Новости билд лиссандра

Best build and guide for Lissandra Mid Current stats: WR: 51%, TIER: C, Pick rate: 3%. Check out LOL stats and recommendations about Lissandra’s skills and WIN. При использовании на врага: Лиссандра замораживает вражеского чемпиона, наносит урон и ненадолго станит. Лиссандра гайд по легендарному герою поддержки. В этом гайде вы узнаете как качать героя, во что одевать, какие таланты ей нужны и другую необходимую информацию. Detailed League of Legends Lissandra ARAM Build including spell order, summoner spells, the most important items as well as runes.

The Best Lissandra Skins in League of Legends (Ranked)

Lissandra Build S14 :: Runes, Items, Matchups [League of Legends] Statistics, abilities, information, skins, store details and more for Lissandra, the Ice Witch, a League of Legends champion.
Lissandra Build Смотрите видео онлайн «Гайд на аренную Лисандру/RAID: Shadow Legends» на канале «Игровые Секреты и Советы» в хорошем качестве и бесплатно.

IE 8 or lower?

Lyssandra is a Legendary Spirit Support champion in the High Elves faction in Raid Shadow Legends. Full guide, recommended masteries and artifacts. Lissandra Mid Lane is ranked B Tier and has a 49.28% win rate in LoL Patch 14.8. Lissandra will get a total of three buffs in Patch 13.1, according to Riot Phlox’s patch preview. Note: this article was last updated in August 2022 by Alec P. Wherever Lissandra the Ice Witch goes, she summons a blizzard of chaos and destruction. Blade Queen Lissandra is once again a skin that strays far from her frosty personality. Сборки PRO для Ледяная ведьма: последние игры Solo Queue для Лиссандра во всех регионах.

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Lissandra Builds

Cooldown: 4s Eyeball Collection Collect eyeballs for champion takedowns. Gain an adaptive bonus of 1. Upon completing your collection at 10 eyeballs, additionally gain an adaptive bonus of 6 Attack Damage, or 10 Ability Power. Collect 1 eyeball per champion takedown. After spawning 10 Zombie Wards, additionally gain 10 adaptive force.

Zombie Wards are visible, last for 120s and do not count towards your ward limit.

By shoving the lane with her AoE abilities, the Ice Witch can create the space she needs to make a move on top or bottom lane. The long range blink from Glacial Path lets her get the drop on enemies from unexpected angles by jumping terrain or by circumventing typical ward locations. Despite her low base durability, the long range blink on Glacial Path helps Lissandra stay safe by pulling off daring escapes. The area of effect damage on Ice Shard also allows Lissandra to guard turrets even when pressured, or press the lane in an attempt to lure enemy junglers into a counter-gank. When an opponent takes the bait, Lissandra can cast Frozen Tomb on herself, ensuring her own survival as she uses her other abilities to set up kills.

The AoE aspect to Ice Shard keeps enemies pinned down through repeated area damage and slow effects while she waits for the opportune moment to unleash her full combo. Once she sees an opening, Lissandra can use Glacial Path to close in and lock down a high-value target with Frozen Tomb. If the opposing team starts to focus her, Lissandra can instead use Frozen Tomb on herself, juking the initial burst before escaping with Ring of Frost.

After more than half a season, the Ice Witch is receiving some small buffs that might, however, push her back into the meta. First, she will get an increase in her health growth, from 104 to 110. Named in yellow are changed from the last preview. In the late stages of the game, this will amount to a total of 108 bonus health she gains essentially for free.

While it may not seem like much, for a control mage like Lissandra, the bonus health can make the difference between living or dying.

In that moment, her only choices were to let all the world be consumed, or to give up what she cared for most—Lissandra sacrificed her sisters and the allies they had gathered, entombing the Watchers beneath a glacial barrier of magical ice that could never be melted. Lissandra soon discovered that even this elemental power was not enough. The monstrous beings she had frozen were merely slumbering, slowly tainting the True Ice around them into something darker. Ever the survivor, she gathered her remaining followers to venerate her and her departed sisters. If True Ice would delay the inevitable end of all things, then they had to gather as much of it as they could find, and scour the frozen lands for any of Iceborn descent to join their cause. Lissandra and the first among her Frostguard did everything in their power to rewrite history, seizing all records of what had truly happened… and yet, rumors and prophecies persisted in myth and song. It was whispered that Avarosa and Serylda would one day return to unite the disparate tribes, and so Lissandra had any who were hailed as their reincarnations quietly killed. Even she retreated into the shadows, periodically renewing herself with the powers she had been gifted.

Whether from guilt or arrogance, her failure to eradicate their legacy has manifested once more in two powerful Iceborn—one an idealist, the other a conqueror—and now, between them, they lead many tribes within the Freljord.

Лиссандра (Lyssandra)

В то время Лиссандра получила нерф к своему ультимейту, что привело к снижению ее базовых чисел и коэффициента AP при исцелении ее ультимейта. После более чем половины сезона Ледяная Ведьма получает несколько небольших баффов, которые, однако, могут подтолкнуть ее обратно в мета. Баффы Лиссандры в патче 13. Во-первых, она получит увеличение прироста здоровья со 104 до 110. Другими словами, она получит дополнительные шесть максимальных единиц здоровья за уровень. На поздних стадиях игры это составит в общей сложности 108 бонусных единиц здоровья, которые она получает практически бесплатно.

You can also duck out of vision and make the enemy wonder where you are. Or you can run into the enemy jungle to place a ward or even recall and buy items! Try to think of your roam targets in advance rather than on the fly. This way you can execute the roam quicker and lose less resources for it.

Dark ice then emanates from the target dealing magic damage to enemies and slowing Move Speed. With the force of her black ice, she does more than freeze—she impales and crushes those who oppose her. Leave your comments, suggestions, etc.

After more than half a season, the Ice Witch is receiving some small buffs that might, however, push her back into the meta. First, she will get an increase in her health growth, from 104 to 110. Named in yellow are changed from the last preview. In the late stages of the game, this will amount to a total of 108 bonus health she gains essentially for free. While it may not seem like much, for a control mage like Lissandra, the bonus health can make the difference between living or dying.

Лиссандра (League of Legends)

Билд на Лиссандру Выбор заклинаний: Если высчитаете, что огонь в конкретной ситуации вам не понадобится и вы хотите больше помогать своей команде. Гистограмма просмотров видео «Raid Shadow Legends Лиссандра Гайд Обзор Шмот Таланты» в сравнении с последними загруженными видео. your foes won't know what hit them until they're frozen solid! Find the best Lissandra build guides for League of Legends S14 Patch 14.8. "Lissandra is a flexible, mana-efficient mage with abilities that emphasize crowd control, kiting and mobility over raw damage. Лучшие сборки, руны и порядок умений для чемпиона Лиссандра на основе миллионов игр, которые мы анализируем каждый день.

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Best build and guide for Lissandra Mid Current stats: WR: 51%, TIER: C, Pick rate: 3%. Check out LOL stats and recommendations about Lissandra’s skills and WIN. Best Lissandra ARAM Builds, including Runes, Items, Summoner Spells, Skill Order and alternative builds on ARAM Zone, the top website for ARAM players. Lissandra Lissandra – the Ice Witch – is based on our LoL Mid Tier List on patch 13.24 a A-Tier Mid champion. Вы находитесь здесь » ВИКИ» Руководство 1ТП2Т» Руководство по артефакту и мастерству Лиссандры. Best build and guide for Lissandra Mid Current stats: WR: 51%, TIER: C, Pick rate: 3%. Check out LOL stats and recommendations about Lissandra’s skills and WIN. Lissandra Patch 14.8 builds including Runes, Items, Skill Order, and Summoner Spells.


- Лиссандра Сборки PRO - патч 14.8 Лиссандра использует чистую силу льда для мрачных и жутких целей.
Please wait while your request is being verified... Overview. Raid Shadow Legends Lyssandra Skills. Raid Shadow Legends Lyssandra Artifacts Guide. Raid Shadow Legends Lyssandra Masteries Guide. Raid Shadow Legends Lyssandra Skills.
Lissandra Build Find the best Lissandra build guides for League of Legends S14 Patch 14.8.

Lissandra - LoR Deck Database

Лиссандра использует чистую силу льда для мрачных и жутких целей. Лучшие сборки, руны и порядок умений для чемпиона Лиссандра на основе миллионов игр, которые мы анализируем каждый день. Лиссандра из фракции Высших эльфов существенно повысит шансы на то, что первый ход будет исключительно за вами. Note: this article was last updated in August 2022 by Alec P. Wherever Lissandra the Ice Witch goes, she summons a blizzard of chaos and destruction. Лиссандра гайд по легендарному герою поддержки. В этом гайде вы узнаете как качать героя, во что одевать, какие таланты ей нужны и другую необходимую информацию. Не стойте за миньонами, иначе Лиссандра сможет харассить вас осколками от ее умения Ice Shard.

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