Новости мегуми и сукуна фф

Sukuna taking over and possessing Megumi in chapter 212 was one of the biggest twists in Jujutsu Kaisen manga.

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Почему сукуна заинтересован в мегуми

омега, который кое-как справляется с симптомами течки своими силами. Jujutsu Kaisen собирается вернуться со своим вторым сезоном в июле этого года, и его поклонники не могут сохранять спокойствие. Шедевр Геге Акутами. Jujutsu Kaisen dj. И Сукуна врывается языком в его рот, обводит кромку зубов, вылизывает небо – а Мегуми подстраивается под него, сплетается своим языком с его, жаркий, воинственный.

Шип Сукуна и Мегуми

However, Sukuna possessing Megumi is a move that caught most of the fandom off-guard! And precisely because of that, a lot of people are trying to dig deeper to understand if there is anything more to this move than just being a hostile take-over. Naturally, a lot of speculations and theories had surfaced right from then. However, most of these conveniently overlooked the fact that Sukuna could have been interested in Megumi as his next host. Do not believe me?

Check out the examples below! His interest in Megumi piqued after Megumi divulged the details of his cursed technique. There was no going back from there. When Megumi was about to summon Mahoraga to end the fight, he only ended up making Sukuna even more impressed.

And everyone assumed that it had everything to do with Ten Shadows cursed technique. Well, Akutami fooled us into thinking so. He certainly left behind clues for us readers.

Jujutsu Kaisen Chapter 222 featured a couple of interesting panels that were confusing at the time. In the panels, Yuji and Kusakabe seemed to have swapped their bodies. In Jujutsu Kaisen Chapter 258, Ui Ui revealed that he can swap souls between two bodies without changing the shape of the souls. The soul swapping technique allows Ui Ui to swap souls twice per person in a month.

The fact that Sukuna planned to use Megumi, and not the Ten Shadows Technique for his greater goal, is first hinted when he forms a binding vow with Itadori. The next major clue comes in Shibuya, when Sukuna tells Uraume that he will be free before long. This obviously hinted at Sukuna no longer being under the control of Itadori. Now read it together with the following instance where Sukuna himself rescued Megumi from a tough spot in Shibuya, by defeating Mahoraga. Not just that, he specifically said that he did not want Megumi to die because there was something the latter had to do for Sukuna. Not his cursed technique or anything, Megumi specifically had to do something for Sukuna. In retrospect, this perfectly aligns with his goal of taking over Megumi to be free from the jail that was Itadori. Akutami had this plotline in mind since the first chapter. So, it is fair to assume that he is not out of his depth with his. Do not miss the Sukuna mummy behind When we look at these instances, it makes total sense that Sukuna always had his eyes on Megumi as a potential vessel. I am not saying it was a given that Sukuna would successfully take over Megumi, it was still a gamble. However, getting the jewel would involve Megumi unlocking the complete potential of the Ten Shadows technique.

His abilities, coupled with his boundless potential, foster a complex dynamic between him and Sukuna, the undisputed most powerful Cursed Spirit of all time who was once known as the King of Curses. Among these intriguing relationships is the enigmatic bond between Sukuna — the infamous cursed spirit, and Megumi — the gifted sorcerer, which has ignited curiosity and fascination. Beyond their extraordinary powers, the relationship between Sukuna and Megumi transcends their respective abilities, delving into the depths of their contrasting personalities. Sukuna embodies a tempestuous and impulsive nature, driven by his own desires and ambitions. In contrast, Megumi exudes a calm and calculated demeanor, prioritizing the protection of others. This juxtaposition of personalities enriches their dynamic, engendering captivating interactions that continually captivate audiences. As the series unfolds, the connection between Sukuna and Megumi deepens, growing more nuanced and multifaceted.

Sukuna x Megumi: Why Does Sukuna Like Megumi?

Sukuna took over Megumi in chapter 212 of the Jujutsu Kaisen manga. Причина, по которой пользовательский интерфейс Ui не может использовать обмен душами Сукуны и Мегуми, заключается в том, что душа Сукуны это слишком сильно. Jujutsu Kaisen dj. Sukuna forcibly possessed Megumi’s body in chapter 212 of Jujutsu Kaisen. Пейринг: Сукуна / Мегуми. Мегуми соглашается на помощь Сукуне, в целях защиты Итадори. Во время боя с Мегуми Сукуна был задумчивым.

Why did Sukuna take over and possess Megumi?

  • Фанфик сукуна и мегуми
  • Почему сукуна заинтересован в мегуми
  • Фушигуро Мегуми/Рёмен Сукуна
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  • Сукуна Истории - Wattpad

Sukuna Novels & Books - WebNovel

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Фанфики с участием персонажей: "Рёмен Сукуна" Поменяется Со Мной И Он Умрёт", Сукуна Против Мегуми» в сравнении с последними загруженными видео.
Почему Рёмен Сукуна так одержима Фусигуро Мегуми в «Магическая битва»? fanarts de sukuna x megumi.

Сукуна Истории

Фф сукуна и мегуми. Магическая битва Фушигуро Мегуми. Sukuna kicks Yorozu but she acts like nothing happened even though Sukuna’s kick got imprinted on it. Fanfiction. Save filter Update Cancel. Поменяется Со Мной И Он Умрёт", Сукуна Против Мегуми» в сравнении с последними загруженными видео.

мэгуми и сукуна

Сукуна, также известный как Король проклятий, был проклятием золотого периода магии. Первый сезон аниме только что закончился, и Геге Акутами удалось сохранить в секрете многое о Сукуне. Но есть кое-что, что особенно привлекло его внимание: Мегуми Фусигуро.

The last panel is going to be one of the most iconic in the history of shounen. The last panel will be one of the most iconic in shonen history.

Right from the start of Jujutsu Kaisen, there were indications that Sukuna had a strong fascination with Megumi. This was particularly evident during their confrontation near the pre-trial detention center. Sukuna became aware that Megumi possessed the power to conjure shikigami, also known as spirit animals. This ability was passed down to him through the Ten Shadows technique of the Zenin clan of Jujustu sorcerers.

Beyond her familiar face, the twinkle in her eyes still states that she is willing to fight what is written in the stars. HXH belongs to Togashi 20. Просто ненавидь меня всем сердцем, как можешь. Не живи местью, но храни это поганое и гнилое чувство ко мне, вспоминай с гневом и отвращением, забудь все счастливые и красивые моменты, все совместные мечты, ведь я не заслужил этого, я чудовище... Sometimes love can make you do the craziest things for someone you dearly care about..

In the panels, Yuji and Kusakabe seemed to have swapped their bodies. In Jujutsu Kaisen Chapter 258, Ui Ui revealed that he can swap souls between two bodies without changing the shape of the souls. The soul swapping technique allows Ui Ui to swap souls twice per person in a month.

Megumi might even be okay with it and give his permission once Yuji comes in contact with him once again.

sukuna x megumi

This resulted in her resurrection as a formidable new personality. The consequences of these events will be revealed in Chapter 213. However, Megumi has not yet achieved this level of mastery. Throughout the Jujutsu Kaisen manga, Sukuna has consistently prioritized keeping Megumi alive, as it aligns with his ultimate goal.

He seeks for Megumi to perfect the Technique, allowing him to carry out his supposed master plan. It is evident that Sukuna, an ancient malevolent entity, possesses both destructive intelligence and cunning.

Через несколько страниц мы узнаем, что же всё таки Ёродзу подарила Сукуне и это оказался проклятый артефакт "Небовержец". Который как выяснилось совершенно бесполезен против Кашимо. И опять звучит вопрос ,который уже был в манге: -Скажи ты стал сильнейшим.....

Самое интригующие в этом диалоге это ответ Сукуны: -Ишь какой алчный. Возможно Гэгэ делает, тонкий намек о том, что Кашимо тоже проиграет,но все таки не стоит делать поспешных выводов иначе фанаты Кашимо найдут меня и разделят на Го и джо. Так или иначе меня расстроил тот факт, что не показали территорию Кашимо, а вместо этого раскрыли его технику "Янтарного мифического зверя". Кашимо использует свою технику.

Если он сможет победить Такеру то, возможно, сумеет завоевать её? Лео сталкивается с Такеру, но кто же выйдет победителем...?

Crunchyroll The soul swapping technique allows Ui Ui to swap souls twice per person in a month. Megumi might even be okay with it and give his permission once Yuji comes in contact with him once again. An arrogant and immature curse like Mahito understood at that very instant that he made a mistake. Sukuna proved this with the brutal slashing he did on Mahito.

Сукуна и Мегуми

Причина почему Уи Уи не может использовать обмен душами на Сукуне и Мегуми, потому что душа Сукуны слишком сильна. Грубые мозолистые руки Сукуны никогда не держали ничего более ценного и более хрупкого, чем влюбленное мальчишеское сердце Мегуми. Sukuna x Megumi: one shot Itadori x Megumi: one shot Toji x Megumi: One shot Itadori x Megumi: one shot. One Page All Pages Manually. Original Fixed Adjusted.

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Сукуна и Мегуми :sparkles: Why Does Sukuna Possess Megumi? Chapter 212 of Jujutsu Kaisen sees Sukuna take control of Yuji for a minute, and soon after rips off Yuji's finger and force feeds it to Megumi.
#мегуми и сукуна Фф сукуна и мегуми. Магическая битва Фушигуро Мегуми.
Идеи на тему «Мэгуми и сукуна» (230) в 2024 г | милые рисунки, рисунки, битва What if Sukuna has had his eyes set on Megumi since their first meeting on the roof of Yuuji's high school? So when he gets the chance during the cursed womb incident, he decides to claim megumi as his mate.
Сукуна❤️Мегуми Why Does Sukuna Possess Megumi? Chapter 212 of Jujutsu Kaisen sees Sukuna take control of Yuji for a minute, and soon after rips off Yuji's finger and force feeds it to Megumi.

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