Список слов, употребляемых в лексике ЕГЭ.
ЕГЭ: слова на тему «Новые информационные технологии» (Quizlet карточки)
Лексика по темам кодификатора для ЕГЭ по английскому языку Ridero. «Тематический тренажер ЛЕКСИКА по английскому языку» поможет подготовиться выполнению заданий по лексике раздела «Грамматика и лексика» ЕГЭ по английскому Вы узнаете много устойчивых выражений и словосочетаний, фразовые глагоды и языку. Список заданий по темам.
- Ловушки в ЕГЭ по английскому языку 2024 — Блог Тетрики
- Библиотека
- Все темы ЕГЭ по английскому языку
- лексика по темам егэ | Дзен
- Ловушки в ЕГЭ по английскому языку 2024
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Сообщение на тему «My favourite writer» Задание. Выучите диалог. Обратите внимание, что наряду с обычным глаголом like — нравиться в этом диалоге используются более интересные выражения be fond of — увлекаться, prefer — предпочитать, enjoy — получать удовольствие. I liked this book very much. I liked the plot of this book and its main characters. Sometimes I told my friends about the book and they liked to listen to me. One day my Mum asked me to read aloud and for several days I read this book to her. My Mum knows English a little and she could understand what I read. It was very useful for me to read this book, because I learnt many new English words.
Вам может быть интересно узнать, как написать отзыв о книге на английском языке самостоятельно, тогда читайте Как написать отзыв о прочитанной книге. Сообщение на тему «Мой любимый писатель — О. My Favourite Writer O. Henry» Подробная биография американского писателя О. Генри — The Biography of O. Henry in English During this summer I read a lot. I want to tell you about my favourite writer. It is an American writer O.
Henry is his pen name. His real name is William Sydney Porter. He was born in Greensboro, a little town in North Carolina in 1862.
Автор этой книги — человек, который сам прошел через этот экзамен, получив 97 баллов, и знает, какие сложности возникают при подготовке. Надеюсь, что данное руководство поможет вам успешно справиться с экзаменом и достичь желаемых результатов. Желаю успехов!
This was innovative for the time, and was aimed to encourage people to use trains for long distance travel and vacations. The first of these Pullman trains in England ran from London to Brighton and used electricity for illumination. In 1881, another railway entrepreneur, George Nagelmacker, introduced the use of a restaurant car onboard, and the first Orient Express train service was begun. Thanks to the 12 mile Simplon Tunnel, which connected Switzerland and Italy, the Orient Express expanded, including a route to Istanbul, and the legendary romance of the Orient Express was in full swing.
Time management — Управление временем Good time management skills are important when it comes to completing household tasks efficiently and effectively. I prioritized cleaning the kitchen before doing my homework because it was messier and needed to be done first. Communication — Коммуникация Good communication between siblings is key when it comes to dividing up household tasks and making sure everyone knows their responsibilities. We have regular family meetings to discuss household responsibilities and make sure everyone is on the same page. I made sure to complete all my assigned tasks before going out to play with my friends. Вопросы и ответы по теме Division of household chores What is the typical way households distribute household chores? The way households distribute household chores can vary widely depending on cultural and individual preferences. However, in many cases, household chores may be distributed based on factors such as gender, age, and ability. How have attitudes towards household chores changed over time? Attitudes towards household chores have evolved significantly over time. However, today, there is often more of a focus on sharing responsibilities and ensuring that all members of the household contribute to keeping the home clean and organized. What are some strategies for dividing household chores fairly? One strategy for dividing household chores fairly is to assign specific tasks to each member of the household based on their abilities and preferences. Another approach is to rotate tasks regularly so that everyone has a chance to do different tasks. How can parents teach their children about the importance of contributing to household chores? Parents can teach their children about the importance of contributing to household chores by involving them in tasks from a young age and making it a regular part of family life. It can also be helpful to explain why these tasks are important and how they benefit the whole family. Additionally, parents can model positive attitudes towards household chores themselves and praise their children for their efforts. What are the benefits of a fair distribution of household chores? A fair distribution of household chores can help to reduce stress and conflict within the household by ensuring that no one person is overburdened with responsibilities. It can also help to promote a sense of teamwork and cooperation, as all members of the household work together towards shared goals. Additionally, it can be a valuable way for children to learn important life skills and responsibilities that will serve them well in the future. Покупки — Shopping I want to buy a new dress for the party. She decided to buy a car instead of taking public transportation. The store is selling its products at a discount this week. I always enjoy shopping for clothes in that boutique. Customer — Покупатель The customer was unhappy with the service she received. The store wants to focus on providing excellent customer service. Price — Цена The price of this TV is too high for me. I got a good deal on these shoes — they were half price! Payment — Оплата What forms of payment do you accept? I made the payment online using my credit card. Purchase — Покупка I want to make a purchase at the store. The online purchase process was quick and simple. I got a great deal during the end-of-season sale. Discount — Скидка Can I get a discount on this item? They offer a student discount with a valid ID. You can find coupons in the local newspaper or online. Cashier — Кассир Please go to the cashier to pay for your items. The cashier was very friendly and helpful. The receipt shows the date and time of purchase, as well as the total amount spent. The store has a policy that allows returns within 30 days of purchase. Exchange — Обмен Can I exchange this shirt for a different size? The store allows exchanges for items of equal value within 14 days of purchase. The shopping cart icon is located in the top right corner of the website. Credit card — Кредитная карта I prefer to use my credit card for online purchases. The store accepts all major credit cards. Debit card — Дебетовая карта You can pay with a debit card at the checkout. The money is deducted directly from your bank account when you use a debit card. Cash — Наличные деньги Do you have enough cash to pay for this purchase? Some stores offer discounts if you pay with cash instead of a credit card. You can find great deals and discounts when you shop online. In-store shopping — Шоппинг в магазине I prefer in-store shopping because I like to see and touch the products before buying them. The store has a wide selection of products available for in-store shopping. Shopping list — Список покупок I always make a shopping list before going to the store. The shopping list helps me stay organized and focused on what I need to buy. Customer service — Обслуживание клиента If you have any questions or concerns about your purchase, please contact customer service. The customer service representative was able to resolve the issue quickly and efficiently. The receipt shows the date and time of purchase, as well as the items bought and their prices. Many items are marked down to a sale price during end-of-season sales. Shopping bag — Пакет для покупок Do you need a shopping bag for your items? The store offers eco-friendly reusable shopping bags for purchase. The store will restock the item next week. Gift card — Подарочная карта A gift card is a great option for those who are unsure of what to buy as a present. You can purchase a gift card in-store or online in various amounts. Refurbished — Восстановленный A refurbished item has been restored and tested to work like new. Refurbished items are often sold at a lower price than brand-new ones. Online marketplace — Онлайн-торговая площадка An online marketplace is a website that allows users to buy and sell products from different vendors. Popular online marketplaces include Amazon, eBay, and Etsy. Loyalty program — Программа лояльности The store offers a loyalty program that rewards frequent shoppers with discounts and perks. You can sign up for the loyalty program online or in-store. Product review — Обзор товара Reading product reviews can help you make an informed decision before making a purchase. Many online stores allow customers to leave reviews and ratings for products they have purchased. You may need to provide proof of the lower price, such as an ad or website link. Layaway — Рассрочка Layaway allows you to put a product on hold and pay for it over time. The store will typically require a down payment and charge a fee for the service. The policy should outline how long you have to return an item, whether you need a receipt, and any conditions or fees. Warranty — Гарантия A warranty is a promise from the manufacturer that the product will work as intended for a certain period of time. Rewards program — Программа вознаграждений Rewards programs offer incentives for frequent purchases. You may earn points or discounts that can be redeemed for future purchases. Online reviews — Онлайн-отзывы Reading online reviews can help you make an informed decision before making a purchase. Look for reviews from verified customers and consider both positive and negative feedback. In-store pickup — Самовывоз из магазина In-store pickup allows you to order online and pick up your purchase at a physical store. This can save time on shipping and make it easier to get your items quickly. Digital wallet — Цифровой кошелек A digital wallet allows you to store payment information and make purchases online or in-store. Pre-order — Предварительный заказ Pre-ordering allows you to reserve a product before it is released to the public. This can be useful for highly anticipated products that may sell out quickly. Limited edition — Ограниченное издание A limited edition product is produced in a limited quantity and may have special features or packaging. Limited edition products can be collectible and may increase in value over time. Product description — Описание товара The product description outlines the features and specifications of an item. Be sure to read the description carefully before making a purchase. Subscription service — Сервис подписки A subscription service allows you to receive products on a regular basis. Popular subscription services include meal kits, beauty boxes, and streaming services. Price adjustment — Изменение цены If a product you purchased goes on sale within a certain period of time, you may be eligible for a price adjustment. Brand loyalty — Лояльность бренду Brand loyalty is the tendency to consistently purchase products from a particular brand. Final sale — Финальная распродажа A final sale means that the item cannot be returned or exchanged. Be sure to check the return policy before making a purchase during a final sale. Product launch — Запуск продукта A product launch is when a new product is introduced to the market. Marketers often build hype around product launches with teasers and promotional materials. Delivery time — Время доставки The delivery time is the expected date or timeframe for when your purchase will arrive. Delivery times can vary depending on the shipping method and location. Express delivery — Экспресс-доставка Express delivery is a faster shipping option that usually involves an additional fee. This can be useful if you need your purchase to arrive quickly. Free shipping — Бесплатная доставка Free shipping means that you do not have to pay for shipping fees on your purchase. Many stores offer free shipping for orders over a certain amount. Home delivery — Доставка на дом Home delivery means that your purchase will be shipped directly to your home. This can be convenient if you are unable to pick up your purchase in-store. Customer service representative — Сотрудник службы поддержки клиентов A customer service representative is someone who assists customers with questions or concerns about their purchases. They may be able to help with issues like returns, exchanges, or product information. Customer feedback — Обратная связь от клиентов Customer feedback involves comments, suggestions, or complaints from customers about their experiences with a product or store. This can be helpful for improving products and services. Customer satisfaction — Удовлетворенность клиента Customer satisfaction is how happy or content a customer is with their purchase and overall experience with a store. High levels of customer satisfaction can lead to repeat business and positive word-of-mouth advertising.
Лексика для ЕГЭ
Сдай устную часть на максимум! В ней вы найдете обширный список слов и выражений, относящихся к различным темам кодификатора. Но не просто список!
Поподробнее про пункт 2. Как и во всем экзамене, тут есть задания полегче, есть посложнее. При ответе на каждый, даже самый легкий вопрос, рекомендую рассказывать себе или попугаю когда делаем самостоятельно и учителю или его попугаю на занятии , почему остальные варианты ответа не подходят.
Еще очень полезно прочитать предложение и подумать, какой у него смысл и соответствует ли ему выбранное слово. Если вариант ответа неизвестен — вычеркнуть совсем неподходящие и выбирать из оставшегося. Не удастся обосновать выбор — пишем ответ, который лучше звучит — память поможет выбрать тот, который где-то когда-то слышали или читали. А может и не поможет. Если в ответах даны 2-3 похожих варианта, то, скорее всего, правилен один из похожих и составители проверяют знание различий между синонимами или омонимами.
Sensible переводится как разумный, sensitive — чувствительный, восприимчивый. И не стоит забывать о грамматике! Редко, но бывает, что предложенные варианты различаются грамматической формой, например: Sarah refused to give up … 1 smoke 2 to smoke 3 smoking 4 to smoking. Правильный выбор будет зависеть от слова, которое стоит рядом с пропуском.
Лексика — это совокупность слов языка, его словарный состав. Без владения лексикой невозможно ни понимать речь других, ни выражать собственные мысли. Овладеть лексикой означает запомнить слова и применять в различных сферах общения и любой языковой деятельности, то есть помимо разговорного языка еще и в письме. Существуют государственные стандарты, которые предписывают требования, предъявляемые к выпускникам, которые намерены сдавать ЕГЭ по английскому языку. Выпускник полной средней школы должен активно использовать хотя бы 1400 лексических единиц, что является минимумом. Словарный запас по своей природе состоит из различных слов, которые следует учить. Как изучать новые слова? В контексте подготовки к ЕГЭ по английскому языку я могу выделить два способа расширения словарного запаса. Первый способ — изучение слов по группам, которые есть в кодификаторе. Второй способ — изучение лексики по частям речи. Например, сперва освоить ряд глаголов, так как глаголы — это наиболее употребительные слова в языке. Потом изучать существительные. Однако, этот метод можно расширить на среднем этапе обучения. К примеру, начать изучать синонимы самых распространенных глаголов, существительных и прилагательных. Также, хочу порекомендовать техники запоминания Павла Литвинова. Многим помогает, мне тоже было интересно изучить его техники. Словарь создан по оригинальной методике ускоренного запоминания английских слов. В основе методики лежит логическое кодирование — деление слов внутри частей речи на группы, объединенные общим понятием или ассоциацией, и присвоение им названий-кодов. Это позволяет легко вспомнить нужное слово, быстро «прокрутив» в памяти весь словарь. Всем рекомендую его книгу.
By the late 1860s, trains furnished not only sleeping cars, but kitchen and dining facilities, where elegant meals were served to passengers. This was innovative for the time, and was aimed to encourage people to use trains for long distance travel and vacations. The first of these Pullman trains in England ran from London to Brighton and used electricity for illumination. In 1881, another railway entrepreneur, George Nagelmacker, introduced the use of a restaurant car onboard, and the first Orient Express train service was begun.
Как выполнять задания 30 – 36
- Остались вопросы?
- ЕГЭ: слова на тему «Новые информационные технологии» (Quizlet карточки)
- Общая информация
- Лексика по темам кодификатора для ЕГЭ по английскому языку
- Лексика для ЕГЭ
- Лексика на ЕГЭ. Задания 30 – 36
Лексика для егэ по английскому по темам
Cложная лексика в темах эссе на ЕГЭ по английскому языку. это выпускной экзамен в школе, который засчитывается в качестве вступительного экзамена в вуз, поэтому так важно сдать его на высокий балл. В нашей сегодняшней статье вы найдете всле слова ЕГЭ по английскому, которые имеют предложные управления. Пошаговый разбор всех типовых заданий ЕГЭ по английскому языку 2024, разбор стратегий успешной подготовки к экзамену.
Читайте также
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- Все слова для ЕГЭ по английскому: глаголы, прилагательные и существительные с предлогами
- Лексика для сдачи ЕГЭ по английскому языку
- Теория ЕГЭ-2024: Английский язык
- Subscription levels
ЕГЭ по английскому языку 2023: стратегии выполнения заданий + лайфхаки
Прежде чем переходить к последующим файлам, я рекомендую ознакомиться с лексикой для урока, почитать про разбор синонимов и поучить незнакомые вам слова. Для вашего удобства, они занесены в бесплатное приложение Quizlet, в котором вы можете учить слова по методу карточек, либо же просто послушать произношение незнакомых вам слов. В этом файле содержатся упражнения на отработку лексики по теме Shopping и задания формата ЕГЭ по этой же теме. Рекомендую выполнить эти задания через несколько дней после прохождения урока.
In the early 1860s, trains were the preferred way to travel. By the late 1860s, trains furnished not only sleeping cars, but kitchen and dining facilities, where elegant meals were served to passengers. This was innovative for the time, and was aimed to encourage people to use trains for long distance travel and vacations.
The first of these Pullman trains in England ran from London to Brighton and used electricity for illumination.
Attitudes towards household chores have evolved significantly over time. However, today, there is often more of a focus on sharing responsibilities and ensuring that all members of the household contribute to keeping the home clean and organized. What are some strategies for dividing household chores fairly? One strategy for dividing household chores fairly is to assign specific tasks to each member of the household based on their abilities and preferences. Another approach is to rotate tasks regularly so that everyone has a chance to do different tasks.
How can parents teach their children about the importance of contributing to household chores? Parents can teach their children about the importance of contributing to household chores by involving them in tasks from a young age and making it a regular part of family life. It can also be helpful to explain why these tasks are important and how they benefit the whole family. Additionally, parents can model positive attitudes towards household chores themselves and praise their children for their efforts. What are the benefits of a fair distribution of household chores? A fair distribution of household chores can help to reduce stress and conflict within the household by ensuring that no one person is overburdened with responsibilities.
It can also help to promote a sense of teamwork and cooperation, as all members of the household work together towards shared goals. Additionally, it can be a valuable way for children to learn important life skills and responsibilities that will serve them well in the future. Покупки — Shopping I want to buy a new dress for the party. She decided to buy a car instead of taking public transportation. The store is selling its products at a discount this week. I always enjoy shopping for clothes in that boutique.
Customer — Покупатель The customer was unhappy with the service she received. The store wants to focus on providing excellent customer service. Price — Цена The price of this TV is too high for me. I got a good deal on these shoes — they were half price! Payment — Оплата What forms of payment do you accept? I made the payment online using my credit card.
Purchase — Покупка I want to make a purchase at the store. The online purchase process was quick and simple. I got a great deal during the end-of-season sale. Discount — Скидка Can I get a discount on this item? They offer a student discount with a valid ID. You can find coupons in the local newspaper or online.
Cashier — Кассир Please go to the cashier to pay for your items. The cashier was very friendly and helpful. The receipt shows the date and time of purchase, as well as the total amount spent. The store has a policy that allows returns within 30 days of purchase. Exchange — Обмен Can I exchange this shirt for a different size? The store allows exchanges for items of equal value within 14 days of purchase.
The shopping cart icon is located in the top right corner of the website. Credit card — Кредитная карта I prefer to use my credit card for online purchases. The store accepts all major credit cards. Debit card — Дебетовая карта You can pay with a debit card at the checkout. The money is deducted directly from your bank account when you use a debit card. Cash — Наличные деньги Do you have enough cash to pay for this purchase?
Some stores offer discounts if you pay with cash instead of a credit card. You can find great deals and discounts when you shop online. In-store shopping — Шоппинг в магазине I prefer in-store shopping because I like to see and touch the products before buying them. The store has a wide selection of products available for in-store shopping. Shopping list — Список покупок I always make a shopping list before going to the store. The shopping list helps me stay organized and focused on what I need to buy.
Customer service — Обслуживание клиента If you have any questions or concerns about your purchase, please contact customer service. The customer service representative was able to resolve the issue quickly and efficiently. The receipt shows the date and time of purchase, as well as the items bought and their prices. Many items are marked down to a sale price during end-of-season sales.
We have to remember to take out the trash before we leave for vacation. Washing windows — Мытье окон My dad always washes the windows on the outside of the house in the spring. She uses a special solution to make sure the windows are streak-free when she washes them.
Sweeping — Подметание I have to sweep the kitchen floor after every meal because my kids are messy eaters. The janitor at school sweeps the hallways every night after classes are over. Watering plants — Полив растений She forgot to water her plants for a week and they started to wilt. I water my plants every morning before work to keep them healthy.
Урок по теме из Кодификатора А.2. Shopping
Английский язы к. Лексический минимум для ЕГЭ и ОГЭ. В этой статье вы найдете полезную лексику по темам, которые будут актуальны для сдачи ЕГЭ по английскому языку в 2024 году. «Тематический тренажер ЛЕКСИКА по английскому языку» поможет подготовиться выполнению заданий по лексике раздела «Грамматика и лексика» ЕГЭ по английскому Вы узнаете много устойчивых выражений и словосочетаний, фразовые глагоды и языку. Тема «School» (topic «School») входит в список обязательных тем для подготовки к экзамену по английскому языку в формате ОГЭ, ЕГЭ.