, but Helenius is certainly on that short list. Защитник нижегородского «Торпедо» Антон Силаев занял первое место в международном рейтинге драфта НХЛ в 2024 году, сообщает Центральное скаутское бюро лиги. List and rankings of all top prospects eligible for the 2024 NHL Entry Draft.

"Кросби как пример". Кто из россиян может быть выбран в первом раунде драфта НХЛ

2024 NHL DRAFT FALL RANKINGS - DRAFT PROSPECTS HOCKEY The 2024 NHL Draft prospects list is topped by Macklin Celebrini. The 17-year-old forward player has currently committed to Boston University. Vancouver native started competing for the BC Junior Canucks in 2015. Эксперт Sportsnet Сэм Косентино представил свой февральский рейтинг.
2024 NHL Draft rankings: Mid-November top 40 Сайт НХЛ опубликовал рейтинг проспектов, выходящих на драфт-2024.
5 Лучших Русских Проспектов Драфта НХЛ 2024 - YouTube Сайт НХЛ опубликовал рейтинг проспектов, выходящих на драфт-2024.
2024 NHL Draft Rankings: Mid-November Top 40 - Daily Faceoff Лента новостей. 2024 NHL Draft Prospect Rankings | Tankathon.
2024 NHL Draft Rankings: Mid-November Top 40 Первая десятка рейтинга лучших проспектов драфта-2024 НХЛ по версии Sportsnet выглядит следующим образом: 1. Маклин Селебрини.

Демидов – 3-й в рейтинге драфта-2024 от NHL.com, Силаев – 4-й. 6 российских игроков вошли в топ-32

Этот рейтинг сформирован по итогам голосования 10 скаутов клубов НХЛ. Первым номером прошедшего в этом году в Нэшвилле драфта НХЛ был двукратный чемпион мира среди молодежных команд канадец Коннор Бедард, и никто этот выбор "Чикаго" не оспаривал. Отмечается, что Селебрини может повторить путь Бедарда, так как имеет потенциал добавить во всех компонентах: катании, владении шайбой, видении площадки, голевом чутье. Интересно, что оба родились в агломерации Ванкувера. Вторым в рейтинге стоит крайний нападающий Коул Эйзерман, который, как и многие американские игроки, является участником программы Ассоциации хоккея США по развитию игроков до 18 лет. Эксперты отмечают его бросок, из-за которого канадский аналитик, специализирующийся на выявлении хоккейных талантов, Крэйг Баттон сравнил Эйзермана с нападающим "Вашингтона" Александром Овечкиным. Демидов хочет выиграть Кубок Гагарина Нападающий СКА Иван Демидов идет на третьем месте в списке, 17-летний форвард известен своим универсализмом, культурой паса и броском. В межсезонье он наигрывался в звено к выбранному седьмым на драфте-2023 "Филадельфией" Матвею Мичкову.

Тот пробовался в тройке в качестве центрфорварда, но в начале чемпионата Фонбет - Континентальной хоккейной лиги не закрепился в основе армейцев и был отправлен в аренду в "Сочи". Четырех россиян выбрали в первом раунде. Несмотря на это, по мнению Баттона, Демидов по своему потенциалу выглядит сильнее Мичкова, эксперт сравнил его с форвардом "Тампы" Никитой Кучеровым. В своем рейтинге Баттон, как и Маккензи, поставил Демидова на третье место. Контракт Демидова со СКА действует еще два сезона. Несмотря на такие лестные оценки, уроженцу подмосковного Сергиева Посада как минимум в течение двух лет нужно постараться пробиться в основной состав СКА, чтобы реализовать свой талант.

He jumpstarts offensive transitions with solid defensive positioning, great intensity, and refined technique in board battles. Once the puck is secured, he has the technical abilities to either skate it out himself while evading pressure with his crossovers, or to find an outlet and outrace back-checkers to open ice in order to make himself a shooting threat. His ability to move pucks from the boards to the middle of the ice in offensive zone cycles has also grown massively since his Draft -1 season with the Chicago Steel, aided by the muscle he added in the off-season. The tools and the toolkit make Celebrini the runaway first-overall pick at this point in the season, and he has all the makings of a top-line, do-it-all center at the NHL level. His seemingly innate escapability, versatile inside edges, and great mobility combine with his handling skill to consistently create scoring chances for himself and his linemates with tremendous flair. While there was little debate for us at 1, Demidov was our unanimous pick at 2, garnering support from all those who have watched him play. He breaks the mould somewhat of the typical skilled Russian winger, showing off an impressive motor, flashes of strong backchecking ability, and a ceaseless desire to create in all three zones. That said, against MHL competition he can go full pond hockey mode at times, trying anything and everything to see what works. On the one hand, this allows him to practice his creativity and forces him into spots where he needs to make a few consecutive quick decisions and movements to retain possession. While we still have unanswered questions amplified by his injury his offensive upside is unmatched in this draft class, and we are firm believers that his toolkit and brain will make his transition to the NHL a relatively smooth one when the time comes. Combine that prototypical frame with excellent skating and advanced defending, and you get a player with early-first-round potential. Dickinson routinely kills plays, especially in transition. His defensive game is truly spectacular. Dickinson transitions the puck up the ice with a nice first pass and can carry the puck through the neutral zone. Upon gaining the offensive zone is where Dickinson struggles to create as he loses his teammates and skates into defensive traps at times, resulting in missing open teammates to pass to. Still, on the cycle, he can be an effective passer and he can get hard, accurate shots on net in locations that can cause rebounds or be tipped. If he can take another step as a puck carrier and offensive creator then he could be a big-time player in the NHL. Parekh is the king of deception and misdirection as he will line up his eyesight and hips in one direction getting opponents to chase in that direction before flipping his hips fluidly and cutting up or cutting back against the grain unevaded to the net. Parekh is an excellent passer and playmaker and works the give-and-go to a high level. To top things off, Parekh is a gifted goal scorer who can rip the puck past OHL goalies. At times he can be a bit too smooth to the point where it becomes lackadaisical with the puck. Defensively, Parekh is aggressive and effectively breaking up passes through the neutral zone. He times his pinches well forcing turnovers that he can immediately convert into offensive chances. Overall, the excellent skating and offensive instincts and traits are incredibly valuable that you will accept some of the warts with his game because the good is too rare to find elsewhere. This alone is likely to see him land quite high on draft day as his release is NHL-ready. However, when you zoom away from his core strength, Eiserman carries with him a few key flaws. While effective off the rush and in odd-man opportunities, he lacks the edgework and explosiveness to create separation from defenders who focus on him. His playmaking is currently underutilized as pucks tend to end up behind the net or frozen shortly after receiving the puck. Going forward, Eiserman will need to develop some extra layers to his game in some way. Fortunately, he has plenty of time to do so. Konsta Helenius , C — Jukurit Helsinki Liiga Anni Karvinen — Konsta Helenius is a highly skilled playmaking center whose game is built around intelligence and a profound understanding of the game. He can create offense in multiple ways. However, Helenius truly excels when he takes control in the offensive zone, skillfully dangling through opponents and uncovering unforeseen passing or shooting lanes. This allows him to not only capitalize on scoring opportunities but also to create space for his teammates, as his skillset attracts the opponent. He can control the game because of his vision and quickness. He anticipates plays before they happen and gains an edge against the opponents with his positioning. Playing in Finnish Liiga, Helenius faces professional competition in every game. Overall Helenius has good tools but it is his vision and understanding of the game that makes him such an exciting prospect. Catton has an effortless first touch, seamlessly blends puck receptions into movements without losing speed and can use his control to patiently protect the puck or to just dangle around his opponents at high speed. Coupling this awareness with an excellent passing game makes Catton an elite passer in the WHL, completing highlight-reel passes with regularity. While not overly powerful, his strides are also quick and technically sound, which he partners with lateral crossovers to generate a ton of speed in the NZ. Catton has shown an active stick and an understanding of passing lanes in the NZ, but Catton can often look lackadaisical in his own end, losing his checks and net battles. This is especially apparent on backchecks where he frequently shows little-to-no effort. Physically gifted and willing to use it, Lindstrom is incredibly disruptive along the boards, competes hard on every puck, and does a lot of little things right.

Sennecke is really creative and will try just about anything to make a play. Sennecke is a very competitive player on the forecheck. He could have a big finish to his season if things start to click for him. A reliable and towering presence on the backend, Emery has shown great aptitude for being a shutdown defenseman; especially when it comes to defending the rush, his anticipation combined with his superior speed and size make him a tough wall to climb. But what sets him apart from the similarly styled members of his team is his play on the puck. He also has flashes of skill that indicate there may be more offence to show, but his lack of ice time so far leaves them as flashes. A lot of his points have come off of one-touch plays off the cycle, but the occasional off-the-boards play while protecting the puck shows the potential for more, especially with his 6-foot-2, almost 200-pound frame. A rifle of a shot and a knack for finding soft ice away from the puck allow Greentree to make the most out of his scoring chances. His playmaking shows up in flashes which follow his inconsistent scanning, and the skating holds him back from being able to jump into offensive zone transitions consistently, but the upside as a middle-six scoring winger with power-forward elements will likely see him go higher on draft day than we have him. An exceptional skater who consistently explodes out of the defensive zone with the puck on his stick, Basha has been getting more and more comfortable jumpstarting those breakout opportunities with defensive mapping, anticipating play well and positioning himself proactively in his own zone. On the puck, there are some limiting factors. The upside if he can get his hands up to speed is interesting, but his versatility could see him become a bottom-six transition force with or without progression in that area. He shows flashes of a strong offensive defenseman, especially with his good hands and shot. Time will tell what kind of prospect Mews can be. If he puts everything together, he projects as an average-sized two-way defenseman who can play on a power play. He can play a fairly linear style, rarely using lateral movement and lane switches to create off the rush, preferring to delegate the bulk of the work in transition to his linemates while he crashes the slot. His snapshot is a good tool, especially on the powerplay. While there may not be any top 6 upside in Beaudoin, we see a projectable and valuable potential bottom six-piece in Beaudoin, with PP and PK value. Hemming can be a lethal scoring threat as he excels at finding soft spots where he can utilize his shot. What sets Hemming apart from the top forward prospects right now is the lack of variety in his game in the offensive zone. He consistently opts for a shot in every situation, allowing opponents to anticipate his moves. He could elevate his offensive game to the next level by starting to pass the puck more and making his game a bit more unpredictable. He could also develop his game by exploring deceptive plays, as his current tendency to skate predictably between the blue line and right circle makes it easier for opponents to read his intentions and optimize their defensive approach. The decision-making, however, keeps him out of our first round for the moment. Yakemchuck loves to activate in transition, often carrying the puck and relying on short and efficient passes to move the puck down the ice. His above-average skating is evident in the way he can move around the offensive zone, in particular on the powerplay, where he strives. That being said, with the good comes the bad with Yakemchuk. There have been a lot of inconsistencies in his game and tends to get tunnel vision when carrying the puck. In sustained pressure situations in the offensive zone, he often will shoot from all areas regardless of the quality of shot offered by his opponents. Furthermore, his defensive game as a whole needs quite a bit of refinement. Yakemchuk has some gap control issues and gets away with his inefficient pivot mechanics by using his reach to break up plays. More often than not Hage can be found cheating for offence, falling behind on plays and struggling to think on his feet. However, the moments where things click are usually spectacular. Hage is an insanely talented dual-threat who has 1v5 jaw-dropping skill, but to stay in the first-round conversation, he will need to figure out how to tap into that skill more consistently. Not possessing an explosive stride, powerful shot, or dynamic style, Caswell makes his living as a shifty playmaker. He was among the most impressive defensive players not just forwards at the Hlinka-Gretzky in our viewings and has kept it up in league play in Finland. He has the makings of a future bottom-six and PK winger if his development trajectory continues at its current pace. With the puck on his stick, Sahlin Wallenius makes quick decisions under single-variable pressure and uses his mobility, handling, and anticipation to solve problems. He has good situational awareness which has allowed him regular Liiga minutes as a defenseman which is always noteworthy for a draft eligible. His best tools are his shot and creativity in the offensive zone, especially during sustained pressure situations. This will open up the ice for him to be even more creative while minimizing blind passes and wasteful shooting attempts. Now it may be generous to even mention him here as an honorable mention. However, he still stands out as a persistent offensively-minded player with above-average tools to work with. However, his selfish playstyle is concerning and it significantly limits his effectiveness.

Cristall was considered a high-risk player that many public rankings were high on due to his eye-popping totals and package of skills, but he fell in the draft because front offices are more risk-averse. A few players who appear on this list will likely be further down or off of various team lists. The job of the model and a public ranking is not to assess intangibles and predict what will happen in the draft; that is reserved for the mock draft. For this reason, the mock draft will look quite a bit different from the rankings because conversations with scouts, teams and people around the game will be more heavily weighted to determine which team has Player X or Player Y rated differently. Top 32 draft rankings, March 1. Petersburg MHL 3.

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